Converting AngularJS theme into normal HTML theme - angularjs

I am about to develop a web application. I will use this theme- for admin panel. I already installed it on my local machine following the instructions. But this is my first time of installing a html theme like this using command lines (npm, gem and gulp).
I also noticed that all the AngularJS admin panel theme are has to be installed in that way. I mean using npm and other commands. Installation is fine. When I run this command
gulp serve
It opens the browser and show the admin panel. But the problem is I do not understand the project structure.
Admin panel is working when I serve gulp. But what I want is I just want to access without serving gulp. I mean I want to move it to xampp. Then integrate with a framework(PHP). So for now when I access directly, it is not working. What I want is I just want to have simple project, something like this
How can I build them into it? I mean using command lines. For now I have to serve gulp to access my project. To convert it manually, I checked the index.html and there are a lot of syntax commented I am not familiar with.
<!-- build:css({.tmp/serve,src}) styles/vendor.css -->
<!-- bower:css -->
How can I convert the Angular theme into simple project to send to server for deployment? Can it be done from command lines?
Now my project is under
When I access this
It shows nothing. Just white screen. No error in browser console as well.
When I access this
It is showing these errors.
All status code 404 returns.
How can I access the project without serving Gulp? From which url can I access?

Development server
Angular applications are mix of JavaScript, HTML, CSS and every paths is relative to the root of application - index.html.
In this case copy contents of dist folder. Copy whole dist folder and deploy it.
Development server just tries to simulate real one production server. If it is working on development - that one that is executed over gulp server it should also works on production environment.
Production environment
It is time to go straight with application. There are only two major steps
build it with gulp build (of course if you are using gulp and there is task like that)
copy content of the builded directory to production environment (that steps is also called deployment)
CORS issue?
AngularJS application and the backend should be executed (should run) on the same protocol, domain and port address to avoid CORS policy rules.


How to merge React App and Express App to deploy on single project?

I recently create Express and MongoDB API and after that, I connect that API to my React Application successfully and which is running well. But one situation occurring during deployment now I need to deploy both projects separately means I need two hosting plan for them. So, I want that both project running on the same host. Is it possible? and How?
A build of any React application creates (unless webpack-dev-server is used to compile it) the output which consists of static files: script bundles and .html file(s) that reference the bundles in <script> tag.
Those files can and should be copied to Express in production build. Then you have one server on one host. When React application runs inside a client (e.g. browser) it gets everything including .html files, script bundles, API responses from the single source: Express backend/server. Which by the way excludes any possibility of getting CORS issues so many people are asking about here on SO.
Example, e.g. a boilerplate project that demonstrates all that.
If you execute commands:
git clone
cd crisp-react
yarn install && yarn start:prod
and then point your browser to localhost:3000, you will have React app running inside your browser and it got everything from one single Express backend.
crisp-react has two subdirectories: client with React client app and server with Express backend. The build command copies the build artifacts from one subdirectory to another. So you can even rename or delete the client subdirectory after a build, it won't affect the Express backend.

Edit Files After Build, React

I built an app in React with create-react-app. Just JavaScript, CSS, HTML & React. I ran npm build then deployed the app to Netlify.
I want to go back and edit some CSS. So, I cd into the directory from my laptop and deploy on localhost:5000. I open VS Code and make changes however none of the changes are reflected in the browser # localhost:5000.
When I was building the app, the way I had it set up allowed me to view each change immediately in the browser when I save the file.
Are files editable after you run npm build? What am I missing here?
When you run a build on a react app (or any other app) code will be converted from es6 to es5 and then probably minified (depends on webpack config) so code is unreachable and you need .map files to debug code in production environment.
So the most clean way to act on deployed code is to make a new build with updated features and deploy again the frontend.
In local development react boilerplates usually make intensive use of hot-reload, a plugin that allow code to be hot replaced while app is running.
Built application instead load chunks of JS files once and CACHE it. So in order to see your changes you have to clean cache or force a refresh (home+F5 on windows, CMD+R on OSX) to be sure that your changes are visible.
Despite this I discourage to edit the build files. When you have to update the code stay on development mode, before deploy, build your code and test it live.
You could create some files outside the src folder and access them with fecth from app.js or even import them from index.html ... so if you wanted to change something you could do it without having to do a build again.

Where to install Angular on Apache?

First of all, my question is not about how to install angular. I'm just getting started with this framework and already got a question right at the beginning.
Usually I create new web projects (HTML, PHP...) in the default web folder of the apache webserver (/var/www/). I did this with angular too under /var/www/firstAngularProject, but it seems the application itself is only accessible on its default port on the webserver root. In my case this is localhost:4200
When I try to open the path in my browser localhost/firstAngularProject I see the index structure and I think this could become a security issue.
So my question is where should I install the angular project or what is the usual way to install it?
When you run Angular using the cli command ng start (which I assume, based on you describing using localhost:4200) you're running the application using webpack-dev-server. This is undesirable since it's only meant for use during development, not for production.
In production Angular works just like any other frontend framework. You build the application with ng build --prod which produces a number of build artifact (in the /dist folder). These artifact are simply static files you make available through some webserver, in your case Apache, by copying the content of the /dist folder to /var/www (or whichever is your default web folder) and that's about it.

Can I deploy react.js web app to a share hosting?

I am wondering if it is possible to deploy react.js web app that I've built to a share hosting site that does not have node.js installed?
I use webpack to build the application and it creates normal html, js, css file. I uploaded the static folder that includes all those html, js(bundle.js) and css files, but when I request the site, the server reply with 404 bundle.js not found response.
Use npm run build, you should get a folder with the index html file inside that will run your app. Try this with xampp first before you actually deploy to your server.
Here is everything step by step
npm run build
yarn run build
it will generate a build folder that looks like this:
Copy everything and move it to the htdocs in xampp or ftp upload the directory to the public_html file in your hosting
Yes you sure can put react on a shared hosting provider.
Seeing as you're getting a 404 error (not found), you are probably referencing your react file/bundle incorrectly. It might not even be named bundle.js if you're using a boilerplate to create your application.
Can you give more information? What does your index.html file look like? What does your directory structure look like? If you are able to post these files I can tell you what the issue is.
The answer below should be accepted. (Although this would assume that you have the ability to make a build which you have not verified or not.)
Make a build using the build command through whatever boilerplate you used. Deploy those files on your shared hosting server. Make sure that index.html is at the root of where your server is expecting the root to be and your app should be live.
For deploying a react app on a shared hosting you need to create a production build. Production build is a pack of all your react code and its dependencies.
in most shared hosting we put our site/app inside a public_html directory so if we hit it serves the code from public_html directory.
so if your react app is ready to go, edit your package.json file add a new key value:
then create a build using following command:
npm run build
after running the command you will see a new directory named build in your app root. It will contain js and css for the app and a index.html file. You need to upload all the content inside build directory to public_html directory, and that's all, go to your domain and your app will be working just fine.

How do I view and share a running Angular app through Vagrant?

I have a basic Angular app installed using a Yeoman fullstack installer, and I can see the basic pages running on http://localhost:9000 when I run 'grunt serve'.
I also have a Vagrant installation running using the ubuntu/trusty64 box. I was originally seeing a 404 when trying to view, but following some instructions I found online, I edited the file in 'vagrant ssh' at /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf by removing the html part of the path in that file. After doing 'vagrant reload' I now see the list of files in my project dir when I go to that URL.
How do I go about viewing my angular app like it is at localhost:9000? If I get this working will this mean that if I share via Vagrant, they'll see the angular app running as it should? Do I still need to be running grunt serve in combination with Vagrant?
I'm pretty new to all this setup, so I'm just following the instructions at &
I'm not great with Linux/cmd line stuff as yet, hence my problems... :)
I started writing instructions for you on how to get it done. But then realised that you are not very comfortable with linux commands. I have created a angular-seed project that uses vagrant, angular and requirejs. Its easy to set up and I have written instructions on how to do that in my github page.
Just clone it, follow the instruction and you will have a working seed project in no time. Some of the features of the seed are:
Uses vagrant and puppet to provision the vm. All required dependencies are automatically installed.
Grunt tasks for:
autoloading bower dependencies
compile sass or scss
server for access of site locally
If you have any difficulties or questions, feel free to contact me.
