PHPDoc: append methods to the current class, as if it were extending a class [duplicate] - cakephp

Is there a way to document that a certain class has magic methods for every method defined in another class?
I am using PhpStorm, so I would be happy with any solution that will get autocomplete to work properly for that.
class A
// a bunch of functions go here...
* Class B
* What should go here to make it work???
class B
private $aInstance;
public function __construct() {
$this->aInstance = new A();
public function __call($name, $arguments) {
// TODO: Implement __call() method.
if(method_exists($this->aInstance, $name)) {
return $this->aInstance->{$name}(...$arguments);
throw new BadMethodCallException();
// a bunch more functions go here...

The proper solution is to use supported #method PHPDoc tags. This way it will also work in other editors/IDEs that support PHPDoc and understand such standard tag.
This approach requires every method to be listed separately. More on this in another StackOverflow question/answer:
In current PhpStorm versions you may use not-in-PHPDoc-specs (and therefore possibly PhpStorm-specific) #mixin tag.
Adding #mixing className in PHPDoc comment for your target class should do the job for you.
* Class B
* #mixin A
class B
Basically, #mixin tag does what actual PHP's traits do.
Please note that there is no guarantee that support for such tag will not be removed at some point in the future, although it's pretty unlikely.


How to call a controller method from an action

I'm new in CakepHP and I want to use a method (that returns a value) in an action in CakePHP 3. Sort of like this:
public function specify(){
// do something}
private isObject1($objname){
return true;
What is the right syntax?
CakePHP is PHP
The way to call a method from another method of the same class is the same as with any php project using objects - by using $this:
public function specify() {
$something = 'define this';
if($this->isObject1($something)) {
// do something
private function isObject1($objname) {
return true;
There's more info on how to use objects in The PHP manual.
The answer by #AD7six suggests adding a method within the controller which is not right if it is not going to be used as an action.
I think you should consider creating classes under vendor and including them in your controller and calling your class/method. The convention is vendor/$author/$package. You can either autoload them with composer or use a require call to include your file. If you don't want to create a class and just want to have functions, that can be done too.
Do take a look at cakephp's loading vendor files section.

how to use common function in helper and component In Cakephp

We are familiar with Components and Helpers in CakePHP.
I have an ABC Component and XYZ helper and both have same function (around 2000 lines total 4000 lines).
there is any way to use same function in Controller and .CTP files. it's not good to use same function 2 time.
any method so i can use Component/Helper function in Helper/Component without rewrite ?
same method into component and helper >>
class DATAComponent extends Component {
public $components = array('Session', 'THmail');
public function UsaStateList()
{ /********/}
class LabHelper extends AppHelper {
public function UsaStateList()
{ /********/}
Well, you will have to rewrite something, it's not going to solve itself.
CakePHP is still PHP, so you can easily apply common patterns to keeps things DRY. The most straight forward way would probably be to move the shared functionality into an utility class that your component and helper can both use internally while leaving their public API unchanged.
Some of CakePHPs helpers do something similar, check for example the time helper.
Traits might be an option too, depending on the amount of functionality being shared and how much it is tied to the use in a component/helper.
I wanted to use a component inside a helper. So i came out with the following solution.
App::uses('AppHelper', 'View/Helper');
App::import('Component', 'MyComponent');
class MyHelperHelper extends AppHelper {
private $MyComponent = null;
public function __construct(View $View, $settings = array()) {
$collection = new ComponentCollection();
$this->MyComponent = new MyComponentComponent($collection);
parent::__construct($View, $settings);
public function myCustomFunction() {
return $this->MyComponent->myCustomFunction();
Simple Answer
For common functions across your application, add a Lib or Utility class.
class MyClass {
public static function usaStateList() {
// ...
Then add this at the top of whichever file you want access to the function:
App::uses('MyClass', 'Lib');
And call your function wherever you like:
$myClass = new MyClass();
$states = $myClass::usaStateList();
Better Answer
It looks to me like your specific problem is that you want to be able to get a list of US states in both your controller and your view. The best way to do this is to have a database table of US states.
Create a table in your database called us_states.
Example SQL:
CREATE TABLE `us_states` (
`name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
`abbreviation` CHAR(2) NOT NULL
Insert all the states as data in that table. You can find SQL dumps on the Internet which already have that for you (e.g. Like this one).
Create a UsState model in CakePHP.
* Model for US States
* #package app.Model
class UsState extends AppModel {
* Default sort order
* #var string|array
public $order = '';
What you can then do is access the states from your controller just by using the model.
* Your Controller
* #package app.Controller
class YourController extends AppController {
public function index() {
// Get a list of US states
$states = $this->UsState->find('all');
And if you want to access those states in your View, then you should pass along that data as you normally would any other variables.
I imagine you would want to do that so you can have a select menu of US states, perhaps.
public function index() {
// Get a list of US states
$states = $this->UsState->find('all');
// Make the states into an array we can use for a select menu
$stateOptions = array();
foreach ($states as $state) {
$stateOptions[$state['id']] = $state['name'];
// Send the options to the View
And in your view you can display a select menu for that like this:
echo $this->Form->select('us_state_id', $stateOptions);
I would go with a class in Lib folder. It is pretty clear how to deal with a library class that has only static methods. So, I omit this case. A workable solution for instantiating the class could be to create it in the controller and put it into the registry. If you really need to access CakeRequest, CakeResponse and CakeSession (take a note that CakeSession has many static methods, so you often do not need an instance of that class) from that class you can set it from the controller:
$MyLib = new MyLib();
$MyLib->setRequest($this->request); // optional
ClassRegistry::addObject('MyLib', $MyLib);
Then from the view or any other place you would just get an instance of MyLib from the registry:
or simply
$list = ClassRegistry::getObject('MyLib')->UsaStateList();
So, your class would be something like this:
// /Lib/MyLib.php
class MyLib {
public function setRequest(CakeRequest request) {...}
public function UsaStateList() {...}
ok you want to use a single function in component and helper, I can think of 3 things you can do:
Calling a function from the component in your helper.
Calling a function from a helper in your component.
Create a model or use an existing model where you put the function, and you can use this function in your component or your help.
Option numbre 3:
In your helper and component, you need import a model, assuming that your function be in a model "StateList":
how you call the funcion of the model "StateList" in your helper, so:
App::import("Model", "StateList");
$model = new StateList();
how you call the funcion of the model "StateList" in your component, so:
$model = ClassRegistry::init('StateList');
ans if you want use the same function in a controller just:

Is it possible to execute static code using Dart?

Both Java and Javascript allow for a different way of executing static code. Java allows you to have static code in the body of a class while JS allows you to execute static code outside class definitions. Examples:
public class MyClass {
private static Map<String,String> someMap = new HashMap<String,String();
static {
JS (basically any JS code outside a class):
var myint = 5;
$(document).ready(function () {
However, it seems like Dart supports either of both ways. Declaring global variables and methods is supported, but calling methods and executing code like in JS is not. This can only be done in a main() method. Also, static code inside a class is not allowed either.
I know Dart has other ways to statically fill a Map like my first example, but there is another case that I can think of for which this is required.
Let's consider the following CarRegistry implementation that allows you to map strings of the car model to an instance of the corresponding class. F.e. when you get the car models from JSON data:
class CarRegistry {
static Map<String, Function> _factoryMethods = new HashMap<String, Function>();
static void registerFactory(String key, Car factory()) {
_factoryMethods[key] = factory;
static Car createInstance(String key) {
Function factory = _factoryMethods[key];
if(factory != null) {
return factory();
throw new Exception("Key not found: $key");
class TeslaModelS extends Car {
class TeslaModelX extends Car {
In order to be able to call CarRegistry.createInstance("teslamodelx");, the class must first be registered. In Java this could be done by adding the following line to each Car class: static { CarRegistry.registerFactory("teslamodelx" , () => new TeslaModelX()); }. What you don't want is to hard-code all cars into the registry, because it will lose it's function as a registry, and it increases coupling. You want to be able to add a new car by only adding one new file. In JS you could call the CarRegistry.registerFactory("teslamodelx" , () => new TeslaModelX()); line outside the class construct.
How could a similar thing be done in Dart?
Even if you would allow to edit multiple files to add a new car, it would not be possible if you are writing a library without a main() method. The only option then is to fill the map on the first call of the Registry.createInstance() method, but it's no longer a registry then, just a class containing a hard-coded list of cars.
EDIT: A small addition to the last statement I made here: filling this kind of registry in the createInstance() method is only an option if the registry resided in my own library. If, f.e. I want to register my own classes to a registry provided by a different library that I imported, that's no longer an option.
Why all the fuss about static?
You can create a getter that checks if the initialization was already done (_factoryMethods != null) if not do it and return the map.
As far a I understand it, this is all about at what time this code should be executed.
The approach I showed above is lazy initialization.
I think this is usually the preferred way I guess.
If you want to do initialization when the library is loaded
I don't know another way as calling an init() method of the library from main() and add initialization code this libraries init() method.
Here is a discussion about this topic executing code at library initialization time
I encountered the same issue when trying to drive a similarly themed library.
My initial attempt explored using dart:mirrors to iterate over classes in a library and determine if they were tagged by an annotation like this (using your own code as part of the example):
class TelsaModelX extends Car {
If so, they got automatically populated into the registry. Performance wasn't great, though, and I wasn't sure if how it was going to scale.
I ended up taking a more cumbersome approach:
// Inside of CarRegistry.dart
class CarRegister {
static bool _registeredAll = false;
static Car create() {
if (!_registeredAll) { _registerAll()); }
/* ... */
// Inside of the same library, telsa_model_x.dart
class TelsaModelX extends Car {}
// Inside of the same library, global namespace:
// This method registers all "default" vehicles in the vehicle registery.
_registerAll() {
register('telsamodelx', () => new TelsaModelX());
// Inside of the same library, global namespace:
register(carName, carFxn) { /* ... */ }
Outside of the library, consumers had to call register(); somewhere to register their vehicle.
It is unnecessary duplication, and unfortunately separates the registration from the class in a way that makes it hard to track, but it's either cumbersome code or a performance hit by using dart:mirrors.
YMMV, but as the number of register-able items grow, I'm starting to look towards the dart:mirrors approach again.

Is there a #visibility package concept in PHPDoc / PHPStorm?

I have a domain model written in PHP, and some of my classes (entities inside an aggregate) have public methods, which should never be called from outside the aggregate.
PHP does not have the package visibility concept, so I'm wondering if there is some kind of standardized way to define #package and #visibility package in the docblocks, and to have a static analysis tool that would report violations of the visibility scope.
I'm currently trying out PHPStorm, which I've found very good so far, so I'm wondering if this software has support for this feature; if not, do you know any static code analysis tool that would?
The closest parallel to this line of thinking that I see in PHP's capability is using "protected" scope rather than public for these kinds of methods. Granted, that requires using inheritance to grant access to the protected items. In my years of managing phpDocumentor, I've never encountered anything else that attempts to mimic that kind of "package scope" that I remember from my Java days.
If the entities within your aggregate root should not be modifiable without going through the aggregate root, then the only means you have to control that is making the entity a private or protected member so that all modifications to the entity have to go through the aggregate.
class RootEntity {
private $_otherEntity;
public function DoSomething() {
public function setOtherEntity( OtherEntity $entity ) {
$this->_otherEntity = $entity;
Someone can still always do:
$otherEntity = new OtherEntity();
Though, I guess you could use the magic __call() method to prohibit setting of the _otherEntity anywhere except during construction. This falls under total hack category :)
class RootEntity {
private $_otherEntity;
private $_isLoaded = false;
public function __call( $method, $args ) {
$factoryMethod = 'FactoryOnly_'.$method;
if( !$this->_isLoaded && method_exists($this,$factoryMethod) {
public function IsLoaded() {
$this->_isLoaded = true;
protected function FactoryOnly_setOtherEntity( OtherEntity $otherEntity ) {
$this->_otherEntity = $otherEntity;
So, from there, when you build the object, you can call $agg->setOtherEntity($otherEntity) from your factory or repository. Then when you are done building the object, call IsLoaded(). From there, nobody else will be able to introduce a new OtherEntity into the class and will have to use the publicly available methods on your aggregate.
I'm not sure if you can call that a "good" answer, but it's the only thing I could think of to truly limit access to an entity within an aggregate.
[EDIT]: Also, forgot to mention...the closest for documentation is that there is an #internal for phpdoc:
I doubt that it will modify the IDE's code completion, however. Though, you could probably make a public function/property but label it as "#access private" with phpdoc to keep it from being in code completion.
So far, PHPStorm does not seem to provide this feature.

How can I get started with PHPUnit, where my class construct requires a preconfigured db connection?

I have a class that uses a lot of database internally, so I built the constructor with a $db handle that I am supposed to pass to it.
I am just getting started with PHPUnit, and I am not sure how I should go ahead and pass the database handle through setup.
// Test code
public function setUp(/*do I pass a database handle through here, using a reference? aka &$db*/){
$this->_acl = new acl;
// Construct from acl class
public function __construct(Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract $db, $config = array()){
You would do it like this:
public class TestMyACL extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
protected $adapter;
protected $config;
protected $myACL;
protected function setUp() {
$this->adapter = // however you create a new ZendDbADapter
$this->config = // however you create a new config array
$this->myACL = new ACL($this->adapter, $this->config); // This is the System Under Test (SUT)
IMHO, you need to work on your naming conventions. See Zend Framework Naming Conventions, for a start. An example would be the underscore, look up variables in the link. Also class naming.
You can do normally without reference same as constructor because this method is simplest.
