Simplifying enum definition? - arrays

I like to use some enums in Swift 3. They are also used as index to an array. So they are Int. I defined them as:
enum TypeOfArray: Int {
case src = 0, dst, srcCache, n
static var Start: Int { return 0 }
static var End : Int { return n.rawValue - 1 }
static let allValues = [src, srcCache, dst]
init() {
self = .n
So using .Start and .End I can use them as loop limits. But whenever I use the names "src" or "dst" itself, I have to add ".rawValue" to get the numeric value to be used as an index.
Is there any way to make it more convenience and to shorten it? (looks very complicated to me for such a simple task)


How does this enumeration work in this driver?

As I was studying the code of the mxs-auart.c driver I noticed the following declaration:
enum mxs_auart_type {
and then later on:
static const struct platform_device_id mxs_auart_devtype[] = {
{ .name = "mxs-auart-imx23", .driver_data = IMX23_AUART },
{ .name = "mxs-auart-imx28", .driver_data = IMX28_AUART },
{ .name = "as-auart-asm9260", .driver_data = ASM9260_AUART },
{ /* sentinel */ }
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(platform, mxs_auart_devtype);
static const struct of_device_id mxs_auart_dt_ids[] = {
.compatible = "fsl,imx28-auart",
.data = &mxs_auart_devtype[IMX28_AUART]
}, {
.compatible = "fsl,imx23-auart",
.data = &mxs_auart_devtype[IMX23_AUART]
}, {
.compatible = "alphascale,asm9260-auart",
.data = &mxs_auart_devtype[ASM9260_AUART]
}, { /* sentinel */ }
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, mxs_auart_dt_ids);
The thing I don't understand about this is how can IMX28_AUART, for example, be used like .data = &mxs_auart_devtype[IMX28_AUART]. Don't we have to instanciate a variable beforehand to use the enum values by doing as an example enum mxs_auart_type value = IMX28_AUART?
I am aware that in enumerations in C, values are equal to integer starting by default at 0 but I can't help but feel confused about this.
Can anyone help me understand this a bit better?
Don't we have to instanciate a variable beforehand to use the enum values by doing as an example enum mxs_auart_type value = IMX28_AUART?
Not at all.
After doing this:
enum MyEnum {A, B, C};
You will have three globally available names: A, B, and C, with fixed integer values of 0, 1, and 2 accordingly.
Take a look at this useful post to know more: "static const" vs "#define" vs "enum".
An enum allows you to give names to constant values. For all intents and purposes, you can treat the enum name as an integer literal.
In this case:
.data = &mxs_auart_devtype[IMX28_AUART]
The name IMX28_AUART is treated like 1, so the code is the same as:
.data = &mxs_auart_devtype[1]

Initialize Array of non-optionals without using constructor

I am using an Array of non-optional values, and I want them to stay non-optional, but I can't use Array's default constructor because of problems described here.
Furthermore, the .also{} trick described in the linked won't work for me, because mine is not an array of some primitive type with its own special WhateverArray class.
Is there some Kotlin trick by which I can initialize my a below? Or must I resort to building some list and then converting it?
// please assume Stream<MyNonprimitiveType> magically gives me
// size() -> Int and
// next() -> MyNonprimitiveType
val stream : Stream<MyNonprimitiveType> = Stream<MyNonprimitiveType>()
val size : Int = stream.size()
val a : Array<MyNonprimitiveType> = ??? // use
Here's a complete example doing what you want, without using a temporary list:
class Stream<T>(private val list: List<T>) {
val size = list.size;
private val it = list.iterator()
fun next(): T {
inline fun <reified T: Any> Stream<T>.toArray(): Array<T> {
val tmp: Array<T?> = arrayOfNulls(size)
for (i in 0 until size) {
tmp[i] = next()
return tmp as Array<T>
fun main() {
val stream : Stream<String> = Stream(listOf("a", "b"))
val a: Array<String> = stream.toArray()

Most efficient way of getting large std::vector into Swift?

I have an Objective-C class that populates a std:vector with millions of points. The structure of the vector is:
typedef std::vector<CGPoint> CGContour;
typedef std::vector<CGContour> CGContours;
So a CGContour is a vector of CGPoints and CGContours is a vector of the CGContour vector.
I need to access this data in a Swift class somehow. I don't want to use an NSArray because it has a huge overhead compared to using vector (it is like 10x as big and slow).
What would be the most efficient way to get millions of CGPoints accessible in Swift from my Objective-C class?
I am populating my CGContours vector like this:
contourVector = CGContours(contours.size());
populatedContourNum = 0
//contours is OpenCV's contours
for( long c = 0; c < contours.size(); c++) {
if (populatedContourNum >= contourVector.size()) {
contourVector.resize(contourVector.size() + 1);
contourVector[populatedContourNum] = CGContour(contours[c].size());
for( long pointNum = 0; pointNum < contours[c].size(); pointNum++ )
contourVector[populatedContourNum][pointNum] = CGPointMake(contours[c][pointNum].x * scale,
contours[c][pointNum].y * scale);
Some parts are not clear enough but I will try to show you some example.
First of all, you need to prepare a class which can access your contourVector. (I cannot see if it is an instance field or a global variable, if it is an instance field, you may use the existing class.)
Create a header for the prepared class, again you may utilize the existing header, but this header needs to be compiled both in C-context and in C++ context. So, if your existing header contains some declaration which cannot be compiled in C-context, you may need separated two headers or some #ifs.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface YourClass : NSObject
- (NSInteger)contoursSize;
- (NSInteger)contourSizeAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;
- (CGPoint *)contourAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;
Then add 3 methods to the class specified in the header:
#import "YourClass.h"
#import <vector>
typedef std::vector<CGPoint> CGContour;
typedef std::vector<CGContour> CGContours;
static CGContours contourVector;
#implementation YourClass
- (NSInteger)contoursSize {
return contourVector.size();
- (NSInteger)contourSizeAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
return contourVector[index].size();
- (CGPoint *)contourAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
return contourVector[index].data();
Please do not forget to include the header inside your Project-Bridging-Header.h:
// Use this file to import your target's public headers that you would like to expose to Swift.
#import "YourClass.h"
You need to create a Swift side wrapper class, as you cannot create UnsafeBufferPointer in Objective-C.
class YourClassWrapper {
let yourInstance = YourClass()
var count: Int {
return yourInstance.contoursSize()
subscript(index: Int) -> UnsafeBufferPointer<CGPoint> {
guard 0..<count ~= index else {fatalError("Index \(index) out of bounds \(0..<count)")}
let start = yourInstance.contour(at: index)
let count = yourInstance.contourSize(at: index)
return UnsafeBufferPointer(start: start, count: count)
With these preparations above, you can access each CGPoint as:
let wrapper = YourClassWrapper()
let point = wrapper[0][1]
Or you can get the pointer to the first element in CGContour as:
let ptr = wrapper[0].baseAddress!
You may need to modify some parts to fit this into your actual code. Hope you can make it.

Order of init calls in Kotlin Array initialization

In the constructor of an Array is there a guarantee that the init function will be called for the indexes in an increasing order?
It would make sense but I did not find any such information in the docs:
There is no guarantee for this in the API.
TLDR: If you need the sequential execution, because you have some state that changes see bottom.
First lets have a look at the implementations of the initializer:
Native: It is implemented in increasing order for Kotlin Native.
public constructor(size: Int, init: (Int) -> Char): this(size) {
for (i in 0..size - 1) {
this[i] = init(i)
JVM: Decompiling the Kotlin byte code for
class test {
val intArray = IntArray(100) { it * 2 }
to Java in Android Studio yields:
public final class test {
private final int[] intArray;
public final int[] getIntArray() {
return this.intArray;
public test() {
int size$iv = 100;
int[] result$iv = new int[size$iv];
int i$iv = 0;
for(int var4 = result$iv.length; i$iv < var4; ++i$iv) {
int var6 = false;
int var11 = i$iv * 2;
result$iv[i$iv] = var11;
this.intArray = result$iv;
which supports the claim that it is initialized in ascending order.
Conclusion: It commonly is implemented to be executed in ascending order.
BUT: You can not rely on the execution order, as the implementation is not guaranteed by the API. It can change and it can be different for different platforms (although both is unlikely).
Solution: You can initialize the array manually in a loop, then you have control about the execution order.
The following example outlines a possible implementation that has a stable initialisation with random values, e.g. for tests.
val intArray = IntArray(100).also {
val random = Random(0)
for (index in it.indices) {
it[index] = index * random.nextInt()
Starting from the version 1.3.50 Kotlin has guaranteed sequential array initialization order in its API documentation:
The function init is called for each array element sequentially starting from the first one. It should return the value for an array element given its index.

Convert objective-c typedef to its string equivalent

Assuming that I have a typedef declared in my .h file as such:
typedef enum {
} FormatType;
I would like to build a function that converts the numeric value of the typedef to a string. For example, if the message [self toString:JSON] was sent; it would return 'JSON'.
The function would look something like this:
-(NSString *) toString:(FormatType)formatType {
//need help here
return [];
Incidentally, if I try this syntax
[self toString:FormatType.JSON];
to pass the typedef value to the method, I get an error. What am I missing?
This is really a C question, not specific to Objective-C (which is a superset of the C language). Enums in C are represented as integers. So you need to write a function that returns a string given an enum value. There are many ways to do this. An array of strings such that the enum value can be used as an index into the array or a map structure (e.g. an NSDictionary) that maps an enum value to a string work, but I find that these approaches are not as clear as a function that makes the conversion explicit (and the array approach, although the classic C way is dangerous if your enum values are not continguous from 0). Something like this would work:
- (NSString*)formatTypeToString:(FormatType)formatType {
NSString *result = nil;
switch(formatType) {
case JSON:
result = #"JSON";
case XML:
result = #"XML";
case Atom:
result = #"Atom";
case RSS:
result = #"RSS";
[NSException raise:NSGenericException format:#"Unexpected FormatType."];
return result;
Your related question about the correct syntax for an enum value is that you use just the value (e.g. JSON), not the FormatType.JSON sytax. FormatType is a type and the enum values (e.g. JSON, XML, etc.) are values that you can assign to that type.
You can't do it easily. In C and Objective-C, enums are really just glorified integer constants. You'll have to generate a table of names yourself (or with some preprocessor abuse). For example:
// In a header file
typedef enum FormatType {
} FormatType;
extern NSString * const FormatType_toString[];
// In a source file
// initialize arrays with explicit indices to make sure
// the string match the enums properly
NSString * const FormatType_toString[] = {
[JSON] = #"JSON",
[XML] = #"XML",
[Atom] = #"Atom",
[RSS] = #"RSS"
// To convert enum to string:
NSString *str = FormatType_toString[theEnumValue];
The danger of this approach is that if you ever change the enum, you have to remember to change the array of names. You can solve this problem with some preprocessor abuse, but it's tricky and ugly.
Also note that this assumes you have a valid enum constant. If you have an integer value from an untrusted source, you additionally need to do a check that your constant is valid, e.g. by including a "past max" value in your enum, or by checking if it's less than the array length, sizeof(FormatType_toString) / sizeof(FormatType_toString[0]).
My solution:
edit: I've added even a better solution at the end, using Modern Obj-C
1.Put names as keys in an array.
Make sure the indexes are the appropriate enums, and in the right order (otherwise exception).
note: names is a property synthesized as *_names*;
code was not checked for compilation, but I used the same technique in my app.
typedef enum {
} FormatType;
+ (NSArray *)names
static NSMutableArray * _names = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
_names = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:4];
[_names insertObject:#"JSON" atIndex:JSON];
[_names insertObject:#"XML" atIndex:XML];
[_names insertObject:#"Atom" atIndex:Atom];
[_names insertObject:#"RSS" atIndex:RSS];
return _names;
+ (NSString *)nameForType:(FormatType)type
return [[self names] objectAtIndex:type];
2.Using Modern Obj-C you we can use a dictionary to tie descriptions to keys in the enum.Order DOES NOT matter.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, UserType) {
UserTypeParent = 0,
UserTypeStudent = 1,
UserTypeTutor = 2,
UserTypeUnknown = NSUIntegerMax
#property (nonatomic) UserType type;
+ (NSDictionary *)typeDisplayNames
return #{#(UserTypeParent) : #"Parent",
#(UserTypeStudent) : #"Student",
#(UserTypeTutor) : #"Tutor",
#(UserTypeUnknown) : #"Unknown"};
- (NSString *)typeDisplayName
return [[self class] typeDisplayNames][#(self.type)];
Usage (in a class instance method):
NSLog(#"%#", [self typeDisplayName]);
Combining #AdamRosenfield answer, #Christoph comment and another trick to handle plain C enums I suggest:
// In a header file
typedef enum {
JSON = 0, // explicitly indicate starting index
FormatTypeCount, // keep track of the enum size automatically
} FormatType;
extern NSString *const FormatTypeName[FormatTypeCount];
// In a source file
NSString *const FormatTypeName[FormatTypeCount] = {
[JSON] = #"JSON",
[XML] = #"XML",
[Atom] = #"Atom",
[RSS] = #"RSS",
// Usage
NSLog(#"%#", FormatTypeName[XML]);
In the worst case - like if you change the enum but forget to change the names array - it will return nil for this key.
define typedef enum in class header:
typedef enum {
IngredientType_text = 0,
IngredientType_audio = 1,
IngredientType_video = 2,
IngredientType_image = 3
} IngredientType;
write a method like this in class:
+ (NSString*)typeStringForType:(IngredientType)_type {
NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"IngredientType_%i", _type];
return NSLocalizedString(key, nil);
have the strings inside Localizable.strings file:
/* IngredientType_text */
"IngredientType_0" = "Text";
/* IngredientType_audio */
"IngredientType_1" = "Audio";
/* IngredientType_video */
"IngredientType_2" = "Video";
/* IngredientType_image */
"IngredientType_3" = "Image";
I would use the compiler's # string token (along with macros to make it all more compact):
#define ENUM_START \
NSString* ret; \
switch(value) {
#define ENUM_CASE(evalue) \
case evalue: \
ret = ##evalue; \
#define ENUM_END \
} \
return ret;
_CvtCBCentralManagerStateToString(CBCentralManagerState value)
I like the #define way of doing this:
// Place this in your .h file, outside the #interface block
typedef enum {
} kImageType;
#define kImageTypeArray #"JPEG", #"PNG", #"GIF", #"PowerVR", nil
// Place this in the .m file, inside the #implementation block
// A method to convert an enum to string
-(NSString*) imageTypeEnumToString:(kImageType)enumVal
NSArray *imageTypeArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:kImageTypeArray];
return [imageTypeArray objectAtIndex:enumVal];
source (source no longer available)
I made a sort of mix of all solutions found on this page to create mine, it's a kind of object oriented enum extension or
In fact if you need more than just constants (i.e. integers), you probably need a model object (We're all talking about MVC, right?)
Just ask yourself the question before using this, am I right, don't you, in fact, need a real model object, initialized from a webservice, a plist, an SQLite database or CoreData ?
Anyway here comes the code (MPI is for "My Project Initials", everybody use this or their name, it seems) :
MyWonderfulType.h :
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MPIMyWonderfulType) {
MPIMyWonderfulTypeOne = 1,
MPIMyWonderfulTypeTwo = 2,
MPIMyWonderfulTypeGreen = 3,
MPIMyWonderfulTypeYellow = 4,
MPIMyWonderfulTypePumpkin = 5
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface MyWonderfulType : NSObject
+ (NSString *)displayNameForWonderfulType:(MPIMyWonderfulType)wonderfulType;
+ (NSString *)urlForWonderfulType:(MPIMyWonderfulType)wonderfulType;
And MyWonderfulType.m :
#import "MyWonderfulType.h"
#implementation MyWonderfulType
+ (NSDictionary *)myWonderfulTypeTitles
return #{
#(MPIMyWonderfulTypeOne) : #"One",
#(MPIMyWonderfulTypeTwo) : #"Two",
#(MPIMyWonderfulTypeGreen) : #"Green",
#(MPIMyWonderfulTypeYellow) : #"Yellow",
#(MPIMyWonderfulTypePumpkin) : #"Pumpkin"
+ (NSDictionary *)myWonderfulTypeURLs
return #{
#(MPIMyWonderfulTypeOne) : #"",
#(MPIMyWonderfulTypeTwo) : #"",
#(MPIMyWonderfulTypeGreen) : #"",
#(MPIMyWonderfulTypeYellow) : #"",
#(MPIMyWonderfulTypePumpkin) : #""
+ (NSString *)displayNameForWonderfulType:(MPIMyWonderfulType)wonderfulType {
return [MPIMyWonderfulType myWonderfulTypeTitles][#(wonderfulType)];
+ (NSString *)urlForWonderfulType:(MPIMyWonderfulType)wonderfulType {
return [MPIMyWonderfulType myWonderfulTypeURLs][#(wonderfulType)];
Another solution:
typedef enum BollettinoMavRavTypes {
} AMZCartServiceOperation;
#define AMZCartServiceOperationValue(operation) [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: #"CartCreate", #"CartAdd", #"CartGet", #"CartModify", nil] objectAtIndex: operation];
In your method you can use:
NSString *operationCheck = AMZCartServiceOperationValue(operation);
Improved #yar1vn answer by dropping string dependency:
#define VariableName(arg) (#""#arg)
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, UserType) {
UserTypeParent = 0,
UserTypeStudent = 1,
UserTypeTutor = 2,
UserTypeUnknown = NSUIntegerMax
#property (nonatomic) UserType type;
+ (NSDictionary *)typeDisplayNames
return #{#(UserTypeParent) : VariableName(UserTypeParent),
#(UserTypeStudent) : VariableName(UserTypeStudent),
#(UserTypeTutor) : VariableName(UserTypeTutor),
#(UserTypeUnknown) : VariableName(UserTypeUnknown)};
- (NSString *)typeDisplayName
return [[self class] typeDisplayNames][#(self.type)];
Thus when you'll change enum entry name corresponding string will be changed.
Useful in case if you are not going to show this string to user.
#pixel added the most brilliant answer here:
Please, upvote him!
He uses the neat X macro from the 1960's. (I've changed his code a bit for the modern ObjC)
#define X(a, b, c) a b,
enum ZZObjectType {
typedef NSUInteger TPObjectType;
#undef X
X(ZZObjectTypeZero, = 0, #"ZZObjectTypeZero") \
X(ZZObjectTypeOne, , #"ZZObjectTypeOne") \
X(ZZObjectTypeTwo, , #"ZZObjectTypeTwo") \
X(ZZObjectTypeThree, , #"ZZObjectTypeThree")
+ (NSString*)nameForObjectType:(ZZObjectType)objectType {
#define X(a, b, c) #(a):c,
NSDictionary *dict = #{XXOBJECTTYPE_TABLE};
#undef X
return dict[objectType];
That's it. Clean and neat.
Thanks to #pixel!
Given an enum definition like:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, AssetIdentifier) {
We can define a macro to convert an enum value to its corresponding string, as shown below.
#define AssetIdentifier(asset) \
^(AssetIdentifier identifier) { \
switch (identifier) { \
case asset: \
default: \
return ##asset; \
} \
The switch statement used in the block is for type checking, and also to get the auto-complete support in Xcode.
I had a large enumerated type I wanted to convert it into an NSDictionary lookup. I ended up using sed from OSX terminal as:
$ sed -E 's/^[[:space:]]{1,}([[:alnum:]]{1,}).*$/ #(\1) : #"\1",/g' ObservationType.h
which can be read as: 'capture the first word on the line and output #(word) : #"word",'
This regex converts the enum in a header file named 'ObservationType.h' which contains:
typedef enum : int {
ObservationTypePulse = 1,
ObservationTypeRespRate = 2,
ObservationTypeTemperature = 3,
into something like:
#(ObservationTypePulse) : #"ObservationTypePulse",
#(ObservationTypeRespRate) : #"ObservationTypeRespRate",
#(ObservationTypeTemperature) : #"ObservationTypeTemperature",
which can then be wrapped in a method using modern objective-c syntax #{ } (as explained by #yar1vn above) to create a NSDictionary lookup :
-(NSDictionary *)observationDictionary
static NSDictionary *observationDictionary;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
observationDictionary = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:#{
#(ObservationTypePulse) : #"ObservationTypePulse",
#(ObservationTypeRespRate) : #"ObservationTypeRespRate",
return observationDictionary;
The dispatch_once boiler-plate is just to ensure that the static variable is initialised in a thread-safe manner.
Note: I found the sed regex expression on OSX odd - when I tried to use + to match 'one or more' it didn't work and had to resort to using {1,} as a replacement
I use a variation on Barry Walk's answer, that in order of importance:
Allows the compiler to check for missing case clauses (it can't if you have a default clause).
Uses an Objective-C typical name (rather than a Java like name).
Raises a specific exception.
Is shorter.
- (NSString*)describeFormatType:(FormatType)formatType {
switch(formatType) {
case JSON:
return #"JSON";
case XML:
return #"XML";
case Atom:
return #"Atom";
case RSS:
return #"RSS";
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:#"The given format type number, %ld, is not known.", formatType];
return nil; // Keep the compiler happy - does not understand above line never returns!
I combined several approaches here.
I like the idea of the preprocessor and the indexed list.
There's no extra dynamic allocation, and because of the inlining the compiler might be able to optimize the lookup.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FormatType) { FormatTypeJSON = 0, FormatTypeXML, FormatTypeAtom, FormatTypeRSS, FormatTypeCount };
NS_INLINE NSString *FormatTypeToString(FormatType t) {
if (t >= FormatTypeCount)
return nil;
#define FormatTypeMapping(value) [value] = ##value
NSString *table[FormatTypeCount] = {FormatTypeMapping(FormatTypeJSON),
#undef FormatTypeMapping
return table[t];
First of all, with regards to FormatType.JSON: JSON is not a member of FormatType, it's a possible value of the type. FormatType isn't even a composite type — it's a scalar.
Second, the only way to do this is to create a mapping table. The more common way to do this in Objective-C is to create a series of constants referring to your "symbols", so you'd have NSString *FormatTypeJSON = #"JSON" and so on.
the following provides a solution such that to add a new enum requires
only a one-line edit, similar work to adding a single line in an enum {} list.
// enum to string example
#define FOR_EACH_GENDER(tbd) \
#define ONE_GENDER_ENUM(name) name,
#define ONE_GENDER(name) #name,
static const char *enumGENDER_TO_STRING[] =
// access string name with enumGENDER_TO_STRING[value]
// or, to be safe converting from a untrustworthy caller
static const char *enumGenderToString(unsigned int value)
if (value < MAX_GENDER)
return enumGENDER_TO_STRING[value];
return NULL;
static void printAllGenders(void)
for (int ii = 0; ii < MAX_GENDER; ii++)
printf("%d) gender %s\n", ii, enumGENDER_TO_STRING[ii]);
// you can assign an arbitrary value and/or information to each enum,
#define FOR_EACH_PERSON(tbd) \
tbd(2, PERSON_FRED, "Fred", "Weasley", GENDER_MALE, 12) \
tbd(4, PERSON_GEORGE, "George", "Weasley", GENDER_MALE, 12) \
tbd(6, PERSON_HARRY, "Harry", "Potter", GENDER_MALE, 10) \
tbd(8, PERSON_HERMIONE, "Hermione", "Granger", GENDER_FEMALE, 10) \
#define ONE_PERSON_ENUM(value, ename, first, last, gender, age) ename = value,
typedef struct PersonInfoRec
int value;
const char *ename;
const char *first;
const char *last;
int gender;
int age;
} PersonInfo;
#define ONE_PERSON_INFO(value, ename, first, last, gender, age) \
{ ename, #ename, first, last, gender, age },
static const PersonInfo personInfo[] =
{ 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }
// note: if the enum values are not sequential, you need another way to lookup
// the information besides personInfo[ENUM_NAME]
static void printAllPersons(void)
for (int ii = 0; ; ii++)
const PersonInfo *pPI = &personInfo[ii];
if (!pPI->ename)
printf("%d) enum %-15s %8s %-8s %13s %2d\n",
pPI->value, pPI->ename, pPI->first, pPI->last,
enumGenderToString(pPI->gender), pPI->age);
Every answer here basically says the same thing, create a regular enum and then use a custom getter to switch between strings.
I employ a much simpler solution that is faster, shorter, and cleaner—using Macros!
#define kNames_allNames ((NSArray <NSString *> *)#[#"Alice", #"Bob", #"Eve"])
#define kNames_alice ((NSString *)kNames_allNames[0])
#define kNames_bob ((NSString *)kNames_allNames[1])
#define kNames_eve ((NSString *)kNames_allNames[2])
Then you can simply start to type kNam... and autocomplete will display the lists you desire!
Additionally, if you want to handle logic for all the names at once you can simply fast enumerate the literal array in order, as follows:
for (NSString *kName in kNames_allNames) {}
Lastly, the NSString casting in the macros ensures behavior similar to typedef!
I think I just created the most elegant approach to solve this.
(inspired by #AdamRosenfield)
For example, you may declare the enum like this:
typedef NS_ENUM(int, MyEnum) {
static NSString * const __SGEnumMap_MyEnum[] = {
[MyEnumDefault] = #"default",
[MyEnumOff] = #"off",
[MyEnumOn] = #"on",
[MyEnumMixed] = #"mixed"
Then, you get the two functions to convert between enums and strings:
NSString *result = MyEnumToString(MyEnumOn);
NSLog(#"%#", result);
// on
MyEnum value = MyEnumFromString(#"off", -1); // -1 as the default value
NSLog(#"%d", result);
// 1
Is that cool? Here are the magic macros:
#define SGENUM_DEFINE_ToString(name) NS_INLINE NSString *name##ToString(name value){\
int count = sizeof(__SGEnumMap_##name) / sizeof(NSString *);\
if (value > count || value < 0) return nil;\
return __SGEnumMap_##name[value];\
#define SGENUM_DEFINE_FromString(name) NS_INLINE name name##FromString(NSString *input, int defaultValue) {\
int count = sizeof(__SGEnumMap_##name) / sizeof(NSString *);\
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {\
NSString *str = __SGEnumMap_##name[i];\
if ([str isEqual:input]) {\
return i;\
return defaultValue;\
Many answers all fairly good.
If you are after a generic, Objective C solution that uses some macros...
Key feature is it uses the enum as an index into a static array of NSString constants.
the array itself is wrapped into a function to make it more like the suite of NSStringFromXXX functions prevalent in the Apple APIs.
you will need to #import "NSStringFromEnum.h" found here
also needs #import "SW+Variadic.h" found here
Example 1 : completely define a NEW enum typedef, with string converters.
in myfile.h
#import "NSStringFromEnum.h"
#define define_Dispatch_chain_cmd(enum)\
in myfile.m:
#import "myfile.h"
to use :
NSString *NSStringFromEnumDispatch_chain_cmd(enum Dispatch_chain_cmd value);
NSStringFromEnumDispatch_chain_cmd(chain_for_c) returns #"chain_for_c"
enum Dispatch_chain_cmd enumDispatch_chain_cmdFromNSString(NSString *value);
enumDispatch_chain_cmdFromNSString(#"chain_previous") returns chain_previous
Example 2: provide conversion routines for an existing enum
also demonstrates using a settings string, and renaming the typename used in the functions.
in myfile.h
#import "NSStringFromEnum.h"
#define CAEdgeAntialiasingMask_SETTINGS_PARAMS CAEdgeAntialiasingMask,mask,EdgeMask,edgeMask
in myfile.m:
// we can put this in the .m file as we are not defining a typedef, just the strings.
#define define_CAEdgeAntialiasingMask(enum)\
Here is working ->
//1st Approach
#define enumString(arg) (#""#arg)
//2nd Approach
+(NSString *)secondApproach_convertEnumToString:(StudentProgressReport)status {
char *str = calloc(sizeof(kgood)+1, sizeof(char));
int goodsASInteger = NSSwapInt((unsigned int)kgood);
memcpy(str, (const void*)&goodsASInteger, sizeof(goodsASInteger));
NSLog(#"%s", str);
NSString *enumString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:str];
return enumString;
//Third Approcah to enum to string
NSString *const kNitin = #"Nitin";
NSString *const kSara = #"Sara";
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, Name) {
+ (NSString *)thirdApproach_convertEnumToString :(Name)weekday {
__strong NSString **pointer = (NSString **)&kNitin;
pointer +=weekday;
return *pointer;
Depending on your needs, you could alternatively use compiler directives to simulate the behaviour you are looking for.
#define JSON #"JSON"
#define XML #"XML"
#define Atom #"Atom"
#define RSS #"RSS"
Just remember the usual compiler shortcomings, (not type safe, direct copy-paste makes source file larger)
