trying to avoid value attribute to stringify object - angularjs

So here is the deal, im getting different objects from ajax request ($scope.productos - $scope.ofertas) and then using ng-foreach for both to show them so user can select multiple items (stored in $pedidoForm.productos and
pedidoForm.ofertas) and this selected items dinamically show up below with another ng-repeat showing the 'nombre' property and adding another new property and value with input but the atribute VALUE is automatically converting any object into a string, resulting in a "{property: value}" so i cant read the property correctly
<div class="row">
<select class="selectpicker" ng-model="pedidoForm.productos" ng-change=parse(pedidoForm.productos) multiple>
<option ng-repeat="producto in productos" value="{{producto}}"> {{producto.nombre}}
<div class="row">
<select class="selectpicker" ng-model="pedidoForm.ofertas" ng-change="test(pedidoForm)" multiple>
<option ng-repeat="oferta in ofertas" value="{{oferta}}"> {{oferta.nombre}} </option>

as I understand you need to select an object, but HTML5 select tag supports only string values. So, try to use ng-options directive:
<div class="row">
<select class="selectpicker"
ng-options="producto as producto.nombre for producto in productos track by producto.nombre">
<div class="row">
<select class="selectpicker"
ng-options="oferta as oferta.nombre for oferta in ofertas track by oferta.nombre">


Binding ngModel input to form array in Angular

i want to create *ngFor binding to create another form using array and ngModel input.
So when i select the value in it, then i click the button to display new form with different value.
Any ideas how it should be worked?
I have tried this but the result is just same as the other ngModel value.
This is for Progress Tracker in my company, running on AngularJS 8 using Clarity-VMWare. I've tried using let i = index and it doesn't get the value.
<div class="card card-report" *ngFor="let item of report">
<div class="card-block block-card">
<div class="card-title">
<div class="clr-wrapper">
<select class="clr-select-1" [(ngModel)]="selectedProjects">
<option [ngValue]="default" disabled>Project yang kamu kerjain apa?</option>
<option [ngValue]="item" *ngFor="let item of listProjects">
<div class="clr-wrapper">
<select class="clr-select-2" [(ngModel)]="selectedRoles">
<option [ngValue]="default" disabled>Kamu jadi apa di project ini?</option>
<option [ngValue]="item" *ngFor="let item of listRoles">
<div class="card-text text-card">
<p class="sub-text-card">Kamu belum melakukan apa-apa</p>
listProjects: any[]
listRoles: any[]
selectedProjects: any;
selectedRoles: any;
addReport() {
The form array was working, but i want to know how the value should be different than the other select.
And the result that i hope works is :
Should be like add new form array, but the value in it can be changed.
Although what you are asking is not very clear. but a possible problem which I see is with [ngValue]. You could try using [value] instead.
<option [value]="" *ngFor="let item of listProjects">

Identify selected option using v-model in select box

I have a filter list using a select tag. I want to be able to filter the array based on the option selected. I have tried using v-model as this works with checkboxes but unfortunately doesn't work with select fields.
Any help would be amazing.
Please find my fiddle attached
<div id="app">
Selected: {{concatenated}}
<option v-for="item in vals" :select="item.selected">{{item.value}}</option>
<div v-for="item in vals">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="item.selected">{{item.value}}
You should take a look at the docs and how they do databinding with select.
<select v-model="selected">
<option v-for="item in vals" :value="item.value" :key="item.value">{{item.value}}</option>
With regards to your code, a select attribute on an option element doesn't do anything.

add a Static option with ng-options angularJS

i ust use ng-options in a select element in angular js. and in select select i just wants to add a extra options at the beginning of code ===>
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control select2" ng-options="(o.fullName+' ('')') for o in SubTeamUserList track by" name="SelectedUserList" ng-model="SelectedUserList" multiple data-placeholder="Search By User" style="width: 100%;">
<option value="" disabled>Select A User</option>
that is not working for me ? i dont know why.then i search on net and found some solution like =>
angularJS - add a Static option with ng-options
Add two extra options to a select list with ngOptions on it
Angular ng-options - Is there a way to add an option when the model contains a value not present in the options list?
after see above solutions i tried =>
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control select2" ng-options="" name="SelectedUserList" ng-model="SelectedUserList" multiple data-placeholder="Search By User" style="width: 100%;">
<option value="" disabled>Select A User</option>
<option ng-repeat="(o.fullName+' ('')') for o in SubTeamUserList track by">{{(o.fullName+' ('')')}}</option>
after doing this this is also showing something like =>
but that is also not working for me i dont know why? can anybody help me ???

Populate a select with ajax with ng-options using AngularJs

With angularJS, I need populate a select with data coming from a ajax call.
I have a controlller called "TabPacProfissionalController".In this controller I do a ajax call to get json data('profissionais object').
So far so good.
My problem is that I get the json data returning from server, but my select is never populate.
What am I missing here?
My ajax return is:
<div class="form-group">
<label for="paciente.texto.sexo" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Profissional:</label>
<div class="col-sm-10" ng-controller="TabPacProfissionalController as tabProfCtrl">
<select class="form-control" ng-model="selectedProf" ng-options="nome for (nr,nome) in tabProfCtrl.profissionais">
<option value=''>Select an option</option>
app.controller('TabPacProfissionalController', function($http) {
this.profissionais = {};
If you want the label to display the nome property and the value to be the nr property try the following:
<div class="form-group">
<label for="paciente.texto.sexo" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Profissional:</label>
<div class="col-sm-10" ng-controller="TabPacProfissionalController as tabProfCtrl">
<select ng-model="tabProfCtrl.selectedProf" ng-options=" as profissionais.nome for profissionais in tabProfCtrl.profissionais">
<option value="">Select</option>
(key,value) notation you are using is for object data sources, as in if you wanted to iterate through the properties of a single object, rather than a collection of objects which is what you seem to be getting from the $http call.
To see the parsed server response, you could use angular.fromJson(
Here is a plunker demonstrating the functionality.

AngularJS select in ng-repeat

I am creating a list of <select>'s with ng-repeat, there is a item.quantity that I need to be selected in each select in the list, I have tried several ways without success. Any help would be appreciated.
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
<select ng-model="selCartQuantity">
<option index="1" ng-selected="item.quantity=='1'">1</option>
<option index="2" ng-selected="item.quantity=='2'">2</option>
<option index="3" ng-selected="item.quantity=='3'">3</option>
<option index="4" ng-selected="item.quantity=='4'">4</option>
<option index="5" ng-selected="item.quantity=='5'">5</option>
in your controller you put the following code (of course you change $scope.items to your actual object )
$scope.items = [{name:'aaaaa'},{name:'bbbbb'}];
$scope.options= [1,2,3,4,5];
item.selCartQuantity= $scope.options[0];
and in the html markup you put the following
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
<select ng-model="item.selCartQuantity" ng-options="option for option in options"></select>
I would reccomend checking out the angular select driective, as you shouldn't have to do the ng-repeat at all. The select directive will automatically set the selected option to be what you have in your model.
