UVM- How to get config object from config db to the tb_top - uvm

I have some forces (interface to dut) in my tb_top file.
For example:
// rx forces and assignments
assign rx_vif.chind2 = dut.rx_fe.chind2;
initial begin
force dut.rx_fe.x = rx_vif.x;
I want to execute above only if the rx_agent is active.
For this I have to get the rx_agent_config object to the tb_top like this:
if(!uvm_config_db #(rx_agent_config)::get(this, "", "db_rx_agent_config", m_rx_cfg)) begin
`uvm_error("top", "rx_agent_config not found")
THhe code for set:
uvm_config_db #(rx_agent_config)::set(this, "*", "db_rx_agent_config", m_cfg.m_rx_agent_cfg);
What should I write instead of this (in the get function)?

Supposed that your component name is "comp" in ENV, and the env is named "env" in the uvm_test, so in test bench top module, you should use below code to get the configuration handle
uvm_config_db#(rx_agent_cfg)::get(null, "uvm_test_top.env.comp", "db_rx_agent_cfg", rx_cfg);
Because the earliest time you could set "rx_agent_cfg" in the uvm_config_db is 0 time in build_phase, so it is safe to do get after a #0 delay in the initial block.


nginx module to set variable value for log module

I want to define an nginx variable, set its value during a request, and use the variable inside a log format.
I am currently implementing a custom module in C (not interested in LUA at the moment).
Desired flow:
1. configure new log format: log_format my_format '$my_var1'; (nginx.conf)
2. configure new access log using that format: access_log /tmp/out my_format (nginx.conf)
3. set value during request handler, function from the following type:
typedef ngx_int_t (*ngx_http_handler_pt)(ngx_http_request_t *r);
Current flow:
1. Set variable to an initial value: set $my_var1 'empty_value'; (nginx.conf)
2. Find variable by index with ngx_http_get_flushed_variable(r, index)
3. Change variable value by assigning to data field.
When I print my variable to the debug log, I see the variable is set correctly to the changed value. However, the log module outputs the initial variable value instead of the changed value to the custom access log.
Can someone point me to what am I missing here?
Should I use ngx_http_add_variable function or use script compile /complex ?
short snippet from the current flow described above:
ngx_http_variable_value_t *v;
v = ngx_http_get_flushed_variable(r, ale_srv_cf->output_variable_index);
// ... error handling if not found ....
v->data = new_value;
v->len = new_value_length;

How to set a context variable with dot in name?

I am trying to add a context data variable (CDV), which has a dot in its name. According to Adobe site this is correct:
s.contextData['myco.rsid'] = 'value'
Unfortunately, after calling s.t() the variable is split into two or more:
Context Variables
rsid: value
How can I set the variable and prevent splitting it into pieces?
You are setting it properly already. If you are referring to what you see in the request URL, that's how the Adobe library sends it. In your example, "myco" is a namespace, and "rsid" is a variable in that namespace. And you can have other variables in that namespace. For example if you have
s.contextData['myco.rsid1'] = 'value';
s.contextData['myco.rsid2'] = 'value';
You would see in the AA request URL (just showing the relevant part):
I assume you are asking because you want to more easily parse/qa AA collection request URLs from the browser network tab, extension, or some unit tester? There is no way to force AA to not behave like this when using dot syntax (namespaces) in your variables.
But, there isn't anything particularly special about using namespaces for your contextData variables; it's just there for your own organization if you choose. So if you want all variables to be "top level" and show full names in the request URL, then do not use dot syntax.
If you want to still have some measure of organization/hierarchy, I suggest you instead use an underscore _ :
s.contextData['myco_rsid1'] = 'value';
s.contextData['myco_rsid2'] = 'value';
Which will give you:
Side Note: You cannot do full object/dot notation syntax with s.contextData, e.g.
s.contextData = {
foo:'bar', // <--- this will properly parse
myco:{ // this will not properly parse
rsid:'value' //
} //
AA library does not parse this correctly; it just loops through top level properties of contextData when building the request URL. So if you do full object syntax like above, you will end up with:
foo would be okay, but you end up with just myco with "[object Object]" as the recorded value. Why Adobe didn't allow for full object syntax and just JSON.stringify(s.contextData) ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Value set by +uvm_set_config_int is not matched

I am trying to set configuration by using command line option:
+uvm_set_config_int= \*,path_index,1
In sequence, in body task I am looking for the value :
if (!uvm_config_db#(int)::get(null, "", "path_index",i)) begin
Value is not found.
If instead of command line option , I am setting the value in the build phase of the test:
uvm_config_db #(int)::set(null, "*", "path_index", 1)
Value is found by sequence.
I checked UVM configuration viewer and it looks like in both cases scope pattern is a same
Please advise
Try uvm_bitstream_t instead of int:
if (!uvm_config_db#(uvm_bitstream_t)::get(null, "", "path_index",i)) begin

Unable to fetch "ReadWrite" Variable Value in Script Component of SSIS

In Script Component [Input0_ProcessInputRow], i am trying to fetch "ReadWrite" global variable value and it throws below error.
The collection of variables locked for read and write access is not available outside of PostExecute.
Below is my code
If Row.Column13 = "C" Then
Variables.mTotalCreditCount = Variables.mTotalCreditCount - 1
Variables.mTotalCreditAmount = Variables.mTotalCreditAmount - CDbl(Row.Column14)
ElseIf Row.Column13 = "D" Then
Variables.mTotalDebitCount = Variables.mTotalDebitCount - 1
Variables.mTotalDebitAmount = Variables.mTotalDebitAmount - CDbl(Row.Column14)
End If
I also tried to read the value in local variable and then assign to global variable in the PostExecute() as below. No Luck
If Row.Column13 = "C" Then
mTotalCrCnt = Variables.mTotalCreditCount - 1
mTotalCrAmt = Variables.mTotalCreditAmount - CDbl(Row.Column14)
ElseIf Row.Column13 = "D" Then
mTotalDbCnt = Variables.mTotalDebitCount
mTotalDbCnt = mTotalDbCnt - 1
mTotalDbAmt = Variables.mTotalDebitAmount
mTotalDbAmt = mTotalDbAmt - CDbl(Row.Column14)
End If
Public Overrides Sub PostExecute()
Variables.ProcessCount = intProcessCount
Variables.mTotalCreditCount = mTotalCrCnt
Variables.mTotalCreditAmount = mTotalCrAmt
Variables.mTotalDebitCount = mTotalDbCnt
Variables.mTotalDebitAmount = mTotalDbAmt
End Sub
Any assistance please?
Looking to your comment it looks that you have solved the issue, but i am posting this answer to give information about how working with variables in a SSIS script and how to solve a similar issue, so it can helps other users
SSIS Variables
Variables Stores values that can be used in all SSIS components and containers.
Integration Services supports two types of variables: user-defined variables and system variables. User-defined variables are defined by package developers, and system variables are defined by Integration Services. You can create as many user-defined variables as a package requires, but you cannot create additional system variables. More info in this MSDN article
Using Variables in Script components
Every script has a ReadOnlyVariables and ReadWriteVariables Lists that can be defined on the Script page.
ReadOnlyVariables can be accessed from all script Sub's and they are Read-Only as they are named.
The collection of ReadWriteVariables is only available in the PostExecute method to maximize performance and minimize the risk of locking conflicts. Therefore you cannot directly increment the value of a package variable as you process each row of data. Increment the value of a local variable instead, and set the value of the package variable to the value of the local variable in the PostExecute method after all data has been processed. You can also use the VariableDispenser property to work around this limitation. However, writing directly to a package variable as each row is processed will negatively impact performance and increase the risk of locking conflicts. More in this MSDN article
Methods to Work with Variables
There are 3 Methods to work with variables:
Accessing them directly after having selected them as ReadOnlyVariables or ReadWriteVariables in the script page
Using a Variables Dispenser (LockForRead and LockForWrite methods)
IDTSVariables100 vars = null;
VariableDispenser.GetVariables(out vars);
string TaskName = vars["User::MyVariable"].Value.ToString();
Using SSIS Logging Task: to read variable and log them to Execution Log, Message Box or File
There are many articles Talking about this methods and you can refer to them to learn more
VariableDispenser.GetVariables Method (Variables)
VariableDispenser.LockForWrite Method (String)
3 Ways -SSIS Read Write Variables – Script Task C# / VB.net
Read and Write variables in a Script Component in SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) using C#
Use SSIS Variables and Parameters in a Script Task

Sandboxing in Lua 5.2

I am learning from "Programing in Lua" by Roberto Ierusalimschy, and I found that in the book, the example of Sandboxing uses the function setfenv() to change the environment of a given function, but in lua 5.2 this function is no longer available.
I tried to load some values from a file (a configuration file) into a field in a table, but, in lua 5.2 I can't use setfenv ( so I can load the values in the given environment). After reading some articles about lua 5.2 I found that each function may have (or not) an upvalue called _ENV which serves as the environment, so, I tried the following code:
function sandbox(sb_func, sb_env)
if not sb_func then return nil, "sandbox function not valid" end
sb_orig_env = _ENV
_ENV = sb_env -- yes, replaces the global _ENV
pcall_res, message = pcall( sb_func )
local modified_env = _ENV -- gets the environment that was used in the pcall( sb_func )
_ENV = sb_orig_env
return true, modified_env
function readFile(filename)
code = loadfile(filename)
res, table = sandbox(code, {})
if res then
--[[ Use table (modified_env) ]]--
print("Code not valid")
Replacing _ENV in the 'sandbox' function works well (can't access the regular fields), but, when the 'code' is executed it seems that it ignores that I replaced _ENV, it still can access regular fields (print, loadfile, dofile, etc).
Reading a little more, I found that lua 5.2 provides a function for this purpose, this function is loadin(env, chunk), which runs the given chunk in the given environment, but, when I try to add this function to my code, the function doesn't exist ( Is not present in the global _G field).
Some help will be appreciated.
When you assign to _ENV from within sandbox, you're not overwriting the global environment--you're replacing the _ENV upvalue of the currently running code. Adding calls to print(_ENV) may help you better understand the identities of the tables involved.
For example:
function print_env()
function sandbox()
print(_ENV) -- prints: "table: 0x100100610"
-- need to keep access to a few globals:
_ENV = { print = print, print_env = print_env, debug = debug, load = load }
print(_ENV) -- prints: "table: 0x100105140"
print_env() -- prints: "table: 0x100105140"
local code1 = load('print(_ENV)')
code1() -- prints: "table: 0x100100610"
debug.setupvalue(code1, 1, _ENV) -- set our modified env
code1() -- prints: "table: 0x100105140"
local code2 = load('print(_ENV)', nil, nil, _ENV) -- pass 'env' arg
code2() -- prints: "table: 0x100105140"
The loadin function was present in some pre-release versions of Lua 5.2 but was removed before the final release. Instead, the Lua 5.2 load and loadfile functions take an env argument. You can also modify the _ENV of another function using debug.setupvalue.
