How to set GUIDED_NOGPS mode with Arducopter on Dronekit? - dronekit-python

How do I command Arducopter to enter guided_nogps mode? I am planning to operate in a gps denied environment, and although other posts indicate this is possible with guided-nogps, I cannot see how to set that mode. Using Dronekit (python) vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("Guided_NoGPS") returns an error indicating there is no such mode.
Mavlink also refuses to acknowledge the mode.
My setup is a Pixhawk running Arducopter with a Raspberry Pi companion. Firmware is v3.5 dev, and v3.4 on the DroneKit-SITL (I compiled my own v3.4 binary for this).
Everything else is working great (e.g. controlling via set_attitude_target thanks to this post How to set copters Attitude via DroneKit -- SET_ATTITUDE_TARGET not working ) - I just need to be able to go indoors!
Also - I did notice in this post prior to the release of Arducopter v3.4 Controlling movement without GPS that an optical flow sensor might be required. Did that requirement come to pass?
Thanks again!
All advice welcome.
Thanks Squilter for your help. I created a function to change the flightmode (20):
def set_mode(flightmode):
# create the MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE command
msg = vehicle.message_factory.command_long_encode(
0, 0, # target system, target component
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE, #command
0, #confirmation
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
# send command to vehicle
The message is correctly received but was not successful (result 3 returned). One thing I wasn't sure about was parameter 2, which the spec indicates is platform specific. I put 0 as I wasn't sure what to do with it for Arducopter.
Again, any suggestions welcome and many thanks!

Try setting the mode to 20. This is the internal representation of the mode. It looks like dronekit-python does not know this yet.
Optical flow is required for normal guided mode, not guided_nogps. However, guided_nogps does not allow sending velocity or position requests, only angles.

I know that this question is a little old but I have found the answer. Update your installs of MAVProxy and PyMAVLink.
pip install -U pymavlink mavproxy
DroneKit will automatically install older versions of them without the new modes available. You want PyMAVLink >= 2.2.4 and MAVProxy >= 1.6.1.


Mac kernel programming generic kernel extension prinf() not working

I've followed the Creating a Generic Kernel Extension with Xcode tutorial.
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
kern_return_t MyKext_start (kmod_info_t * ki, void * d)
printf("MyKext has started.\n");
kern_return_t MyKext_stop (kmod_info_t * ki, void * d)
printf("MyKext has stopped.\n");
I've also disabled the csrutil, which allow me to load my own kext.
# csrutil disable
When I load my own kext into kernel
$ sudo kextload -v /tmp/MyKext.kext
The result of printf() not write into /var/log/system.log.
I've also set boot-args
$ sudo nvram boot-args="original_contents debug=0x4"
Can anyone help me out?
Apparently, since Sierra (10.12) at least, they reorganized the way the logs are written (iOS support?), so you cannot see it in system.log anymore. Still, in your Console application, you have in the sidebar a Devices section, where you can select your device (usually your Mac system) and see real-time log limited to "kernel" in the search box. So I can see these when using kext load/kextunload:
default 11:58:27.608228 +0200 kernel MyKext has started.
default 11:58:34.446824 +0200 kernel MyKext has stopped.
default 11:58:44.803350 +0200 kernel MyKext has started.
There is no need for the csrutil and nvram changes.
Important For some freaky reason, I needed to restart the Console to reflect my messages changes, otherwise it has showing the ones (start & stop) from the previous build. Very strange indeed!
Later To recover old logs, try sudo log collect --last 1d and open the result with Console(more here).
Sorry to necro-post, but I found it useful to use log(1) with one of its many commands (as suggested by #pmdj in the comments above) rather than use Console. From the manual:
log -- Access system wide log messages created by os_log, os_trace and other log-
ging systems.
For example, one can run:
log stream
to see real-time output of the system, including printf() from the MacOS kernel extension.

Implementation error in ISE for a Virtex-5 board

I'm using a Xilinx Virtex-5 version XC5VLX110T in ISE project navigator 14.6 to test a simple code but it always give implementation design error:
ERROR:Security:12 - No 'xc5vlx110t' feature version 2013.06 was
available (-15),
ERROR:Map:258 - A problem was encountered attempting
to get the license for this architecture.
this is it's Design proprieties
The code is:
module compare(clk ,x,y
input x,clk;
output reg y;
always #(posedge clk)
y= x+1'b1;
It depends ...
First, have a look into the Xilinx license manager to see what's supported and what's not.
Some development boards are sold with a "node locked license". If so, your package should contain a serial for the registration process on Then you can download your personal, board specific license and register it in ISE.
Otherwise you'll need a normal/full license, which is quite expensive. For development purposes, you can change the device for ex. to XC5VLX50T-1FFG1136 (Virtex-5 LX50T from ML505 board) this one should supported by the webpack license. All implementation steps will work, but programming, because it's the false size and pinout.

How to recover from infinite reboot loops in NodeMCU?

My NodeMCU program has gone in to infinite reboot loop.
My code is functionally working but any action I try to do, e.g. file.remove("init.lua") or even just =node.heap(), it panics and reboots saying: PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (not enough memory).
Because of this, I'm not able to change any code or delete init.lua to stop automatic code execution.
How do I recover?
I tried re-flashing another version of NodeMCU, but it started emitting garbage in serial port.
Then, I recalled that NodeMCU had two extra files: blank.bin and esp_init_data_default.bin.
I flashed them at 0x7E000 and 0x7C000 respectively.
They are also available as INTERNAL://BLANK and INTERNAL://DEFAULT in the NodeMCU flasher.
This booted the new NodeMCU firmware, all my files were gone and I'm out of infinite reboot loop.
Flash the following files:
0x00000.bin to 0x00000
0x10000.bin to 0x10000
And, the address for esp_init_data_default.bin depends on the size of your module's flash.
0x7c000 for 512 kB, modules like ESP-01, -03, -07 etc.
0xfc000 for 1 MB, modules like ESP8285, PSF-A85
0x1fc000 for 2 MB
0x3fc000 for 4 MB, modules like ESP-12E, NodeMCU devkit 1.0, WeMos D1 mini
Then, after flashing those binaries format its file system (run "file.format()" using ESPlorer) before flashing any other binaries.
Downloads Link
I've just finished working through a similar problem. In my case it was end-user error that caused a need to forcibly wipe init.lua, but I think both problems could be solved similarly. (For completeness, my problem was putting a far-too-short dsleep() call in init.lua, leaving the board resetting itself immediately upon starting init.lua.)
I tried flashing new NodeMCU firmware, writing blank.bin and esp_init_data_default.bin to 0x7E000 and 0x7C000, and also writing 0x00000.bin to 0x00000 and 0x10000.bin to 0x10000. None of these things helped in my case.
My hardware is an Adafruit Huzzah ESP8266 breakout (ESP-12), with 4MB of flash.
What worked for me was:
Download the NONOS SDK from Espressif (I used version 1.5.2 from
Unzip it to get at boot_v1.2.bin,, blank.bin, and esp_init_data_default.bin (under bin/ and bin/at/).
Flash the following files to the specified memory locations:
boot_v1.2.bin to 0x00000 to 0x010000
esp_init_data_default.bin to 0xfc000
blank.bin to 0x7e000
Note about flashing:
I used 1.2.1.
Because of the nature of my problem, I was only able to write changes to the flash when in programming mode (i.e. after booting with GPIO0 held down to GND).
I found that I needed to reset the board between each step (else invocations of after the first would fail).
Erased the flash. --port <your/port> erase_flash
Then I was able to write a new firmware. I used a stock nodeMCU 0.9.5 just to isolate variables, but I strongly suspect any firmware would work at this point.
The only think that worked for me was python flash tool esptool in ubuntu, windows flashtool never deleted init.lua and reboot loop.
Commands (ubuntu):
git clone
cd esptool
python -h
ls -l /dev/tty*
nodemcu_latest.bin can be downloaded from github or anywhere.
sudo python -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash --flash_size=8m 0 nodemcu_latest.bin

write custom timestamp into syslog using syslog.h

my program get events from remote systems, every event contains an timestamp.
I want to log this events to syslog using the event timestamp instead of systemtime.
Is there any way to send a custom header to syslog deamon ?
I'm using rsyslog on debian
The "events" are generated by some "bare-metal" devices.
My application is a gateway between a realtime-ethernet (EthernetPOWERLINK) and a normal network.
I want to save them in micro-second precision, because its important to know in wich sequence they are occoured.
So i need the exact timestamp created by the bare-metal devices.
I'like to put this events into syslog.
I did not found any lib (except syslog.h) to write into syslog).
I really need to build the packages myself and send them to rsyslog deamon ?
No, don't open that can of worms.
If you allow the sender to specify the timestamp, you allow an attacker to spoof the timestamps of events they wish to hide. That kind of defeats the entire purpose (security-wise) of using a separate machine for logging.
What you can do, however, is compare the current time and the timestamp, and include that at the start of every logged message, using something like
struct timespec now;
struct timespec timestamp;
double delta;
int priority = facility | level;
const char *const message;
delta = difftime(timestamp.tv_sec, now.tv_sec)
+ ((double)timestamp.tv_nsec - now.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0;
syslog(priority, "[%+.0fs] %s\n", delta, message);
On a typically configured Linux machine, that should produce something similar to
Jan 18 08:01:02 hostname service: [-1s] Original message
assuming the message took at least half a second to arrive. If hostname has its clock running fast, the delta would be positive. Normally, the delta is zero. In the case of a very slow network, the delta is negative, since the original event happened in the past relative to the timestamp shown.
If you already have infrastructure in place to monitor the logged messages, you can have a daemon or a cron script read the log files, and generate new log files (not via syslog(), but simply with string and file operations) with the timestamps adjusted by the specified delta. However, that must be done with extreme care, recognizing unacceptable or unexpectedly changing deltas, or maybe flagging them somehow.
If you write your log file monitoring/display widgets, then you can very easily let the user switch between "actual" (syslog) or "derived" (syslog + delta) timestamps, as the delta is trivial to extract from the logged lines if always present; even then, you must be careful to let the user know if a delta is out of bounds or changes unexpectedly, as such a change is most always informative to the user. (If it is not nefarious, it does mean there is something iffy with the machine timekeeping; time should not just jump around. Even NTP adjustments should be quite smooth.)
If you insist on opening that can of worms, just produce your own log files. Many applications do. It's not like syslog() was a magic bullet or a strict requirement for reliable logging, after all.
If your log-receiving application runs as a specific user and group, you can create /var/log/yourlogs/ owned by root user and that group, and save your log files there. Set the directory mode to 02770 (drwxrws--- or u=rwx,g=rwxs,o=), and all files created in that directory will automatically be owned by the same group (that's what the setgid bit, s, does for directories). You just need to make sure your service sets umask to 002 (and uses 0666 or 0660 mode flags when creating log files), so that they stay group-readable and group-writable.
Log rotation (archiving and/or deleting old log files, mailing logs) is usually a separate service, provided by the logrotate package, and configured by dropping a service-specific configuration file in /etc/logrotate.d/ at installation time. In other words, even if you write your own log files, do not rotate them; use the existing service for this. It makes life much easier for your users, us system administrators. (Note: Setting umask 002 at the start of the log rotate scripts is very useful in the above directory case; created files will then be group-writable. umask 022 will make them group-read-only.)
Ok've solved this, by enabling networking support (TCP) and micro seconds timer in rsyslog configuration.
Accroding to RFC 5424 my application build raw syslog messages and sends them via TCP (port 514) to the deamon.
Thanks to Nominal Animal, but i've no choice...
You can write a raw log message to the /dev/log file. This is a Unix domain socket from where the syslog server reads the messages, as they are written with the syslog() function.
I'm not sure about portability since the message format written by syslog() does not seem to follow the RFC 5424. I can only share my findings with busybox and its syslogd and nc utilities.
syslog() function writes messages as datagrams in the form <PRI>Mon DD HH:MM:SS message, where PRI is a priority, i.e. a decimal number computed as facility | severity, followed by a timestamp and a message.
With nc -u local:/dev/log, you can write UDP datagrams to the domain socket directly. For example, writing <84>Apr 3 07:27:20 hello world results in a Apr 3 07:27:20 hostname authpriv.warn hello world line in /var/log/messages.
Then you are free to extend the timestamp with the microseconds precision. Anyway, you need to make sure your syslog server implementation accepts such form. In case of busybox, I had to modify the source code.
Note: Busybox needs to be configured with enabled CONFIG_NC_EXTRA, CONFIG_NC_110_COMPAT and CONFIG_FEATURE_UNIX_LOCAL options to allow for opening /dev/log with nc.

need AT-Command to copy files from sd-card

i have usb-modem that i can comunicate with it using AT-Command.
i can send and recive sms using it.
we know that we can insert an SD-Card into the usb-modem and use it as a storage device
but i been stuck for days searching how i can work on files on sd card using AT-Command??
please help. thanks in advance
I don't think you can do this. The AT command-set is only for doing "phonestuff". Calling, texting (which in itself is an extension), and such.
The usual reason for usb-modems to have built-in storage is so you can store the drivers there. This would let you use the modem on any computer without needing to connect to the internet to get the drivers.
Are you sure the modem doesn't expose the card as a drive as other USB devices do (e.g cameras, phones, etceteras)? I can't see a way of retrieving files off it using ATxx commands.
Edit, I did a little digging and found this:
And I am wondering if any of the following can point you in the right direction:
AT^U2DIAG=0 - the device is only Modem
AT^U2DIAG=1 - device is in modem mode + CD ROM
AT^U2DIAG=255 - the device in modem mode + CD ROM + Card Reader
AT^U2DIAG=256 - the device in modem mode + Card Reader
AT+CPIN=<PIN-CODE> - enter PIN-code
AT+CUSD=1,<PDU-encoded-USSD-code>,15 - USSD request, result can be found (probably) in /dev/ttyUSB2.
So it would appear you can put the device in a card-reader mode using AT^U2DIAG=256. I'd be interested to see if, when you execute this, whether your drive will then be mapped. I can't really find anything to get files off it after you do this.
