I followed these instructions and I made a hello world app with React. I uploaded the development files in my EBS and it worked.
After that I used the command npm run build, I followed the instructions, I installed the push-state and I tested using localhost. Everything worked fine.
But I uploaded the build files to my EBS and it complains that the app does not have the package.json file and the app does not work.
What do I have to do to put in package.json to deploy my react app using Elastic Beanstalk? How to deploy the build files generated by npm run build in EBS?
I recently deployed my react node based app using the EB CLI. I had to run eb init in my project directory which walks you through setting up the eb config. Here's the steps:
npm init to setup package.json (which you've done)
git init to setup a git repo
eb init to setup elastic beanstalk settings through its CLI
commit code
deploy to eb with eb deploy
AWS walks you through these steps assuming you're serving your app with node (which you didn't say, but it's likely).
As a bonus, you might want to setup CI so that AWS builds your app when your tests pass on code push. See the travis yaml file I use to do this.
I have built a react app using a truffle box that uses create-react app. I can get the app running on my local host but I can't see it on my VPS when I go to the IP address of my VPS and I run exactly the same commands and I get the same output in the terminal. I go in to my client dir and run npm start. I have tried to make a build and run the build through an http server in the client dir and the root folder of the VPS.
I run
serve -s build
All I can see is the index of the build in the browser when I try and serve the build through a webserver. When I run npm start on my localhost I can view my app but it doesn't work on my VPS. Please help me I've been struggling with this for days and its the last part of my project.
You need a webserver in any case.
When you do a local development, you do use webpack dev server (which is inside of create react app).
For the production, you need to make a production build and serve it for example by nginx. Here some details how to create production build with CRA https://create-react-app.dev/docs/production-build
On your screenshot, you don't see your site, because there is no entry point in your folder. By default it should be index.html
I want to Deploy my react site to the regular server without build command
without Netlify or DigitalOcean, Heroku, GitHub Pages, aws
Is there a way to run modular bundlers like Webpack on Host?
actually what Netlify or DigitalOcean, Heroku, GitHub Pages, aws doing for show webpage without npm run build command?
I create a reactJs App. But for now I run this app through Intellij idea and I would like to deploy it and run permanently in my machine without turning on through Intellij idea. How I could deploy react app and run it as deployment in my machine
If you created your app with create-react-app, you should be able to start local development server from the command line. To do this, open you project's root directory in the terminal and type npm start.
If you would like to create and serve a production bundle, you should build your project with npm run build and then serve build directory with a web server. The easiest way to do this is install serve via npm (npm install -g serve) and run serve -s build
For this purpose only webservers available like Tomcat, Payara, Whildfly, etc. You can install any one of those servers and deploy your application into that. As on when you started the server your application will be accessible.
Approach 1:
You can set up the server into your IDE and simply run the project on server mode.
Approach 2:
By using your project code, create a war file with the help of any build tool like MAVEN/GRADLE, etc. Then login into the server manager(Tomcat Manager) and deploy the generated .war file in deployment section.
Note: With the 2nd approach, you can access the application as on when you start the server.
So, I have spent a couples of months learning react and have now created a react app that works nicely on my local computer using the web address localhost:3000. But now is the big question: how do I deploy the app so it becomes accessible on the internet for everybody to see. Previously I have place on a web hotel where I can host some php files. But how do I put the react app on that web hotel. Or do I need some other service that a normal web hotel cannot handle.
Thanks for any help
/Simon :-)
There's a few great options for pushing out your first React application. Once it's built and hosted on GitHub, there's a few free options for deploying static websites (as long as your app meets this requirement). I suggest checking out GitHub Pages (https://pages.github.com/) or Netlify (https://www.netlify.com/); they offer you the tools to deploy right from your repository.
The short answer is simply run npm run build or yarn build command then the scripts try to create a js file and a CSS file and a HTML file and all your files can access from build folder. so just copy build folder and everything in it to server for example upload it to Heroku or AWS
First you should create build. Use 'npm run build' or if you are using yarn then use 'yarn build' command.
After that you will see build folder in your app having html file static folder.
You can test with any local server in your machine. You can use following chrome extension to deploy your app locally. Just import your build folder inside this extension.
Web server for chrome
Thank you Keith!
I used "Github pages" to deploy my React app and it was surprisingly simple. I found a great short 5 minute tutorial on Youtube: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y-PqBH-htk". This is how I did it:
Added this line to my package.json file, at the top level:
"homepage": "https://zimon42.github.io/helloworld"
(zimon42 is your username on Github. helloworld is the name of your repository)
Installed the so called Github pages module by running:
npm install --save gh-pages
Added these two lines to my package.json file, under scripts:
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
Committed and pushed everything to Git (Dont know if this step is necessary)
Deploying the application by running
npm run deploy
Now simply check out the paeg at https://zimon42.github.io/helloworld.
( For me there was a delay before the changed took effect.)
Also my routes didn't work. Got a empty page. But saw this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yA7BGos2KQ&t=114s which described using HashRoutes instead, and then it worked!
/Simon :-)
I created react app using create-react-app.
I have deployed to aws.
How can I run it in production without using server like apache or nginx ?
Thank You.
You should install nginx on your EC2 instance.
Then, run npm run build. It will generate a build folder, that then should be used as nginx vhost webroot.
npm run build
Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly
bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app
is ready to be deployed!
Simple as that.
For environments using Node, the easiest way to handle this would be
to install serve and let it handle the rest:
npm install -g serve serve -s build