SSRS parameterized query slow on Sharepoint - sql-server

Having an issue when running a report with a cascading parameter on Sharepoint.
After you enter the first parameter (#Suburb) it takes approx. 10sec before displaying the drop-down list of postcodes. Running SQL Server Profiler I can see that the actual query returns in 9ms.
The dataset is just a query, not a stored procedure, for the second parameter and looks like this:
FROM SuburbData
WHERE Locality = #Suburb
So far I have tried the following answers found on here, such as assigning the parameter to a variable like so:
DECLARE #Locale CHAR(100)
SET #Locale = #Suburb
FROM SuburbData
WHERE Locality = #Locale;
Adding the OPTION (RECOMPILE) hint to the end of the query.
Creating a stored procedure of the above query.
The parameter is of data type TEXT.
Why the delay in displaying the result?


Pass parameter from Excel to SQL in PowerQuery

I want to set local variables or pass parameters from Excel to SQL. I've found similar questions, but all referred to old versions of Excel and/or the answers showed how to filter or manipulate output from a generic SQL query in the Power Query Editor, rather than pass a parameter or modify the SQL, so that the SQL Server supplies data in the needed form.
I'm building a large Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that depends on ten different SQL queries, all against a common SQL Server database. Excel and SQL Server are installed on my laptop and are current versions (as of 16 Mar 2022). All ten queries share a common date restriction, imposed in the WHERE clauses of the queries. The tables accessed and the form of output are very different, so there is no easy way to combine the ten queries into a single query. The queries contain multiple levels of aggregation (e.g. SUM(...)) so I need to restrict the records accessed prior to aggregation and passing results from the query back to Excel.
As currently written, each query begins by setting two date values in local variables. For example,
DECLARE #BEGIN_DATE AS smalldatetime;
DECLARE #END_DATE AS smalldatetime;
#BEGIN_DATE = CAST('2021-03-01 00:00' AS smalldatetime);
#END_DATE = CAST('2021-03-02 23:59' AS smalldatetime);
Every one of the ten queries includes a line in the WHERE clause similar to
Every query will use the same pair of dates. However, the column filtered (PickUpDate above) changes from one query to the next.
As it is, I have to manually edit each of the ten queries to change the two dates--twenty edits in all. This is time-consuming and error-prone. Ideally, I'd like to set the date range in the spreadsheet, in a pop-up dialog box, or any other convenient way and pass the dates to the SQL queries. Then by selecting Data > Refresh All in Excel, update all my tables at once.
Is this possible, and if so, how does one do it?
The answer from David Browne is generally on-target. But I found some difficulties reading data from an Excel table directly into the SQL, given security restrictions in the latest version of Excel/Power Query. Also, since this was the first time I worked directly in M-code and the advanced editor, it was challenging to fill-in the gaps.
I finally got a nice solution running; here is what worked for me.
First, I stored the parameter values in a two-column table. My table is named "ParameterTable" with column headers named "Parameter_Name" and "Value". The value(s) to pass to SQL Server are stored in the Value column. My table has two rows with row entries labeled "Begin_DateTime" and "End_DateTime".
Secondly I created a callable function named “ftnGetParameter.” Select Data > Get Data > From Other Sources > Blank Query. Then select “Advanced Editor.” Delete any boilerplate added by Excel, and enter and save this function
let theParameter=(TableName,ParameterLabel) =>
value = Source{[Parameter_Name=ParameterLabel]}[Value]
Thirdly, code-up your SQL statement as usual. I was trying to pass dates to SQL, so I initially coded with string literals. Enter the query in the usual way. I used Data > Get Data > From Database > From SQL Server Database. Then pasted in the SQL. The two relevant lines in my query looked like this:
You could skip this step, but it allowed me to get complex SQL code entered, formatted, and running before I invoked the function to pass the parameters.
Finally, simply replace the string literals in the SQL with code to call the function. My first few lines of M-code looks like this:
Source = Sql.Database("DESKTOP-04P8E8C", "nfbdata",
DECLARE #BEGIN_DATE AS SMALLDATETIME= '" & ftnGetParameter("ParameterTable","Begin_DateTime") & "';
DECLARE #END_DATE AS SMALLDATETIME='" & ftnGetParameter("ParameterTable","End_DateTime") & "' (… the query continues )
Excel will issue some warnings about running the query and prompt you to edit permissions. Once permission has been granted, the function reads the text from the parameter table and passes it into the SQL.
I found that the function call was not optional. Apparently, importing the code directly into a native call to SQL Server is considered an unacceptable security risk.
Many thanks to Mr. David Browne. His post definitely points in the right direction.
You can reference a table on a sheet from Power Query and integrate values from that table into your other queries. Eg if ParameterTable is a single-row table on some worksheet with a column called "StartDate", something like
theDate = Date.From( Record.Field(Table.First(ParameterTable),"StartDate") ),
Source = Sql.Databases("localhost"),
AdventureWorksDW2017 = Source{[Name="AdventureWorksDW2017"]}[Data],
dbo_DimDate = AdventureWorksDW2017{[Schema="dbo",Item="DimDate"]}[Data],
#"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(dbo_DimDate, each [FullDateAlternateKey] = theDate )
#"Filtered Rows"
for M query folding, or
theDate = Date.From( Record.Field(Table.First(ParameterTable),"StartDate") ),
sql = "
select *
from dimDate
where FullDateAlternateKey = '" & Text.From(theDate) & "'
Source = Sql.Database("localhost", "adventureworksdw2017", [Query=sql])
for dynamic SQL.

Pass dummy Parameter to SQL Query

I am new to sql query and got stuck in middle of some query.
Issue:- my query where condition is like this
"where new_FleetSeries in (#fleet)" now in report everything is working fine.
But i want to make this query run in SQL for testing and in order to test i have created on variable and manually filled the values something like below.
Declare #fleet varchar(150) SET #fleet= ('B777,B777F-200, B777F-200L')
Now if i select the same parameters from report my report gives me result but same parameters if i fill manually didnt gives me result in SQL.
The IN clause must have values not only one string
something like this
where new_FleetSeries in ('B777','B777F-200', 'B777F-200L')
so instead of filling a parameter , you have to concatenate those values to the original query

Dynamic SQL Insert: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition

I encounter some strange behavior with a dynamic SQL Query.
In a stored procedure I construct an insert query string out of multiple Strings. I execute the insert query in the SP like that - due to single nvarchar length restrictions.
If I print each part of the query, put these parts together and execute them manually in Management Studio the query works fine and inserts the data. But, if i execute the query in the EXEC() Method in the stored procedure, I get a
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
Error Message.
Did multiple check on the amount, spelling of columns in my query and in my insert table, but I have not found any differences so far.
Any advices?
Your count of columns for insert are different from count of columns for select. Print the statement before exec and find the error.
It as shot in the dark but seen you are telling the queries are valid and if you build the final query manually and it is working, the issue could be caused by string truncation.
Could you try:
EXEC(CAST(#QuerySelectPT AS VARCHAR(MAX))+#QueryFromPT+#QueryFromPT);
Also, as the Management Studio's message tab and selects are limited to 4000 symbols I think, you can test if the whole query is assembled correctly like this:
SELECT CAST(#QuerySelectPT+#QueryFromPT+#QueryFromPT AS XML)

SSRS: Dataset2 not showing data inserted in Dataset1

I have two datasets namely Dataset1 and Dataset2.
Dataset1 is a query type of "Stored Procedure". The sp "TestProcpk" is selected and parameter "value" is mapped to it.
TestProcpk query:
Create procedure TestProcpk #value varchar(20)
insert into testProc select #value
Dataset2 uses the above table as below (Dataset2 fields are used in the report display):
select value from testProc
where value = #value
Note: table "testProc" is empty.
While running the report I select parameter value as "ABC". The report should display value "ABC".
Why Dataset2 is not reflecting the value "ABC" in same time? Any other workaround to achieve this.
I believe your problem is due to SSRS running the transaction in parallel. The table isn't created from Dataset 1 when Dataset 2 is run.
In the Datasource Properties, on the General tab there is a setting for Use single transaction when processing queries. This forces the queries to run one at a time in a single transaction (great for using temp tables). Check this box and it should work as you expect. It will execute in the order of your datasets (top down).
For more info:

Sql Server Reporting Services Must Declare the scalar variable #param

I have a Sql Server reporting services project. I have a dataset query called Total where I select certain data based on a parameter:
select ...
from ...
group by ...
having prop_id = #PropID
Now to populate a list of multiple values for this parameter, I have a dataset query called AllProps that selects all possible prop_id's:
select prop_id from proposal
order by prop_id
Now in the Report Data Pane I select the parameter properties from #PropID and fill out the forms as follows:
Under General I have,
Name: PropID
Data type: Text
(I select "Allow multiple values")
Under Available values I have,
Get values from a query
Dataset: AllProps
Value Fields: prop_id
label field: prop_id
Under Default Values I have,
Get values from a query
Dataset: AllProps
Valuefield: prop_id
When I click the preview tab to see my report I get the following error:
An error occurred during local report processing. An error has occurred during report processing. Query execution failed for dataset 'Total'.
Where did I go wrong? What is scalar variable in SSRS and how is it properly used?
The query which you have written needs to be corrected .Since you have selected multiple values you need to use in clause .
Select col1,col2....
from TableName
where prop_id in (#PropID)
in stored procedure you can directly pass the parameter and split the values using a function inside stored procedure.
if parameter is directly passed to a sql query instead of stored procedure, then concatenate the parameter values using a join and pass to datasetenter image description here
