How to remove Object from array using mongoose - arrays

I'm trying to remove an object from an array in a document using mongoose.
The Schema is the following:
var diveSchema = new Schema({
//irrelevant fields
divers: [{
user: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User', required: true },
meetingLocation: { type: String, enum: ['carpool', 'onSite'], required: true },
dives: Number,
exercise: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Exercise' },
a possible entry can be
//irrelevant fields
"divers": [
"_id": "012345678",
"user": "123456789",
"meetingLocation": "carpool",
"exercise": "34567890",
"_id": "012345679",
"user": "123456780",
"meetingLocation": "onSite",
"exercise": "34567890",
Say I want to remove the entry where user is 123456789 (note I do not know the _id at this point).
How do I do this correctly?
I tried the following:
var diveId = "myDiveId";
var userIdToRemove = "123456789"
Dive.findOne({ _id: diveId }).then(function(dive) {
dive.divers.pull({ user: userIdToRemove }); {
//do something smart
This yieled no change in the document.
I also tried
Dive.update({ _id: diveId }, { "$pull": { "divers": { "diver._id": new ObjectId(userIdToRemove) } } }, { safe: true }, function(err, obj) {
//do something smart
With this I got as result that the entire divers array was emptied for the given dive.

What about this?
Dive.update({ _id: diveId }, { "$pull": { "divers": { "user": userIdToRemove } }}, { safe: true, multi:true }, function(err, obj) {
//do something smart

I solve this problem using this code-
await Album.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: albumId },
{ $pull: { images: { _id: imageId } } },
{ safe: true, multi: false }
return res.status(200).json({ message: "Album Deleted Successfully" });

Try this
Dive.update({ _id: diveId },{"$pull": { "drivers": {"user": "123456789"}}})

Try this async code
var diveId = "myDiveId";
var userIdToRemove = "123456789"
const dive=await Dive.findOne({ _id: diveId })
await dive.divers.pull({ user: userIdToRemove });

Use this with try/catch:
await Group.updateOne(
{ _id: groupId },
{ $pull: { members: {id: memberId }}}


how to refactoring $expr, $regexMatch filter for easier reading React/MongoDB?

I would like to explain my problem of the day.
Currently I perform a filter on an input which allows me to search the last name and first name it works really well
I have deleted a lot of things for a simpler reading of the code if there is a need to bring other element do not hesitate to ask
const {
data: packUsersData,
} = useQuery(
...(currentOperatorsIds.length ? currentOperatorsIds : []),
async () => {
const getExpr = () => ({
$expr: {
$or: [
$regexMatch: {
input: {
$concat: ["$firstName", " ", "$lastName"],
regex: value,
options: "i",
$regexMatch: {
input: {
$concat: ["$lastName", " ", "$firstName"],
regex: value,
options: "i",
let res = await usersApi.getrs({
pagination: false,
query: {
"": "operator",
_id: { $nin: currentOperatorsIds },
deletedAt: null,
$or: value
? [
entities: [],
entities: { $in: id },
: [
entities: [],
entities: { $in: id },
populate: "entity",
sort: ["lastName", "firstName"],
refetchOnMount: true,
and so i find the read a bit too long have any idea how i could shorten all this?
thx for help.
You can reduce entities field $or condition, just concat the empty array and input id,
let res = await usersApi.getrs({
pagination: false,
query: {
"": "operator",
_id: { $nin: currentOperatorsIds },
deletedAt: null,
entities: { $in: [[],] },
populate: "entity",
sort: ["lastName", "firstName"]
If you want to improve the regular expression condition you can try the below approach without using $expr and aggregation operators,
create a function and set input searchKeyword and searchProperties whatever you want to in array of string
function getSearchContiion(searchKeyword, searchProperties) {
let query = {};
if (searchKeyword) {
query = { "$or": [] };
const sk = searchKeyword.trim().split(" ").map(n => new RegExp(n, "i"));
searchProperties.forEach(p => {
query["$or"].push({ [p]: { "$in": [] } });
return query;
// EX:
console.log(getSearchContiion("John Doe", ["firstName", "lastName"]));
Use the above function in query
let res = await usersApi.getrs({
pagination: false,
query: Object.assign(
"": "operator",
_id: { $nin: currentOperatorsIds },
deletedAt: null,
entities: { $in: [[],] }
getSearchContiion(value, ["firstName", "lastName"])
populate: "entity",
sort: ["lastName", "firstName"]

How to update object inside array inside object?

I have the following Mongooose schema:
_id: {
type: String,
required: true
semesters: [
_id: {
type: String,
required: true
grades: [
subject: String,
literalGrade: String,
grade: Number,
credits: Number
I want to be able to update one grade that is inside semester's grades object using its id. I tried using MongoDb new multiple positional operator to no avail.
This is my current snippet:
_id: req.params.user_id,
"semesters._id": req.params.semester_id
$set: {
"semesters.$[x].grades.$[y].subject": req.body.grades.subject,
"semesters.$[x].grades.$[y].literalGrade": req.body.grades.literalGrade,
"semesters.$[x].grades.$[y].grade": req.body.grades.grade,
"semesters.$[x].grades.$[y].credits": req.body.grades.credits
arrayFilters: [
{ "x._id": req.params.semester_id },
{ "y._id": req.params.grade_id }
(err, user) => {
if (err) return res.json(err);
message: "Updated grade",
data: user
Couldn't get any results with the MongoDb positional operator, but found a way to programmatically do it with the help of Naing Lin Aung's answer. Here is the solution:
_id: req.params.user_id,
"semesters.grades._id": req.params.grade_id
{ "semesters.$.grades": 1 },
(err, user) => {
if (err) return res.json(err);
let grades = user.semesters[0].grades;
let index = null;
for (let t in grades) {
if (grades[t]._id == req.params.grade_id) {
index = t;
let grade = grades[index];
grade.subject = req.body.grades.subject;
grade.literalGrade = req.body.grades.literalGrade;
grade.grade = req.body.grades.grade;
grade.credits = req.body.grades.credits; {
if (err) return res.json(err);
message: "Updated grade",
data: user
You can take advantage of $[] syntax with arrayFilters
refer this link :
{ _id: req.params.user_id },
{ $set: { "semesters.$[cond1].grades.$[cond2].subject": req.body.grades.subject } },
{ arrayFilters: [ { "cond1._id": req.params.semester_id }, { "cond2._id": req.params.grade_id } ] })
You can similarly update other fields in $set

Remove id from array of objects in mongodb

I try to delete ObjectID in array of ObjectId.
My model:
let directoryCollection = new Schema(
email: { type: String },
directory: [{
name: { type: String },
list: [ {type: Schema.ObjectId} ]
{collection: 'directory'}
I have a array of ObjectID in list.
My code for delete index in my array:
let id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(;
directoryModel.update({'email': email, '': oldDirectory}, {$pull: {'directory.list': id} }, function (req, result) {
But the result is:
{ ok: 0, n: 0, nModified: 0 }
Email variable and oldDirectory variable ara correct.
My ID is: 5b5e5f34cfcd3906c8e6aa20
Same in my database:
What is the problem ?
Thanks you !
Try this, Correct syntax to $pull from array of objects
{ "email": email, "directory": { "$elemMatch": { "name": oldDirectory } } },
{ "$pull": { "directory.$.list": id } }

Can't Store Nested JSON Array to MongoDB Using Mongoose

I have JSON on Postman like this:
"hostname": [
"item": [
"system": "10l313",
"severity": "2"
"system": "2131414",
"severity": "3"
"item": [
"system": "4234235",
"severity": "4"
I want to create new collections in mongodb from json above. It's just a little picture of the actual json array, the above json array can contain an enormous array. I am confused how to save as many json arrays using mongoose, do i have to loop as much as array length or is there other easier way?
mongoose schema:
var ItemSchema = new Schema({
_id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
system: {
type: String
severity: {
type: Number
var VulnSchema = new Schema({
hostname: [{
item: [{ItemSchema}]
exports.create_vulnerabilities = function (req, res) {
var vuln = new Vuln ({
_idFIle: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
hostname: req.body.hostname
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {
error: err
I have tried running my code but the result is like this. The problem is system and severity attribute are not stored in mongodb.
"_id" : ObjectId("5b4c39a301651a0fc047bec7"),
"hostname" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5b4c39a301651a0fc047beca"),
"item" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5b4c39a301651a0fc047becc")
"_id" : ObjectId("5b4c39a301651a0fc047becb")
"_id" : ObjectId("5b4c39a301651a0fc047bec8"),
"item" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5b4c39a301651a0fc047bec9")
"__v" : 0
Please help me. thank you
var VulnSchema = new Schema({
hostname: [{
item: [{ItemSchema}]
var VulnSchema = new Schema({
hostname: [{
item: [ItemSchema]
Example try running this:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema,ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId;
var ItemSchema = new Schema({
_id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
system: {
type: String
severity: {
type: Number
var VulnSchema = new Schema({
hostname: [{
item: [ItemSchema]
const Vuln = mongoose.model('Vuln', VulnSchema);
var hostname = [
"item": [
"system": "10l313",
"severity": "2"
"system": "2131414",
"severity": "3"
"item": [
"system": "4234235",
"severity": "4"
var vuln = new Vuln ({
_idFIle: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
hostname: hostname
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {

mongoose push nested subdocument array

i need to push data in nested subdocument array:
this is my Json:
_id: "56cbe9727bab33a413216dd4",
company_name: "Star",
__v: 0,
created_at: "2016-02-23T05:09:06.754Z",
plan: [
plan_name: "Mediclassic",
plan_type: "Individual",
_id: "56cbe9727bab33a413216dd5",
created_at: "2016-02-23T05:09:06.756Z",
rate_card: [
zone: "zone-2",
suminsured: 150000,
premium: 2874,
size: "1A",
_id: "56cbe9727bab33a413216dd6",
benefits: {
hospitals: true,
copay: true,
cashless_hospital: true,
existing_disease_cover: true
age: {
min: "5M",
max: 35
I need to push my data in rate_card, i have tried something but its not working
below is my code:
$scope.RateCardCreateAction = function(){
$scope.params = $;
$http.put('/auth/insurance-list/plan/new/rate_card/' + $scope.params, ${
// New Rate Card
router.put('/secure/insurance-list/plan/new/rate_card/:id', function(req, res){
var id =;
Insurance.update({'plan._id':id}, {$push :
'rate_card' : {
'zone' :,
'suminsured' : req.body.suminsured,
'premium' : req.body.premium,
'size' : req.body.size,
'age' : {
'min' : req.body.age.min,
'max' : req.body.age.max
'benefits' : {
'hospitals' : req.body.benefits.hospitals,
'cashless_hospital' : req.body.benefits.cashless_hospital,
'copay' : req.body.benefits.copay,
'existing_disease_cover' : req.body.benefits.existing_disease_cover
}, {upsert: true}, function(err, docs){
Here i need to push data to rate_card, but data is not storing in subdocument array, here am getting plan id and trying to push but is not working
in server response am getting this { ok: 0, n: 0, nModified: 0 }
Try this, i hope this will help you
router.put('/secure/insurance-list/plan/new/rate_card/:id/:id2', function(req, res){
var id =;
var id2 = req.params.id2;
Insurance.update({_id:id, 'plan._id':id2}, {$push :
{'plan.$.rate_card' : req.body}
}, {upsert: true}, function(err, docs){
If somehow your inserted value is not present then it would be great to use $addToSet.
var updateArr = {
roomInfo.findOneAndUpdate({_id:roomId}, {$addToSet:updateArr}, (err, result) => {
if (!err && result) {
I got it done using below update query:
_id: ObjectId('60659595afcb710627e3fad7')
$push: {
"plan.$[element].rate_card": {
$each: [
{ _id: ObjectId('6062bd90c5a1d66fdd2c91bc'), premium: 2874, size: "1A" },
{ _id: ObjectId('6062bd90c5a1d66fdd2c91bc'), premium: 2874, size: "1A" }]
arrayFilters: [{ "element._id": ObjectId('6065a35ee1e5f1153504e861') }]
In $each you need to add your array of object.
element._id is your subdocument id (above case is plan _id).
