Multitenancy on Google cloud, how to obtain custom domain - google-app-engine

On Google cloud, you can use appengine api to obtain * domain. How does one obtain customer domain in an instance whereby the domains are used as namespaces in a multi tenant application.
Say points to via DNS configuration CNAME, during request processing how can one obtain typically servers would broadcast SERVER_NAME via headers. Does Google cloud App Engine offer such headers?

Looking through the AppEngine Docs at -
NamespaceManager.getGoogleAppsNamespace() would return the domain. The document states that this method returns blank if the App is hosted on appspot.
I've not tried this personally, but the docs look promising.


Custom domains / catch all hostnames on Google App Engine

I'm trying to configure my Google App Engine instance with Cloudflare for Saas, and more precisely Cloudflare's SSL for SaaS offering. The objective being that I can provide to my customer a "custom domain" (also known as "vanity domain"), such that they don't go to, but instead
Configuration part
To make sure that my App Engine instance is correctly serving content on, I've made the following:
On Google Cloud side:
I've configured the custom domain
I've let Google manage the SSL configuration (no custom key/certificate)
Here is my app.yaml configuration file:
runtime: nodejs14
NODE_ENV: 'production'
max_instances: 10
idle_timeout: 5m
On Cloudflare side:
I've updated the DNS records so that is perfectly working
I've configured the SSL on the Full mode (while I've tried with Flexible as well - both work)
I waited for a few hours and I confirm that resolves correctly and serves my content (from Google App Engine).
Next, custom domains
According to Cloudflare documentation, I had to register the fallback origin (i.e. and then configure a custom hostname (e.g. Which I did.
Now, according to Cloudflare documentation again, my customer has to create a CNAME record. Which I did with a domain of mine: CNAME
The issue
I waited a few hours again. Then, when I open in my browser, it shows a Google 404 error page instead of my dashboard. Which makes me think that Cloudflare successfully "redirects" the traffic to Google, but App Engine refuses to serve it. Probably because it doesn't know
Any thoughts that would help?
As you noticed, the issue is not related to Cloudflare, but App Engine. The problem with your configuration is that, when App Engine receives a request, based on the Host header, it forwards the request to the right instance.
App Engine lets you map any custom domains that has been previously validated by Google. But in your situation, that would mean you have to register each custom domain of your customers on your App Engine instance. That's too cumbersome (if even possible).
What you need to do instead is the following:
enable a static IP address with Google Cloud
change your DNS record from dashboard CNAME to dashboard A YOUR_IP_ADDRESS
configure a Google Cloud Load Balancer to map requests received on that IP address to your App Engine instance.
Google's documentation has a great guide on how to setup a load balancer with Cloud Run. By changing a few settings it works great with App Engine. As an extra help, below is the configuration details of our load balancer that allows us to provide vanity domains / custom domains to our customers through Google Cloud:
Again, the load balancer is here responsible to map all requests received by your IP address (no matter the Host header) straight to your App Engine instance.
As a best practice, it might be useful to push a dispatch.yaml file to your instance:
- url: '*/*'
service: default
Which tells App Engine to send all requests to the default service. It works a bit like a wildcard virtual hosts on an Apache server.

Different projects on Google App Engine have same dns records

I have two projects in Google App Engine, i have my own domains from which i want to access them. I've added the custom domains to each project but found out the dns records that Google App Engine provides are exactly same, thus both my domains which are two different domains( Eg:, ) now connect to the same website.
Technically all GAE apps are mapped from the DNS perspective to the same ingress infrastructure via either or, for custom domains,, so it is expected for their IP addresses to fall into a very small range (4 addresses presently).
Serving a particular GAE app is done by extracting the app id from the appspot. com subdomain or from the configured custom domain mapping.
If you unexpectedly see a different app and you want help debugging you need to provide details about your app's environment and configuration.

Is there a way to deploy internal facing applications in Google App Engine?

Is there a way to deploy "internal facing" applications in Google App Engine. AWS offers this capability as explained here and so does Azure as explained here.
What is the GCP equivalent for this? It appears App Engine Flexible Environment could be the answer but I could not find a clear documentation on whether Flexible Environment is indeed the way to host intranet facing applications. Is there someone from GCP who can advise?
I tested the solution recommended by Dan recently. Listed below are my observations:
App Engine Flex allows deploying to a VPC and this allows VPN scenarios. The VPN scenarios however is for connections (originating) from App Engine to GCP VPCs or to other networks outside GCP which can be on-prem or in another cloud.
Access (destined) to the app itself from a GCP or another network is always routed via the internet facing Public IPs. There is no option to access the app at a private IP at the moment.
If there's another update, I will update it here.
Update 28Oct2021
Google has now launched Serverless Network Endpoint Group(NEG)s. With this users can connect AppEngine, Cloud Run & Cloud Function endpoints to a LoadBalancer. However at the moment, you can only use Serverless NEGs with an external HTTP(S) load balancer. You cannot use serverless NEGs with regional external HTTP(S) load balancers or with any other load balancer types. Google documentation for Serverless NEGs is available here.
I'm not sure this meets your requirements, but it's possible to set up an App Engine Standard application (not certain about Flexible) such that it is only accessible to users logged into your G-Suite domain. This is the approach I've used for internal-facing applications in the past, but it only applies if your case involves an entity using G-Suite.
You can set this up under the App Engine application Settings, under Identity Aware Proxy.
In this scenario the application is still operating at a publicly accessible location, but only users logged into your G-Suite domain can access it.
It should be possible with the GAE flexible environment. From Advanced network configuration:
You can segment your Compute Engine network into subnetworks. This
allows you to enable VPN scenarios, such as accessing databases within
your corporate network.
To enable subnetworks for your App Engine application:
Create a custom subnet network.
Add the network name and subnetwork name to your app.yaml file, as specified above.
To establish a VPN, create a gateway and a tunnel for a custom subnet network.
The standard env GAE doesn't offer access to the networking layer to achieve such goal.

Custom domain on Google App Engine

I'm trying to map my (naked) domain to an app.
I found this.
I'd like to map my app to (also known as a naked
Due to recent changes, Google App Engine no longer supports mapping
your app to a naked domain. If your domain registrar supports URL
redirects, you can redirect from to your app,
which can be served from domains like or
For instructions on how to configure a redirect for your Google Apps
domain, please see the article on URL forwarding.
Now I'd like not to resort to redirection. I understand is hosted on appengine and they seem to use a naked domain.
So, I;m hoping this is just typical bad documentation or not updated. Does anybody have any info on how Udacity solves this problem or how could I produce such a behaviour?
AFAIK AppEngine cannot be map to a naked domain, you can have a proxy mapped on your naked domain they will proxy into the application.
What most applications do is use forward from the naked domain to www where the application is mapped. GoDaddy supports that GoogleApps supports that and various other free and paid DNS services support that.

Does Google App Engine support SSL for apps hosted as

From this question I learned that Google App Engine does not currently support SSL on "custom domains" (at least not as of June 2010, when that question was asked).
Does this mean if I want to host my GAE app on, I cannot use SSL?
A few days ago it comes into tests.
It is at the top of the Features on Deck list.
Simultaneous serving:
A custom domain hosted app such as can still be accessed on its ssl appspot subdomain such as
(As the others on here have said) SSL is not currently supported for your own domain. It is aparently on it's way but has been for some time, I believe it is currently only available to a select few Google App Engine for Business customers.
The temporary solution which many (myself included) are using is to setup a reverse proxy from another hosting service (Amazon EC2 in my case) to route SSL traffic.
If your app suits the situation where your URLs are not of importance, you could setup an SSL site somewhere and access your version from within an iframe
Either way until GAE offically supports SSL via your Google Apps domains, you will need an external service to workaround it.
Custom SSL is available for App Engine since 27 Jun 2012.
You can setup it from your domain's control panel:
All secure traffic with Google App Engine must be served from your domain ( If you are serving your app off of a Google Apps domain, you must direct all secure traffic through your app's appspot domain.
This is what is written in google app engine documentation. That means. SSL is supported on domain
You can get SSL to work on your custom domain hosted on AppEngine, however you need to run a reverse proxy that can modify the host header to do so. If you want to setup a reverse proxy yourself, you can do so following these instructions:
Alternatively, you can use a reverse proxy service like CloudFlare. The process of getting SSL to work with an domain is documented on the CloudFlare Blog:
You can use - it is a reverse proxy service with SSL.
You get an individual IP and it is showing your app both on http and https ports. It is cheaper and easier than hosting the whole server yourself.
This is my service, so, yes, this is blatant advertising :-)
Here's a HOWTO I wrote up explaining how to do SSL on your custom domain using CloudFlare:
Since Sdk 1.7.0, released at Google I/O, developers can serve their applications via HTTPS on custom domains using both SNI (Server Name Indication) and VIP (Virtual Ip) based SSL.
