How to validate form field with Parsley JS if field input has been populated automatically? - parsley.js

I have a signup form where the user is supposed to enter amongst other personal details also his phone number's country prefix (e.g. '+49' for Germany). Now I have a script running which automatically detects the country prefix according to the user's IP geo location.
If the IP location is successfully determining the user's current location, it puts the country code automatically in the signup form's prefix field.
This means that the user doesn't have to enter the prefix manually.
My question is: once the signup form is loading, and all fields are empty except for the country prefix, how can I validate the country prefix field successfully prior to hitting the submit button?
I tried all kinds of triggers from the jQuery Events page as suggested by the ParsleyJS documentation but I don't get it done..
Any help on this would be gladly appreciated!
Edit to further clarify: If you're visiting the signup page, the IP location script detects your location, translates that into your country's phone prefix, and puts that number into the "Prefix" form field. So you don't have to put there anymore by yourself. This works only if the the IP locations script successfully identifies your location of course, however this works in most of the cases. So what I would like to achieve is that this form gets it's green validated background, although you didn't put in the prefix yourself. In other words, the prefix is already in the field in most of the cases.
I'm using the data-parsley-triggers, no jQuery or JS to validate the whole form.
You can see in the picture that I entered a first name, Foo, which validated upon data-parsley-trigger="change". The blue arrows show the fields which have been filled automatically by the IP location - and they are not validated as I'm missing the right trigger.

It's not clear what you are trying to achieve (why validate the field when it's clear it will be valid), but why not simple $('input[name="phone_prefix"]').parsley().validate()?


Is there a way to perform react-hook-form validation without showing errors?

I want to be able to validate the entire form and get the validation result, but I want to do it 'silently'(i.e without making my fields go red). I know that formContext.trigger exists, but that doesn't seem to have a softer setting. I don't want to show errors to the user, I just want to check if what they have got so far is valid. Is this possible with react hook form?
I'm using 'onChange' mode for my form
I need to do this because as a user fills my form in, which is for a pricing page, I want to send requests to get the pricing information which changes based on the form data. I don't want to send a pricing request if the form isn't valid, but I don't want to trigger full validation and make the fields go red when the user hasn't done anything wrong, they're just filling the form out in order.

Salesforce Screen flow search and display record information

I'm working on a screen flow. The idea is to have a lookup component the user can search a contact. Then I would like to display the information from the Contact (Account Name, Contact Name, Number Email) and I would like to be able to have the user update that information if needed. I just stomped on how it can be done. I know it should be able to be pulled from the record ID in some type of way and maybe use an Assignment to display the information. Can someone guide me on a next step or if anyone has an instructional video would be helpful.
You wouldn't be able to display the looked up contact's fields on that screen as soon as you populate that field. That would be something only possible in code (aura component or lwc).
What you can do, however is -
Get Record element after that screen element. (Get Contact, where Id = lookupcomponent.recordId)
use the new Fields (BETA) option on another screen Fields (BETA)
(this method is easier, doesn't have as much control and is limited on fields, depending on data type, you can use)
add inputs one by one and set the default values Add Fields One By One
(this method allows more control)
Then, you will need an update element. If you used the Fields (BETA) you can just update the record variable. If you did the inputs one by one, you will need to update the contact and set fields individually.
Full Flow Example

React Final Form: has a value existed?

How is it possible to check has a value already existed using React Final Form? I'm interested in the general approach. Also, be thankful for some links, etc, because could find nothing relevant.
Now details:
I have a form: a text input "User name" and a button "Submit".
I type a value (let say, "John") and press "Submit".
The value is saved into a database and becomes to display on my web page.
The input field is cleared and I am able to enter the new value.
I'm entering "John" again.
I should get an error message "Such name has already existed" once I moved the focus out of the field, or click on the "Submit" button.
You'd generally accomplish this by doing a preflight request to the server via fetch.
Send the field value(s) over whenever you do validation (e.g. on change or on blur) and have the server report back any issues (e.g. "Name already taken").
Implement some checking logic In the POST request. Before you write the logic to add the user to the database, check If a user with that username already exists, and If It does, return an error. It also depends on the database you are using how they handle searching for documents.
If its MongoDB you need to use the .find() method and find by username. If you find a matching username, return an error saying to enter a unique username.

Show and hide server-side errors in AngularJS 1.3+ forms

I'm using the Angular framework with Angular Material controls in my recent application. I'm looking for a good solution for the following problem:
A form form with an input field named nickname is shown to the user. After the user has chosen a nickname and submitted the form, the server checks whether the nickname has already been taken. In that case, it returns an error to the Angular client.
To show an appropriate error to the user, the code then calls form.nickname.$setValidity('nicknameTaken', true). The new ngMessages module is used to display the error to the user. Further form.$isInvalid is used to disable the form controls to prevent the user from resubmitting the invalid nickname.
My problem is now the following: I'd like to have the error nicknameTaken automatically being removed as soon as the user begins to edit the form fields again. What is a good way to do this? Is there a predefined route to go when it comes to server-side validation errors of this kind? (Note that I am not asking for asynchronous validation because I only want to contact my server when the form is actually being submitted.)
I would write a normal validator directive instead. Something like
<input blacklist="takenNickNames" .../>
This directive would simply add a validator to the input, and this validator would make the input invalid if the model value is contained inside the given takenNickNames array (and valid if it's not present).
The takenNickNames array would be empty initially. When the form is submitted and the error comes back, the controller would add the invalid nick name to the array.
So, every time the user would enter something, the validator would be triggered, and would set the field valid or not, based on the taken nicknames stored in the array.
Here is a working example.

Is it possible in Quickbase to create a URL to an Add Record page which partially fills in fields on the form?

I have a Quickbase app with a form for adding records. On an intranet page, I have a link to the add record form. When a user clicks on that link, Quickbase opens the add record form. However, I would like to supply values for some of the fields on the form as parameters in the URL.
I am aware of API_AddRecord, but as I understand it, that can only be used for completely filling in all required fields and saving the record. The disprec parameter can be used to see the record, but doesn't keep the record in add mode without committing the record.
What I need to do, is to fill in a couple of the fields, but keep the record in add mode, allowing the user to fill in a couple more fields. The URLs on the intranet page are actually generated in a grid, so there are some fields that are already known then the user clicks on the link, and I don't want the user to have to type them in again.
Can this be done? Thanks for your input.
Sure. Folks do this all the time. Use a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_1="foo"&_fid_2="bar" where the number are the Field IDs of the fields you want to fill out, and "foo" and "bar" are the values you want to fill in.
