Right now in my index.html page I have links to two CDN files one being a JS and the other a CSS file.
in the the bottom of my body
and in the head
But right now they aren't needed on my homepage but just in one particular route. So I was looking into how I can lazy load these CDN resources when that routes gets hit i.e. /profile and only then ?
These aren't installed via bower or npm but just loaded via CDN url for example jquery. How in Angular 1 and Webpack can I lazy load that based on a route ?
Here you go.. It is made possible using oclazyload. Have a look at below code. A plunker linked below
I have a module Called myApp as below
angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router','oc.lazyLoad'])
.config(function ($stateProvider, $locationProvider, $ocLazyLoadProvider) {
.state("home", {
url: "/home",
templateUrl: "Home.html",
controller: 'homeCtrl',
resolve: {
loadMyCtrl: ['$ocLazyLoad', function ($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load('homeCtrl.js');
.state("profile", {
templateUrl: "profile.html",
resolve: {
loadMyCtrl: ['$ocLazyLoad', function ($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load('someModule.js');
I have another module called someApp as below
(function () {
var mynewapp=angular.module('someApp',['myApp']);
//your code to route from here!
mynewapp.controller("profileCtrl", function ($scope) {
console.log("reached profile controller");
I have a Live Plunker for your demo here
I have this JStaticLoader repo, to ease me loading static files whenever I need them. Though, it's not angularized, but you can still use it in your app as a directive, direct call it from your controller or even in the $rootScope to load your desired js.
JStaticLoader uses pure js and require no dependencies. It uses XMLHttpRequest to load the static files.
As an example use in your app.js (on $routeChangeStart or $stateChangeStart)
.run(['$rootScope', '$http', function ($rootScope, $http) {
var scriptExists = function (scriptId) {
if (document.getElementById(scriptId)) {
return true;
return false;
var addLazyScript = function (scriptId, url) {
if (scriptExists(scriptId)) return;
var js = document.createElement('script'),
els = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
js.id = scriptId;
js.src = url;
js.type = "text/javascript";
els.parentNode.insertBefore(js, els);
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (e, current) {
if (current.controller === 'MainCtrl') {
var pathUrls = ["https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/materialize/0.97.8/js/materialize.js"],
scriptId = 'lazyScript1';
if (scriptExists(scriptId)) return;
JStaticLoader(pathUrls, { files: ['js'] }, function (vals, totalTime) {
/* Success */
for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
var path = vals[i];
addLazyScript(scriptId, path);
}, function (error, totalTime) {
/* Error */
console.warn(error, totalTime);
On the sample above, I get a js file by using xhr, and append it as a script in my document once it's finished. The script will then be loaded from your browser's cache.
Strictly talking about the Webpack -
Webpack is just a module bundler and not a javascript loader.Since it packages files only from the local storage and doesn't load the files from the web(except its own chunks).ALthough other modules may be included into the webpack which may do the same process.
I will demonstrate only some of the modules which you can try,as there are many such defined on the web.
Therefore a better way to lazy load the cdn from the another domain would be using the javascript loader - script.js
It can be loaded in the following way -
var $script = require("script.js");
$script = ("https://somedomain.com/files/js/js.min.js or https://somedomain.com/files/css/css.min.css",function(){
//.... is ready now
This is possible because the script-loader just evaluates the javascript in the global context.
References here
Concerning about the issue of lazy loading the cdn into the angular app
The following library Lab JS is made specifically for this purpose.
It becomes very simple to load and bloack the javascript using this library.
Here is an example to demonstrate
<script src="LAB.js"></script>
You can use the require.js
Here is an example to load the jquery
paths: {
"jquery": "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.1/jquery.min"
waitSeconds: 40
You should also consider the following paragraph from this article.
Loading third party scripts async is key for having high performance web pages, but those scripts still block onload. Take the time to analyze your web performance data and understand if and how those not-so-important content/widgets/ads/tracking codes impact page load times.
I'm developing in DNN 8.0 with its new SPA framework.
I'm using angularjs instead of the defaulted KnockOut.
When I put module setup code in view.html, it works fine. But it doesn't work if I try to put the code in a different file, say app.js. Anyone has seen this before?
A snap shot of the view.html that works looks like this:
[JavaScript:{ jsname: "JQuery" }]
[JavaScript:{ path: "~/Resources/Shared/scripts/dnn.jquery.js"}]
[JavaScript:{ path: "~/DesktopModules/DNNSPA/Scripts/angular.js"}]
[JavaScript:{ path: "~/DesktopModules/MyApp/Scripts/angular-route.js"}]
[JavaScript:{ path: "~/DesktopModules/MyApp/ngApp/app.js"}]
[JavaScript:{ path: "~/DesktopModules/MyApp/ngApp/ngControllers/FirstController.js"}]
[CSS:{ path: "~/DesktopModules/MyApp/CSS/bootstrap.min.css"}]
<script type="text/javascript">
var d = new Date();
var moduleId = parseInt("[ModuleContext:ModuleId]");
var portalId = parseInt("[ModuleContext:PortalId]");
var sf = $.ServicesFramework(moduleId);
var moduleName = "MyApp";
if ("[ModuleContext:EditMode]" === 'True') {
var editMode = true;
var currentDate = d;
var app = angular
.module('dnnapp', [
function ($routeProvider) {
.when('/', {
templateUrl: '/DesktopModules/MyApp/partials/firstView.html',
controller: 'firstController'
app.controller('firstController', function ($scope, $http) {
// controller code
<div class="module-wrap" ng-view>
All setup code is in view.html.
But if I move the module definition to app.js and controller definition to FirstController.js, it doesn't work.
I've seen others make it work in different files, what am I doing wrong here?
The SPA tokens, ie: [ModuleContext:ModuleId] will not get replaced in your .js file. Therefore you need to do some setup work for your angular module on the page and move all the rest to a js file. Here is one technique:
On your View.html, define an html element for your angular app with an ng-init() method:
<div id='dnnuclear-item-[ModuleContext:ModuleId]' ng-controller="ItemController"
Also on your View.html, bootstrap your angular app:
<script type="text/javascript">
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
var moduleContainer = document.getElementById('dnnuclear-item-[ModuleContext:ModuleId]');
angular.bootstrap(moduleContainer, ["dnnuclear.ItemApp"]);
Then in your .js file, define the angular module and controller with the init method implementation:
var dnnuclear = dnnuclear || {};
dnnuclear.ItemApp = angular.module("dnnuclear.ItemApp", ['ngDialog']);
dnnuclear.ItemApp.controller("ItemController", function ($scope, $window, $log, ngDialog, dnnServiceClient) {
$scope.init = function (moduleId, moduleName, editable) {
$scope.ModuleId = moduleId;
$scope.EditMode = editable;
dnnServiceClient.init(moduleId, moduleName);
If you need to pass more information to the module than a few variables, I would recommend changing this approach. I have more on this in my DNNHero.com tutorial, Advanced Angular Concepts.
You should try the AngularDNN module. It will probably save your time. It can be found here:
I'm a complete Angular noob and trying to do some fancy stuff quickly, so forgive me if this is a dumb question.
I've created a website that uses routing, and I'm using ui-router for the routing instead of the standard Angular router. The theory is still the same - I have an index.html page in the root of my website which is the "master" or "host" page, and loginView.htm, which is a partial, exists in a separate directory.
The mainController for the project is loaded in the index.html page. Referencing this controller does NOT cause an error or problem.
What I'd like to do, in order to keep code manageable and small, is have the custom controller for a partial page lazy load when I load the partial, and then associate that partial page with the newly loaded controller. Makes sense, right? I don't want to load all the controllers by default, because that's a waste of time and space.
So my structure looks like this (if it matters to anyone):
This is my loginController code. For testing purposes, I have made the mainController code match this exactly.
var loginController = function ($scope, $translate) {
$scope.changeLanguage = function (key) {$translate.use(key); };
angular.module('app').controller('loginController', loginController);
Finally, here is my routing code:
function config($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ocLazyLoadProvider) {
.state('login', {
url: "/admin/login",
templateUrl: "app/admin/login/loginView.html",
controller: loginController,
resolve: {
loadPlugin: function ($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load([
name: 'loginController',
files: ['app/admin/login/loginController.js']
.run(function ($rootScope, $state) {
$rootScope.$state = $state;
Now - if I remove the whole "resolve" section, and change the controller to "mainController", everything works. The page loads, the buttons work, they call the "changeLanguage" function and everything is wonderful.
But I want the "changeLanguage" feature to reside in the loginController because that's the only page that uses it. So when the code looks like it does above, an error fires("Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]") and the partial page fails to load.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, and I'm not finding what I need via Google (maybe I just don't know the right question to ask).
Looking through the docs I cannot find the name property for ocLazyLoad#load.
Try the following:
resolve: {
loadPlugin: function ($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load(['app/admin/login/loginController.js']);
Or, pre configure it in a config block:
app.config(function ($ocLazyLoadProvider) {
modules: [{
name: 'loginController',
files: ['app/admin/login/loginController.js']
// then load it as:
I have following code to cache the template. I am using gulp to pre-cache the templates. But I am not able to used it for router urls.
'use strict';
var config = require('../config');
var gulp = require('gulp');
var templateCache = require('gulp-angular-templatecache');
// Views task
gulp.task('views', function() {
// Put our index.html in the dist folder
// Process any other view files from app/views
return gulp.src(config.views.src)
standalone: true
//in router
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/todos', {
templateUrl: 'views/todos.html',
controller: 'TodoCtrl',
Can anybody help me on how can i use the cached template in this router?
I got the issue. While template cache we have to five the actual path of the templates else it will take the relative url. If your templates are in views directory then we have to update it like this...
standalone: false
My AngularJS application has a module admin that I want to be made available only to those in an Admin role. On the server I have placed the files for this module all in one directory and I have this web-config in the same directory. This works and unless the user is in the admin role then they cannot download the javascript files:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<remove users="*" roles="" verbs="" />
<add accessType="Allow" roles="Admin" />
So my server side solution appears to be solved. However I am completely stuck with what to do on the client, how to download scripts and add a module to my application after it has been bootstrapped. Here's what I have:
The files in the admin directory that I protected with the web-config look like this:
angular.module('admin', [])
.controller('AdminHomeController', ['$http', '$q', '$resource', '$scope', '_o', adminHomeController]);
function adminHomeController($http, $q, $resource, $scope, _o) {
My application level files look like this:
var app = angular
['ui.router', 'admin', 'home',])
.run(['$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$http', '$angularCacheFactory', appRun])
function appRun($rootScope, $state, $stateParams, $http, $angularCacheFactory) {
$rootScope.$state = $state;
$rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams;
app.config(['$controllerProvider', '$httpProvider', '$locationProvider', '$sceProvider', '$stateProvider', appConfig]);
function appConfig($httpProvider, $locationProvider, $sceProvider, $stateProvider) {
// I added this to help with loading the module after
// the application has already loaded
app.controllerProvider = $controllerProvider;
var admin = {
name: 'admin',
url: '/admin',
views: {
'root': {
templateUrl: '/Content/app/admin/partials/home.html',
'content': {
templateUrl: '/Content/app/admin/partials/overview.html',
var adminContent = {
name: 'admin.content',
parent: 'admin',
url: '/:content',
views: {
'root': {
templateUrl: '/Content/app/admin/partials/home.html',
'content': {
templateUrl: function (stateParams) {
return '/Content/app/admin/partials/' + stateParams.content + '.html';
var home = {
name: 'home',
url: '/home',
views: {
'root': {
templateUrl: '/Content/app/home/partials/home.html',
'content': {
templateUrl: '/Content/app/home/partials/overview.html',
var homeContent = {
name: 'home.content',
parent: 'home',
url: '/:content',
views: {
'root': {
templateUrl: '/Content/app/home/partials/home.html',
'content': {
templateUrl: function (stateParams) {
return '/Content/app/home/partials/' + stateParams.content + '.html';
When a user logs on then I know if it is an Admin role user as I have a security token returned to me that shows:
".issued":"Fri, 30 May 2014 12:23:53 GMT",
".expires":"Fri, 13 Jun 2014 12:23:53 GMT"
If an Admin role user then I want to
Download the Admin module scripts: /Content/app/admin/admin.js and /Content/app/admin/homeController.js from the server. I already have it set up like this for $http calls: $http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + user.data.bearerToken; so the Bearer token would need to be sent when getting the scripts:
Add the admin module to the app
Can someone give me some suggestions on how I can do these two things. After reading about require.js I feel that I would not like to use it as a solution. I would like something as simple as possible.
From what I understand until AngularJS allows it then I need to make it so that I can inject my controller. So I already added this to the appConfig:
app.controllerProvider = $controllerProvider;
But how can I download the two javascript files and how can I add these to AngularJS so that the user can start using the features of the controller inside the admin module? I saw something about $script.js being used by the Angular team. Is this a good solution and how I could I implement this to meet my fairly simple need.
You can add a resolve property to your admin routes.
var admin = {
name: 'admin',
url: '/admin',
resolve: {
isAdminAuth: function($q, User) {
var defer = $q.defer();
if (User.isAdmin) {
} else {
return defer.promise;
views: {
'root': {
templateUrl: '/Content/app/admin/partials/home.html',
'content': {
templateUrl: '/Content/app/admin/partials/overview.html',
You can chain this as well.
resolve: {
adminPermissions: function($q, User) {
var defer = $q.defer();
if (User.permissions.isAdmin) {
} else {
return defer.promise;
hasAccessToHome: function($q, adminPermissions) {
var defer = $q.defer();
if (adminPermissions.hasAccessToHome) {
} else {
return defer.promise;
The result of resolve properties will also be passed to the controller if resolved. If rejected, the route will not load. You can access it like this.
function adminHomeController($scope, adminPermissions, hasAccessToHome) {
$scope.adminPermissions = adminPermissions;
You can also manually bootstrap an app:
<!doctype html>
<div ng-controller="WelcomeController">
<script src="angular.js"></script>
var isAdmin = true; <!-- injected variable from server here -->
var app = angular.module('demo', [])
.controller('WelcomeController', function($scope) {
$scope.greeting = 'Welcome!';
angular.bootstrap(document, ['demo']);
[reference] - https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/function/angular.bootstrap
Instead of injecting a variable or some other server side templating method you can make a request using jQuery:
$.getJSON('/my/url', function(data) {
if (data.isAdmin) {
// bootstrap app with admin module
} else {
// bootstrap app without admin module
Here is an IE8+ compatible example alternative to the above (not jQuery):
request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', '/my/url', true);
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState === 4){
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400){
data = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
if (data.isAdmin) {
// bootstrap app with admin module
} else {
// bootstrap app without admin module
request = null;
[reference] - http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/#json
I would highly recommend the use of some module loader.
I understand that you want to keep things simple however writing AMD (asynchronous module definition) or CommonJS modules would help reduce some of the problems associated with dependency management (like loading things in the wrong order, overriding of libraries, etc).
If you really insist, you can use jQuery.getScript() to load additional javascript sources (assuming you have jQuery as a dependency).
Pure javascript without jQuery will require you to do something like the loadScript example found in this answer.
In both cases, this would be done in the callback set for the controller; take caution because the script will be executed in the global scope so any variables, functions in the remote file MAY override things that already exist if you're not careful.
If you're still interested in a module loader but you don't like require.js, take a quick look at curl.js.
Ido Sela talks about authorization in an Angularjs app and how they handle loading (or unloading) of modules here: http://youtu.be/62RvRQuMVyg?t=2m35s
I would definitely look at this as it will give you some of the best guidance I have seen for how to handle authorization and loading of modules conditionally. (It's how I should have been handling it in my prototype, and will in future versions once I have some time to clean it up.)
If you do need to authorize after bootstrapping the application and then need to conditionally load modules, you might consider making this a server concern. For instance, using a script loading mechanism of some sort, only render the logic based on the authorization of the request.
For example, in ASP.net MVC, I would consider delivering my admin resources via a controller (not as static content) and only render the actual scripts if the user was authorized.
Sorry for not taking your entire question into consideration. It sounds like you've already secured the server side. So now module loading is the problem. I would still consider a controller that would filter your requests per authorization (i.e. User.IsInRole("FooAdmin") or create an actual filter to scale your usage)
I've just started learning Angular and following the tutorial here - http://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/step_00
I'm downloaded the seed example from GitHub and it works great. I have a question though - if a partial view requires an external js file to be referenced, does it need to be added to the index.html file at the beginning? I want the app to be as lean as possible and only want to include the js references that are required for the present view. Is it possible to load the js files dynamically based on a view?
This just worked for me. Figured I would post it for anybody else seeking the lightest-weight solution.
I have a top-level controller on the page's html tag, and a secondary controller for each partial view.
In the top-level controller I defined the following function…
$scope.loadScript = function(url, type, charset) {
if (type===undefined) type = 'text/javascript';
if (url) {
var script = document.querySelector("script[src*='"+url+"']");
if (!script) {
var heads = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (heads && heads.length) {
var head = heads[0];
if (head) {
script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('src', url);
script.setAttribute('type', type);
if (charset) script.setAttribute('charset', charset);
return script;
So in the secondary controllers I can load the needed scripts with a call like the following…
$scope.$parent.loadScript('lib/ace/ace.js', 'text/javascript', 'utf-8');
There's a slight delay before the objects contained in the external script are available, so you'll need to verify their existence before attempting to use them.
Hope that saves somebody some time.
I just tried the https://oclazyload.readme.io/. It works out of the box.
bower install oclazyload --save
Load it in your module, and inject the required module in controller:
var myModule = angular.module('myModule', ['oc.lazyLoad'])
.controller('myController', ['$scope', '$ocLazyLoad', '$injector',
function($scope, $ocLazyLoad, $injector) {
.then(function() {
// Inject the loaded module
var myExraModule = $injector.get('myExtraModule');