Bad int8 external representation - netezza

In my report, I created a data item using a case statement that puts order revenue amounts into groups like $0-$999, $1000-$1500, etc. I am trying to create a drilldown off of that data item but I am getting the below error message:
Data source adapter error: org.netezza.error.NzSQLException: ERROR: Bad int8 external representation "$0-$999"
Any help would be appreciated.


cannot read the next data row for dataset

I get a error message I preview my report. I had to change my credentials for data server and changes the column names, but I didn't make any changes to the query. I get this error messages when I preview my report
An error occurred during local report processing. An error has
occurred during report processing. Cannot read the next data row for
the data set. conversion failed when converting from a character
string to uniqueidentifier.
I have two parameters both take number values so, I have them setup as text values. I have one more filter converting it to int. I changed my parameters to int and removed to filter to see if it worked, but I still get the same error message. The report worked when I ran it through my other credentials, I don't know why it giving me an error message now.
As The error already pointing out, you have character data type which cannot be converted to unique identifier type.
you have data type mismatch

Potential Loss of Data reading from CSV with decimal

I have read a large number of questions and answers on this and I still can't get it to work.
I have a csv like the following:
When I attach a Flat File Source, in SSIS, it gives me the following:
[Sample CSV [2]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion
for column "Field3" returned status value 2 and status text "The value
could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
I have already changed the output to DT_DECIMAL, with 5 as the scale value, in the advance properties but I still get the same error.
Any clue on this?
It seems like a simple solution that I am somehow overlooking.
There are many values that cannot be converted to DT_DECIMAL, you can detect the values that cause this error by utilizing of the Flat File Error Output which redirect the rows that are causing errors when loading data.
Helpful Links
SSIS error when loading data from flat files

Data Studio Community Connector error: The number of columns in the data does not match the number in the schema.

When I try to explore my data source fetched by a custom connector, I encounter a System error: 593d1fe0.
The number of columns received in the data returned from the community connector does not match the number of columns requested by Data Studio
But When I'm debugging my getData function, the result contains the same columns and same number of columns.
What can cause this kind of troubles ?
some screenshots of the debug view:
Is my output structure correct ? is there something to consider regarding column names ?
Data Studio does not request all the possible fields from getData function. Most of the times, Data Studio will request a small subset from available fields. The list of required fields will be passed in the request object when the getData call is made.
See getData reference doc to understand the structure of request and fields.
Your getData response should not return all available fields. Rather, the response should return only the requested fields. See example code showing how you can filter the fields.
For additional help, you can try the official codelab - Step 10 is relevant to your question. You can also view more examples at the official Data Studio Open Source repo.


SSIS job has failed and posting the below error
[Product Sales [749]] Error: An exception has occurred during data insertion, the message returned from the provider is: The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type float of the specified target column.
[SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "Product Sales" (749) failed with error code 0xC020844B while processing input "ADO NET Destination Input" (752). The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
Can some one please advise if you have come across this kind of error
Thank you
Your error message is explaining the issue to you: "The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type float of the specified target column."
Open the component that is failing and review the metadata. You have a float column somewhere and you are passing this column a string that can't be converted to a float, such as empty space or an alphanumeric value.
If you want to ensure these values are floats, you can add a script component above the one that is failing and write some code to ensure the value is properly sanitized:
string input = "1.1"; //Replace with your input buffer value
float result;
float.TryParse(input, out result); //Result = 0.0 if value was not parsed
Please add a data conversion task between source and destination to change data type from string to float , it will resolve your issue .
If still you are facing the issue then let me know the exact issue what are the source and which ssis task you are using.
Use ole db source and destination instead of odc and try to reduce the column name length and no paranthesis in column names and use table and fast load this should solve. I had the same problem where loading from analysis services cube through dax query into SQL Table of my local machine

Error: Unknown duplicates value on record with id

I'm trying to Upsert the data to Account object using an external tool, Everything works fine but Salesforce is throwing error for few records when upserting.
I was doing the upsertion process using the external id field. Except external id field no other field is having a unique constraint.
I'm getting the following error -
OBJ: Account - duplicate value found: unknown duplicates value on record with id: 001***********
Please help me to solve the issue.
This is happening because your trying to create Salesforce contact multiple times with same email and data
It's silly but this was happening to me because SFDC considers 'NULL' as a unique value... Mostly because Excel converted 'NULL' to text and was trying to bring in the literal word 'NULL'.
