asm syntax highlight AND asm file display in visual studio - c

I am trying to do some assembly coding, I call the functions from C language. The code itself runs fine, but I have two enormous problems that I cannot to tackle for quite a long time now. First of them is syntax-highlighting - I installed two different (one at the time) asm highlighting extensions to visual studio 2015 enterprise, both of them didn't work. Before I installed the 2015 version I had 2013 Ultimate and the highlighting worked fine there. I tried to delete specific files responsible from registry etc but it didn't help me achieve absolutely anything. Tried to reinstall or update the extensions is well.
Another problem I have is something that pretty much started happening for first time 3 hours ago, in a solution when I have an asm file it is fine, I can edit it freely, run it, whatever. But once I switch off visual studio and run it again in the moment when I try to open the asm file in visual studio the file is no longer in clean assembly but in OP codes written in hexadecimal and along it there is list of the memory cell in which each op is in... When I make new asm file in the solution it is fine but once I restart visual studio same thing happens. I tried to look through all the common options in the top menu bar but there seems not to be anything helpful to me in this situation....
Desperately I tried to google both of those things (first one for quite extended period of time) but it seems like some of the problems I have encountered could possibly be related to 2015 enterprise version of visual studio :(
EDIT// OK I MANAGED TO FIX THE SECOND PROBLEM - right click the .asm file and use Open With and choose another editor!!!
Help please ;(

AsmDude will not work when .asm files are associated with an editor (see this issue here). If you still experiencing problems with AsmDude, consider opening an issue on Github. I'm happy to help you there.


IntelliSense Problem in VisualStudio code

i have a problem with Visual Studio Code for Mac OS
Since my small industry where i work, decided one week ago to change from Windows to Apple problems started.
I installed VS code in my Apple laptop but when i started to programming, i saw that if i make a Syntax error, the IDE doesn't highlight it (i write programs in C).
For example if i write: println("hello word") without ; VS doesn't show a red underline and a message (for example "Syntax error missing ;")
i searched on internet, and i found that is a problem of "IntelliSense" i think. I also tried some solutions, but without any result.
thanks for your answers
Setting up VS code for C / C++ on mac is a bit of a pain. I've found this page from MS to give a thorough run through on getting setting up, and then you can also follow this guide which will take you through setting up project configurations and in your case intellisense.

Visual Studio hangs when adding forms or opening designer

I have a major problem with a Winforms application with a large number of projects. VS 2019 threw an exception and closed a few days ago, and on reopening restored two files since then I have been unable to:
Add a new form to the vast majority of projects, whether the most basic MS template or not
Open the designer for any form that is already in the vast majority of projects
Access the navigation bars (the three combo boxes at the top of the VS work area that normally contain the project, namespace and content information) on any class referencing to WinForms in the vast majority of projects
When trying to do either of the first two things an 'Opening File' message is shown endlessly. If you try to do anything, a notification is shown that Visual Studio is busy, and that Microsoft will be notified but nothing else happens and you can only get out by using the Task Manager to kill all VS tasks.
In the case of the third one, a message is shown saying 'Refreshing Navigation Bars' but again it goes on forever. However, in this case you can click the Cancel button to cancel the loading attempt.
The navigation bars issue I believe is Resharper related. In addition CodeLens is not working at all, so the space for the number of references is generated but there is no content. This is true for ALL files in the solution, not just the form related ones.
Here is what I have tried so far:
Cleaned and Rebuilt the solution - works fine but no difference
Built and deployed the solution - works fine
Deleted the SUO file and reset
Cleared the Resharper caches
Disabled Resharper
Performed a repair install of Visual Studio
Created a new Solution and added forms etc. which was unaffected and worked fine
Opened a different solution which was also working fine
Tried the same processes with a Project in the same solution that is not part of the application (TestBed) and that works fine too, but is the only project that does
Can anyone suggest where to look now? Since new and existing solutions work OK except for this one I am assuming that it is something Solution related rather than something related to VS itself, but I have no idea what that might be. For example, what is it trying to do when it says 'Opening File' (apart from the obvious - opening a file :-)) and what could cause that to fail? Am I looking for something in the Solution file, or could it be something else?
All suggestions and assistance towards resolving this issue would be gratefully received.
Thanks to Jasimov for the only response, I appreciate your attempt to help.
I have now resolved the issue using the following steps:
Uninstall Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition
Perform a fresh install of Visual Studio 2019 Professional
Reload the main solution
Clean the solution
Rebuild the solution
Deal with some issues that were highlighted in the Output and Errors, none of which were directly forms related
Rebuild the solution
Run the application and ensure it runs as expected
Go back and select forms at random and try opening them. All now work as expected.
In addition CodeLens is now working not only properly but actually better than before giving more information more quickly. On the other hand, I have not yet reinstalled Resharper which will be the next step.
I have included all the steps I took just in case anyone else has a similar problem. I have not been able to find this exact issue anywhere else in my searches so I hope it helps someone.
UPDATE: I have since re-installed Resharper with no problems and the designers are all working fine so now back into full flow!
I had a similar issue with the web forms designer in VS2019 hanging as soon as I clicked on anything on the design surface. The same projects were OK in VS2017. Uninstalled VS2019, rebooted, reinstalled VS2019, found that the designer was now working OK. Progressively added back 3rd party toolbox components, one VSIX, and the .Net 4.8 targeting pack. Still working. Thanks for your hint about the reinstall.

Visual Studio 2010 err# U1095, NMAKE

I'm writing a program in C using Visual Studio 2010, and I am getting the following error:
U1095: expanded command line '(here come includes-includes-includes)'.
Some of my colleagues get the same error while others do not. The only easy feasible solution I've tried is to update NMAKE itself from a shady website (NMAKE is very hard to find).
Erasing include entries helps, but eventually we hit the limit again. One hack that works is to use all the includes in a single file per Microsoft's offering and read from that file but I'd prefer to not have to do that.
Is there an official way to update nmake without installing the Windows SDK or Visual Studio 2015?
I would not recommend using anything in programming in general that you "downloaded from a shady source". That sounds like a good way to embed viruses in your shipped code unknowingly. There is no nmake standalone, so you will be forced to use the one that ships with Visual Studio.
Some things you could try:
Attempt using 32-bit and 64-bit versions of nmake and see if you get different results.
Get a more recent version of Visual Studio and see if it works better there.
Thanks a lot for your responses, guys.
Manipulations with nmake didn't help at all.
The answer is: to completely erase a sandbox and get a clean one. So it wasn't MS-VS-2010 problem standalone, but a combination of problems between MS-VS and MKS/PTC Integrity.

Visual Studio 2013 crashing when saving Windows Forms solution

I have been working on a particular solution for a few months now without any problems. The last thing of significance that I remember doing was refactoring the name of a custom control inheriting from RichTextBox. I don't know if that is related to the problem but it seemed to be when the problems started occurring. For some reason now when I show the main form in design view and save any changes I get the message "Visual Studio has stopped working blah blah" and it restarts.
I seem to be able to load and make changes to other solutions ok.
So far I've tried:
Deleting .sln and v12.sln files
Have tried uninstalling NuGet. (I don't have any extensions other than NuGet and Visual Studio Extensions for Windows Library for JavaScript)
I don't have resharper
I have tried to start in /SafeMode but I keep getting the error "'Visual Studio Component Model Host Package' package did not load correctly". I can't seem to load any solutions in SafeMode.
Repaired VS2013 installation twice
Restarted my computer many times
Tried writing a log file using /log switch but can't really understand how to interpret it.
Any pointers would be very welcome.

Package C console application (Visual Studio '13)

I wrote a basic program for my mom, and now I want her to be able to use it. Obviously, it works on my computer. Getting the .exe file from the project folder, and putting it on her computer doesn't work: it says MSVCR120d.dll is missing whenever the .exe is run. Makes sense--as her computer doesn't have Visual Studio on it. However, I tried installing the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013, and that didn't work either.
To be honest, I'm not looking to spending hours of time to piece this all together. This is something I will more than likely never do again--I've already done some searching and can only find subjects speaking of C++ distributions. I want a way to get the console app on her computer to work.
The more easy way is link statically. That mean embed all the needed code to the app to run, in the final binary (.exe), eliminating dependency of other libraries.
Go to Project Properties
Go to Configuration Properties
Go to C/C++
Go to Code Generation
Change Runtime Library (in Debug to Multi-Threaded Debug /MTd and in Release to Multi-Threaded /MT)
