How to use VOLTTRON with PiCAN2(CanBUS)? - volttron

I learned that volttron supports with Raspberry Pi.
In my project, i'm gonna implement agent in raspberry and use Pican2 (Canbus) to get information from DSP.
So it's possible or not to write CANBUS in volttron's agent?
Or it has another ways?
Please kindly give me some instruction!!!
Best regards

It is certainly possible to write an Agent that can communicate with the PiCAN2 as it does provide a Python interface via SocketCAN.
What you probably want to do is create an MasterDriver interface that uses the PiCAN2 Python interface. Ideally this interface would be configured in a similar manner as the other interfaces.
A high level explanation of interfaces is found here:
More detailed documentation on interface creation is found here:


How to implement non-native protocol in Apache Guacamole?

I'm trying to implement a native SFTP protocol with simple terminal interface like SSH in Apache Guacamole.
I've done the official tutorial from:
But the "bouncing ball protocol" it's too simple and i can't understand how to, in this case, implement an interactive terminal. Also i didn't found any project related to the creation of non-native protocols in Guacamole.
Any info is useful, thanks for reading.

App Communication on Windows IoT

i want to run 2 different BackgroundTasks - one for the communication with my arduino - and one for the communication with other devices by using a webservice. These tasks should be able to write and read from ONE database. But my problem is, that the Windows.Storage.ApplicationData does not provide the SharedLocalFolder. It is null, if I want to use it. Is there any other way where i can store my database that both BackgroundTask can connect to it?
Additionally I found now this path:(Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.GetPublisherCacheFolder(...)). This look very interesting, but if i want to use it I cant write there. I think, because the resolved file path does not exist..
Any other ideas?
App2App Communication via WebServer (Blinky WebServer):
You can refer Microsoft's IoT sample provided for Blinky Webserver which also depicts the concept of App2App Communication. But you need to read it thoroughly to modify and reuse it up-to your expectation.
Right now I have no experience about Windows IoT and database. Once I got my hands on it, I'll update.

develop BLE peripheral using C on intel edison

I am trying to develop a bluetooth LE peripheral in intel-edison, by using C library. The device should be able to :
advertise (GAP)
accept connection (GAP)
support custom GATT service, simply read/write value of characteristic.
I try to use HCI and bluez to implement this. bluez-experiments, intel-edison-playground, which demonstrate how to advertise and scan, can be compiled and run on edison. BLE advertising and scanning do work.
But I have hard time to figure out how to accept connection and support GATT service. I try to search on goolge about the HCI document but have no luck. Can someone provide a snippet of code (c or pseudo or a description)?
Thank you so much!
If you download the bluez source you'll find documentation on the hci protocol in /doc/mgmt-api.txt. I'm not using the hci interface myself, and I'm not sure if the developers intend for implementors to use this interface to implement peripherals, so I'm not sure how well this will work.
I went with the DBus API approach for my project, which is outlined in /doc/gatt-api.txt and /doc/advertising-api.txt. This approach involves writing a program which creates DBus objects which support specific org.bluez DBus interfaces (GattService1 which contains GattCharacteristic1 and GattDescriptor1) and the ObjectManager interface to expose everything to bluez. You then use LEAdvertisment1 to define what is advertised and register the advertisement using the LEAdvertisingManger1 interface on the adapter.
I used Qt to simplify the DBus communication parts.
The DBus API for BLE on bluez is still in heavy development, and not all features are supported (I still haven't found a way to start and stop advertising, for example). 5.31 contains a lot of added supported and some critical bug fixes for descriptors, but requires a newer kernel.

establish bluetooth piconet connection between server and two clients using c on linux platform?

I want to establish Bluetooth network where one server can communicate to two clients (ie piconet) using C programm on linux platform, rfcomm based communication.
Can any one please share your guidance or sample source code if have.
I newbie to the bluetooth technology, have not found any useful info or code from internet source so far. so please.
Thank you
Linux runs open source BlueZ Bluetooth Stack, which works quite well (unless you need Bluetooth Low Energy). You can check out this tutorial:
PS. Mind the GPL license when using #include like in those examples.
As for creating piconet specifically, I'm afraid I don't have any snippets. However, after quick search, I would look into using bluez library to open not one but many RFCOMM sockets. So you can listen to and accept multiple connections.

Do we need drivers for micro controller which has to communicate with mobile phones?

I am planning to build a micro controller (a switch will be attached to the embedded system which contains this micro controller) and this embedded system will be connected through a wire to mobile phone. My objective is to dial a particular number through the connected mobile phone network when the user presses the switch on the embedded system. ( planning to use AT commands for dialing). After extensive search, I have found that it is possible to do this above task. Some of the questions I have on this :
a) Do we have to install any drivers on the micro controller to communicate with mobile phone (for sending AT commands) i.e., is it sufficient if we simply code the related AT commands in the micro-controller (in C++) ?
b) Many people were using F-bus protocol for this above objective. Is there any other general protocol similar to this which can help for communicating with all mobiles (samsung,nokia,sony..)
I have read extensively in SO also. But, I have not found any question regarding the drivers. I would appreciate any kind of help
A driver is nothing more than a software that allows your system to interact other devices, and is usually associated with Operating Systems (the driver might provide an abstraction layer for your communication). Do you plan to use an Operating System at all?
In any case, it is quite obvious that if you want to communicate to another device you need the software to do so. The question is if you write it your self or if you get an "off the shelf" solution.
In many cases, particularly when a device uses a proprietary communication protocol, you have no option but to get a driver to communicate with it, and that most likely will require you to have an Operating System.
If cellular communication is all you need, there are MUCH easier solutions available (particularly if you intend of turning your project into a product). Search for "embedded modems" or M2M solutions. There are lots of available modems to which you connect using RS232, and can send the AT commands directly. Telit and Multitech are two providers I've worked with and are really easy to interface with.
