SQL Azure data replication between two Azure subscriptions - sql-server

Since I initially created an Azure SQL Server database while building an app for a client, they have changed Azure subscriptions. The client wants the database migrated to a new account and eventually deprecate use on the old account when we are done with the new version of the app. In the meantime, they want any updates from the old database duplicated into the new database.
My question is, is there a way to update two databases, one a copy of the other, at the same time on separate Azure accounts?
I've read into active geo-replication but that looks like it can only be done between two databases in the same Azure subscription.
Thanks for the help.

Active geo-replication indeed is only possible inside a subscription, if you are using Azure SQL that wouldn't be possible with it. You could possibly use some kind of replication using on Premise SQL, but that would be pretty hacky. You would want to work with Azure SQL Data Sync.
If you are using a VM with the SQL Server you could create AlwaysOn databases for that purpose.
But if the question is: My question is, is there a way to update two databases, one a copy of the other, at the same time on separate Azure accounts?. You could probably code your application in such a way to write to 2 databases, but again, you would also need to keep track of operations


Azure SQL database table - archiving to different Azure SQL database

I want to move all data from one Azure SQL Server to different Azure SQL Server which more than 90 days old, and after moving need to delete moved data from first Azure SQL Server.
I want to run these steps on daily basis.
I am new to Azure and able to do same with Azure Data Factory. Can you please suggest any other best suited approach?
You are already using the best approach.
Azure Data Factory is an easy to use when it comes to extract and copy the data between the services. It also provide scheduling the triggers, i.e., triggering the copy pipeline after specific interval of time or any event. Refer Create a trigger that runs a pipeline on a schedule.
If the volume of data is large, you can re-configure the Integration Runtime (IR) resources (Compute type and Core count) to overcome the performance issue, if required. Refer below image.

Extract data from one Azure SQL DB, transform and load into another Azure SQL DB

We have two Azure PaaS SQL Servers, one in our production resource group and another in our QA resource group.
I'm looking for the best way to 'copy' the data from an Azure SQL DB in the production resource group to an Azure SQL DB in the QA resource group. As part of this process the data must undergo some simple transformations to anonymise the data before it lands in the QA DB.
We have deletion locks in place on the resource groups so deleting and recreating databases is an option I'd rather avoid.
The 'copying' can take place on a weekly schedule and it would be acceptable to drop any existing data in the target Azure SQL DB each time the process is run.
What are the most suitable options in Azure to accomplish this?
Go with Azure Data Factory. You can use it for pretty much anything that SSIS was used for onsite, and more.

Migrate hundreds of databases to Azure elastic database pool

I'm aware of the various options in place for migrating a single database up to Azure. My problem is that these all only seem to cater for a single database at a time. However, I have a db per tenant model with over 2000 databases to migrate and not a lot of time to play with.
Can anyone point me in towards the best (ie fastest) way of doint this?
In the end we accomplished this with Powershell and the Azure API. Essentially batch creating bacpacs on the source server, uploading them to blob storage then importing them into Azure SQL server pools.
If I was facing the same challenge now I'd take a look at the Azure Database Migration Service - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/services/database-migration/
I am also facing this problem and am going down the route of using the Visual Studio data compare tool.
All my tenant databases have the same schema so I made an empty template database in Azure, and just use the CREATE AS COPY command to make a new one each time ready for receiving the migration.
Then I ask Visual Studio to compare the empty database with the live database and automatically insert the data for me.
Seems to be working well so far, there's very little manual steps needed and it doesn't involve using the Azure Portal, or blob storage or creating databases outside of the elastic pool which is great. But the overall time will be slow to migrate data for all the databases.

Allow Data Push into an Azure SQL Database?

I'm relatively new to Azure and am having trouble finding what options are out there for connecting to an existing SQL database to push data into it.
The situation is that we have an external client who needs to connect to our Azure SQL database to push data into it, on an on-going basis. We can't give them permission to get into our database, so we're looking at what we can do allow data in. At this point the best option seems to be to create a web service deployed in Azure that will validate the data and then push it into our database.
The question I have is, are there other options to do this in an easier way? Are there Azure services or processes that can be set up to automatically process a file and pull the data into a database? Any other go-between options when each side has their own database and for security reasons can't just open up access to it?
Azure Data Factory works great for basic ETL. If neither party can grant direct access, you can use an intermediate repository like Blob Storage to drop csv/xml/json files for ingestion. If they'll grant you access to pull, you can setup a linked service that more or less functions the same as a linked server in MSSQL. As of the last release ADF now supports Azure hosted SSIS packages too.
I would do this via SSIS using SQL Studio Managemenet Studio (if it's a one time operation). If you plan to do this repeatedly, you could schedule the SSIS job to execute on schedule. SSIS will do bulk inserts using small batches so you shouldn't have transaction log issues and it should be efficient (because of bulk inserting). Before you do this insert though, you will probably want to consider your performance tier so you don't get major throttling by Azure and possible timeouts.

Syncing two Azure databases without using Azure Data Sync

I have a huge (500+ table) Azure SQL database (SQL Server). I need to create a clone of this database on Azure, and sync the two databases once daily. The clone is for reporting purposes.
What is the best way to implement the sync, outside of Azure Data Sync? We've experimented with Azure Data Sync, and it's proven unreliable due to the large size of the database.
I've looked into transactional replication, but I cannot find any documentation that states that it is supported from an Azure database to another Azure database. Geo-replication may be another option, though I'm not sure it is a good fit for this use case.
To my knowledge, your best option is Azure Data Factory. It has a very easy to use Wizard as explained here. You can create yourself your copy activities as explained here and here.
You can schedule ADF execution as explained here too.
SQL Data Sync is in Preview and for that reason not recommended for Production environment.
Geo-Replication cannot scheduled for synchronization.
Another option is to use Cross-Database queries as mentioned here, and schedule execution of synchronization procedure created by yourself using elastic jobs or Azure Automation.
Hope this helps.
