How to make concatenation between 4 bytes? - c

I have 4 bytes:
buffer_RX[3]= \x70;
buffer_RX[4]= \xb4;
buffer_RX[5]= \xc5;
buffer_RX[6]= \x5a;
I want to concatenate them in order to have such representation 0x70b4c55a:
I already did this plaintext[1]= (rx_buffer[3]<<8)|rx_buffer[4];
This is the result that I have: 70b4
plaintext[1]= (rx_buffer[3]<<8)|(rx_buffer[4]<<8)|(rx_buffer[5]<<8)|rx_buffer[6]
It doesn't work.
Please I need help.

This is one way to do it :
plaintext[1] = (buffer_RX[3] << 24) |
(buffer_RX[4] << 16) |
(buffer_RX[5] << 8) | buffer_RX[6];

You have to understand that each byte is 8 bits, and that 4 bytes is therefore 32 bits. The first example works because you are using only 16 bits and two bytes, to work with 32 bits and four bytes you must shift each byte by 24, 16, 8 and 0 bits respectively in order to place then into the correct position.
plaintext[1]= (rx_buffer[3] << 24 ) |
(rx_buffer[4] << 16) |
(rx_buffer[5] << 8) |
rx_buffer[6] ;


Why does data packing 4 integers into a 32 bit integer have different results in Nextion and Teensy(Arduino compatible)

I'm controlling a Teensy 3.5 with a Nextion touchscreen. On the Nextion the following code packs 4 8 bit integers into a 32 bit integer:
Using the same shift amount (8) has a different result on the Teensy, however, the following generates the same result:
combinedValue = (v24 << 24) | (v16 << 16) | (v08 << 8) | (v00);
I'm curious why these shifts work differently.
Nextion documentation:
//Result is 84148531
//Teensy, Arduino, C++:
value24 = 5;
value16 = 4;
value8 = 1;
value0 = 51;
packedValue = (value24 << 24) | (value16 << 16) | (value8 << 8) | (value0);
Serial.print("24 to 0: ");
packedValue = (value24 << 8) | (value16 << 8) | (value8 << 8) | (value0);
Serial.print("8: ");
//24 to 0: 84148531
//8: 1331
Problem seems to be in this line:
You are shifting by 8 in many places. Presumably you want:
sys0 = vaShift_24.val << 24 | vaShift_16.val << 16 | vaShift_8.val << 8 | vaShift_0.val
Now result from bytes 5, 4, 1, and 55 should be, in hex
If you are instead seeing
it means you would also have a byte order issue. But probably not.

Binary Interleaving, Binary Swizzling, Alternating Bits

I have a sequence of bits of indices 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 and I want to swizzle them the following way :
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 = 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
_____| | | | | | | |_____
| ___| | | | | |___ |
| | _| | | |_ | |
| | | | | | | |
v v v v v v v v
_ 3 _ 2 _ 1 _ 0 7 _ 6 _ 5 _ 4 _
7 3 6 2 5 1 4 0
i.e. I want to interleave the bits of the low and high nibbles from a byte.
Naive solution:
I can achieve this behavior in C using the following way :
int output =
((input & (1 << 0)) << 0) |
((input & (1 << 1)) << 1) |
((input & (1 << 2)) << 2) |
((input & (1 << 3)) << 3) |
((input & (1 << 4)) >> 3) |
((input & (1 << 5)) >> 2) |
((input & (1 << 6)) >> 1) |
((input & (1 << 7)) >> 0);
However it's obviously very clunky.
Striving for a more elegant solution:
I was wondering if there where something I could do to achieve this behavior faster in less machine instructions. Using SSE for example?
Some context for curious people :
I use this for packing 2d signed integer vector coordinates into a 1d value that conserves proximity when dealing with memory and caching. The idea is similar to some texture layouts optimization used by some GPUs on mobile devices.
(i ^ 0xAAAAAAAA) - 0xAAAAAAAA converts from 1d integer to 1d signed integer with this power of two proximity I was talking about.
(x + 0xAAAAAAAA) ^ 0xAAAAAAAA is just the reverse operation, going from 1d signed integer to a 1d integer, still with the same properties.
To have it become 2d and keep the proximity property, I want to alternate the x and y bits.
So you want to interleave the bits of the low and high nibbles in each byte? For scalar code a 256-byte lookup table (LUT) is probably your best bet.
For x86 SIMD, SSSE3 pshufb (_mm_shuffle_epi8) can be used as a parallel LUT of 16x nibble->byte lookups in parallel. Use this to unpack a nibble to a byte.
__m128i interleave_high_low_nibbles(__m128i v) {
const __m128i lut_unpack_bits_low = _mm_setr_epi8( 0, 1, 0b00000100, 0b00000101,
... // dcba -> 0d0c0b0a
const __m128i lut_unpack_bits_high = _mm_slli_epi32(lut_unpack_bits_low, 1);
// dcba -> d0c0b0a0
// ANDing is required because pshufb uses the high bit to zero that element
// 8-bit element shifts aren't available so also we have to mask after shifting
__m128i lo = _mm_and_si128(v, _mm_set1_epi8(0x0f));
__m128i hi = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi32(v, 4), _mm_set1_epi8(0x0f));
lo = _mm_shuffle_epi8(lut_unpack_bits_low, lo);
hi = _mm_shuffle_epi8(lut_unpack_bits_high, hi);
return _mm_or_si128(lo, hi);
This is not faster than a memory LUT for a single byte, but it does 16 bytes in parallel. pshufb is a single-uop instruction on x86 CPUs made in the last decade. (Slow on first-gen Core 2 and K8.)
Having separate lo/hi LUT vectors means that setup can be hoisted out of a loop; otherwise we'd need to shift one LUT result before ORing together.

Understanding this symbol in C

What does the & mean in this code:
(number >> 9) & 0b111
I know about & in terms of pointers. But not sure how it works in the code above
Lets break it down:
(number >> 9) & 0b111
| | | | |
| | | | Binary '7'*
| | | Binary AND
| | Number to shift by
| Binary shift operator
We'll start with the expression in the parenthesis:
(number >> 9)
This performs a binary right-shift by 9 places. For example:
1101101010010011 will be shifted to become:
The & symbol is Binary AND. Where the bits are both 1 in both of the source variables, the returned value will have those bits set:
& 11010
= 01000
So your code shifts your number by 9 places and performs AND on the result against b111. As the three least significant bits are all set in the second input, the result of this operation will be the bits that are set in the bottom three bits of the shifted input.
number = 1101101010010011
number >> 9 = 0000000001101101
(number >> 9) & '111' = 0000000000000101
An alternate way of thinking about it is as follows: The line extracts bits 10-12 and returns them as the result.
A common use for this is to apply a mask to a value to extract the bits. E.g. some libraries allow you to pass parameters with enumerable types like this:
set_params(option_a | option_b);
which sets both option_a and option_b.
Whether a parameter is set can be read by:
set_params(unsigned int params)
if (params & option_a)
{ /* do option_a stuff */}
*assuming your compiler has a binary extension to the C spec. otherwise you could use 0x7 (hex 7) or just 7
It is the bitwise AND operator.
More info here:
Wikipedia link
& is Bitwise AND
The C operators are here:

Compare "if between" with bitwise operators instead of logical

Okay i know this is a pretty mean task from which i got nightmares but maybe ..i'll crack that code thanks to someone of you.
I want to compare if number is between 0 and 10 with bitwise operators. Thats the thing.. it is between 0 and 10 and not for example between 0 and 2, 0 and 4, 0 and 8 and so on..
Reference for number/binary representation with 0-4 bits. (little endian)
0 0
1 1
2 10
3 11
4 100
5 101
6 110
7 111
8 1000
9 1001
10 1010
11 1011
12 1100
13 1101
14 1110
15 1111
Trying to figure out something like
if(((var & 4) >> var) + (var & 10))
I attempt to solve it with bitwise operators only (no addition).
The expression below will evaulate to nonzero if the number (v) is out of the 0 - 10 inclusive range:
(v & (~0xFU)) |
( ((v >> 3) & 1U) & ((v >> 2) & 1U) ) |
( ((v >> 3) & 1U) & ((v >> 1) & 1U) & (v & 1U) )
The first line is nonzero if the number is above 15 (any higher bit than the first four is set). The second line is nonzero if in the low 4 bits it is between 12 and 15 inclusive. The third line is nonzero if in the low 4 bits the number is either 11 or 15.
It was not clear in the question, but if the number to test is limited between the 0 - 15 inclusive range (only low 4 bits), then something nicer is possible here:
((~(v >> 3)) & 1U) |
( ((~(v >> 2)) & 1U) & (( ~v ) & 1U) ) |
( ((~(v >> 2)) & 1U) & ((~(v >> 1)) & 1U) )
First line is 1 if the number is between 0 and 7 inclusive. Second line is 1 if the number is one of 0, 2, 8 or 10. Third line is 1 if the number is one of 0, 1, 8 or 9. So OR combined the expression is 1 if the number is between 0 and 10 inclusive. Relating this solution, you may also check out the Karnaugh map, which can assist in generating these (and can also be used to prove there is no simpler solution here).
I don't think I could get any closer stricly using only bitwise operators in a reasonable manner. However if you can use addition it becomes a lot simpler as Pat's solution shows it.
Assuming that addition is allowed, then:
(v & ~0xf) | ((v+5) & ~0xf)
is non-zero if v is out-of-range. The first term tests if v is outside the range 0..15, and the second shifts the unwanted 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 outside the 0..15 range.
When addition is allowed and the range is 0..15, a simple solution is
(v - 11) & ~7
which is nonzero when v is in the range 0..10. Using shifts instead, you can use
(1<<10) >> v
which is also nonzero if the input is in the range 0..10. If the input range is unrestricted and the shift count is modulo 32, like on most CPUs, you can use
((1<<11) << ~v) | (v & ~15)
which is nonzero if the input is not in the range (the opposite is difficult since already v == 0 is difficult with only bitops). If other arithmetic operations are allowed, then
v / 11
can be used, which is also nonzero if the input is not in the range.
bool b1 = CheckCycleStateWithinRange(cycleState, 0b0, 0b1010); // Note *: 0b0 = 0 and 1010 = 10
bool CheckCycleStateWithinRange(int cycleState, int minRange, int maxRange) const
return ((IsGreaterThanEqual(cycleState, minRange) && IsLessThanEqual(cycleState, maxRange)) ? true : false );
int IsGreaterThanEqual(int cycleState, int limit) const
return ((limit + (~cycleState + 1)) >> 31 & 1) | (!(cycleState ^ limit));
int IsLessThanEqual(int cycleState, int limit) const
return !((limit + (~cycleState + 1)) >> 31 & 1) | (!(cycleState ^ limit));

Converting 8 bits to a scaled 12 bits equivalent

I need to convert an 8 bit number (0 - 255 or #0 - #FF) to its 12 bit equivalent (0 - 4095 or #0 - #FFF)
I am not wanting to do just a straight conversion of the same number. I am wanting to represent the same scale, but in 12 bits.
For example:-
0xFF in 8 bits should convert to 0xFFF in 12 bits
0x0 in 8 bits should convert to 0x0 in 12 bits
0x7F in 8 bits should convert to 0x7FF in 12 bits
0x24 in 8 bit should convert to 0x249 in 12 bits
Are there any specific algorithms or techniques that I should be using?
I am coding in C
Try x << 4 | x >> 4.
This has been updated by the OP, changed from x << 4 + x >> 4
If you are able to go through a larger domain then this may help:
b = a * ((1 << 12) - 1) / ((1 << 8) - 1)
It is ugly but preserves scaling almost as requested. Of course you can put constants.
What about:
x = x ?((x + 1) << 4) - 1 :0
I use mathematical equation y=mx+c
Assuming low range of values is zero.
You can scale your data by a factor of m (Multiple for increasing range and divide for decreasing)
My ADC data was 12 bit. Range in integer =0 to 4095
I want to shrink this data in range 0 to 255.
m=16.05 = 16
So data received in 12 bits is divided by 16 to convert to 8 bits.
This conversion is linear in nature.
Hope this is also a good idea.
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