How can I create a smart pointer to an array of double. I want to convert this expression :
double* darr = new double[N]; // Notice the square brackets
using smart pointer auto_ptr
the following instruction doesn't work:
auto_ptr<double[]> darrp(new double[N]);
Also how to get the values of the array using the smart pointer.
You can't do this with std::auto_ptr, as auto_ptr does not contain a specialization for array*
Although auto_ptr doesn't allow this, you can use std::tr1::shared_ptr for a smart pointer array:
#include <tr1/memory>
std::tr1::shared_ptr<double[]> d(new double[10]);
This will compile, but shared_ptr will incorrectly call delete (instead of delete[]) on your array which is undesirable, so you will need to provide a custom deleter.
The answer here provides the code that you will need (copied verbatim), although the answer is for C++11:
template< typename T >
struct array_deleter
void operator ()( T const * p)
delete[] p;
std::shared_ptr<int> sp( new int[10], array_deleter<int>() );
Which for you, means you will need:
std::tr1::shared_ptr<double> d( new double[10], array_deleter<double>() );
To access the elements in your smart pointer array, you will first need to use get() to dereference the smart pointer to obtain the raw pointer:
std::tr1::shared_ptr<double> d( new double[10], array_deleter<double>() );
for (size_t n = 0; n < 10; ++n)
d.get()[n] = 0.2 * n;
std::cout << d.get()[n] << std::endl;
* Although your question is about C++03, it's worth noting that std::unique_ptr does contain partial specialization for an array, allowing this:
std::unique_ptr<double[]> d(new double[10]); // this will correctly call delete[]
How do I create a pointer to a 2D array of pointers? I'm trying to mutate a 2D array with different methods outside of main as well as work with it inside of main. I've had luck creating a pointer to a 2D array but I can't seem to initiate all indexes of the array to null. I can't seem to assign values either unless I pass the array to a method. This is what I tried:
BoardObject ** board;
board = malloc(BOARD_SIZE * sizeof(BoardObject));
for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++){
board[i] = malloc(BOARD_SIZE * sizeof(BoardObject));
for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; j++){
board[i][j] = NULL;
I get an error that says I can't assign type *void to BoardObject. I am probably doing it wrong but couldn't seem to find any similar issues on stack exchange. If possible please explain the solution to me. Thank you!
Note: BoardObject is a struct.
I can't seem to initiate all indexes of the array to null
Use calloc().
board = malloc(BOARD_SIZE * sizeof(BoardObject));
This code says "take a pointer-to-pointer and have it point to an array of BOARD_SIZE objects". That doesn't make any sense if you want to make an array of pointers. You should have allocated sizeof(BoardObject*).
Make the following change
board = malloc(BOARD_SIZE * sizeof(BoardObject*));
Each board[i] is a pointer to BoardObject.
Why it is giving error?
Because, board[i][j] is of BoardObject type, not BoardObject *. NULL is defined as (void *)0. Hence, you cannot assign and pointer to BoardObject. Rather, use memset or calloc as explained by others.
Just addressing what seems to be the main issue:
board[i][j] = NULL;
board[i][j] denotes a BoardObject. This code has the same problem as:
BoardObject b = NULL;
Hopefully it's clear why this doesn't work: a BoardObject is a struct, so the only thing you can initialize it with is a brace-enclosed initializer list, e.g.
BoardObject b = { 1, "foo", 5.5 };
Or if you have designed your object to work with all fields zero-initialized,
BoardObject b = { 0 };
Now, you can't specify a brace-enclosed initializer list to memory allocated via malloc. But you can copy structs by value:
BoardObject const b = { 0 };
// ...
board[i][j] = b;
This is more portable than using calloc, which sets all bits to zero. It's system-dependent whether floating-point types or pointer types have all-bits-zero as a valid representation of their zero value, although that is true for common modern systems so you would usually get away with it.
malloc returns a void pointer which you must then cast to the required type. In this case...
board = (BoardObject**) malloc( ( BOARD_SIZE * BOARD_SIZE ) * sizeof(BoardObject ) );
The reason for this is that C has no concept of any base Object type, and therefore void is required for the return from malloc such that it may allocate memory of any type.
You also, as shown in your loops need to allocate more space to your board as demonstrated in my sample code above...
I hope this helps...
I'm making my library, and just when I thought understanding the pointers syntax, I just get confused, search on the web and get even more confused.
Basically I want to make a pool, here is what I actually want to do:
the following points must be respected :
when I add an object to the pool, the pointers of the current array to the objects are
added to a new array of pointers + 1 (to contain the new object).
the new array is pointed by "objects" of my foo structure.
the old array is free'ing.
when I call the cleanup function, all the object in the pool are
How should I define my structure ?
typedef struct {
int n;
} foo;
foo *the_pool;
here's the code to manage my pool :
void myc_pool_init ()
the_pool = (???)malloc(sizeof(???));
the_pool->n = 0;
the_pool->objects = NULL;
void myc_push_in_pool (void* object)
if (object != NULL) {
int i;
new_pointers = (???)malloc(sizeof(???)*the_pool->n);
for (i = 0; i < the_pool->n - 1; ++i) {
new_pointers[i] = (the_pool->objects)[i]; // that doesn't work (as I'm not sure how to handle it)
new_array[i] = object;
the_pool->objects = new_array; // that must be wrong
void myc_pool_cleanup ()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < the_pool->n; ++i)
free((the_pool->objects)[i]); // as in myc_push_in_pool, it doesn't work
Note: the type of objects added to the pool are not known in advance, so i should handles all pointers as void
any feedback would be very welcomed.
A straight answer to your question would be: use void *. This type is very powerful as it allows you to put any kind of pointer in your pool. However, it's up to you to do the correct casts when retrieving a void * pointer from your pool.
Your struct would look like this
typedef struct {
int n;
(void **)objects
} foo;
foo *the_pool;
As in, an array of pointers.
Your malloc:
new_pointers = (void **)malloc(sizeof(void *)*the_pool->n);
There is an performance issue here. You could simply allocate an array of a fixed size, and only reallocate if the number of elements exceeds a predefined load factor (= number used/ max size)
Also, instead of allocating a new pointer each time you add something to your pool, you could just use realloc (
the_pool->objects = (void **)realloc(the_pool->objects, the_pool->n* sizeof(void*));
Realloc tries to increase the current allocated area, without the need to copy everything. Only if the function cannot increase the allocated area contiguously will it allocate a new area and copy everything.
Firstly, you already answered your "What should the type of foo.objects be?" question: void *objects;, malloc already returns void *. Your struct needs to store the size_t item_size;, too. n should probably also be a size_t.
typedef struct {
size_t item_count;
size_t item_size;
void *objects;
} foo;
foo *the_pool;
You could use a home-grown loop, but I'd consider memcpy to be a more convenient way to copy your old items to your new space, and the new item to it's new space.
Dereferencing a void * is a constraint violation, as is pointer arithmetic on a void *, so new_pointers will need to be a different type. You need a type that points to objects of the right size. You could use an array of the right number of unsigned char, like so:
// new_pointers is a pointer to array of the_pool->item_size unsigned chars.
unsigned char (*new_pointers)[the_pool->item_size] = malloc(the_pool->item_count * sizeof *new_pointers);
// copy the old items
memcpy(new_pointers, the_pool->objects, the_pool->item_count * sizeof *new_pointers);
// copy the new items
memcpy(new_pointers + the_pool->item_count, object, sizeof *new_pointers);
Remember, free() is only for pointers returned by malloc(), and there should be a one-to-one correspondence: Each malloc() should be free()d. Look how you malloc: new_pointers = malloc(sizeof(???)*the_pool->n); ... What makes you think you need a loop (in myc_pool_cleanup) to free each item, when you can free them all in one foul swoop?
You could use realloc, but you otherwise seem to be handling malloc/memcpy/free *in myc_push_in_pool* flawlessly. Lots of people tend to mess up when writing realloc code.
Sorry, this became a 3-fold question regarding arrays
I think (dynamic) arrays are truly powerful in D, but the following has been bothering me for a while:
In C++ I could easily allocate an array with designated values, but in D I haven't found a way to do so. Surely the following is no problem:
int[] a = new int[N];
a[] = a0;
But it looks inefficient, since line one will initialize with 0, and like 2 with a0. Could something similar to the following be done in D?
int[] a = new int(a0)[N]; // illegal
Another efficiency matter I have when using stride in std.range:
import std.stdio;
import std.range;
struct S
int x;
writeln("copy ", x);
void f(S[] s)
int main()
S[] s = new S[10];
foreach (i, ref v; s)
v.x = i;
f(stride(s, 3)); // error
return 0;
Surely I was naive thinking I could simply use stride to create a new array without copying it's elements? There is no way to do so in D, right?
So I went and simulated as if the array was as stride would return, and implemented f as:
f(s, 3);
void f(S[] s, uint stride)
ref S get(uint i)
assert (i * stride < s.length);
return s[i * stride];
for (uint x ... )
get(x) = ...;
Would there be a way to instead write get(x) using the index operator get[x]? This way I could statically mixin / include the striding get function and keep the rest of the function similar. I'd be interested in the approach taken, since a local struct is not allowed to access function scope variables (why not?).
But it looks inefficient, since line one will initialize with 0, and like 2 with a0. Could something similar to the following be done in D?
Use std.array.uninitializedArray
S[] s = uninitializedArray!(S[])(N);
s[] = a0;
Surely I was naive thinking I could simply use stride to create a new array without copying it's elements? There is no way to do so in D, right?
Your function f has an S[] as an argument, which is different from what stride returns. The D way to solve this is to make your f function accept any range by making it a template:
void f(Range)(Range s)
foreach (item; s)
// use item
S[] s = new S[10];
f(s); // works
f(stride(s, 3)); // works too
Alternatively you can copy the array:
f(array(stride(s, 3)));
But you probably want to avoid copying the entire array if it is large.
Would there be a way to instead write get(x) using the index operator get[x]? This way I could statically mixin / include the striding get function and keep the rest of the function similar. I'd be interested in the approach taken, since a local struct is not allowed to access function scope variables (why not?).
You can overload the indexing operator in your own struct.
struct StrideArray
this(S[] s, uint stride) { m_array = s; m_stride = stride; }
S opIndex(size_t i) { return s[i * m_stride]; }
void opIndexAssign(size_t i, S value) { s[i * m_stride] = value; }
private S[] m_array;
private uint m_stride;
This is (kind of) the way the actual stride function works. I'd recommend reading up on Ranges.
you can duplicate (create a copy of) an array with .dup (this will also work with slices) or you can set the elements with the array initializer
int[] a=a0.dup;
int[] b=[e1,e2,e3];
you can make the f generic (stride() returns a struct that you can iterate over, not an array)
void f(Z)(Z s)if(isInputRange!Z){
remember that arrays are essentially structs with a pointer field to some memory block and a size field
Having considerable trouble with some pointer arithmatic. I think I get the concepts (pointer variables point to a memory address, normal variables point to data) but I believe my problem is with the syntax (*, &, (*), *(), etc.)
What I want to do is build dynamic arrays of a custom struct (i.e. arrays of pointers to heap structs), and my interface provides two methods, "ad_to_obj_array" (which takes the object to add and the array which can be null for empty) and "obj_array_dustbin" (which just takes the array to dispose, also disposing of the contents, the heap objs). The former is rendered below.
The details of the objects are not important (and the struct has been renamed anyway) but my solution to the general problem is below, and I'd be grateful if you can spot the error. The compiler is complaining about an invalid lvalue, where I try and assign the address in the pointer on the RHS to the pointer value in an array of pointers to heap structs:
#define NUM_ELEM(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (*(x)))
obj* add_to_obj_array(obj* new_obj, obj* array)
int number_of_elements = 0;
if (array != NULL)
number_of_elements = NUM_ELEM(array);
obj* new_array = NULL;
/* note: I am expecting sizeof(new_obj) to return the size of an obj*
to go into the array of pointers. */
if ( NULL ==
(new_array = (obj*)malloc((number_of_elements + 1)* sizeof(new_obj))) )
/* memory request refused :( */
return NULL;
/* copy the old array pointers into the new array's pointer slots: */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < number_of_elements; i++)
&(new_array[i]) = &(array[i]);
/* add the new item to the end (assign pointer value directly): */
new_array[number_of_elements] = new_obj;
if (number_of_elements > 0)
return new_array;
Now, I have tried the following permutations of the offending line:
&(new_array[i]) = &(array[i]);
*(new_array[i]) = &(array[i]);
new_array[i] = &(array[i]);
and all give a compiler error of one sort or another. I am fairly sure that the right hand side is the address of the ith element of the old array, but how to I assign to the ith element of the new, when the elements of the array are pointers to structs?
EDIT - please note, the macro NUM_ELEM above DOES NOT WORK; it will always return 1. See #Merlyn Morgan-Graham's answer below for why.
Based on your description, you're starting off wrong, so by the time you get to copying things, nothing you can do is likely to work.
Right now, you've defined new_array (and, presumably, array) as a pointer to obj. The result looks like this:
In this case, you have a pointer to a dynamically allocated array of objects. When/if you expand the allocation, you'll need to copy all the objects themselves.
According to your description: "(i.e. arrays of pointers to heap structs)", what you want is an array of pointers. If you want to allocate that array of pointers automatically, your definition would look like:
obj *array[NUMBER];
My guess is that's not what you want though. Presumably, you want to allocate that array dynamically as well. That would look like this:
In this case, new_array and array will each need to be defined as a pointer to pointer to obj. You'd then allocate an array of pointers (i.e., pointers to as many objs as you want) and have each point point at an obj:
obj **new_array;
// allocate an array of pointers with space to point at more items:
new_array = malloc(sizeof(obj *) * new_elements);
// copy the pointers to the current items to the new array:
for (i=0; i<current_elements; i++)
new_array[i] = array[i];
The advantage of this is that when you do the copying, you only copy pointers, not the objects themselves. Especially with large objects, this can save a substantial amount of effort. The tradeoff is that using an element goes through two levels of indirection intead of one, so the reference may be slower (though rarely much slower, especially on a relatively high-performance processor).
As #rerun already pointed out, in either case you probably want to use realloc. In particular, this might be able to expand an allocation "in place", and avoid copying data as often. Of course, that's not guaranteed, but at least you're giving it a chance; if you malloc and copy every time, you eliminate even the possibility of that optimization.
You have two arrays doesn't new_array[i] = array[i] do what you need.
Have you looked at realloc as a possible solution.
Just assign the values across. new_array[i] = array[i].
The problem you may be running into is that, for obj* to actually be an array of pointers, obj must itself be a pointer type:
typedef struct
int value1;
} obj_pool;
typedef obj_pool* obj;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
obj_pool pool1;
pool1.value1 = 5;
obj array[] = { &pool1 };
array[0]->value1 = 16;
return 0;
Another problem you'll run into once you get this compiling is that sizeof(array) == sizeof(obj*). NUM_ELEM(array) will always return the same value. This means you'll have to pass a size_t array_size parameter to your function.
in your code elements of the array are not pointers on the structure, they are structure objects. elements of the this array obj** array are pointers on the structure obj.
#define NUM_ELEM(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (*(x)))
void add_to_obj_array(obj* new_obj, obj** array)
int number_of_elements = 0;
if (array != NULL)
number_of_elements = NUM_ELEM(array);
// expand array with one more item
array = (obj**)realloc(array, (number_of_elements + 1) * sizeof(new_obj));
if (array == NULL )
/* memory request refused :( */
// Put new item at the last place on the array
array[number_of_elements] = new_obj;
So here we used matrix (pointer on pointers of the obj structure). When we add new element we simply expand existing array for one place and on that place we put new structure object. There is no need to return value because we operate on the pointers of the objects, and all change is done on actual objects, not on their copies.
I was just reading some code and found that the person was using arr[-2] to access the 2nd element before the arr, like so:
^------------ arr[0]
^---------- arr[1]
^---------------- arr[-2]
Is that allowed?
I know that arr[x] is the same as *(arr + x). So arr[-2] is *(arr - 2), which seems OK. What do you think?
That is correct. From C99 §
The definition of the subscript
operator [] is that E1[E2] is
identical to (*((E1)+(E2))).
There's no magic. It's a 1-1 equivalence. As always when dereferencing a pointer (*), you need to be sure it's pointing to a valid address.
This is only valid if arr is a pointer that points to the second element in an array or a later element. Otherwise, it is not valid, because you would be accessing memory outside the bounds of the array. So, for example, this would be wrong:
int arr[10];
int x = arr[-2]; // invalid; out of range
But this would be okay:
int arr[10];
int* p = &arr[2];
int x = p[-2]; // valid: accesses arr[0]
It is, however, unusual to use a negative subscript.
Sounds fine to me. It would be a rare case that you would legitimately need it however.
What probably was that arr was pointing to the middle of the array, hence making arr[-2] pointing to something in the original array without going out of bounds.
I'm not sure how reliable this is, but I just read the following caveat about negative array indices on 64-bit systems (LP64 presumably):
The author seems to be saying that 32 bit int array indices with 64 bit addressing can result in bad address calculations unless the array index is explicitly promoted to 64 bits (e.g. via a ptrdiff_t cast). I have actually seen a bug of his nature with the PowerPC version of gcc 4.1.0, but I don't know if it's a compiler bug (i.e. should work according to C99 standard) or correct behaviour (i.e. index needs a cast to 64 bits for correct behaviour) ?
I know the question is answered, but I couldn't resist sharing this explanation.
I remember Principles of Compiler design: Let's assume a is an int array and size of int is 2, and the base address for a is 1000.
How will a[5] work ->
Base Address of your Array a + (index of array *size of(data type for array a))
Base Address of your Array a + (5*size of(data type for array a))
i.e. 1000 + (5*2) = 1010
This explanation is also the reason why negative indexes in arrays work in C; i.e., if I access a[-5] it will give me:
Base Address of your Array a + (index of array *size of(data type for array a))
Base Address of your Array a + (-5 * size of(data type for array a))
i.e. 1000 + (-5*2) = 990
It will return the object at location 990. So, by this logic, we can access negative indexes in arrays in C.
About why would someone want to use negative indexes, I have used them in two contexts:
Having a table of combinatorial numbers that tells you comb[1][-1] = 0; you can always check indexes before accessing the table, but this way the code looks cleaner and executes faster.
Putting a centinel at the beginning of a table. For instance, you want to use something like
while (x < a[i]) i--;
but then you should also check that i is positive.
Solution: make it so that a[-1] is -DBLE_MAX, so that x<a[-1] will always be false.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() // negative index
int i = 1, a[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
int* mid = &a[5]; //legal;address,not element there
for(; i < 6; ++i)
printf(" mid[ %d ] = %d;", -i, mid[-i]);
I would like to share an example:
GNU C++ library basic_string.h
[notice: as someone points out that this is a "C++" example, it may not be fit for this topic of "C". I write a "C" code, which has same concept as the example. At least, GNU gcc compiler doesn't complain anything.]
It uses [-1] to move pointer back from user string to management information block. As it alloc memory once with enough room.
* This approach has the enormous advantage that a string object
* requires only one allocation. All the ugliness is confined
* within a single %pair of inline functions, which each compile to
* a single #a add instruction: _Rep::_M_data(), and
* string::_M_rep(); and the allocation function which gets a
* block of raw bytes and with room enough and constructs a _Rep
* object at the front.
Source code:
struct _Rep_base
size_type _M_length;
size_type _M_capacity;
_Atomic_word _M_refcount;
struct _Rep : _Rep_base
_M_rep() const _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT
{ return &((reinterpret_cast<_Rep*> (_M_data()))[-1]); }
It explained:
* A string looks like this:
* #code
* [_Rep]
* _M_length
* [basic_string<char_type>] _M_capacity
* _M_dataplus _M_refcount
* _M_p ----------------> unnamed array of char_type
* #endcode
* Where the _M_p points to the first character in the string, and
* you cast it to a pointer-to-_Rep and subtract 1 to get a
* pointer to the header.
* This approach has the enormous advantage that a string object
* requires only one allocation. All the ugliness is confined
* within a single %pair of inline functions, which each compile to
* a single #a add instruction: _Rep::_M_data(), and
* string::_M_rep(); and the allocation function which gets a
* block of raw bytes and with room enough and constructs a _Rep
* object at the front.
* The reason you want _M_data pointing to the character %array and
* not the _Rep is so that the debugger can see the string
* contents. (Probably we should add a non-inline member to get
* the _Rep for the debugger to use, so users can check the actual
* string length.)
* Note that the _Rep object is a POD so that you can have a
* static <em>empty string</em> _Rep object already #a constructed before
* static constructors have run. The reference-count encoding is
* chosen so that a 0 indicates one reference, so you never try to
* destroy the empty-string _Rep object.
* All but the last paragraph is considered pretty conventional
* for a C++ string implementation.
// use the concept before, to write a sample C code
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
typedef struct HEAD {
int f1;
int f2;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int sz = sizeof(S_HEAD) + 20;
S_HEAD* ha = (S_HEAD*)malloc(sz);
if (ha == NULL)
return -1;
printf("&ha=0x%x\n", ha);
memset(ha, 0, sz);
ha[0].f1 = 100;
ha[0].f2 = 200;
// move to user data, can be converted to any type
printf("&ha=0x%x\n", ha);
*(int*)ha = 399;
printf("head.f1=%i head.f2=%i user data=%i\n", ha[-1].f1, ha[-1].f2, *(int*)ha);
printf("&ha=0x%x\n", ha);
return 0;
$ gcc c1.c -o c1.o -w
(no warning)
$ ./c1.o
head.f1=100 head.f2=200 user data=399
The library author uses it. May it be helpful.