Embed fonts to keynote html - keynote

Keynote allows html export, but fonts are not included. Is there a method to add html font later on? There's no css at least.
I apparently need to write more text here to pass inspection.


Hugo documentation SSG: couldn't include html files via iFrame (getting 404 error)

We have a project to create frontend components built with SCSS and TS. Components can be changed per theme. For this we create a separate CSS & JS file for each theme.
We would like to present the components in a Bootstrap-like documentation. For this we want to use the Hugo. There should be a documentation page for each component and we want to add a theme switch with which you can view the components in the different themes.
So that the theme switch has no effect on the documentation page itself, but only on the components presented, we display the components in an iframe, in which the respective CSS & JS files are then loaded.
Unfortunately the loading of the pages in the iframes doesn't work correctly and we can't find the reason. The pages are also not loaded if you open them directly without an iframe.
Below is a simplified example:
Go to Components/Accordion in the browser view
Open the src/docu/components/accordion/index.md
We load the following files via iframe
You can find the iFrame under src/assets/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/example.html
Hugo simply does not recognize the files accordion-basic.html, etc., regardless of whether I make *.md files out of them, add them to the menu ( src/assets/hugo/config/_default/menus.toml ) or add other information in the upper --- XYZ --- area in the header of the file.
Anyone know what mistake I'm making?
If you want to serve HTML pages unaltered, use the static dir.

How to use custom fonts in React for Web Apps (without additional CSS file)?

How can I use custom fonts with React for Web Apps? I do not want to use a CSS file but keep everything in the Component JS file.
I have tried everything and nothing seams to work or at least they are not consistent (sometimes they work sometimes they do not load on ipads or certain computers)?
If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great.
I have tried doing something like this and it worked for me
Add a CDN for fonts if you are using google fonts or something like:
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,300i,400,400i,600,600i,700,700i,800,800i" rel="stylesheet">
and then in your CSS use the font-family property and there enter the font you are trying to access from google fonts and it will be working fine. If you want to change the thickness then use the font-weight to manage that.

Uploading images for inline content without an html editor

I've got a client with a D7 site in which all content is created by a single employee who knows html and css, but never accesses the back end. Is there a way to let them upload images to embed in content (not a field) without installing an html editor? No styles are used or needed. The images are created just as they need to use them.
Have you already looked at the IMCE module?
IMCE is an image/file uploader and browser that supports personal directories and quota.

How to cache images for offline display in a browser control in Windows Phone

I want to retrieve some HTML content from the web (for example RSS feed), save it for offline use and then display it in a Web Browser control in a Windows Phone application. I can easily save the content as a string and use NavigateToString() method to display the HTML but what do I do with the images? I can download them and save them and even replace the src attribute of the img tags but how do I intercept the image loading in the web browser control and feed it images from the local database?
Well you will have problem with any asset, not only images (unless you're talking about HTML without any external javascript or CSS). You could possibly have a method to detect asset sources (<script src=""> or <img src=""> or <link href=""> are some obvious examples). Then you would download that asset as a local file. Then when you're displaying it, you would replace all assets in your HTML string with local copies instead.
I haven't worked on Windows Phone at all but I think your solution would be around these lines.
I ended parsing the HTML downloading the images and replacing the src attribute with the local file name. Then I saved the html in the local storage so that relative links continue to work. Sadly I did not find a way to store the content in the database because if I used NavigateToString to provide the HTML I cannot provide the image data.

EPiServer 4.61 removing script tags from WYSIWYG editor

I know the WYSIWYG editor is not designed for pasting flash video object and script tags into the page but lets say you want to do that... Why does the EPiServer editor strip out the first javascript tag?
It's the Microsoft editor plugin that does it. It messes up almost all HTML elements.
