I looked through some "FGETS" questions before posting, and what i gathered is it may be a new line character thats causing the issue for the manual input.
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ){
char temp[1000];
FILE *user_file;
printf("Starting....\n"); //Used for user visual.
if(argc == 2){ //open file
user_file = fopen(argv[1],"r");
if( user_file == NULL ){
printf("No file was found.");
}else if( argc > 2 ){ // Will exit if arguments are greater than 2.
printf("Maximum args 2.\n");
printf("File was not provided, please enter the text to convert.\n"); //If the user doesnt provide a file allow manual input.
return 0;
}//End main
Why is fgets not opening the txt file I provide it with on the cmd line, and storing it to the temp array?
Why is Fgets being skipped over in the "else" statment if the file is not provided?
Why is print being skipped over in both instances?
Hey and by the way thank you very much for the assistance.
If you know a similar question that has been asked, can you post it in the comments so I can read it.
Your code has multiple problems.
Here's the first problem:
char temp[1000];
Your buffer declaration does not initialize the buffer's contents - so the value of each char value will be whatever was in the raw memory previously. In C most strings are "null-terminated" so having a terminating NULL (0 - zero) is important otherwise you can run into buffer-overruns.
The "best" approach is to zero-out (zero-initialize) the array/buffer before you use it, like so (in C99):
char temp[1000] = {0};
...this way temp will contain all 0 values (NULL) so anything written to it (provided it's no longer than 999 bytes) will automatically have a null-terminator (though fgets will append a terminating 0 value, but not every function in C does this).
The second problem is related to the first: you're using the runtime string-length function strlen to get the size of the strlen buffer. This is incorrect as the buffer sized is fixed at compile-time to 1000. The strlen will return the index of the first 0 (NULL) char value, which is undefined behavior at this point because you haven't zero-initialized the buffer anyway (so it could return 0 immediately if the buffer's original raw data contained a zero, or it could overrun 1000 because there was never any zero value.
...thus you need to re-use the buffer-length, like so:
#define TEMP_LENGTH 1000
char temp[ TEMP_LENGTH ];
fgets( temp, TEMP_LENGTH, user_file );
Finally, you're making the same mistake when you call fgets( temp, ..., stdin ).
The array temp[] is uninitialized, and you attempt to find strlen(temp). You don't even know if there is a NUL stored in the array. Try doing:
#define MAXLINE 1000
and changing your calls to fgets():
fgets(temp, MAXLINE, user_file);
fgets(temp, MAXLINE, stdin);
Here problem is in your code, instead of passed numerical value in second argument you passed strlen(temp).
right way is :-
So far I have been using if statements to check the size of the user-inputted strings. However, they don't see to be very useful: no matter the size of the input, the while loop ends and it returns the input to the main function, which then just outputs it.
I don't want the user to enter anything greater than 10, but when they do, the additional characters just overflow and are outputted on a newline. The whole point of these if statements is to stop that from happening, but I haven't been having much luck.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 10
char *readLine(char *buf, size_t sz) {
int true = 1;
while(true == 1) {
printf("> ");
fgets(buf, sz, stdin);
buf[strcspn(buf, "\n")] = 0;
if(strlen(buf) < 2 || strlen(buf) > sz) {
printf("Invalid string size\n");
if(strlen(buf) > 2 && strlen(buf) < sz) {
true = 0;
return buf;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char buffer[SIZE];
while(1) {
char *input = readLine(buffer, SIZE);
printf("%s\n", input);
Any help towards preventing buffer overflow would be much appreciated.
When the user enters in a string longer than sz, your program processes the first sz characters, but then when it gets back to the fgets call again, stdin already has input (the rest of the characters from the user's first input). Your program then grabs another up to sz characters to process and so on.
The call to strcspn is also deceiving because if the "\n" is not in the sz chars you grab than it'll just return sz-1, even though there's no newline.
After you've taken input from stdin, you can do a check to see if the last character is a '\n' character. If it's not, it means that the input goes past your allowed size and the rest of stdin needs to be flushed. One way to do that is below. To be clear, you'd do this only when there's been more characters than allowed entered in, or it could cause an infinite loop.
while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF)
However, trying not to restructure your code too much how it is, we'll need to know if your buffer contains the newline before you set it to 0. It will be at the end if it exists, so you can use the following to check.
int containsNewline = buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n'
Also be careful with your size checks, you currently don't handle the case for a strlen of 2 or sz. I would also never use identifier names like "true", which would be a possible value for a bool variable. It makes things very confusing.
In case that string inside the file is longer that 10 chars, your fgets() reads only the first 10 chars into buf. And, because these chars doesn't contain the trailing \n, function strcspn(buf, "\n") returns 10 - it means, you are trying to set to 0 an buf[10], so it is over buf[] boundaries (max index is 9).
Additionally, never use true or false as the name of variable - it totally diminishes the code. Use something like 'ok' instead.
Finally: please clarify, what output is expected in case the file contains string longer than 10 characters. It should be truncated?
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 5 years ago.
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So I'm trying to make it so that you can write text into a file until you make a newline or type -1. My problem is that when you write, it just keeps going until it crashes and gives the error "Stack around the variable "inputChoice" was corrupted".
I believe the problem is that the program doesn't stop accepting stdin when you want to stop typing (-1, newline) and that causes the error. I've tried with a simple scanf and it works, but you can only write a word. No spaces and it doesn't support multiple lines either. That's why I have to use fgets
Judging from your comments, I assume that there are some basic concepts in C
that you haven't fully understood, yet.
A C-String is a sequence of bytes. This sequence must end with the value 0.
Every value in the sequence represents a character based on the
ASCII encoding, for example the
character 'a' is 97, 'b' is 98, etc. The character '\0' has
the value 0 and it's the character that determines the end of the string.
That's why you hear a lot that C-Strings are '\0'-terminated.
In C you use an array of chars (char string[], char string[SOME VALUE]) to
save a string. For a string of length n, you need an array of dimension n+1, because
you also need one space for the terminating '\0' character.
When dealing with strings, you always have to think about the proper type,
whether your are using an array or a pointer. A pointer
to char doesn't necessarily mean that you are dealing with a C-String!
Why am I telling you this? Because of:
char inputChoice = 0;
printf("Do you wish to save the Input? (Y/N)\n");
scanf("%s", &inputChoice);
I haven't changed much, got very demotivated after trying for a while.
I changed the %s to an %c at scanf(" %c, &inputChoice) and that
seems to have stopped the program from crashing.
which shows that haven't understood the difference between %s and %c.
The %c conversion specifier character tells scanf that it must match a single character and it expects a pointer to char.
man scanf
Matches a sequence of characters whose length is specified by the maximum field
width (default 1); the next pointer must be a
pointer to char, and there must be enough room for all the characters
(no terminating null byte is added). The usual skip of
leading white space is suppressed. To skip white space first, use an explicit space in the format.
Forget the bit about the length, it's not important right now.
The important part is in bold. For the format scanf("%c", the function
expects a pointer to char and its not going to write the terminating '\0'
character, it won't be a C-String. If you want to read one letter and one
letter only:
char c;
scanf("%c", &c);
// also possible, but only the first char
// will have a defined value
char c[10];
scanf("%c", c);
The first one is easy to understand. The second one is more interesting: Here
you have an array of char of dimension 10 (i.e it holds 10 chars). scanf
will match a single letter and write it on c[0]. However the result won't be
a C-String, you cannot pass it to puts nor to other functions that expect
C-Strings (like strcpy).
The %s conversion specifier character tells scanf that it must match a sequence of non-white-space characters
man scanf
Matches a sequence of non-white-space characters; the next pointer must be a
pointer to the initial element of a character array that is long enough to
hold the input sequence and the terminating null byte ('\0'), which is added
Here the result will be that a C-String is saved. You also have to have enough
space to save the string:
char string[10];
scanf("%s", string);
If the strings matches 9 or less characters, everything will be fine, because
for a string of length 9 requires 10 spaces (never forget the terminating
'\0'). If the string matches more than 9 characters, you won't have enough
space in the buffer and a buffer overflow (accessing beyond the size) occurs.
This is an undefined behaviour and anything can happen: your program might
crash, your program might not crash but overwrites another variable and thus
scrwes the flow of your program, it could even kill a kitten somewhere, do
you really want to kill kittens?
So, do you see why your code is wrong?
char inputChoice = 0;
scanf("%s", &inputChoice);
inputChoice is a char variable, it can only hold 1 value.
&inputChoice gives you the address of the inputChoice variable, but the
char after that is out of bound, if you read/write it, you will have an
overflow, thus you kill a kitten. Even if you enter only 1 character, it will
write at least 2 bytes and because you it only has space for one character, a kitten will die.
So, let's talk about your code.
From the perspective of an user: Why would I want to enter lines of text, possibly a lot of lines of text
and then answer "No, I don't want to save the lines". It doesn't make sense to
In my opinion you should first ask the user whether he/she wants to save the
input first, and then ask for the input. If the user doesn't want to save
anything, then there is no point in asking the user to enter anything at
all. But that's just my opinion.
If you really want to stick to your plan, then you have to save every line and
when the user ends entering data, you ask and you save the file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define BUFFERLEN 1024
void printFile () {
int i;
char openFile[BUFFERLEN];
FILE *file;
printf("What file do you wish to write in?\n");
scanf("%s", openFile);
file = fopen(openFile, "w");
if (file == NULL) {
printf("Could not open file.\n");
// we save here all lines to be saved
char **lines = NULL;
int num_of_lines = 0;
char buffer[BUFFERLEN];
printf("Enter an empty line of -1 to end input\n");
// for simplicity, we assume that no line will be
// larger than BUFFERLEN - 1 chars
while(fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, stdin))
// we should check if the last character is \n,
// if not, buffer was not large enough for the line
// or the stream closed. For simplicity, I will ignore
// these cases
int len = strlen(buffer);
if(buffer[len - 1] == '\n')
buffer[len - 1] = '\0';
if(strcmp(buffer, "") == 0 || strcmp(buffer, "-1") == 0)
break; // either an empty line or user entered "-1"
char *line = strdup(buffer);
if(line == NULL)
break; // if no more memory
// process all lines that already have been entered
char **tmp = realloc(lines, (num_of_lines+1) * sizeof *tmp);
if(tmp == NULL)
break; // same reason as for strdup failing
lines = tmp;
lines[num_of_lines++] = line; // save the line and increase num_of_lines
char inputChoice = 0;
printf("Do you wish to save the Input? (Y/N)\n");
scanf("%c", &inputChoice);
if (inputChoice == 'Y' || inputChoice == 'y') {
for(i = 0; i < num_of_lines; ++i)
fprintf(file, "%s\n", lines[i]); // writing every line
printf("Your file has been saved\n");
printf("Please press any key to continue");
// closing FILE buffer
// free memory
for(i = 0; i < num_of_lines; ++i)
int main(void)
return 0;
Remarks on the code
I used the same code as yours as the base for mine, so that you can spot the
differences much quicker.
I use the macro BUFFERLEN for declaring the length of the buffers. That's
my style.
Look at the fgets line:
fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, stdin)
I use here sizeof buffer instead of 1024 or BUFFERLEN. Again, that's my
style, but I think doing this is better, because even if you change the size
of the buffer by changing the macro, or by using another explicit size, sizeof buffer
will always return the correct size. Be aware that this only works when
buffer is an array.
The function strdup returns a pointer a pointer to a new string that
duplicates the argument. It's used to create a new copy of a string. When
using this function, don't forget that you have to free the memory using
free(). strdup is not part of the standard library, it conforms
to SVr4, 4.3BSD, POSIX.1-2001. If you use Windows (I don't use Windows,
I'm not familiar with the Windows ecosystem), this function might not be
present. In that case you can write your own:
char *strdup(const char *s)
char *str = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
if(str == NULL)
return NULL;
strcpy(str, s);
return str;
I need to save every line of text file in c in a variable.
Here's my code
int main()
char firstname[100];
char lastname[100];
char string_0[256];
char string[256] = "Vanilla Twilight";
char string2[256];
FILE *file;
file = fopen("record.txt","r");
while(fgets(string_0,256,file) != NULL)
fgets(string2, 256, file);
printf("%s\n", string2);
if(strcmp(string, string2)==0)
printf("A match has been found");
return 0;
Some lines are stored in the variable and printed on the cmd but some are skipped.
What should I do? When I tried sscanf(), all lines were complete but only the first word of each line is printed. I also tried ffscanf() but isn't working too. In fgets(), words per line are complete, but as I've said, some lines are skipped (even the first line).
I'm just a beginner in programming, so I really need help. :(
You're skipping over the check every odd number of lines, as you have two successive fgets() calls and only one strcmp(). Reduce your code to
while(fgets(string_0,256,file) != NULL)
if( ! strcmp(string_0, string2) )
printf("A match has been found\n");
FWIW, fgets() reads and stores the trailing newline, which can cause problem is string comparison, you need to take care of that, too.
As a note, you should always check the return value of fopen() for success before using the returned pointer.
So I have a wall of text in a file and I need to recognize some words that are between the $ sign and call them as numbers then print the modified text in another file along with what the numbers correspond to.
Also lines are not defined and columns should be max 80 characters.
I $like$ cats.
I [1] cats.
[1] --> like
That's what I did:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define N 80
#define MAX 9999
int main()
FILE *fp;
int i=0,count=0;
char matr[MAX][N];
if((fp = fopen("text.txt","r")) == NULL){
while((fscanf(fp,"%s",matr[i])) != EOF){
printf("%s ",matr[i]);
if(matr[i] == '\0')
//I was thinking maybe to find two $ but Idk how to replace the entire word
if(matr[i] == '$')
if(count == 2){
return 0;
My problem is that fscanf doesn't recognize '\0' so it doesn't go in the next line when I print the array..also I don't know how to replace $word$ with a number.
Not only will fscanf("%s") read one whitespace-delimited string at a time, it will also eat all whitespace between those strings, including line terminators. If you want to reproduce the input whitespace in the output, as your example suggests you do, then you need a different approach.
Also lines are not defined and columns should be max 80 characters.
I take that to mean the number of lines is not known in advance, and that it is acceptable to assume that no line will contain more than 80 characters (not counting any line terminator).
When you say
My problem is that fscanf doesn't recognize '\0' so it doesn't go in the next line when I print the array
I suppose you're talking about this code:
char matr[MAX][N];
/* ... */
if(matr[i] == '\0')
Given that declaration for matr, the given condition will always evaluate to false, regardless of any other consideration. fscanf() does not factor in at all. The type of matr[i] is char[N], an array of N elements of type char. That evaluates to a pointer to the first element of the array, which pointer will never be NULL. It looks like you're trying to determine when to write a newline, but nothing remotely resembling this approach can do that.
I suggest you start by taking #Barmar's advice to read line-by-line via fgets(). That might look like so:
char line[N+2]; /* N + 2 leaves space for both newline and string terminator */
if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) {
/* one line read; handle it ... */
} else {
/* handle end-of-file or I/O error */
Then for each line you read, parse out the "$word$" tokens by whatever means you like, and output the needed results (everything but the $-delimited tokens verbatim; the bracket substitution number for each token). Of course, you'll need to memorialize the substitution tokens for later output. Remember to make copies of those, as the buffer will be overwritten on each read (if done as I suggest above).
fscanf() does recognize '\0', under select circumstances, but that is not the issue here.
Code needs to detect '\n'. fscanf(fp,"%s"... will not do that. The first thing "%s" directs is to consume (and not save) any leading white-space including '\n'. Read a line of text with fgets().
Simple read 1 line at a time. Then march down the buffer looking for words.
Following uses "%n" to track how far in the buffer scanning stopped.
// more room for \n \0
#define BUF_SIZE (N + 1 + 1)
char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, stdin) != NULL) {
char *p = buffer;
char word[sizeof buffer];
int n;
while (sscanf(p, "%s%n", word, &n) == 1) {
// do something with word
if (strcmp(word, "$zero$") == 0) fputs("0", stdout);
else if (strcmp(word, "$one$") == 0) fputs("1", stdout);
else fputs(word, stdout);
fputc(' ', stdout);
p += n;
fputc('\n', stdout);
Use fread() to read the file contents to a char[] buffer. Then iterate through this buffer and whenever you find a $ you perform a strncmp to detect with which value to replace it (keep in mind, that there is a 2nd $ at the end of the word). To replace $word$ with a number you need to either shrink or extend the buffer at the position of the word - this depends on the string size of the number in ascii format (look solutions up on google, normally you should be able to use memmove). Then you can write the number to the cave, that arose from extending the buffer (just overwrite the $word$ aswell).
Then write the buffer to the file, overwriting all its previous contents.
I am trying to copy a string array "buff" which holds exactly 1000 lines of "OK" in it. i want to copy buff array into line array but cannot see all the 1000 lines in console output.
Here goes my code:
FILE *fp;
char buff[1000];
char* line[1000];
fp = fopen("protocol1.seq", "r");
int i;
line[i] = buff;
You have an array line[] which can hold pointers to up to 1000 lines, and you have an array buff which can hold one line (of up to 999 characters). But you have nowhere to hold 1000 different lines. As written, your line array will end up containing a bunch of copies of the exact same pointer, all pointing to buff, which will contain a copy of just the last line you read.
One way to fix this would be to call malloc to allocate memory for each line as you read it:
char *buffcopy = malloc(strlen(buff) + 1);
if(buffcopy == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n"); exit(1); }
strcpy(buffcopy, buff);
line[i] = buffcopy;
you've got a few errors.
Should you need to store all lines in an array it needs 2 dimensions, line and string.
char buff[1000][256];
Is probably what your looking for this gives 1000 lines of length 255, the final character space is for the nul byte.
Although char *line[1000] is valid it's not what you mean, was this your first attempt to get a 2d array?
Now use 256 instead of sizeof(buff) as buffer control in fgets.
In c you cannot assign strings with the = operator nor compare with ==, you use strcpy and strcmp respectively.
Rather than printing on the fly in the read loop , it may make debug and development easier to have a print function.
To avoid a weird segmentation fault it makes sense to initialise your array. Use memset setting all bytes to 0
For future reference the format %s prints all characters upto the nul byte, so printf-ing an uninitialised string can cause undefined behaviour, probably a segmentation fault, not always but occurring sometime after the offended %s