Lockdown user access to directory in Azure Active Directory - azure-active-directory

Hi we are looking into using a AAD as identity provider for a B2B SaaS application.
As not all future users of the application will have a Office 365/AAD account and tenant, we are looking into creating it as a SingleTeant application and provision users in a internal directory for this purpose (user1#ourappdir.onmicrosoft.com and so on).
However as far as i can figure this will allow any user to get a list of all other users, using the graph api for example.
Can i lock this down in any way, so a user will only be able to see info about him/her self and not anything else, no matter how they try. (Portal, graphApi, powershell...)

By default, if you use a user account in the Directory role as User to generate the access token, and request the resource in graph, then this token only has the permission for the user himself.
There are two possible cases, allowing you to see all user profiles from graph.
You called Microsoft Graph in a service or daemon app
The user account you used to generate the token is in the role of administrator in your tenant.
You can try to use a user account in User role to continue the test. You can refer to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/active-directory-users-assign-role-azure-portal for how to assign a user role.


Why are new guest users able to view the tenant management portal and invite users in Azure AD B2C?

I've been evaluating Azure Active Directory B2C as a solution for an identity provider I need for an upcoming project.
During my evaluation I noticed the following behavior that I am not sure should be possible:
I am in my B2C tenant and I invite a new guest user. In this case it is for a different email address that I control. This email address has no association to this B2C instance nor the parent AD instance, the Azure account or anything related. It is a throw away account I am using for testing.
I get the invitation sent to that address and log in through a different browser in incognito mode. I create my account and complete that flow.
Now here is where I am slightly concerned with security:
Logged in as this user I am able to do the following:
Log into the B2C instance and see some top level info such as the TenantId, etc...
I do not see other users BUT I can click on the "New Guest User" button ("New User" is greyed out) and can attempt to create/invite users. I am blocked from all the operations I tried but it seems strange to surface this UI.
Even though it said the operation was blocked my invitation to another email address I control actually went through. I was able to go through the invitation flow. There were some errors and it even said the invitation code was not valid... but despite this the invitation completed and I was able to log into the tenant management UI with this new user.
This user was also able to create invitations.
I also see this new user that was invited by the guest in my user list logged in as the account admin.
So my questions are:
Is this by design? Why?
Is this a possible bug?
Can this be blocked?
Why can B2C guest users invite other users and initiate the flow?
Why can B2C guest users even log into the tenant management site?
I can't imagine why a default scenario would allow new users that have not been given any privileges to view your tenant and invite other guests. In my scenario this should not be possible.
The idea of guest users in B2C is to invite other people who can be admins.
These people are not local users.
If you want to invite people to be local users, use a magic link.

Use Active Directory App Roles with social accounts

Are Azure Active Directory app roles only supported for accounts in the same tenancy?
I am trying to use Azure Active Directory to authenticate users both on my tenancy, others, and social accounts, and be able to manually assign different app-level roles.
What I would like:
Users would sign up using any of these methods, and I would see them in the 'Users and groups' blade of the Enterprise Application in Azure portal (or I could invite them). I would assign app roles (roles specific to my app, eg engineer/technician/residential user) via the 'Add user/group' button.
When logging in to my app, I retrieve the app roles via idTokenClaims.roles[]
What happens instead:
This works fine for user accounts already in my Azure tenancy. But for other Microsoft accounts (eg theirname#outlook.com or MS accounts created with any email address), the user doesn't appear in Azure portal after logging in unless I manually invite them. After inviting them (and accepting the invite), I see a user like theirname_outlook.com#EXT##mytenancy.onmicrosoft.com. I can assign app roles to this user, but their idTokenClaims.roles[] is not returned.
Other social accounts (eg Twitter, facebook) seem to not be supported at all
What else I tried
I also investigated AD B2C, which gives the developer more control over the login flow, and supports other social accounts other than MS (which looks good), but it seems that doesn't support app roles at all.
Am I trying to use the wrong tool for the job?
All I want to do is support any user to sign up to my app, and for an admin to set what their app-specific roles should be.
I am using the MSAL auth library, following the instructions
https://login.microsoftonline.com/Enter_the_Tenant_Id_here should be one of the following:
If your application supports accounts in this organizational directory, replace this value with the Tenant ID or Tenant name. For example, contoso.microsoft.com.
If your application supports accounts in any organizational directory, replace this value with organizations.
If your application supports accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts, replace this value with common.
To restrict support to personal Microsoft accounts only, replace this value with consumers.
Because I wanted this to work with any social account, I chose https://login.microsoftonline.com/common. This shows a UI that allows you to use any organisation or personal MS account, or sign up for a personal MS account with any email address. But I noticed the objectId returned for personal accounts is different to the id when I manually invite the account in azure portal. I changed to use my TenantID instead, and that worked. Personal accounts that have been previously invited via portal can log in. Other personal accounts get an error and cant log in. App roles are now returned for these personal accounts. This now partially solves my original problem, but I still have some unsolved issues:
this method shows a slightly different UI that doesn't allow the user to sign up for a new MS account in this flow
I still can't use other oauth accounts eg Twitter/Facebook. Do these not support app roles at all?
the instructions quoted above seem incorrect, clearly it is possible to log in using "accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts" via TenentID, not common, once they've been invited to the app
App roles absolutely support guest accounts. But as you can see, the id token of the guest account does not seem to contain the roles claim, and it is not clear whether this is by design. But the roles claim will appear in the access token.
I think an access token you can be used, and the access token also contains user information.

Include Roles from external database in the Access Token

I am doing login from Azure AD.Client is SPA(angular using MSAL). If user is not Authenticated, it redirect to Microsoft Login Screen (using MSAL). On successful login, it return an access token.
My roles will be stored in a database. I need to add the roles of that user as part of claim in access token. I am not finding the way to do it.
I do not want to make another call from SPA to API to get the DB roles.
Please suggest some good approach.
Any links explaining the approach will also be very helpful.
I am still in design phase but not able to find the best approach.
In one microsoft site, i found that we can fetch the roles from DB but details were not there.
most of the places, it is written that we need to provide roles in Azure AD users menifest file.
In regular Azure AD, the "roles" claim is exclusively sourced from app role assignments for the signed-in user (or groups the user is a member of), to the app roles for the app the user is signing in to.
There's no feature currently in Azure AD which will connect to an arbitrary database, make a database query in the appropriate form, and include the results in the roles claim in the resulting ID Token.
I can think of three options to achieve your scenario:
After sign-in, call an API to retrieve the roles. Though you mention this is not desirable, it's probably the simplest approach, so it's worth listing. As a result of the user's sign-to you app, you app will usually obtain an access token to an API. If you set up your API to be secured with Azure AD (directly, or through Azure API Management), your SPA could simply get the necessary access token as part of sign-in, and at that point it's trivial to make a REST call to retrieve the role details for the user (and possibly other information useful to rendering your app).
Synchronize (or copy) your role information from your database to Azure AD. For each role, create an app role in the Azure AD app registration. For each user-role association, either create an app role assignment to directly assign the user (user -> app role), or assign a group to the app role and add the user to the group (user -> group -> app role. Keeping this in sync is probably not trivial, so if your scenario allow to move the role information to Azure AD app role assignment, you can forget the database entirely (making Azure AD the authoritative location). Of course, this might not work for your specific case.
Use Azure AD B2C and a custom sign-in policy. You could create an Azure AD B2C tenant, set up a custom sign-in policy to use your (regular) Azure AD tenant as the identity provider, and configure the policy to enhance the claims by calling a REST API to retrieve your roles. In this approach, you still need to have a REST API which can provide the role information, so rather than doing the setup and migrating your app, you may prefer simply calling the API from your SPA (option 1, in this list).

AAD B2B collaboration: mark users in external hidden AAD with additional info

We have an application which uses AAD B2B collaboration to invite users. These users are created as guest users in our AAD. This all works great:
Users that have an AAD/Office 365 can use their normal credentials to sign in.
Users that don't have an AAD/Office 365 create their account in the invite redeem process, and can use it to sign in. Microsoft stores these acounts in an external, for us hidden AAD.
An organization uses our application. This organization doesn't have an own AAD/Office 365 yet. We invite some employees of this organization in our AAD using their email addresses. They get guest accounts in our AAD.
After a while this organization gets its own AAD/Office 365, for their existing domainname. This domainname was previously used in the email addresses in the invite redeem process.
The AAD admin of the organization creates the AAD, and immediately sees existing user accounts: all the accounts that have been invited are shown in the AAD. He didn't expected this when creating a new AAD, and he doesn't know where they come from.
It appears the external, for us hidden AAD, has become visible to the AAD admin.
The AAD admin might decide to delete these accounts, to start with an empty AAD. As a result the employees aren't able to sign in anymore in our application.
Our application uses the Microsoft Graph API to invite the users.
Is there a way to mark the users in the external hidden AAD in some way to make clear where the accounts are coming from? Like mentioning our organization/application in an existing field?
So to be clear: We don't want to set properties on the guest account. We want to set properties on the user account that an AAD admin sees when he has created the AAD. We want to make clear he must not delete this user, because it's created by/for application X.
No, this is a feature of Azure AD.
A domain owner can choose to take over the hidden Azure AD if they choose to create one later.
They control the domain, and thus control the users so it is up to them.
Now of course if you create an AAD Guest user with a Gmail account, they don't actually get added to a huge hidden Google Azure AD.
If AAD thinks the account is a social account, currently they create a personal Microsoft account transparently for that user (so the user always is in control of their account).
So if you invite users using their work emails, you must expect their domain owner to have control over their users' accounts.
AFAIK, there is no property that you could set.

List all Azure Active Directories I'm either a member or guest user of

I have a case where I need to list all Azure Active Directories I'm a member of and those I'm invited as a guest user to. Our application is multi-tenant where each tenant have their own Azure Active Directory, and one user can be invited to access the application as another tenant, and should be presented with a UI to switch between tenants/directories like we can do in the Azure Portal.
The first part can be queried using the Azure Resource Manager API for listing tenants which I'm a member of (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/resources/tenants/list). The response from this API do not include tenants for which I'm only invited as a guest user to though.
Are there any API's that I can call with an access token to query for all Azure Active Directories I have guest access to?
Btw: I'm able to switch between the directories I'm a member of seamlessly using the ng2-adal library, by explicitly setting the tenant in the ADAL configuration object and invoking login() on the ADAL service.
The answer to my question is that guests must complete the invitation process by following the link in the e-mail that they receive from Azure Ad.
Are there any API's that I can call with an access token to query for
all Azure Active Directories I have guest access to?
Of course you can!
For your case, I also test in my lab with an account that federated from on-premise and Succeeded. So, You it seems like your account is not working in the second tenant.
You can use code grant flow with Azure REST API or implict flow to get access token with has delegated permissions for your account.
I did a test and succeeded:
Hope this helps!
