I have a 2D array (typical size about 400x100) as shown (it looks like a trapezium because elements in the lower right are nan). For each element in the array, I want to perform a numerical integral along the column for several elements (of the order of ~10 elements). In physics language think of the colour as the magnitude of the force, and I want to find the work done by calculating th integral of Fdz. I can use a double for-loop and use trap to do the job, but are there other more efficient ways (probably mkaing use of arrays and vectorization) to do it in Matlab or python? My ultimate goal is to find the point where the evaluated integral is the largest. So from the image in which yellow represents large value, we expect the integral to be the largest somewhere on the right side above the dotted line.
Also, it is relatively easy if the number of points I want to integrate is an integer, but what if I want to integrate, say, 7.5 points? I am thinking of using fit to interpolate the points, but I'm not sure if that's over-complicating the task.
You can use cumsum to speedup trap. Calculating the cummulative sum (1-dimensional integral images proposed by #Benjamin)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> csdata = np.cumsum(data, axis=1)
Integrate with a discrete length
>>> npoints = 6
>>> result = np.zeros_like(data)
>>> result[:-npoints, :] = csdata[npoints:, :] - csdata[:-npoints, :]
The result is a vectorization of cumdata[i+npoints, j] - cumdata[i, j] for every i, j in the image. It will fill with zeros last npoints rows. You can reflect the boundary with np.pad if you want to prevent this.
For non-discrete intervals, you can work with interpolations:
>>> from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
>>> C = 0.5 # to interpolate every npoints+C pixels
>>> y, x = np.mgrid[:data.shape[0], :data.shape[1]]
>>> ynew, xnew = np.mgrid[C:data.shape[0]+C, :data.shape[1]]
>>> f = interp2d(x, y, csdata)
>>> csnew = f(xnew, ynew)
The above shifts a regular grid C pixels in y direction, and interpolates the cummulative data csdata at those points (in practice, it vectorices interpolation for every pixel).
Then the integral of npoints+C length can be obtained as
>>> npoints = 6
>>> result = np.zeros_like(data)
>>> result[:-npoints, :] = csnew[npoints:, :] - csdata[:-npoints, :]
Note that the upper bound is now csnew (a shift of 6 actually gets the 6.5 element), making it integrate every 6.5 points in practice.
You can then find the maximum point as
>>> idx = np.argmax(result.ravel()) # ravel to get the 1D maximum point
>>> maxy, maxx = np.unravel_index(idx, data.shape) # get 2D coordinates of idx
I am trying to take numbers from two intervals in Julia. The problem is the following,
I am trying to create concentric spheres and I need to generate vectors of dimension equal to 15 filled with numbers taken from each circle. The code is:
rmax = 5
ra = fill(0.0,1,rmax)
for i=1:rmax-1
ra[:,rmax].= 0
for i=1:3
ptset = Any[]
for j=1:200
yt= 0
yt= rand(Truncated(Normal(0, 1), -ra[i], ra[i] ))
if -ra[(i+1)] < yt <= -ra[i] || ra[(i+1)] <= yt < ra[i]
if length(ptset) == 15
Here, I am trying to generate spheres with uniform random numbers inside of each one; In this case, yt is only part of the construction of the numbers inside the sphere.
I would like to generate points in a sphere with radius r0 (ra[:,4] for this case), then points distributed from the edge of the first sphere to the second one wit radius r1 (here ra[:,3]) and so on.
In order to do that, I try to take elements that fulfill one of the two conditions -ra[(i+1)] < yt <= -ra[i]
or ra[(i+1)] <= yt < ra[i], i.e. I would like to generate a vector with positive and negative numbers. I used the operator || but it seems to take only the positive part. I am new in Julia and I am not sure how to take the elements from both parts of the interval. Does anyone has a hit on how to do it?. Thanks in advance
I hope I understood you correctly. First, we need to be able to sample uniformly from an N-dimensional shell with radii r0 and r1:
using Random
using LinearAlgebra: normalize
struct Shell{N}
Base.eltype(::Type{<:Shell}) = Vector{Float64}
function Random.rand(rng::Random.AbstractRNG, d::Random.SamplerTrivial{Shell{N}}) where {N}
shell = d[]
Δ = shell.r1 - shell.r0
θ = normalize(randn(N)) # uniformly distributed N-dimensional direction of length 1
r = shell.r0 .* θ # scale to a point on the interior of the shell
return r .+ Δ .* θ .* .√rand(N) # add a uniformly random segment between r0 and r1
(See here for more info about hooking into Random. You could equally implement a new Distribution, but that's not really necessary.)
Most importantly, a truncated normal will not result in a uniform distribution, but neither will adding a uniform scaling into the right direction: see here for why the square root is necessary (and I hope I got it right; you should check the math once more).
Then we can just create a sequence of shell samples with nested radii:
rmax = 5
rad = 10.0
ra = range(0, rad, length=rmax)
ptset = [rand(Shell{2}(ra[i], ra[i+1]), 15) for i = 1:(rmax - 1)]
(This part I wasn't really sure about, but the point should be clear.)
This is probably a trivial question, but I want to select a portion of a complex array in order to plot it in Matlab. My MWE is
n = 100;
t = linspace(-1,1,n);
x = rand(n,1)+1j*rand(n,1);
I get an error
Error using plot
Vectors must be the same length.
because the real(x(45):x(55)) bit returns an empty matrix: Empty matrix: 1-by-0. What is the easiest way to fix this problem without creating new vectors for the real and imaginary x?
It was just a simple mistake. You were doing t(45):t(55), but t is generated by rand, so t(45) would be, say, 0.1, and t(55), 0.2, so 0.1:0.2 is only 0.1. See the problem?
Then when you did it for x, the range was different and thus the error.
What you want is t(45:55), to specify the vector positions from 45 to 55.
This is what you want:
n = 100;
t = linspace(-1,1,n);
x = rand(n,1)+1j*rand(n,1);
Suppose I have an MxNx3 array A, where the first two indexes refer to the coordinates a point, and the last index (the number '3') refers to the three components of a vector. e.g. A[4,7,:] = [1,2,3] means that the vector at point (7,4) is (1,2,3).
Now I need to implement the following operations:
Lx = D*ux - (x-xo)
Ly = D*uy + (y-yo)
Lz = D
where D, ux, uy, xo, yo are all constants that are already known. Lx, Ly and Lz are the three components of the vector at each point (x,y) (note: x is the column index and y is the row index respectively). The biggest problem is about the x-xo and y-yo, as x and y are different for different points. So how to carry out these operations for an MxNx3 array efficiently, using vectorized code or some other fast methods?
You could use the meshgrid function from numpy:
import numpy as np
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y, sparse=False, indexing='ij')
A[:,:,0]=D*ux - (xv-xo)
A[:,:,1]=D*uy - (yv-yo)
If you want to operate on the X and Y values, you should include them in the matrix (or in other matrix) instead of relying in their indexes.
For that, you could use some of range creation routines from Numpy, specially numpy.mgrid.
i am trying to learn matlab.
I am trying to make a program that draw these imaginary numbers: ("," = decimal number)
and determine what of the 500 numbers that is closest the real axis.
And i need a little guidance.
What do i have to do to solve this task?
I was thinking about making a loop where all the "values" get stored in a array:
n= 1
while n < 500
(seems like value is printing wrong values? and how to store in a array?)
And then somehow determine what number that is nearest the real axis and then display the value.
would be really grateful if someone could help me.
thanks in advance.
MATLAB creates imaginary numbers by appending an i or j term with the number. For example, if you wanted to create an imaginary number such that the real component was 1 and the imaginary component was 1, you would simply do:
>> A = 1 + i
A =
1.0000 + 1.0000i
You can see that there is a distinct real component as well as an imaginary component and is stored in A. Similarly, if you want to make the imaginary component have anything other than 1, you would need to add a constant in front of the i (or j). Something like:
>> A = 3 + 6i
A =
3.0000 + 6.0000i
Therefore, for your task, you simply need to create a vector of n between 1 to 500, input this into the above equation, then plot the resulting imaginary numbers. In this case, you would plot the real component on the x axis and the imaginary component on the y axis. Something like:
>> n = 1 : 500;
>> A = (1 + 0.1i).^n;
>> plot(real(A), imag(A));
real and imag are functions in MATLAB that access the real and imaginary components of complex numbers stored in arrays, matrices or single values. As noted by knedlsepp, you can simply plot the array itself as plot can handle complex-valued arrays:
>> plot(A);
Nice picture btw! Be mindful of the . operator appended with the ^ operator. The . means an element-wise operation. This means that we wish to apply the power operation for each value of n from 1 to 500 with 1 + 0.1i as the base. The result would be a 500 element array with the resulting calculations. If we did ^ by itself, we would be expecting to perform a matrix power operation, when this is not the case.
The values that you want to analyze for each value of n being applied to the equation in your post are stored in A. We then plot the real and imaginary components on the graph. Now if you want to find which numbers are closest to the real axis, you simply need to find the smallest absolute imaginary component of the numbers stored in A, then search for all of those numbers that share this number.
>> min_dist = min(abs(imag(A)));
>> vals = A(abs(imag(A)) == min_dist)
vals =
1.3681 - 0.0056i
This means that the value of 1.3681 - 0.0056i is the closest to the real axis.
I have a large data set with two arrays, say x and y. The arrays have over 1 million data points in size. Is there a simple way to do a scatter plot of only 2000 of these points but have it be representative of the entire set?
I'm thinking along the lines of creating another array r ; r = max(x)*rand(2000,1) to get a random sample of the x array. Is there a way to then find where a value in r is equal to, or close to a value in x ? They wouldn't have to be in the same indexed location but just throughout the whole matrix. We could then plot the y values associated with those found x values against r
I'm just not sure how to code this. Is there a better way than doing this?
I'm not sure how representative this procedure will be of your data, because it depends on what your data looks like, but you can certainly code up something like that. The easiest way to find the closest value is to take the min of the abs of the difference between your test vector and your desired value.
r = max(x)*rand(2000,1);
for i = 1:length(r)
[~,z(i)] = min(abs(x-r(i)));
Note that the [~,z(i)] in the min line means we want to store the index of the minimum value in vector z.
You might also try something like a moving average, see this video: http://blogs.mathworks.com/videos/2012/04/17/using-convolution-to-smooth-data-with-a-moving-average-in-matlab/
Or you can plot every n points, something like (I haven't tested this, so no guarantees):
n = 1000;
Or, if you know the number of points you want (again, untested):
npoints = 2000;
interval = round(length(x)/npoints);
Perhaps the easiest way is to use round function and convert things to integers, then they can be compared. For example, if you want to find points that are within 0.1 of the values of r, multiply the values by 10 first, then round:
r = max(x) * round(2000,1);
rr = round(r / 0.1);
xx = round(x / 0.1);
inRR = ismember(xx, rr)
plot(x(inRR), y(inRR));
By dividing by 0.1, any values that have the same integer value are within 0.1 of each other.
ismember returns a 1 for each value of xx if that value is in rr, otherwise a 0. These can be used to select entries to plot.