Concatenating directive attribute to template? - angularjs

Is there a possible way to use the value of an attribute and use it to concatenate in the directive template
<text-input txt-info="textName" ng-model="pi.medRecNumber"> </text-input>
hcare.directive('textInput', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE', //attribute or element
scope: {
bindedModel: "=ngModel", // Element Model Data
txtInfo:'#', // Serve as name and id attribute value
'<div class="form-group tcell-220" data-ng-class="{true: \'has-error\'}[submitted && formHcare.'+txtInfo+'.$invalid]">'+
'<div class="fg-line">' +
'<input id="'+txtInfo+'" name="'+txtInfo+'" data-ng-model="bindedModel" type="text" class="input-h25 form-control" placeholder="M#####-#" >'+
'<small class="help-block" data-ng-show="submitted && formHcare.'+txtInfo+'.$error.required">Field Required</small>'+
replace: true,
require: '?ngModel',
link: function($scope, elem){

I think I got it working..
The thing with directives is that you have the same scope as the parent so you don't really need the 'bindedModel' variable and you can approach the txtInfo attribute with {{}} as we always do in angular.
Here is your code with my fixes to make it working:
hcare.directive('textInput', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE', //attribute or element
replace: true,
scope: {
//bindedModel: "=ngModel", // Element Model Data
txtInfo:'#', // Serve as name and id attribute value
'<div class="form-group tcell-220" data-ng-class="{true: \'has-error\'}[submitted && formHcare.{{txtInfo}}.$invalid]">'+
'<div class="fg-line">' +
'<input id="{{txtInfo}}" name="{{txtInfo}}" data-ng-model="pi.medRecNumber" type="text" class="input-h25 form-control" placeholder="M#####-#" >'+
'<small class="help-block" data-ng-show="submitted && formHcare.{{txtInfo}}.$error.required">Field Required</small>'+
//require: '?ngModel',
link: function($scope, elem){
don't forget to initialize the pi object in the controller for it to work:
hcare.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.pi = {};
If you want to make sure it is working you should use the browser's inspect element option on this input field.


ng-repeat affects the wrong place

I have written a custom directive named fRadioButton in AngularJS. As far as I know, ngRepeat directive affects the tag that it's used with. However in my case, ngRepeat behaves strangely. Here are the details:
My directive template:
<input type="radio" value="fValue"/>
My directive's JavaScript file:
directivesModule.directive('fRadioButton', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
scope: {
fName: '#',
fValue: '='
transclude: false,
templateUrl: '/directives/f-radio-button.html'
I use the directive from any page as follows:
<f-radio-button ng-repeat="period in myCtrl.periods track by $index"
f-name="" f-value="{{$index}}""></f-radio-button>
According to the ngRepeat, I expect the genereated HTML to be in the following format:
However, it is generated as follows:
How can I directly duplicate the label tags with ngRepeat? I have tried it with replace=false, but it didn't work either.
I guess that replace=true runs before the ng-repeat. Is there a way to run ng-repeat before the replace=true?
You can pass an array into your directive and render radio items inside:
.directive('fRadioButton', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
scope: {
model: '=ngModel',
options: '=',
fName: '#',
fValue: '#'
template: function(element, attrs) {
return '<div> {{model}}' +
'<label ng-repeat="option in options">' +
' <input type="radio" ng-model="$parent.model" ng-value="{{ option.' + attrs.fValue + ' }}" name="' + + '" />' +
' {{option.' + attrs.fName + '}}' +
Then you could use it like this:
<f-radio-button options="myCtrl.periods" ng-model="selected" f-name="name" f-value="id"></f-radio-button>
Here is a simple demo:
ng-repeat repeats everything that is inside the element you attach it to
<div ng-repeat="period in myCtrl.periods track by $index">
<f-radio-button f-name="" f-value="{{$index}}"></f-radio-button>
myApp.directive('fRadioButtons', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
scope: {
periods: "="
template: '<label ng-repeat="period in periods"><input type="radio" f-name="{{}}" value="{{$index}}"/>{{}}</label>'
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.periods = [{name: "foo"}, {name: "bar"}, {name: "foobar"}];

Directive to show error messages

I have validation set up, and am using ngMessages to show errors. However I want to create a wrapper directive around ngMessages that adds some HTML (to avoid a lot of code duplication).
So instead of having to write this on each input:
<div class="help-block validator">
<div ng-messages="$error" ng-if="$touched">
<p ng-message="required">This field is required.</p>
I'd just write something like this:
<error-message messages='{"required": "This field is required."}' error="$error" touched="$touched"></error-message>
The issue with my directive is that error and touched come up as strings, they don't get evaluated as JS expressions. I've tried to $eval them, but that throws an error.
Here's my directive:
.directive("errorMessage", function () {
return {
restrict: "E",
replace: true,
scope: {
'messages': '=',
'error': '=',
'touched': '='
template: '<div class="help-block validator">' +
'<div ng-messages="error" ng-if="touched">' +
'<div ng-repeat="(key, message) in messages">' +
'<p ng-message="key">{{message}}</p>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
scope.error = attrs.error;
scope.touched = attrs.touched;
scope.messages = scope.$eval(attrs.messages); // this works
Any idea how I should go about doing this?
Found the issue. Looks like attrs wasn't what I needed. The properties were already in the scope. The code I ended up with is:
.directive("errorMessage", function () {
return {
restrict: "E",
replace: true,
scope: {
'messages': '=',
'error': '=',
'touched': '='
template: '<div class="help-block validator">' +
'<div ng-messages="error" ng-if="touched">' +
'<div ng-repeat="(key, message) in messages">' +
'<p ng-message="{{key}}">{{message}}</p>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
I think ng-message-include meets your requirements. we can create new html file and place all of our messages in this file and just call it with ng-messages-include.
hope my answer is usable for you.

AngularJS model not updating while typing

In the following AngularJS code, when you type stuff into the input field, I was expecting the div below the input to update with what is typed in, but it doesn't. Any reason why?:
<div ng-app="myApp">
<input type="text" ng-model="city" placeholder="Enter a city" />
<div ng-sparkline ng-model="city" ></div>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.directive('ngSparkline', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^ngModel',
template: '<div class="sparkline"><h4>Weather for {{ngModel}}</h4></div>'
Add ngModel to the scope as mentioned below -
app.directive('ngSparkline', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^ngModel',
scope: {
ngModel: '='
template: '<div class="sparkline"><h4>Weather for {{ngModel}}</h4></div>'
Updated Fiddle
It should be
template: '<div class="sparkline"><h4>Weather for {{city}}</h4></div>'
since you are binding the model to city
The basic issue with this code is you aren't sharing "ngModel" with the directive (which creates a new scope). That said, this could be easier to read by using the attributes and link function. Making these changes I ended up with:
<div ng-sparkline="city" ></div>
app.directive('ngSparkline', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var newElement = '<div class="sparkline"><h4>Weather for {{' + attrs.ngSparkline + '}}</h4></div>';
Using this pattern you can include any dynamic html or angular code you want in your directive and it will be compiled with the $compile service. That means you don't need to use the scope property - variables are inherited "automatically"!
Hope that helps!
See the fiddle:
template: '<div class="sparkline"><h4>Weather for {{city}}</h4></div>'
the issue is that require option means that ngSparkline directive expects ngModel directive controller as its link function 4th parameter. your directive can be modified like this:
app.directive('ngSparkline', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^ngModel',
template: '<div class="sparkline"><h4>Weather for {{someModel}}</h4></div>',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
controller.$render = function() {
scope.someModel = controller.$viewValue;
but this creates someModel variable in scope. that I think isn't necessary for this use case.

AngularJS - Different template in directive

I have a form based on twitter bootstrap, each field have it's own configuration
// controller (the template shows this in ng-repeat
$scope.fields = [{name:"f1", label:"Field 1", with_button: false},
{name:"f2", label:"Field 2", with_button: true}]
I'm trying to make a "conditional directive" that customize the template according to "field.with_button"
// Without button
<div class="controls">
<input type="text" id="i_{{}}">
// With button
<div class="controls">
<div class="input-append">
<input type="text" id="i_{{}}">
<span class="add-on">bt</span>
I searched a lot and didn't find any solution, I tried to create only one div and put contents inside with a compiler function but it didn't parse, and if I call $apply it crashes.
How could I make this directive?
wrong My last try:
angular.module('mymodule',[]).directive('ssField', function() {
return {
scope: {
field: '='
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div class="controls">{{innerContent}}</div>',
controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$scope.$eval('$scope.innerContent = \'<input type="text" id="input_{{}}" placeholder="{{}}" class="input-xlarge">\'');
//<ss-field field="{{field}}"></ss-field>
You can use the $http and $compile services to do what you're after.
This plnkr should demostrate what needs to be done, but basically:
Use $http to load the template depending on the condition.
Compile the loaded template against the current scope with $compile.
angular.module('mymodule',[]).directive('ssField', ['$http', '$compile', function($http, $compile) {
return {
scope: {
field: '='
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div class="controls"></div>',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var template;
var withButtonTmpl = 'with_button.html';
var withoutButtonTmpl = 'without_button.html';
if (scope.field.with_button) {
$http.get(withButtonTmpl).then(function(tmpl) {
template = $compile(;
} else {
$http.get(withoutButtonTmpl).then(function(tmpl) {
template = $compile(;
You can change the directive to be more robust so the URLs aren't directly embedded in the directive for re-usability, etc., but the concept should be similar.
Just to further expand on Cuing Vo's answer here is something similar to what I use(without using external partials and additional $http calls):
myApp.directive('myDirective',['$compile', function($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<hr/>',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
var template = {
'templ1':'<div>Template 1</div>',
'templ2':'<div>Template 2</div>',
'default':'<div>Template Default</div>'
var templateObj;
templateObj = $compile(template[attrs.templateName])(scope);
templateObj = $compile(template['default'])(scope);
However Im not quite sure its by the bible from performance perspective.
In AngularJS, directly manipulate the DOM must only be a last resort solution. Here, you can simply use the ngSwitch directive :
angular.module('mymodule',[]).directive('ssField', function() {
return {
scope: {
field: '='
restrict: 'E',
'<div class="controls" data-ng-switch="field.with_button">' +
'<input type="text" id="i_{{}}" data-ng-switch-when="false">' +
'<div class="input-append" data-ng-switch-default>' +
'<input type="text" id="i_{{}}">' +
'<span class="add-on">bt</span>' +
'</div>' +

Ng-transclude data from template in link

I have written the following Angular directive:
angular.module('solarquote.directives', []).directive('editfield', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
transclude: true,
template: '<span ng-hide="editorEnabled" ng-transclude></span>' + // viewable field
'<span ng-show="editorEnabled"><input class="input-medium" ng-model="editableField"></span>', // editable field
link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.editorEnabled = false;
scope.editableField = elm.children[0].children[0].innerText;
And in the html, inside a ng-repeat:
<span editfield>{{ }}</span>
I would like to prepopulate the input field in the directive's template with the same content in the ng-transclude. Going through the DOM and grabbing the text yields: {{ }} instead of the rendered data: "Bob" (or whatever name).
What is the best way to access the transcluded data?
It is not possible to assign to ng-model an expression that you specify in transclusion block. This is because a transclusion block can be an expression like {{ functionValue() }} or {{ field1+':'+field2 }}. Angular simply does not know how to reverse those expressions.
What you can do, is provide a reference to the model you want to update. See the following punkler (needs jQuery)
directive('editfield', function() {
var template = ''+
'<span ng-show="editorEnabled"><input class="input-medium" ng-model="editfield"></span>'+
'<span ng-hide="editorEnabled" ng-transclude></span>';
return {
restrict: 'A',
template: template,
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var input = element.find('input');
