Add a partial inside a partial in Dust - inline

I need to pass values to a dust template in the following manner:
<div class="o-outer">
{>"atoms/button" text="{+filteredClass/}"/}
{#customFilter _key="MENU" /}
Any idea how to achive this?

I think you will want to define a custom filter instead of a helper with a custom filter. See for details on how to create a custom filter. Then you will be able to do:
<div class="o-outer">
{>"atoms/button" text="{text|myFilter}"/}
This all assumes that your customFilter helper is actually being used in the same way that Dust filters are used. If not, then you will probably need a different solution.


How to make proper container component using Angular?

In the project I work on there are list "manipulation controls", like:
The parts of this controls are the same at 90% of the pages. So I'm thinking about writing "manipulation controls" Component, so I wouldn't change sizes at every page, just in Component's template if I need to (all these col-xs-*), or just copy/paste html for each input separately.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-7 form-inline">
<div class="col-xs-9">
<!-- Search input -->
<div class="col-xs-3">
<!-- Type select -->
<div class="col-xs-5 form-inline right">
<sort-by ng-model="sortBy" ng-change="setCurrentPage(1);" values="{{sortValues}}"></sort-by>
<items-per-page ng-model="itemsPerPage" ng-change="setCurrentPage(1);"></items-per-page>
Is it a good idea to make such "container" component? Is there any tutorial on how to make it properly (some of the inputs might be hidden, i.e. list is small and there is no need for pagination, every placeholder, title are unique in general, so there might be many variables to pass)?
This is more or less architecture question, I'm not experienced in this, but to my mind the idea of writing such component is good. If I'm mistaken or the question isn't specific enough, please argument it.
Yes, it is a good idea to turn reusable code into components.
Yes, passing configuration variables is how you would customize it for each use case. Using ng-show, ng-hide, ng-if, ng-switch, ng-class, ng-style, etc ... there are many ways to implement the options in your template.
When you have a large number of options, it is common practice to pass them as one object. (ie. config="{foo: 'bar', baz: 'biz'}" vs foo="bar" baz="biz").
Yes, it's a good idea: that's the purpose of directives (or components, in the new 1.5x implementations): inject in your HTML some reusable components in an intelligent way.
Think if you ever need to bind a variable to your "containers": you'll be able to do it easily and with no pain at all, by using directives/components.
Alternatively, if you don't need any form of logic inside your "containers", you could use ng-include with templates to inject html in your pages, like this:
<div ng-include"myContainer.html"></div>
and somewhere in your "templates.html"..
<script type="text/ng-template" id="myContainer.html">
<!-- content -->
What you are looking for is Angular directive (

Need some guidance on how to set up directives for a dynamic view

I am working on my first angular directive and still getting my head around the concepts and what's possible with directives. As I've been researching the best way to tackle this problem I haven't been able to identify an example that addresses what I'm trying to do, so thought I would ask for some help from the experts here.
I have an array of objects that are one of three types.
I would like to use the ng-repeat directive to iterate through this array and display the objects on the page.
Each object type has a different view associated with it as each object shares some properties, but also have unique properties.
I would like to set up a directive that displays the correct view based on the objective type.
So the logic would work something like the following:
<div ng-repeat="item in dataset">
One idea would be to have one directive where I determine the templateUrl based on the object type and then have a unique template for each of the objects.
Another idea would be to have a parent directive and then three other directives (one for each object type) and the parent directive would insert the correct object type directive (this is the idea that seems like the better approach, but I'm not sure how to actually implement this idea).
I'd love some help in understanding the best way to tackle this and how to implement. If you could provide some example code that would be wonderful and get me started on the right path.
Thanks for your help!
The way we are using it is with ng-switch inside the ng-repeat.
<div ng-repeat="item in dataset" ng-switch="item.type">
<directive-one ng-switch-when="1">
<directive-two ng-switch-when="2">
<directive-three ng-switch-when="3">

using jqlite to target nested directive element

I have a directive that has a template something like:
<div class="some-class">
<div class="some-inner-class">
<div class="class-to-target">
in the directives link function I would like to assign 'class-to-target' to a variable and then use addClass() and removeClass(). Can anyone recommend a clean way to achieve this?
Any thoughts greatly appreciated
This should work just fine with the ng-class variable. You won't even need to use addClass() or removeClass(), you can simply manipulate the variables from within your linking function. Here is an example usage:
<div ng-class={classToTarget: applyClass}>
Then inside your linking function you simply set applyClass to true|false based on whether you want the class applied to the div or not. classToTarget should be set to the name of the class you want to apply to the div.
The ng-class documentation has some really good examples covering this exact scenario. See for more information.

Custom Angularjs directive vs. ng-class

Several times when creating or customizing a directive (either my own directive or for example I get a point where all the display logic is controlled by a single css class. At that point the directive boils down to adding and removing a single class. So instead of using a new directive I can simply use the ng-class directive (see an example here: Is there an advantage to the custom directive approach vs the ng-class/CSS styles approach? I guess the custom directive doesn't depend on $animate? Am I just doing it wrong?
Sorry for another directive vs. XXX question.
I think you're failing to see the forest for the all tress. You're focusing on a very minute detail and missing the larger picture. Directives are more than simply applying styles. I think an example is best. For example, take the rating directive. If you wanted to render a star rating model it might look like this:
<div ng-rating="album.rating" max="5"></div>
That may add the following to the DOM:
<ul class="inline">
<li ng-repeat="i in max">
<i ng-class="{ 'icon-start-empty': i > rating, 'icon-star': i <= rating }"></i>
Under the covers ng-class it utilized, but that is only a part of the logic encapsulated in the rating directive. It allows the user to configure how many stars the rating is out of, and renders the same number of li elements. Then because you wrote a directive it allows you to reuse this logic where ever it's required. Using ng-class only works in that 1 location. If you want to do the same thing you're copying code which is a sign maybe you want to wrap that logic up in a directive.

Is there a way to make AngularJS work with HTML-first?

Is there a way to have a HTML-view with pre-populated values from the server, and then get AngularJS to read those values into it's $scope?
I'm thinking of a scenario where the HTML is like this:
<div ng-controller="TestController">
<div ng-bind="title">Test Title</div>
<div ng-bind="itemCount">33</div>
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
<div ng-bind="item.title">Item 1 Title</div>
<button ng-click="update()">Update</button>
And the JavaScript is like this:
function TestController($scope) {
$scope.update = function() {
console.log($scope.title); // Should log "Test Title"
The thought behind this is to let the server render HTML that search engines can index, but have a JavaScript-model-representation of the content for manipulation through JS.
While ng-init is one solution, it requires you to explicitly set the value. So here is an alternative solution.
Note : This solution wont work for ng-repeat. Control flow directives cant be used with this. But for simple extraction of information from ng-bind this works pretty well. All that you need to do is add the default directive ( code in plunk ) to wherever you are doing the bind and it will extract the text content and push it to the scope variable.
EDIT (solution with ng-repeat):
So, I was thinking of a way to make ng-repeat also work the same way. But getting ng-repeat to work like this isnt an easy job ( see the code for proof :P ). I have finally found a solution - here you go :
There are a couple of things you need to know before you use this. This hasnt been thoroughly tested. It only works for repeating over arrays ( not objects ). There could be cases that have not been covered. I am overriding ngRepeat itself which could have other consequences. When you loop through the items ( in your server side code ) dont forget to add default="true" on the first element and default on the rest of the elements.
Hope this helps.
Add ng-init to your elements with the value so that it will work the way you want.
I think what you really want is to make your application searchable by serving static files in parallell. Read more about it here
