Camel Multicast behaving strangely - apache-camel

I am getting as strange behavior from Camel Multicast. Looks like I am doing something wrong but can't point it.
I am creating a multicast route to two endpoints as below:
Start point : direct://start
endpoint : direct://route1
endpoint : direct://route2
Routes info :
1) from("direct://start").process(new DeepCloneRequest()).multicast(new Aggregator()).to("direct://route1","direct://route2")
2) from("direct://route1").setheader(<to use later in processor>).process(<do some preprocessing>).to("rest url1").processor(<to do post processing>).end
3) from("direct://route2").setheader(<to use later in processor>).process(<do some preprocessing>).to("rest url2").processor(<to do post processing>).end
What I notice is that in my route number 3 in preprocessing I got the exchange out of number 2 preprocessing instead of DeepCloneRequest from multicast.
Can someone please help explain this? I want to get same request that multicast receive in both route 2 and 3.
The Camel version I am using is 2.17.3.

You should use the onPrepare feature, see
"The Multicast will copy the source Exchange and multicast each copy. However the copy is a shallow copy, so in case you have mutateable message bodies, then any changes will be visible by the other copied messages. If you want to use a deep clone copy then you need to use a custom onPrepare which allows you to do this using the Processor interface."


in-Message copied in out-Message

I have this simple route in my RouteBuilder.
from("amq:MyQueue").routeId(routeId).log(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, "Log: ${in.headers} - ${in.body}")
As stated in the doc for HTTP-component:
Camel will store the HTTP response from the external server on the OUT body. All headers from the IN message will be copied to the OUT message, ...
I would like to know if this concept also applies to amq-component, routeId, and log? Is it the default behaviour, that IN always gets copied to OUT?
Thank you,
First of all: The concept of IN and OUT messages is deprecated in Camel 3.x.
This is mentioned in the Camel 3 migration guide and also annotated on the getOut method of the Camel Exchange.
However, it is not (yet) removed, but what you can take from it: don't care about the OUT message. Use the getMessage method and don't use getIn and getOut anymore.
To answer your question:
Yes, most components behave like this
Every step in the route takes the (IN) message and processes it
The body is typically overwritten with the new processing result
The headers typically stay, new headers can be added
So while the Camel Exchange traverses the route, typically the body is continuously updated and the header list grows.
However, some components like aggregator create new messages based on an AggregationStrategy. In such cases nothing is copied automatically and you have to implement the strategy to your needs.

Apache Camel : Sending parameters to direct

Planning to call same direct mutiple times using multicast to acheive parallelism and in need to send a parameter to the endpoint.
I wish to use something like "direct:test?param=value1", "direct:test?param=value2" where param and value are set to call another dynamic route.
example : toD(direct:${xxxx.param})
Please share inputs on this.

Request Reply and Scatter Gather Using Apache Camel

I am attempting to construct a route which will do the following:
Consume a message from jms:sender-in. I am using a INOUTrequest reply pattern. The JMSReplyTo = sender-out
The above message will be routed to multiple recipients like jms:consumer1-in, jms:consumer2-in and jms:consumer3-in. All are using a request reply pattern. The JMSReplyTo is specified per consumer ( in this case, the JMSReplyTo are in this order jms:consumer1-out, jms:consumer2-out, jms:consumer3-out
I need to aggregate all the replies together and send the result back to jms:sender-out.
I constructed a route which will resemble this:
I then send the replies back to some queue to gather and aggreagte:
from("jms:gather").aggregate(header("TransactionID"), new GatherResponses()).completionSize(3).to("jms:sender-out");
To emulate the behavior of my consumers, I added the following route:
I am getting a couple off issues:
I am getting a timeout error on the replies. If I comment out the gather part, then no issues. Why is there a timeout even though the replies are coming back to the queue and then forwarded to another queue.
How can I store the original JMSReplyTo value so Camel is able to send the aggregated result back to the sender's reply queue.
I have a feeling that I am struggling with some basic concepts. Any help is appreciated.
A good question!
There are two things you need to consider
Don't mix the exchange patterns, Request Reply (InOut) vs Event
message (InOnly). (Unless you have a good reason).
If you do a scatter-gather, you need to make the requests
multicast, otherwise they will be pipelined which is not
really scatter-gather.
I've made two examples which are similar to your case - one with Request Reply and one with (one way) Event messages.
Feel free to replace the activemq component with jms - it's the same thing in these examples.
Example one, using event messages - InOnly:
.aggregate(new ConcatAggregationStrategy())
.log("${body}"); // logs "q1q2q3"
Example two, using Request reply - note that the scattering route has to gather the responses as they come in. The result is the same as the first example, but with less routes and less configuration.
.multicast(new ConcatAggregationStrategy())
.log("Received replies: ${body}"); // logs "q4q5q6"
As for your question two - of course, it's possible to pass around JMSReplyTo headers and force exchange patterns along the road - but you will create hard to debug code. Keep your exchange patterns simple and clean - it keep bugs away.

AMQP - Does the consumer have acess to the routing key?

I've set up a topic exchange such that the consumer queue is bound with "#.topic". I'd like to use different acknowledgement strategies based on the prefix. Is the full routing key sent to the consumer? If so, how do I access it? An answer in terms of AMQP concepts would probably be sufficient, but an answer involving rabbitmq-c would be ideal.
Even when you do a binding like you have given in your example the message received contains the full routing key. This means you can extract that in order to help you process the message. Unfortunately I only know how to do this in Java so try to extrapolate from there.
QueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery = consumer.nextDelivery();
String routingKey = delivery.getEnvelope().getRoutingKey();
The delivery object contains a body which is the payload and can be retrieve with delivery.getBody() and an Envelope object which contains other information like the full routing key.

Camel # route steps vs memory/performance

It might be a silly question, but say I have a hughe message that I want to process with Camel. How will the number of steps in my route affect the memory usage? Does camel deep copy my message payload for every step in the route, even if the DSL-step only reads from the message or does it do something smart here?
Is it better to keep the route down and do things in a "hughe" bean for large messages or not?
This is an example route that does various things, but not changing the payload.
.when(simple(... ) )
from my understanding, for a simple pipelined route like this, an Exchange is created containing the body once and passed along each step in the route. Other EIPs do cause the Exchange to be copied though (like multicast, wiretap, etc)...
as well, if you have steps along the route which interface with external resources which could result in any type of copy/clone/conversion/serialization of the body unnecessarily, then you might use something like the claim check pattern to reduce this.
The camel exchange is the same through the route the message objects are copied or recereated in the steps. The body is just referenced though. So normally you should not have a problem.
This is handled by each camel processor individually though. So some of the processors may copy the body. Typically this is the case when the processor really works on the body. So in this case it can not be avoided.
