Install sccm reporting role unable to connect sql (invalid connection string) - sql-server

I am trying to install the Reporting role In SCCM but I have a lot of issues while trying to connect to the reporting server because I dont know about SQL :( ..
The reporting role is installed in a diferent server than the sccm and is working fine, there is acces to the https and http urls.
I have dissabled the firewall in both server for testing purposes but I am getting a message that says the conection string is not valid.
I have tested setting up the reporting database name or the SCCM database name but y cant get along the error.

When install a Reporting Services point on a remote Site System, you need to be sure that the Report server must host SQL Reporting Service. Reporting Services connects to the Configuration Manager site database to retrieve data that is returned when you run reports. So in your screenshot above:
Site Database Server Name: Your site database Server Name (If not default instance, specify instance name)
Database Name: Your site Server database Name
Typically the wizard automatically retrieves the site database server FQDN and SQL database name.
Reporting Services Server Instance: Reporting service instance Name on remote server
User Name: Specify a account that Reporting Service use to connect to Site Database to retrieve data.
If you go through Microsoft Website, you'll get full detailed step by step guide at: InstallReportingServicesPoint


Access Denied when Remotely Accessing SSIS SQL Server Integration Services

Mystery of the Day:
I have two users who access SQL Server Integration Services remotely from their local machines. User 1 successfully connects using the Integration Service server type in SSMS. User 2 gets this error:
Note that 2005 is mentioned in the error, tho user 2 does not have 2005 installed. Both User 2 and the server are running 2014. Both users have the same persmissions on the remote server, and both are admins on the server. User 2 also gets this error when connecting to SSIS on the server, however, she is able to connect successfully when running SSMS as an administrator on the server. Here are some things that we've already tried:
Confirmed that User 2 is using a lower version of SQL than the version on the server.
Matched both users SSMS permissions to each other.
Added User 2 to the server's DCOM.
Restarted SSIS service on the server.
And this:
We suspect there may be a version issue between local and remote installations, but not sure what to check in that regard. There many similar posts to our issue, but we have combed through without success. Hoping someone can help here.
Thank you.
I changed the default logon of the SQL Server Integration Services 15.0 service to be the NT account on the VM I was given and was able to connect to Integration Services after a service restart.

The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database.

I try to configure Reporting Server without selecting SSL Certificate for MS SQL Server. Can any body tell me that is that possible to deploy SSRS Report for testing purpose if I dont have SSL Certificate information. Because I am getting below error!
"The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable)"
Thanks in advance.
You can remove a certificate if one is applied to the service endpoint.
Open Reporing Service Configuration Manager.
under the targeted ssrs instance, navigate to the "Web Sercvices Url".
Make sure the SSL certificate is set to
Save the settings.
Also, make sure the database configured under the "Database" node is accesible from your SSRS instance.
Make sure the database is configured correctly in reporting services configuration manager.
If you updated the service account after the installation you probably want to use SQL Server Configuration Manager to update the account as it also sets the required permissions.
Regarding the SSL - reporting services encrypts the database using this certificate. as long as you are not importing the database or recovering from backup you can use the autogenerated certificate and deploy your projects from SSMS.

SSAS Cube deployment error

I was going to process the cube deployment and found the error.
I changed the target server name from 'localhost' to this,and tried different way but in vain.
Here is the snap from my SSMS
You may have multiple issues going on but the first and foremost is you do NOT deploy SSAS Multidimensional [MDX] models to a SQL Database Engine Instance!
Unless you have a very odd configuration ATI-PC\MSSQLSERVER should point to the default MS SQL Server Database Engine Instance NOT an SSAS MDX instance!
The SSMS screen shot you show is for the local host connection you show is for a Database Engine with SQL Server Authentication (SA), which I would assume the instance is called MSSQLSERVER which is the default instance name.
1) What is your SSAS instance name?
2) Does your windows account have permissions? SSAS doesn't allow for SQL server authentication so it must be windows authentication.
3) Is SQL Browser running?
4) Have you configured SQL Browser to allow for the protocols and to allow connections from both Localhost and ATI-PC(InstanceName)?
to connect to Analysis Services Change the Server Type. When first launching SSMS you can do that via changing server type and then modifying the server name to the appropriate name.
If your SSMS is already open you can select "Connect" drop down and choose Analysis Services.
Check on your SQL Browser Configuration by Launching "SQL Server (Version) Configuration Manager" then step through the different areas as far as how to configure it is somewhat self explanatory and because you are deploying an AdeventureWorks cube I would surmise that the configuration would be earlier in you tutorial you are working on.
I am sure that you have 'SQL Browser' service running in services.msc. Still I doubt your account which you logged in has access to SSAS and also to connect to that underlying SQL Server. Try checking both for the access, if you selected deploy as service account check that account has access in SSAS. If still you have issues trying checking the eventvwr if you are getting any more errors. If it is development box try recycling SSAS services and try deploying?

Attempt to migrate SQL Server database to Azure fails with login failed

In SSMS, I'm trying to use the "Deploy Database to SQL Azure Database" utility.
I'm moving a small local database in SQL Server 2012 to Azure for hosting. But after entering the host database server connection parameters I always get a "Login Failed for user,...." error, referencing the name of the local database to be created on the server.
Why this would fail is unclear, since the database does not exist on the cloud server yet. Here is what I have done:
Set up a firewall exception for my local IP address.
Confirmed my server administrator user name and password
So now I am left guessing... Locally I use Windows Authentication. If a database is to be moved to the server, does it have to have SQL Server authentication, as is required on Azure host?
You need to have the SQL server Authentication enabled in order to be able to login to your database when you move it to Azure.
Once, you login through SQL server authentication, you can create your users then and have different logins for different users.
Hope this helps!

Login error to database for Team Foundation Server 2010

I have installed Team Foundation Server 2010 (basic configuration) on a Windows Server 2003 without any problems. But when I go to administer the Team Foundation Server Administration Console, I get the error when in the press "Administer Security" or "Group Membership"
Server was Unable to process request. ---> Team Foundation services are not available from the server. Technical information (for administrator): The request colud note asking Processed Because the application is configured correctly note. No host service is available for the request.
If I try to go to http://localhost:8080/tfs, an I Get Runtime Error
In the Event Viewer I get following errors each time I try to do anything
Failue Aud - MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS - Login failed for user 'SAG-S01\ASPNET'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database. [CLIENT: ]
Error - TFS Services - Exception Message: TF246017: Team Foundation Server could not connect to the database. Verify that the server that is hosting the database is operational, and that network problems are not blocking communication with the server. (type DatabaseConnectionException)
You could start investigating by starting the SQL Server Management Studio and navigate to the SQLExpress instance on your data tier. See if the Tfs databases are running and whether the ASPNET user has access rights for the database.
Now I found where the problem was. It was set in the IIS server that TFS would run with .NET 1.1 instead of 4.0
It's weird. Can you check that you can access the database via Sql Server Management Studio.
If you can access with local system account or sa user; you have to deep dive form TFS - SQL Server connections. May be your user doesn't grant to connect SQL. Please try first, connect via Management Studio.
