UI Automation for Prism wpf project using White - wpf

I have created WPF application using Prism framework. Now I need to perform UI automation on it. I have used White UI automation framework for plain WPF application, but I am not able to write UI test in Prism using White.
How to write UI test in Prism application.
Are there any other frameworks to perform UI automation test apart from White and Coded UI?


Can I use silverlight application in wpf application?

I got a silverlight sample from http://gallery.expression.microsoft.com/ like the analog clock and the progress bar. I am making a wpf desktop application using microsoft blend 4. My problem is how to put/run/embed the sample in my wpf application using the blend 4.
I choose wpf application because I can add windows/form and the codes are almost the same with the windows application form.
and if silverlight is not possible to run in wpf application, can you suggest how to do layered controls? My plan is to run first the loading bar. and then hide it to show the main menu and the analog clock.
Silverlight is very-very-very compact version of WPF functionality.
You can just rewrite sample to WPF and it will run more efficient.
Silverlight is just like adobe flex which helps in making(running) web browser apps..
If you use silverlight in your wpf application , then you have to use webbrowser control..
For knowledge:
When we want to try to bring wpf for webbrowser apps we use silverlight..
& doing vice versa(like you are doing), don't make much sense..

WPF - Windows Forms Interoperation

I am abit confused about interoperations between forms. I have an c#.Net application developed using DevExforms. On the other hand I have a XNA application which I want to use it as 3d GUI. But it is diffucult to interact between them. Of course it is not useful, it is ugly too.
So I see a way to develop 3d model viewer app using WPF but WPF controls and windows forms controls needs .Net Framework 4.5 to interact betwwen. But I must use VS2010.
So I am confused. What must I do. How can I easily develop a 3d app with Windows Forms or how can i interact any platform with my app. Actualy if you were me what will you do?
WPF controls and WinForms controls don't need .Net framework 4.5 to work together. the interoperability exists before (4.5). take a look in MSDN

What is the difference between using System.Windows.Automation and Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting for WPF UI Test automation?

What is the difference between using System.Windows.Automation (commonly known as UIA) API and Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting (one that is used in Coded UI Test behind the scene) for implementing UI Test automation of a WPF application programatically?
Is there any specific scenarios, restrictions or advantages/disadvantages?
Coded UI Tests are a framework which wraps many automation technologies. UIA is just one of them.
UIA is new in Vista/Windows 7 and it targets rich client apps, coded UI tests will use UIA when you write tests against WPF and Silverlight.
The advantage of Coded UI over using UIA directly is a lot of automatic retrys and knowledge of how UIA works is built into Coded UI tests.
In fact, the answer is in your question. UIA is used for automation, while UITesting is used for... testing.
An excerpt from MSDN:
UI Automation provides programmatic
access to most user interface (UI)
elements on the desktop, enabling
assistive technology products such as
screen readers to provide information
about the UI to end users and to
manipulate the UI by means other than
standard input. UI Automation also
allows automated test scripts to
interact with the UI.
Thus, UIA can be used for - but isn't limited to - UITesting.

Wpf Docking Control with UI Automation compatibility

We have slowly been creating UI Automation tests using Ranorex on our product but have ran into several problems.
We are using Telerik Wpf controls (TabControl, TreeView, Grid and Docking) and so far we've only been able to test the TreeView and Grid using Ranorex. We replaced the TabControl for the standard Wpf TabControl which works with Ranorex. However the Docking control does not work and of course there is no standard out of the box Wpf Docking control for us to use instead.
My question is this: Does anybody know of any Wpf Docking controls that can be tested using an UI Automation tool (preferably Ranorex)?
I found AvalonDock, which at first looked promising, but according to this thread on their site it doesn't support UI Automation :(
Cheers for any comments,
As of now, Telerik has their own product that supports UI automation for WPF - Telerik Test Studio - including RadDocking control.

WPF UI Automation With Infragistics Controls

Does anyone have any good pointers/examples/links for writing WPF UI automation tests with applications utilising Infragistics controls?
CodedUI, that comes with Visual Studio Premium/Ultimate editions, seems to work fine with most of the controls
I have used UI Automation and TestStack.White with Infragistics. The White framework is built on top of MS UI Automation famework so you get best of both worlds.
Example links are:
WPF ItemsControl with TestStack White
UI Automation Overview
