ui routing not work properly on server - angularjs

when we click on module section then ui-router URL change but template not load at the current time. after few minutes after template load.
ui-router work properly on localhost but when we deploy on ec2 server then face this problem.
We have state is:
.state("Modules", {
url: "/admin/Modules",
templateUrl: "angular/templates/modules.html",
controller: "ModuleController",
resolve: {
$title: function () {
return 'Modules';


Page refresh redirects to home page

I have created a form in angularjs. I has four pages like information, education, experience and privacy. while filling the details in education if the page is refreshed it redirects to information that is starting page of the form. If the page is refreshed I want to stay in current page. Give me any suggestion. My routing code given below
(function() {
"use strict";
function ($stateProvider) {
'use strict';
.state('xyz.basicInfo', {
url: '/Information',
views: {
'Form': {
title: "Information", 
templateUrl: '../views/information.html',
controller: 'InformationController'
resolve: {
loadFile: ['$ocLazyLoad', function($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load(['intlTelInput']);
.state('xyz.education', {
url: '/education',
views: {
'Form': {
title: "Education",
templateUrl: '../views/education.html',
controller: 'educationController'
This kind of issue is typically a web server issue. Angular apps are Single Page Apps (SPAs) so any request for an HTML file, regardless of path, should serve up index.html (index.html being the single page)
If for example, your route is /my/route and you refresh the web server, by default, will try to serve up index.html inside a folder called /my/route
So you need to override this default behaviour such that your webserver always servers the root index.html and then your routes will work as expected.
How to do this depends on your web server - if its a node server, apache, nginx, webpack-dev-server, etc
Heres a thread talking about how to do this on Apache ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/484986/how-do-i-make-apache-serve-a-single-static-page-no-matter-what-the-entered-url-i

Misbehaviour on routes with Laravel 5.3 and AngularJS 1.5

I try to create an app with Laravel 5.3 and AngularJS. I want to use the routes and templates from Angular instead of Laravel.
Here is the web.php file from Laravel:
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('index');
And here is a part of the ui-router in AngularJS:
routeConfig.$inject = ['$stateProvider'];
function routeConfig ($stateProvider) {
// Routes
.state('home', {
url: '/',
templateUrl: 'app/views/home.html'
.state('register', {
url: '/register?oauth_token&oauth_verifier',
templateUrl: 'app/views/register.html',
controller: 'RegisterController',
controllerAs: 'registerCtrl'
I have also enabled the html5mode and the base url on head. The problem now:
When I am at home and click the link to go on register page, it works. But If I try to load directly the register page, it loads it through laravel routes and since I haven't mentioned anything about it there, I have a NotFoundHttpException.
That's because when you refresh all routes are handled by laravel first.
I had the same problem and there are 2 approaches:
either put the angular app on a different domain ... but you will run
into CORS issues
or tell laravel to route any route to angular app, and that's easier
Route::any('{path?}', function()
return view("index");
})->where("path", ".+");

AngularJS ui.router root state should be called always during app init

I am working on web application using AngularJS and have used ui.router for routing.
I have configured the app
.state('init', {
url: '/',
controller: 'LocalizationCtrl',
templateUrl: 'partials/common/init.html'
.state('login', {
url: '/login',
templateUrl: 'partials/auth/login.html',
controller: 'LoginCtrl',
resolve: {
skipIfLoggedIn: skipIfLoggedIn
In init I load the localization json from server
If I hit the following URL it all works fine
However if I hit the following URL or any other state directly the localization files do not load
How can I make sure that when app is loaded first using any URL the localization code should execute and not bypassed.
/ Bu default go to state -
angular.module('yourModuleName').run(["$location", function ($location) {
So, when you refresh or take your web application, your site will go to url /, so it should invoke your state, init to work.
Or you can use $state to go to a state upon starts
/ Bu default go to state -
angular.module('yourModuleName').run(["$state", function ($state) {
Its very simple there is a property "Resolve" you can use that.
In your parent state you can write this -
.state('parentState', {
resolve : {
localize : function() {
//Localization code here
Resolve will ensure that your localization work will be done before controller is loaded.

passing parameter to Angular application state

I have made yoman angular fullstack app setup.
I am making use of ui.router in application.
I have defined state parameters as
.state('tour', {
url: '/tour',
templateUrl: 'app/tour/tour.html',
controller: 'tourCtrl',
params : {tourName: null, },
I am able to pass parameter to this state within application.
when my application goes to external link.
I want to get back to one of the state of my angular application with some parameter. so how can i do that??
Please Help me to do that .. Thanks
you can pass parameters and maintain states using stateParams, and then maintaining them in the URL. For your understanding, I have added a plunk:
Observe the console whenever you navigate to Route1 tab, and then observe the code:
.state('route1', {
url: "/route1/:place",
params: {
place: null
views: {
"viewA": {
template: "route1.viewA"
"viewB": {
template: "route1.viewB"
resolve :{
place: function($stateParams){
console.log("url", window.location);
return $stateParams.place;
Try this on localhost. It would work the same way on localhost, or any place where its hosted.

AngularJS - load data before loading any controller

I'm making a single page application (SPA). I made a controller called InitialControler to load the data from the server at this url (local.app/init).
I want this url to be opened before any other url. I'm using ui-router, I did a $state.go('init') in the .run() function but it still load the requested page before the 'init' page
First create state called app
$stateProvider.state('app', {
abstract: true,
templateUrl: "assets/partials/container.html",
controller: 'AppCtrl',
resolve: {
init: function(MyFactory) {
return MyFactory.resolver();
Now, any new state you create should be child state of app state. This is also good because it become sort of your root scope. And state will not process unless your factory resolves.
This is how you create your factory
app.factory('MyFactory', function($http){
var items = [];
return {
resolver: function(){
return $http.get('my/api').success(function(data){
items = data;
get() {
return items;
Now in any other state
$stateProvider.state('app.items', {
url: '/items',
templateUrl: "assets/partials/items.html",
controller: function($scope, MyFactory){
$scope.items = MyFactory.get();
More on sate resolve
If you are using ui-router then you could resolve this using nested states. For example:
.state("main", {
url: "/",
template: '<div ui-view></div>',
controller: 'InitController'
.state("main.landing", {
url: "landing",
templateUrl: "modules/home/views/landing.html",
controller: 'LandingPageController'
.state("main.profile", {
url: "profile",
templateUrl: "modules/home/views/profile.html",
controller: 'ProfileController'
In this example you have defined 3 routes: "/", "/landing", "/profile"
So, InitController (related to "/" route) gets called always, even if the user enters directly at /landing or /profile
Important: Don't forget to include <div ui-view></div> to enable the child states controller load on this section
One way to do is, in config declare only 'init' state. And in InitialController, after data is loaded(resolve function of service call), configure other states. But in this approach, whenever you refresh the page, the url will change to local.app.init.
To stay in that particular state even after reloading, the solution I found is to have a StartUp app in which I loaded the required data and after that I bootstraped the main app manually by angular.bootstrap.
