Remove selected object in NSTableView from array - arrays

I have an array which contains some objects which are displayed in a NSTableView. I want to delete one of them within my control segment UI (- button).
My table is named deviceTable so I need to find out which row is selected.
I think I need some more code on this to get the selected row? Unsure with that... Now I need to find this object within the array (it's called devices) and delete the object. In Swift 3, that should be
I need to give some information on this, because RemoveAtIndex has been replaced with remove. I don't know what to do there - any information on this?
Sorry for asking these questions that might be easy for your expertise guys, it's a problem for me here and I hope someone can help me out.

Well, I definelty need some more sleep ._.
ViewController.devices.remove(at: deviceTable.selectedRow)


How to show variable's value in Dialog Name (Einstein Bot)

I need to show the Product's Name in the Menu, I think image says it all:
Click here to see the image
I have a menu, with two options, and the first show a text with a variable, but {!Product} don't works, there is a way of this work?
When I put {!Product} in Message or Question, this works normal...
I didn't find any solution for showing the variable in the title dialog, my solution was to change the message to "Know more about this product", I left a generic message.
Old topic but the answer might help someone.
There's a great article explaining how to get some dynamic information
In your case, I guess you need to
Query your products (the out-of-the-box Einstein Bot query is simple and has a limit of 3 items but you could call a flow or apex to get better granularity on the filter/logic and control le size)
Store the query result in a Custom record list Variable
Query data with a flow
Use a dynamic question and merge fields to display what you want
Top configuration of the dynamic question
Down configuration of the dynamic question

Clone a quote and mantain the relationship with its original quote line items

I'm trying to make a button which clones the quote and keeps the relationship with the original QuoteLineItem.
Basically I don't know how to clone related lists.
I get the id from the page with ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
Then I query the fields I need to be duplicated, but when I click the button, it generates a quote without QuoteLineItems
I've already tried with qli.clone(false,true); method, but it doesn't work.
I hope it's clear enough.
Thanks in advance
I think I figured it out by myself.
A quoteLineItem is the child in the relationship, so it can have one, and only one Parent.
I don't think it's possible to achieve what I wanted to do. Thanks anyway :)

How to force two instance of the same app (DNN/2sxc) to read from the same stream?

Sorry if my question is silly but I'm new to DNN/2sxc, I've spent the whole day trying to figure this with no success..
I have two instances of the same app, one in the home page and the other on its own page, each one must have its own view template (I use Razor).
My problem is I cannot figure a way to make the two apps read the same data, so every add/edit/remove/re-sort in one of them will be reflected to the other, currently each app has its own data and therefore they are unusable in my case.
I've tried to use a 'EntityTypeFilter' inside a 'Data Query' and use it in both views (as in the News-Simple demo video), it worked and gave me all the items in the two views, but another two problems come with this solution:
1- now I'm unable to use the toolbar to (add/remove/reorder,.. etc) any of the items , as you can see in this image, which is a show-stopper for me,
note: this is the toolbar I use:
#foreach(var item in AsDynamic(Data["Default"]))
#Edit.Toolbar(target: item, actions: "new,edit,replace,remove,moveup,movedown,instance-list")
2- the 'Content Demo Item' is also visible in the list, but it is not that important since I can delete it and use one of the real data items as a demo item.
I appreciate any kind of help.
Thank you.
So the first thing you should know is the difference when using content-items as data (to query, etc.) and when using it as assigned-items (where each module-instance has a subset of items). Here's the blog that should help you understand the difference:
So when you want the "manually and easily control the exact items displayed, their ordering etc." you want to use the "content-assigned-to-instance" which also gives you the simple add, delete buttons, as these don't really delete anything, but just remove the assignment from the module-instance.
Now your case is a bit special, in that you want to re-use the exact same set in another module-instance. There are a few ways you can do this:
Same View
if it's exactly the same view etc. just duplicate the module using DNN-features (the add-existing-module-to-another page)
different view
if it's a different view (maybe more compact, etc.) you again have multiple options. The first is to mirror / duplicate using the dnn-feature, and just put an if-im-on-this-page-then-show-differently or inject another CSS. That's probably the easiest without any dev-know-how.
The harder, but possibly nicer way, is to actually to use a new template, and tell it to retrieve the items in the way they are configured in the other module - let's say module 1 is the original, module 2 has a different template wanting to access the items of module 1 in exactly the same order as given in 1. They way to do this is simple, but requires a few lines of C# code in Module 2.
You need to create a new ModuleDataSource ( object and tell it that it's from Module 1. If you've never done this, it's basically that your code can create a query just like the visual designer, but you have more control - see the wiki The Module-Data-Source in the visual-query-designer doesn't allow you to "switch" modules (a advanced setting we may add in the future) but the object has a ModuleId property which you can set before accessing the data, making it "switch" to that Module. here's the Pseudo code in your Module#2 razor...
var otherModData = CreateSource<ModuleDataSource>();
otherModData.ModuleId = 1;
foreach(var itm in AsDynamic(otherModData["Default"])) {
That should do it :)

Get content Id (nid) from path on views block

I just can't seem to wrap my head around Drupal relationships. I have been reading and watching tutorials, but as soon as I try to get my own project done - I fail. I think it's very basic, so I would love to understand it. Maybe someone here can help me understand how it works :)
On my drupal site, I want to keep track of some private game tournaments.
I have created a content type called contestant, which has fields like: Tournament date, Player name, Final Position. I can then create a view that list the information from one tournament. I used the help I got from this thread: drupal views dynamic filter
I would like to have the view described above as a block. And then place that block-view on a "tournament description" page. I could do this, by simply creating a new block each time, and then manually place it on the page it should be shown (structure-->Blocks-->configure), but that is not an elegant way to do it. I am pretty sure this is where Relationships should be used. But I fail to understand how to create this relationship, so that the specific block view, that matches the specific tournament description page will be displayed together.
Use a Content:Nid as a Contextual filter.
WHEN the Filter value is not in the URL >>
Provide default value
Content ID from URL

Parse - how to add comments to an image?

I'm trying to create an iOS application where users post and image, and then someone can comment on the image. So far I've set up the a message class which contains (among other things) the image file. I want to be able to add comments to the image, so what would be the best way of doings this.
Option A:
I could add an array (or object?) column to the already existing message class, and then store in this array the comment (string) and the id of the poster (string). For this I think I would need a two-dimensional array, but I'm not sure how I would go about doing this.
Option B:
I could make an entire new class of comments which contains the user's comments (string), as well as the image file that he/she linked to (perhaps though a PFRelation)
Basically I'm leaning to Option A, because it seems easier/more efficient to implement, but I don't really know how I would go about creating a two-dimensional/array of objects - so my question is, how would I go about doing this?
The way I did it in my app is option B. I then added a count column to the photo that was incremented/decremented onSave or onDelete. I think this method is better because it keeps the data more symmetric (with option A some data could have thousands of comments while others would have 0). Additionally, it allows you to query the comments cell if you wanted to have a notification view where you showed the user what activity has been done on their photo.
