How to use 'settingsToggleClassName' in Griddle - reactjs

As settingsToggleClassName requires string input.
I am implementing this in the following way
let griddleBtnStyle = {
background: 'red'
and using this style in here
Now, settings button having this class griddleBtnStyle - But no changes occured when I implemented in this way.As per eg here button should be red but none has occred.
Can you tell me the right way to implement settingToggleClassName

You have a minor error, you have written:
You transfer to properties settingsToggleClassName string griddleBtnStyle, not variable griddleBtnStyle with value 'red'. If you want transfer variable its should like this ({}):
Sorry, i didin't saw the:
let griddleBtnStyle = {
background: 'red'
I thougth griddleBtnStyle its a class.
So i thing the best solution will be define in CSS class name griddleToggleBtn like this:
.griddleToggleBtn {
background-color: red
and transfer to propertie settingsToggleClassName class name string 'griddleToggleBtn':
its should work

Ignore settingsToggleClassName. You would only use that if you wanted to apply CSS style to the toggle button created by Griddle. BUT, you aren't using that button - you are supplying your own, using settingsIconComponent. So, if you want to change the appearance of your RaisedButton, just set its properties and/or style... For example, to change background to red:


How to pass custom class name on react and use scss?

I am trying to create a react component that has the class name as props being passed,
I have managed sending the props part successfully, however when I try to set the scss for the updated class name, I could not find a way to fix that, all of your input is appreciated.
Code of the component
Code of injecting the custom style class
Styles of the Variation
Output of the Variation Class
Output of the Stylesheet
not sure what I am missing to connect all of them.
Thanks in advance.
As mentioned by Phil, your SCSS should be using &.secondary as the selector.
As for the difference in your scss class IDs and them not matching when you pass ${variant} to the className, your issue is that you are passing a raw string as the variant to the className and are using CSS modules for your SCSS (this is what handles namespacing them/adding the unique characters). To fix this, you need to use the imported style rather than a raw string for the className.
The way I usually address this is with an enum as the prop for different variants, or if there are only two a boolean, and then apply the imported style accordingly. A quick example of this, using your code would be:
const SectionTitle: FC<SectionTitleProps> = ({ title, isSecondary = false }) => (
className={`${styles.SectionTitle}${isSecondary ? styles.secondary : ''}`}
I also find the classnames library helpful for this. It allows you to achieve the above with something I find a bit more readable, such as:
className={classNames(styles.SectionTitle, { [styles.secondary]: isSecondary } )}
EDIT: Also including an example using classnames with an enum for different variants:
enum TitleVarient {
const SectionTitle: FC<SectionTitleProps> = ({
variant = TitleVarient.Default,
}) => (
className={classNames(styles.SectionTitle, {
[styles.secondary]: variant === TitleVarient.Secondary,
[styles.accent]: variant === TitleVarient.Accent,

React element events

So I'm trying to style an element when user focuses/hovers on an input/button. The way I'm doing it is by using a state and setting it to true or false if the user has hovered or focused but find it very repetitive and will take a lot of code, considering I would have to create a focused and hovered state for each button or input.
For example, I'm doing :
const [hoveredBtn, setHoveredBtn] = useState(false)
const [themecolor, setThemecolor]=useState('red') //this state is being from firebase, red would
//just be an example, it can be whatever the user sets it to.
return (
style={hoveredBtn?{backgroundColor: themecolor}:{backgroundColor:"white"}}
Therefore, I would need to create a hovered variable for each button or input I have and im looking to know if there is a way to do it like this, but when I tried I get an error:
return (
<button onMouseOver={} onMouseLeave=
You canโ€™t specify pseudo-classes using inline styles. That means :hover, :focus, :active, or :visited go out the window rather than the component.
.myComponent:hover {
// define style
import './style.css';

How do I make a selected radio button change one piece of state based upon another radio button changing another piece of state?

I have a couple of components I am building and have run into a bit of a stumbling block.
The components start with a piano keyboard on which I can overlay different musical entities, like notes, intervals, chords, scales, passing the note names via a notes={[]} array prop into the Keyboard component. In this particular instance of the component I am then importing it into a Scales component in which I have added scale and note buttons, so I can overlay entire scales in this instance on top of the keyboard, which is all basically working. have a list of note names that I can click on and then overlay that scale on top of the keyboard, like so:
The gif shows the current behavior of the Scales component, which is not quite correct yet...
In the gif you can see that the major and minor scale buttons change the state of the scale, which is then used by the note name buttons to change the state of the keyboard beneath it. But what I also want it to do is switch the currently selected scale when the major or minor button is clicked, but currently the note name buttons don't automatically react to the change in state in the major and minor buttons, but have to be clicked again to make the change occur.
What I want is to be able to just click the major and minor buttons and which ever note is selected will simply change from major to minor without having to re-click the selected scale note again, which is the current behavior.
So, in my Scales component I am using custom radio buttons like so, first to control the major and minor buttons:
checked={scale === 'major'}
onClick={() => setScale('major')}
whileHover={{ scale: 1 }}
whileTap={{ scale: 0.9 }}
...then to control the note buttons, like so:
() => setNotes(
scale === 'major' ? ['c1p', 'd1ma', 'e1ma', 'f1p', 'g1p', 'a1ma', 'b1ma'] :
scale === 'minor' ? ['c1p', 'd1ma', 'eb1mi', 'f1p', 'g1p', 'ab1mi', 'bb1mi'] :
whileHover={{ scale: 1 }}
whileTap={{ scale: 0.9 }}
scale === 'major' ? 'C' :
scale === 'minor' ? 'C' :
...and the state is established via two useState hooks, like so:
const [ scale, setScale] = useState('')
const [ notes, setNotes] = useState([])
...then ultimately the imported Keyboard component receives it's notes={notes} prop from the notes buttons, like so:
<Keyboard octaves={'2'} notes={notes}/> i don't really know how I could make the note buttons be aware or know about the scale buttons being clicked and then translate that information to the keyboards notes prop, which is where i am stuck now...
Here is a code sandbox of the the component:
Thank you for your help :-)
I looked through your code.
The problem you have right now is that your note components are not rerendered and restyled when the major button is clicked. In React, you can use the change in props to trigger a rerender which will also restyle your notes.
I would suggest to put all your note inputs into a sub component. :
// ./Scales.js
import NoteButtonBox from ./NoteButtonBox.js
// important: pass scale as props.
// Everytime scale changes, the note buttons are rerendered and restyled
sub component
return (
{/* ... */}
<NoteButtonBox scale={scale} />
{/* ... */}
// ./NoteButtonBox.js
const NoteButtonBox = ({scale}) => {
// Don't forget to also move 'const [notes, setNotes] = useState([]);' into the
const [notes, setNotes] = useState([]);
return {
/* return your styled notes based on props scale */
For situations where you need to access state across multiple sub components, you can use React Context. Alternatively, you can use React Redux which accomplishes the same thing. I would suggest Comtext because it is a native part of React.
Breaking up your app into sub components might seem like unnecessary work but it is good practice to create many small components in React. React encourages composition like I suggest.
Create a NotesStateContext class.
You define the where it is needed NotesStateContext.Provider:
<NotesStateContext.Provider value="dark">
<NoteButtonBox />
</* All other components that need to access the state of your notes */>
Get and update your state from the provider

AgGrid: How to blink cell in different color depending on change

I'm using ag-grid-react like this:
import { AgGridReact } from "ag-grid-react";
import "ag-grid-community/dist/styles/ag-grid.css";
import "ag-grid-community/dist/styles/ag-theme-balham.css";
and declares it like this in render(some details removed for clarity):
return <div className="MarketGrid ag-theme-balham" >
<AgGridReact domLayout='autoHeight'
onGridReady={this.onGridReady.bind(this)} />
the "enableCellChangeFlash" property works fine, and I know how to change the color of it, but what if I want to change the color depending on whether the new value is higher or lower than the previous?
My update code looks somewhat like this:
let row = this.gridApi.getRowNode(this.props.productIds.indexOf(id));
for (var f in data) {
row.setDataValue(f, data[f]);
I guess I should set the cell style somewhere, but I'm not sure where.
UPDATE: According to this page I should do this:
"If you want to override how the flash presents itself (eg change the background color, or remove the animation) then override the relevant CSS classes."
Anyone knows how to do this?
I almost got this now. The answer I found out is based on CSS. Set the classname for blinking/stop-blinking like:
return (<div key={Math.random()}
className={some logic to set classname here, like "blink-red" or "blink-blue"}
onAnimationEnd={() => this.setState({ fade: false })}
> {this.state.value} </div>);
and use onAnimationEnd to set some state variable that will affect that logic.
Then add the fading logic like this to CSS:
.blink-red {
animation: redtotransparent 3s ease 5s;
#keyframes redtotransparent {
from {
background-color: red;
color: white;
to {
background-color: transparent;
color: black;
It's still not perfect, but almost there. Changing the key makes React think the DOM has changed. When I come up with anything better I will add it here.
Click on the Flashing Cell option in the dropdown at the top and then you can choose a different color for an up change and a down change. you can also set how long it will flash for.

How to get CSS Modules to work with Reactstrap cssModule propType?

I noticed most form elements in the Reactstrap documentation have a PropType of a cssModule. I would assume that means I could override the default Reactstrap styles and do something like this:
.formtext {
background-color: blue;
border: 2px solid black;
margin: 10px;
import styles from "./Formtext.module.css";
<FormText cssModule={styles.formtext}>
This is some placeholder help text...
However, this doesn't seem to work. Checking my react dev tools the cssModule prop evaluates to undefined.
I'm using Using Reactstrap 5.0 and create-react-app 1.1.5
Is there something I'm unaware of that I need to do?
Do I need to eject to be able to use css-modules?
Can someone point me to an example of how to use the Reactstrap's cssModule prop correctly?
For reference here is the proptypes definition from Reactstrap docs
FormText.propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.node,
inline: PropTypes.bool,
tag: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]), // default: 'small'
color: PropTypes.string, // default: 'muted'
className: PropTypes.string,
cssModule: PropTypes.object,
On cssModule
It looks like cssModules doesn't behave quite like you would think; the prop doesn't take a single, overriding class - it takes a rejected class and a replacement class.
Reactstrap uses mapToCssModules to get this done. See its documentation here. Take note of the usage example:
<Example tag="div" cssModule={{ 'w-100': 'w-75' }} />
So your case would look something like this:
<FormText cssModule={{ 'form-text' : styles.formtext }} />
This will completely surpress the 'form-text' class though (which in your case, only contributes display: block. If you'd like to override more selectively, see below.
Try this instead
In the FormText source code, it looks like you may be able to do your overrides in a different way:
If you want to omit the form-text class altogether, include inline as a prop,
If you want to omit any color-related bootstrap classes, set 'color' to false (or something falsy),
set the className prop to your CSS Module object (styles.formtext).
<FormText className={styles.formText} color='' inline>
Test formtext
The most important part here is actually the className prop. You can also further override styling by including a tag prop (again, check the FormText docs).
Hope this was helpful! Happy holidays! ๐Ÿฆƒ๐ŸŽ…
I did not really get the accepted answer, but I had the same problem recently and in my opinion, cssModule behaves exactly as one would expect.
You just pass an imported module object and then specify classes they will be referenced towards the module.
Here is my example (from create-react-app) how I did fix Navbar to get it's bootstrap styles from my bootstrap module (as I don't import bootstrap globally):
import cx from 'classnames';
import bootstrap from 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';
import navbar from './navbar.css';
let styles = Object.assign({}, bootstrap, navbar);
public render() {
return (<Navbar cssModule={styles} className={cx(styles.navbarExpandSm, styles.navbarToggleableSm, styles.borderBottom, styles.boxShadow, styles.mb3)} light>[your menu here]</Navbar>);
This simply says the control to take the styles module and reference all the class names passed in classNames towards it. If you take a look at the mapToCssModules method, it is exactly what it does.
In my case, it allows the control to pick up the original bootstrap styles and I can override what I need in my own module.
