I am a new Drupal CMS application developer, I have create redirect function using redirect, trigger module and integrate succefully. The page redirect direct to login working fine. The trigger action create after user logged in redirect to frontpage. Trigged was showing user page, but the not showing frontpage.
The below configuration in my Drupal site:
redirect module - redirect from frontpage to user login page
system - action - choose action - redirect to - frontpage[site:url] assign available token
goto structure trigger - user tab - after user logged in - assign to action funtion
redirect module can be replaced with R4032Login (Redirect 403 users to login page eg.)
Don't rebuild the wheel, use it :D
I'm working on a project with Aws Cognito, and I'm using their standard UI library to login.
The UI also have a forgot password button, where you can go an change your password, that gets you to this page
aws amplify reset password page
Now, we want to have this option in our app, and we have a button Reset password, somewhere in a user settings Page. And I want to redirect the user to the Page above, but I can't find any way other then log him out, and then he must click on the forget button link.
You should check out the Amplify documentation. In the following link you have more information about which functions from Amplify Authentication should be called: https://docs.amplify.aws/lib/auth/manageusers/q/platform/js/#change-password
I have implemented an SPA application with a domain URL "https://mydomainname.com/context-path" using class based component. The whole qualified URL("https://mydomainname.com/context-path") is my base URL for SPA home page.
I have also implemented UI auth flow to validate and generate the access token from OAuth Server.
Whenever users click on the login button from SPA home page, call goes to my auth provider which returns login page for user. After user supply the credentials and submit the login form, call goes to auth server for validating the credentials and then generate the access token and redirect to SPA home page(https://mydomainname.com/context-path)
During redirect call, SPA application gets refreshed and the router code is trying to append context path in my base url which gets converted to https://mydomainname.com/context-path/**context-path**
I have implemented the context path addition logic in the router
Question: How can I avoid adding additional context path during auth server redirection to SPA home page?
i have an angularjs app, i am using cookie based authentication in this app. when i login with two different users in same browser window in different tabs my cookie gets override. For example i am logged in with a user 'A' in first tab of browser and i am logged in with a user 'B' in second tab of the same browser window. when i check the cookie in browser, i only see the information about last logged in user. and when i try to navigate through application with user 'A' i get wrong data.
my question is is there any way i can skip login screen if a user is already logged in my application? so that no other user can login within same browser?
i tried to use resolve:in AngularApp.config and tried to redirect already logged in user to /home but still i am unable to achieve it. any thoughts?
Once the login is completed you can save the status of the application in session storage. Then when you are initialising the application you can check the value exits in session storage or not and redirect user to different page depend on the value. Make sure you are removing the stored value in session storage when user logout from the application
Is there a way to open external URL in new window and keep an watch over URL change in newly open window and take actions accordingly. And i want to get cookies values also from newly open window.Basically I'm developing website in angularjs. To signup or login i'm using social media. For example on clicking facebook button(using passportjs for social login ) it should redirect user to facebook login screen and once login is successful user will be redirected to a page where i'll be sending access and refresh token in cookies from my server once redirect is done. So i want to keep watch over URL and redirect user to profile page once redirecting is done and want to fetch value from cookies.
new window -> no rootScope or any other scope.
You don't have the same "runtine environment" cross windows
You can't control a new window with the one that open it.
You have to "boot" another angualr and passing parameters, if needed in another way.
normally with 3th party authentication you can choose the page that you want to land.
For angularjs I found the lib satellizer that is pretty good and give you support for all the principal identity provider(facebook, twitter, guthub ecc).
Take a look and tell me if is what are you searching
I have installed the user module in Drupal 7. How could do that when the user logs in redirect to the home page ?
I suggest two options. You could use Login redirect module or you could use Rules module and set a rule reacting to event user login and performs page redirect action. If you want, you can also filter the redirection destination by role adding a condition to the rule