Difficulty Constructing Binary Tree from Array - c

I am trying to build a binary tree from an unsorted float array for an assignment, but I cannot quite figure it out. My goal is to send the unsorted array xdata of size ndata to the function build_tree(), which creates a new node using the function create_node(). In the case that the array size is greater than 1, it will call the function paritition_data() (which works fine, but I've placed it at the bottom of the question for reference), which will swap the order of array values so that all values less than mid fall on its left, and greater values to its right. The function returns nleft, the number of values on the left of mid. I then want to recursively call partition_data() to create new left and right child nodes. I think it is at this step that my program seems to fail, and despite it compiling, the program seems to recursively call partition_data() infinitely, and I'm not sure why. I appreciate any help.
typedef struct treenode_struct {
int n;
float data;
struct treenode_struct *left, *right;
} treenode;
treenode *create_node( ) {
treenode *node;
node = malloc(sizeof(treenode));
if (node == NULL) {
printf("Allocate Failed");
node->n = 0;
node->right = NULL;
node->left = NULL;
return node;
treenode *build_tree( float xdata[], int ndata, float xmin, float xmax ) {
treenode *node;
int nleft;
float mid = (xmin+xmax)/2.;
node = create_node();
node->n = ndata;
if (ndata == 1) { // Add code for this case
node->data = xdata[0];
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
return node;
if (ndata == 0){
printf("Allocate failed\n");
// More than one data point: use partition function
if (ndata > 1) {
nleft = partition_data(xdata,ndata,mid);
int nright = ndata-nleft;
// Add code to make a left child
if(nleft != 0){
node->left = NULL;
// Add code to make a right child
if(nright != 0){
node->right = NULL;
return node;
int tree_nodes;
int main() {
const int ndata = 16;
float xdata[] = { 0.963, 0.003, 0.0251, 0.353, 0.667, 0.838, 0.335, 0.915,
0.796, 0.833, 0.345, 0.871, 0.089, 0.888, 0.701, 0.735 };
int i;
float xmiddle = 0.5;
printf("Input data:\n");
for (i=0;i<ndata;i++) printf("%f ",xdata[i]);
treenode *tree_root;
float tree_xmin, tree_xmax;
tree_nodes = 0;
tree_xmin = 0;
tree_xmax = 1;
tree_root = build_tree( xdata, ndata, tree_xmin, tree_xmax );
printf("Tree Built: nodes %d\n",tree_nodes);
printf("Tree Ordered data:\n");
for (i=0;i<ndata;i++) printf("%f ",xdata[i]);
Here is partition_data():
int partition_data( float xdata[], int ndata, float xmiddle ) {
// Your code goes here
int left = 0;
int right = ndata-1;
float temp;
while(left < ndata){ //left loop
if(xdata[left] < xmiddle){
if(left == right){
return left+1;
left = left + 1;
while(right<ndata){ //right loop, search for swappable Xright
if(xdata[right] >= xmiddle){//X[right] is greater than/equal to xmiddle
if(left == right){
return left;
else{ //found X[right] to swap
temp = xdata[left];
xdata[left] = xdata[right];//swap
right = right-1;
if(left == right) {
return left+1;

Your recursion problem is caused by the creation of your right node.
You create the right node with this code:
// Add code to make a right child
if(nright != 0){
node->right = NULL;
Now if you look at your build_tree function what you have is:
treenode *build_tree( float xdata[], int ndata, float xmin, float xmax )
Let's interprete it as:
create a tree from the array xdata[] where all elements are greater than xmin and less than xmax
Now don't see xdata[] as array xdata[] but see xdata as the pointer to the first element I have to process. This will (hopefully) help you understand it a little bit (and is actually what it is, it is just a pointer).
In your code to create the right node you use:
but there you actually insert as right node the root of the tree that will be created by processing the data starting at the first element of your array. That's not the slice of the array you want. The slice you want to have in your right node is the right part of the array so the part that starts at index ndata-nright. So if you want to change the begin of an array, you just add the index to the pointer of the array. So in your case xdata + (ndata-nright) will represent an array that starts at element ndata-nright (or pointer to that element). So you should have:
node->right=build_tree(xdata + (ndata-nright),mid,xdata[nleft],xmax);
to create your right node!


Binary Search Tree not sorting properly/not following my order

I am trying to create a Binary Search Tree (BST) for a really large txt file (around 150000 lines), but my BST is not sorting properly. My current theory is, when I fetch the key from the txt file, it doesn't register properly, making it fetch a random number from memory. Other than that, I have no idea whats wrong.
NOTE: the txt file has the following format (key on left, value on right)
0016718719 #:#-;QZL=!9v
0140100781 5:`ziuiCMMUC
0544371484 W{<_|b5Qd534
0672094320 QcvX=;[lpR("
0494074201 FB[?T5VHc7Oc
0317651971 K`9#Qn{#h]1z
0635368102 KGVm-?hX{Rv7
0107206064 =n1AsY32_.J9
0844660357 L4qL)x{>5e8H
0699014627 v/<4%"sJ4eHR
0786095462 G!cl'YMAL*#S
0067578317 6{"W,j2>#{p*
0730012647 rAi?q<X5NaKT
0715302988 ,8SrSw0rEEc&
0234601050 PRg$$:b|B0'x
0537081097 fgoDc05rc,n|
0226858124 OV##d6th'<us
1059497442 2,'n}YmK,s^i
0597822915 LhicQ#r<Yh\8
0742176394 g`XkLi.>}s+Q
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Here is my Main file:
#include "LAB3BST2.h"
#include <string.h>
#define LOOKUP_written 1
int digit(char *key) {
int number = 0;//create a
while (*key != '\0') {//loop until the end of the string (number)
number = 10 * number + *key - '0';//(10*number) this represents moving the current value of key one up
//(*key - '0') the current char subtracted by '0' or the value of 48
// example: (char '1') - '0' == int 1. Reference ASCII chart to see hexadecimal logic
return number;
int main(void) {
Node *n = NULL; // eliminates compiler warning
FILE *fp;
int c;
Tree *t = NULL;
char *pbuff = (char *)malloc(256);
char *p, *key, *pass;
int temp = 0;
long bst_node = 0;
fp = fopen("IDENTS.txt", "r");
if (!fp) {
printf("File Open Failed\n");
return 0;
}//initialize the head of the tree
while (1) {
p = fgets(pbuff, 256, fp);
if (p == NULL)
break; //memory not allocated, or end of file
while (*p == ' ')
p++; //if spaces, iterate through string
key = p;
while ((*p) >= 48 && (*p) <= 57)
p++;//if a digit character (47<p<58 or 0-9), iterate through key
*p = '\0';//null everything after the key (digits)
p++; //iterate onto the password
while (*p == ' ')
p++;//if spaces, iterate through string
pass = p;
while ((*p) != '\r' && (*p) != '\n') {
}// iterate until the end of the string ('\n')
*p = '\0';//null the rest, and reset "p"
temp = digit(key);
if (temp < 0) {
if (temp == 170696526) {
if (t == NULL) {
t = initTree(temp, pass);
} else
printf("\nBST NODES: %ld", bst_node);
printf("Original Tree: \n");
if (HEIGHT_WRITTEN == 1) {
printf("Height of tree: %d\n\n", height(t->root));
if (DELETE_WRITTEN == 1) {
FILE *fp_del;
fp_del = fopen("DELETES.txt", "r");
while (1) {
p = fgets(pbuff, 256, fp_del);
if (p == NULL)
while (*p == ' ')
key = p;
while (*p != '\r' && *p != '\n') {
*p = '\0';
int k = withdraw(digit(key), t->root);
if (k)
printf("\nNODES AFTER DELETES: %ld \n", bst_node);
if (!bst_check(t->root))
printf("NOT BST\n");
printf("IS A BST\n");
if (LOOKUP_written) {
FILE *fp_look;
fp_look = fopen("LOOKUPS.txt", "r");
int nnkey = 0;
while (1) {
p = fgets(pbuff, 256, fp_look);
if (p == NULL)
while (*p == ' ')
key = p;
while (*p != '\r' && *p != '\n') {
*p = '\0';
nnkey = digit(key);
Node* k = find(nnkey, t->root);
if (!k) {
printf("ID: %13d PASSWORD: <NOT FOUND>\n", nnkey);
} else {
printf("ID: %13d PASSWORD: %s\n", nnkey, k->value);
return 0;
Here is my function file
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "LAB3BST2.h"
Node *initNode(Key k, char *v)
// Allocate memory for new node and initialize fields.
// Returns pointer to node created.
Node *n = malloc(sizeof(Node));
// initialize node if memory obtained
if (n != NULL) {
n->key = k;
n->value = strdup(v);
n->leftChild = NULL;
n->rightChild = NULL;
return n;
Tree *initTree(Key k, char *v)
// Set up new tree. Allocates memory for Tree structure, then
// calls initNode() to allocate first node.
Tree *t = malloc(sizeof(Tree));
if (t != NULL)
t->root = initNode(k, v);
return t;
void printTreeExplanation(void)
// Prints hint to reader what to expect on screen
static int done = 0;
if (!done) {
printf("First time explanation of tree display:\n");
printf("Every node is displayed as a comma-separated pair within brackets:");
printf(" (kk,vv)\n");
printf("where kk is the key and vv is the value\n");
printf("A tree starts with a curly bracket { and ends with a curly bracket }.\n");
printf("An empty tree will be {}\n");
printf("A tree with no children will be { (kk,vv),{},{} }\n");
printf("If either subtree is populated, it will be shown using the same ");
printf("technique as described above\n");
printf("(Hint: Start at root - and then match up all the remaining\n");
printf("brackets, then interpret what those bracket pairs are telling\n");
done = 1;
void printTree(Node *root)
// Print whole tree. We cannot make it look pretty graphically, so we add some
// characters to make it a little easier to understand. We also don't really
// know what the value field is - it is declared to be a void pointer - so we
// treat it as though it points to an integer.
// assume printTree magically knows the types in the tree node
// start of this tree
// values in the root node (assuming value is pointing to an integer)
printf("(%d,%s),", root->key, root->value);
// Now show left subtree or {} if there is no left subtree
if (root->leftChild != NULL)
// Marker between left and right subtrees
// Now show right subtree or {} if there is no right subtree
if (root->rightChild != NULL)
// Close display of this tree with closing curly bracket
Node *find(Key k, Node *root)
// termination conditions - either true, search is ended
if ((root == NULL) || (root->key == k))
return root;
if (k > root->key) //traverse through the right subtree (larger)
return find(k, root->rightChild);
else //traverse through the right
return find(k, root->leftChild);
int insert(Key k, char *v, Node *root)
int result = BST_FAIL;
// this if statement can only be true with first root (root of whole tree)
if (root == NULL) {
Node *n = initNode(k, v);
root = n;
if (root->key == k)
root->value = strdup(v);//replace password
if (k < root->key) {
// key value less than key value in root node - try to insert into left
// subtree, if it exists.
if (root->leftChild != NULL)
// there is a left subtree - insert it
result = insert(k, v, root->leftChild);
else {
// new Node becomes the left subtree
Node *n = initNode(k, v);
root->leftChild = n;
result = BST_SUCCESS;
} else
if (k > root->key) { // test actually redundant
// key is greater than this nodes key value, so value goes into right
// subtree, if it exists
if (root->rightChild != NULL)
// there is a right subtree - insert new node
result = insert(k, v, root->rightChild);
else {
// no right subtree - new node becomes right subtree
Node *n = initNode(k, v);
root->rightChild = n;
result = BST_SUCCESS;
return result;
int intmax(int a, int b) {
return (a >= b) ? a : b;
int height(Node *root)
// Height definition:
// Height of an empty tree is -1. Height of a leaf node is 0. Height of other
// nodes is 1 more than larger height of node's two subtrees.
int nodeheight = -1;
int right, left;// default returned for empty tree
if (root != NULL) {
left = height(root->leftChild);
right = height(root->rightChild);
nodeheight = intmax(left, right);
return nodeheight;
Node *findParentHelper(Key k, Node *root)
// Help find parent of node with key == k. Parameter root is node with
// at least one child (see findParent()).
if (root->leftChild != NULL) {
if (root->leftChild->key == k)
return root;
if (root->rightChild != NULL) {
if (root->rightChild->key == k)
return root;
if (k > root->key)
return findParentHelper(k, root->rightChild);
return findParentHelper(k, root->leftChild);
Node *findParent(Key k, Node *root)
// root
// Deal with special special cases which could only happen for root
// of whole tree
if (root == NULL)
return root;
// real root doesn't have parent so we make it parent of itself
if (root->key == k)
return root;
// root has no children
if ((root->leftChild == NULL) && (root->rightChild == NULL))
return NULL;
// Deal with cases where root has at least one child
return findParentHelper(k, root);
Node *findMin(Node *root) {
if (root->leftChild == NULL)
return root;
return findMin(root->leftChild);
Node *findMax(Node *root) {
if (root->rightChild == NULL)
return root;
return findMax(root->rightChild);
int check(Node *p, Node *n) {
if (p->rightChild == n)
return 1; //1==right, 0==left
return 0;
void delete(Node *p, Node *n)
// Delete node pointed to by n.
// Parameters:
// n - points to node to be deleted
// p - points to parent of node to be deleted.
// Deletion has 3 cases - no subtrees, only left or right subtree, or both
// left and right subtrees.
if (p == n) { //if the root is the node to be deleted
Node *temp;
int key;
char *pass;
if (p->rightChild) {
temp = findMin(p->rightChild);
key = temp->key;
pass = strdup(temp->value);
delete(findParent(temp->key, n), temp);
p->key = key;
p->value = pass;
} else
if (p->leftChild) {
temp = findMax(p->leftChild);
key = temp->key;
pass = strdup(temp->value);
delete(findParent(temp->key, n), temp);
p->key = key;
p->value = pass;
if (n->leftChild != NULL) { // there is left child
if (n->rightChild) { //if both
Node *temp = findMin(n->rightChild);
n->key = temp->key;
n->value = strdup(temp->value);
delete(findParent(temp->key, n), temp);//delete the min value found (which is a leaf on the left most right branch)
} else { //if only left
if (check(p, n)) {
p->rightChild = n->leftChild;
} else
p->leftChild = n->leftChild;
} else
if (n->rightChild) { // there is only a right child
if (check(p, n)) {
p->rightChild = n->rightChild;
} else
p->leftChild = n->rightChild;
} else {// no children
if (check(p, n)) {
p->rightChild = NULL;
} else
p->leftChild = NULL;
int withdraw(Key k, Node *root)
// Withdraw does two things:
// return a copy of the node with key k (and value v)
// Delete the node with key k from the tree while ensuring the tree remains valid
Node *p, *m;
m = find(k, root);
if (m != NULL) {
// create a copy of the node with the same key and value
//n = initNode(m->key, m->value);
p = findParent(k, root);
// can delete the node
delete(p, m);
return 1;
return 0;
int bst_check(Node *root) {
if (root == NULL)
return 1; // if on a leaf (return back up to root) //170696526
if (root->leftChild != NULL && root->leftChild->key > root->key)
//if the left child exists and its key is greater than the root
return 0;
if (root->rightChild != NULL && root->rightChild->key < root->key)
// if the right child exists and is smaller than the root
return 0;
if (!bst_check(root->leftChild) || !bst_check(root->rightChild))
//if the check was unsuccessful for both the right and left subtrees
//also recursively checks the left and right child
return 0;
//if all pass, then the tree was a bst
return 1;
Here is my function file (.h file):
// Header file to be used with code for ELEC278 Lab 3.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef int Key;
#define BST_FAIL 0 // return value when BST function fails
#define BST_SUCCESS 1 // return value when BST function succeeds
// Node in tree has key and pointer to value associated with key.
// Also contains structural components - two pointers to left and
// right subtrees.
typedef struct password {
char *word;
struct password *next;
} pnode;
typedef struct Node {
Key key;
char *value;
struct Node *leftChild, *rightChild;
} Node, pNode;
// Tree is basically pointer to top node in a tree.
typedef struct Tree {
Node *root;
} Tree;
Node *initNode(int k, char *v);
// Create new tree by creating new node with key = k and value = v
// and making it root
Tree *initTree(int k, char *v);
// Find node with key k in tree. Returns pointer to Node if found;
// Returns NULL if not found
Node *find(Key k, Node *root);
// Create new node with key=k, value=v and insert it into tree
// Returns 1 upon success, 0 failure
int insert(int k, char *v, Node *root);
// Print text representation of tree (starting at any Node)
void printTree(Node *root);
// Returns Maximum of two integer numbers
int intmax(int a, int b);
// Find parent of node n where n->key = k
// Returns pointer to parent node if found; Returns NULL if not found
Node *findParent(Key k, Node *root);
// 1. Make copy of node with key=k and returns it
// 2. Delete node with key=k from tree
// Return pointer of node created in 1; Returns NULL if no node
// with specified key value is found
int withdraw(Key k, Node *root);
// Return height of tree (height of specified root)
int height(Node *root);
// Helper function for findParent - see specification in lab
// instructions
Node *findParentHelper(Key k, Node *root);
// Delete node from tree while ensuring tree remains valid
void delete(Node *p, Node *n);
Node* inorder(Node *pn);
int bst_check(Node *root);
I dont know where to start.
There are some problems in function insert:
if the root argument is NULL, the new node is just stored into the argument pointer and BST_SUCCESS is returned. The caller's node variable is not updated. This function should take the address of the Node* as an argument. In your case, the tree is initialized as non empty, so this never occurs, but the tree will become empty after removing all elements and in this case, insert will always fail in spite of returning BST_SUCCESS.
if root->key == k, a new value is allocated for this duplicate key, but the previous value is not freed, hence there is a memory leak.
the test else if (k > root->key) is indeed redundant
Here is a modified and much simpler version:
int insert(Key k, const char *v, Node **np) {
Node *node = *np;
if (node == NULL) {
*np = initNode(k, v);
if (*np == NULL)
return BST_FAIL;
if (k == node->key) {
// node exists, replace password
char *str = strdup(v);
if (str == NULL) {
return BST_FAIL;
} else {
node->value = str;
return BST_SUCCESS; // no new node, but insertion successful
if (k < node->key) {
// key value is less than key value in this node
// insert it into left subtree, creating it if needed.
return insert(k, v, &node->leftChild);
} else {
// key value is greater than key value in this node
// insert it into right subtree, creating it if needed.
return insert(k, v, &node->rightChild);
Here is a non recursive version:
int insert(Key k, const char *v, Node **np) {
while (*np) {
Node *node = *np;
if (k == node->key) {
// node exists, replace password
char *str = strdup(v);
if (str == NULL) {
return BST_FAIL;
} else {
node->value = str;
return BST_SUCCESS; // no new node, but insertion successful
if (k < node->key) {
// key value is less than key value in this node
// insert it into left subtree, creating it if needed.
np = &root->leftChild;
} else {
// key value is greater than key value in this node
// insert it into right subtree, creating it if needed.
np = &root->rightChild;
*np = initNode(k, v);
if (*np == NULL)
return BST_FAIL;
Note however that neither of the above functions implement a balanced tree (BST). The tree needs rebalancing if the height of left and right child nodes' heights become too different.
This is not an answer but wanted to add a graph of the input data. I don't see anything out of order (i.e. non-reproducable):

How can I implement a check function to check the validity of the properties of a b-tree?

I have recently implemented a normal B-tree (without any variant) in C, but I would like to check if my implementation is valid i.e. if it does not violate the following properties:
Every node has at most m children.
Every non-leaf node (except root) has at least ⌈m/2⌉ child nodes.
The root has at least two children if it is not a leaf node.
A non-leaf node with k children contains k − 1 keys.
All leaves appear in the same level and carry no information.
Could help me with the implementation of this procedure giving me an example with some code in C or with some suggestions?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define EMPTY 0
#define NODE_ORDER 3 /*The degree of the tree.*/
typedef unsigned char bool;
typedef struct tree_node {
int key_array[NODE_KEYS];
struct tree_node *child_array[NODE_POINTERS];
unsigned int key_index;
bool leaf;
} node_t;
typedef struct {
node_t *node_pointer;
int key;
bool found;
unsigned int depth;
} result_t;
typedef struct {
node_t *root;
unsigned short order;
bool lock;
} btree_t;
static int BTreeGetLeftMax(node_t *T);
static int BTreeGetRightMin(node_t *T);
/* The AllocateNode operation allocate a b-tree node.And then set the node's
** properties to the defualt value :
** BTreeNode => K[i] = 0
** BTreeNode => child_array[i] = NULL
** BTreeNode => key_index = 0
** BTreeNode => isLeaf = 1;
static node_t *create_node()
int i;
node_t *new_node = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));
printf("Out of memory");
// Set Keys
for(i = 0;i < NODE_KEYS; i++){
new_node->key_array[i] = 0;
// Set ptr
for(i = 0;i < NODE_POINTERS; i++){
new_node->child_array[i] = NULL;
new_node->key_index = EMPTY;
new_node->leaf = TRUE;
return new_node;
/* The CreatBTree operation creates an empty b-tree by allocating a new root
** that has no keys and is a leaf node.Only the root node is permitted to
** have this properties.
btree_t *create_btree()
btree_t *new_root = (btree_t *)malloc(sizeof(btree_t));
return NULL;
node_t *head = create_node();
return NULL;
new_root->order = NODE_ORDER;
new_root->root = head;
new_root->lock = FALSE;
return new_root;
static result_t *get_resultset()
result_t *ret = (result_t *)malloc(sizeof(result_t));
printf("ERROR! Out of memory.");
ret->node_pointer = NULL;
ret->key = 0;
ret->found = FALSE;
ret->depth = 0;
return ret;
/* The BTreeSearch operation is to search X in T.Recursively traverse the tree
** from top to bottom.At each level, BTreeSearch choose the maximum key whose
** value is greater than or equal to the desired value X.If equal to the
** desired ,found.Otherwise continue to traverse.
result_t *search(int key, node_t *node)
int i = 0;
while((i < node->key_index) && (key > node->key_array[i])){
//printf("it %d is <= %d and key %d > than %d\n", i, node->key_index, key, node->key_array[i]);
//printf("end iterator: %d\n", i);
//printf("better: \n");
int c = 0;
while((c < node->key_index) && (key > node->key_array[c])){
printf("it %d is <= %d and key %d > than %d\n", c, node->key_index, key, node->key_array[c]);
// HACK /// may not be working
if(i == 6){
// Check if we found it
if((i <= node->key_index) && (key == node->key_array[i])){
result_t *result = get_resultset();
result->node_pointer = node;
result->key = i;
result->found = TRUE;
return result;
// Not found check leaf or child
result_t *result = get_resultset();
result->node_pointer = node;
result->found = FALSE;
return result;
result_t *result = get_resultset();
return search(key, node->child_array[i]);
/* The split_child operation moves the median key of node child_array into
** its parent ptrParent where child_array is the ith child of ptrParent.
static void split_child(node_t *parent_node, int i, node_t *child_array)
int j;
//Allocate a new node to store child_array's node.
node_t *new_node = create_node();
new_node->leaf = child_array->leaf;
new_node->key_index = NODE_ORDER-1;
//Move child_array's right half nodes to the new node.
for(j = 0;j < NODE_ORDER-1;j++){
new_node->key_array[j] = child_array->key_array[NODE_ORDER+j];
//If child_array is not leaf node,then move child_array's [child_array]s to the new
//node's [child_array]s.
if(child_array->leaf == 0){
for(j = 0;j < NODE_ORDER;j++){
new_node->child_array[j] = child_array->child_array[NODE_ORDER+j];
child_array->key_index = NODE_ORDER-1;
//Right shift ptrParent's [child_array] from index i
for(j = parent_node->key_index;j>=i;j--){
parent_node->child_array[j+1] = parent_node->child_array[j];
//Set ptrParent's ith child_array to the newNode.
parent_node->child_array[i] = new_node;
//Right shift ptrParent's Keys from index i-1
for(j = parent_node->key_index;j>=i;j--){
parent_node->key_array[j] = parent_node->key_array[j-1];
//Set ptrParent's [i-1]th Key to child_array's median [child_array]
parent_node->key_array[i-1] = child_array->key_array[NODE_ORDER-1];
//Increase ptrParent's Key number.
/* The BTreeInsertNonFull operation insert X into a non-full node T.before
** execute this operation,guarantee T is not a full node.
static void insert_nonfull(node_t *n, int key){
int i = n->key_index;
// Shift until we fit
while(i>=1 && key<n->key_array[i-1]){
n->key_array[i] = n->key_array[i-1];
n->key_array[i] = key;
// Find the position i to insert.
while(i>=1 && key<n->key_array[i-1]){
//If T's ith child_array is full,split first.
if(n->child_array[i]->key_index == NODE_KEYS){
split_child(n, i+1, n->child_array[i]);
if(key > n->key_array[i]){
//Recursive insert.
insert_nonfull(n->child_array[i], key);
/* The BTreeInsert operation insert key into T.Before insert ,this operation
** check whether T's root node is full(root->key_index == 2*d -1) or not.If full,
** execute split_child to guarantee the parent never become full.And then
** execute BTreeInsertNonFull to insert X into a non-full node.
node_t *insert(int key, btree_t *b)
node_t *root = b->root;
if(root->key_index == NODE_KEYS){ //If node root is full,split it.
node_t *newNode = create_node();
b->root = newNode; //Set the new node to T's Root.
newNode->leaf = 0;
newNode->key_index = 0;
newNode->child_array[0] = root;
split_child(newNode, 1, root);//Root is 1th child of newNode.
insert_nonfull(newNode, key); //Insert X into non-full node.
}else{ //If not full,just insert X in T.
insert_nonfull(b->root, key);
printf("Tree is locked\n");
return b->root;
/* The merge_children operation merge the root->K[index] and its two child
** and then set chlid1 to the new root.
static void merge_children(node_t *root, int index, node_t *child1, node_t *child2){
child1->key_index = NODE_KEYS;
int i;
//Move child2's key to child1's right half.
child1->key_array[i] = child2->key_array[i-NODE_ORDER];
child1->key_array[NODE_ORDER-1] = root->key_array[index]; //Shift root->K[index] down.
//If child2 is not a leaf node,must copy child2's [ptrchlid] to the new
//root(child1)'s [child_array].
if(0 == child2->leaf){
child1->child_array[i] = child2->child_array[i-NODE_ORDER];
//Now update the root.
root->key_array[i-1] = root->key_array[i];
root->child_array[i] = root->child_array[i+1];
/* The BTreeBorrowFromLeft operation borrows a key from leftPtr.curPtr borrow
** a node from leftPtr.root->K[index] shift down to curPtr,shift leftPtr's
** right-max key up to root->K[index].
static void BTreeBorrowFromLeft(node_t *root, int index, node_t *leftPtr, node_t *curPtr){
int i;
curPtr->key_array[i] = curPtr->key_array[i-1];
curPtr->key_array[0] = root->key_array[index];
root->key_array[index] = leftPtr->key_array[leftPtr->key_index-1];
if(0 == leftPtr->leaf)
curPtr->child_array[i] = curPtr->child_array[i-1];
curPtr->child_array[0] = leftPtr->child_array[leftPtr->key_index];
/* The BTreeBorrowFromLeft operation borrows a key from rightPtr.curPtr borrow
** a node from rightPtr.root->K[index] shift down to curPtr,shift RightPtr's
** left-min key up to root->K[index].
static void BTreeBorrowFromRight(node_t *root, int index, node_t *rightPtr, node_t *curPtr){
curPtr->key_array[curPtr->key_index-1] = root->key_array[index];
root->key_array[index] = rightPtr->key_array[0];
int i;
rightPtr->key_array[i] = rightPtr->key_array[i+1];
if(0 == rightPtr->leaf){
curPtr->child_array[curPtr->key_index] = rightPtr->child_array[0];
rightPtr->child_array[i] = rightPtr->child_array[i+1];
/* The BTreeDeleteNoNone operation recursively delete X in root,handle both leaf
** and internal node:
** 1. If X in a leaf node,just delete it.
** 2. If X in a internal node P:
** a): If P's left neighbor -> prePtr has at least d keys,replace X with
** prePtr's right-max key and then recursively delete it.
** b): If P's right neighbor -> nexPtr has at least d keys,replace X with
** nexPtr's left-min key and then recursively delete it.
** c): If both of prePtr and nexPtr have d-1 keys,merge X and nexPtr into
** prePtr.Now prePtr have 2*d-1 keys,and then recursively delete X in
** prePtr.
** 3. If X not in a internal node P,X must in P->child_array[i] zone.If child_array[i]
** only has d-1 keys:
** a): If child_array[i]'s neighbor have at least d keys,borrow a key from
** child_array[i]'s neighbor.
** b): If both of child_array[i]'s left and right neighbor have d-1 keys,merge
** child_array[i] with one of its neighbor.
** finally,recursively delete X.
static void BTreeDeleteNoNone(int X, node_t *root){
int i;
//Is root is a leaf node ,just delete it.
if(1 == root->leaf){
while( (i<root->key_index) && (X>root->key_array[i])) //Find the index of X.
//If exists or not.
if(X == root->key_array[i]){
root->key_array[i] = root->key_array[i+1];
printf("Node not found.\n");
return ;
else{ //X is in a internal node.
i = 0;
node_t *prePtr = NULL, *nexPtr = NULL;
//Find the index;
while( (i<root->key_index) && (X>root->key_array[i]) )
if( (i<root->key_index) && (X == root->key_array[i]) ){ //Find it in this level.
prePtr = root->child_array[i];
nexPtr = root->child_array[i+1];
/*If prePtr at least have d keys,replace X by X's precursor in
if(prePtr->key_index > NODE_ORDER-1){
int aPrecursor = BTreeGetLeftMax(prePtr);
root->key_array[i] = aPrecursor;
//Recursively delete aPrecursor in prePtr.
if(nexPtr->key_index > NODE_ORDER-1){
/*If nexPtr at least have d keys,replace X by X's successor in
* nexPtr*/
int aSuccessor = BTreeGetRightMin(nexPtr);
root->key_array[i] = aSuccessor;
/*If both of root's two child have d-1 keys,then merge root->K[i]
* and prePtr nexPtr. Recursively delete X in the prePtr.*/
else{ //Not find in this level,delete it in the next level.
prePtr = root->child_array[i];
node_t *leftBro = NULL;
nexPtr = root->child_array[i+1];
leftBro = root->child_array[i-1];
/*root->child_array[i] need to borrow from or merge with his neighbor
* and then recursively delete. */
if(NODE_ORDER-1 == prePtr->key_index){
//If left-neighbor have at least d-1 keys,borrow.
if( (leftBro != NULL) && (leftBro->key_index > NODE_ORDER-1))
else //Borrow from right-neighbor
if( (nexPtr != NULL) && (nexPtr->key_index > NODE_ORDER-1))
//OR,merge with its neighbor.
else if(leftBro != NULL){
//Merge with left-neighbor
prePtr = leftBro;
else //Merge with right-neighbor
/*Now prePtr at least have d keys,just recursively delete X in
* prePtr*/
/*Get T's left-max key*/
static int BTreeGetLeftMax(node_t *T){
if(0 == T->leaf){
return BTreeGetLeftMax(T->child_array[T->key_index]);
return T->key_array[T->key_index-1];
/*Get T's right-min key*/
static int BTreeGetRightMin(node_t *T){
if(0 == T->leaf){
return BTreeGetRightMin(T->child_array[0]);
return T->key_array[0];
/* The BTreeDelete operation delete X from T up-to-down and no-backtrack.
** Before delete,check if it's necessary to merge the root and its children
** to reduce the tree's height.Execute BTreeDeleteNoNone to recursively delete
node_t *delete(int key, btree_t *b)
//if the root of T only have 1 key and both of T's two child have d-1
//key,then merge the children and the root. Guarantee not need to backtrack.
if(b->root->key_index == 1){
node_t *child1 = b->root->child_array[0];
node_t *child2 = b->root->child_array[1];
if((!child1) && (!child2)){
if((NODE_ORDER-1 == child1->key_index) && (NODE_ORDER-1 == child2->key_index)){
//Merge the children and set child1 to the new root.
merge_children(b->root, 0, child1, child2);
BTreeDeleteNoNone(key, child1);
return child1;
BTreeDeleteNoNone(key, b->root);
printf("Tree is locked\n");
return b->root;
void tree_unlock(btree_t *r)
r->lock = FALSE;
bool tree_lock(btree_t *r)
return FALSE;
r->lock = TRUE;
return TRUE;
You have not shown any code, which makes it difficult to come up with code examples that could fit to your implementation. However, in principle you could take the following approaches:
Write unit-tests for your code. With the B-Tree that would mean to start with small trees (even with an empty tree), and use checks in your tests to verify the properties. You would then add more and more tests, specifically checking for bugs also in the "tricky" scenarios. There is a lot of general information about unit-testing available, you should be able to adapt it to your specific problem.
Add assertions to your code (read about the assert macro in C). Many of the properties you have mentioned could be checked directly within the code at appropriate places.
Certainly, there is more you could do, like, having the code reviewed by some colleague, or using some formal verification tools, but the abovementioned two approaches are good starting points.
UPDATE (after code was added):
Some more hints about how you could approach unit-testing. In principle, you should write your tests with the help of a so called test framework, which is a helper library to make writing tests easier. To explain the concept, however, I just use plain C or even pseudo-code.
Moreover, you would also put some declarations and/or definitions into a header file, like "btree.h". For the sake of example, however, I will just #include "btree.c" in the code examples below.
Create a file "btree-test.c" (the name is a proposal, you can name it as you like).
A first test would look a bit like:
#include "btree.c"
#include <assert.h>
void test_create_empty_btree() {
btree_t *actual_btree = create_btree();
// now, check that the created btree has all desired properties
// for example:
assert(actual_btree != NULL);
assert(actual_btree->order == NODE_ORDER);
assert(actual_btree->lock == FALSE);
assert(actual_btree->root->key_index == EMPTY);
assert(actual_btree->root->leaf == TRUE);
printf("PASSED: test_create_empty_btree");
The code above is just an example, I have not even tried compiling it. Note also that the test is not quite clean yet: there will be memory leaks, because the btree is not properly deleted at the end of the test, which would be better practice. It should, however, give you an idea how to start writing unit-tests.
A second test could then again create a btree, but in addition insert some data. In your tests you would then check that the btree has the expected form. And so on, adding more and more tests. It is good practice to have one function per test case...

AVL tree not balancing correctly

I have an assignment to write a self balancing binary search tree. I decided to use an AVL tree as it is what we have discussed in class. Then with the given input of { 3, 5, 61, 9, 32, 7, 1, 45, 26, 6} I'm expecting an output of:
3----| 9----|----45
1---| |---26 |---61
That is, unless I have grossly misunderstood and thus miscalculated what an AVL tree is supposed to do when it balances itself. The output I'm getting is quite different:
1----| 9----|
6--| 26--|--45
Again, unless I am completely wrong, that tree is not balanced. The function I'm using to set up the tree is defined as such:
node* insertKeyAVL(node* n, int e)
int cmpVal;
if (n == NULL){
n = create_node();
n->data = e;
} else if (e < n->data) {
if (n->left == NULL){
n->left = create_node();
n->left->data = e;
n->left->parent = n;
} else {
n->left = insertKeyAVL(n->left, e);
cmpVal = height(n->left) - height(n->right);
} else {
if (n->right == NULL){
n->right = create_node();
n->right->data = e;
n->right->parent = n;
} else {
n->right = insertKeyAVL(n->right, e);
cmpVal = height(n->right) - height(n->left);
if (cmpVal > 2){
if (n->left){
if (e < n->left->data)
n = rotate_left(n);
n = rotate_right_left(n);
} else if (n->right){
if (e > n->right->data)
n = rotate_right(n);
n = rotate_left_right(n);
n->height = max(height(n->left), height(n->right)) + 1;
return n;
The structure I'm using to store all the data is defined as such:
typedef struct node
struct node *parent;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
int data;
int height;
} node;
The functions rotate_left_right and rotate_right_left are basic functions that rotate the direction of the first post-fix then the second post-fix, and are both reliant on rotate_left and rotate_right for their respective direction. rotate left is defined as such:
node* rotate_left(node* n)
node* tmp = n->left;
n->left = tmp->right;
tmp->right = n;
tmp->parent = n->parent;
n->parent = tmp;
n->height = max(height(n->left), height(n->right)) + 1;
tmp->height = max(height(tmp->left), n->height) + 1;
return tmp;
rotate_right is similar but adjusted for a rotation right.
I'm wondering where this code messes up so that it doesn't produce the desired output.
when you add 26 in your expected result cmpval for 5 become 2 which is not valid that's why code re-execute and give result as yours.
I don't have a full answer and I'm not sure your code is salvageable, since it misses a lot of pieces. Main source of surprise is the missing initialization of cmpVal which is then compared to 2. But if n is NULL its UB.
cmpVal is the balance of AVL but with an absolute value. Unfortunately when rebalancing you check the existence of a left child or of a right child. But this tells you nothing. You need to know the sign of the balance in order to choose the rotation direction. You can have both children and still need to balance.
Your insertion looks strange because after checking that the node is not NULL you check the children for the same thing. But recursion here would have saved the two checks entirely by performing the check for you.

Balancing AVL tree height/balance factor error

Alright so there is a lot of code here, but I thought it was best in case something wasn't immediately evident in my logic.
My issue starts with the height, and my calculated balancing factor. I have looked up a countless amount of AVL-tree algorithms, and done a lot of rough work on paper to try to figure out the best way to tackle the balancing aspect of this beast of a tree. Here is what I've gotton:
typedef struct node {
char* key;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
int height;
int frequency;
int max(int a, int b)
if(a > b)
return a;
return b;
// A utility function to get height of the tree
int height(node* N)
return -1;
return N->height;
// A utility function to get maximum of two integers
int avlHeight(node* N) {
if(N == NULL)
return -1;
return max(height(N->left), height(N->right))+1;
node *rightRotate(node *y) //preform a right AVL rotation
node *x = y->left;
node *T2 = x->right;
// Perform rotation
x->right = y;
y->left = T2;
// Update heights
y->height = max(height(y->left), height(y->right))+1;
x->height = max(height(x->left), height(x->right))+1;
// Return new root
return x;
// A utility function to left rotate subtree rooted with x
// See the diagram given above.
node *leftRotate(node *x) //perform a left AVL rotation
node *y = x->right;
node *T2 = y->left;
// Perform rotation
y->left = x;
x->right = T2;
// Update heights
x->height = max(height(x->left), height(x->right))+1;
y->height = max(height(y->left), height(y->right))+1;
// Return new root
return y;
// Get Balance factor of node N
int getBalance(node *N)//get the balance factor
if (N == NULL)
return -1;
return height(N->left) - height(N->right);
node* insert(node* node, char* key)//function to insert new nodes to the tree
if (node == NULL)
return (newNode(key));
// printf("%s",key);
if(strcmp(node->key, key)==0)
node->frequency = node->frequency+1;
return node;
if (strcmp(key, node->key) < 0)
node->left = insert(node->left, key);
node->right = insert(node->right, key);
/* 2. Update height of this ancestor node */
node->height = max(height(node->left), height(node->right)) + 1;
/* 3. Get the balance factor of this ancestor node to check whether
this node became unbalanced */
int balance = getBalance(node);
// If this node becomes unbalanced, then there are 4 cases
// Left Left Case
if (balance > 1 && strcmp(key, node->left->key)<0) {
return rightRotate(node);
// Right Right Case
if (balance < -1 && strcmp(key, node->right->key)>0)
return leftRotate(node);
// Left Right Case
if (balance > 1 && strcmp(key, node->left->key)>0) {
node->left = leftRotate(node->left);
return rightRotate(node);
// Right Left Case
if (balance < -1 && strcmp(key, node->right->key)<0) {
node->right = rightRotate(node->right);
return leftRotate(node);
/* return the (unchanged) node pointer */
return node;
I̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶ ̶s̶e̶g̶-̶f̶a̶u̶l̶t̶s̶,̶ ̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶s̶,̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶w̶a̶r̶n̶i̶n̶g̶s̶.̶ The program segfaults when the balance factor is 2. I am parsing roughly 44k lines of keys into this tree, and any multiples are being added to the structs frequency counter. The only thing that is not correct with my tree is that the frequency is off by 1-3 elements for any given node, and the heights are not what they should be for all elements.
I was pretty sure when I was debugging it had to do with my balancing algorithm, because for one my heights were completely off (got as high as 7 I believe) and about 70% of my nodes had the correct amount of counts (frequency).
My big question: What is wrong with my balancing logic and/or rotation logic?
Is my entire code wrong, or am I at least on the right track?
**after updating code
for some god forsaken reason when I take out the node I segfault at, the entire program works, but gives me the wrong frequencies still :/
So quite literally 1 element/node makes this segfault, yet it is still wrong...
example input->
wrn69 flr830 flr662 flr830 flr830
flr231 flr2166 flr1854 wrn69 wrn69
flr231 flr2166

Circular linked list going in infinite loop

I am supposed to do a program which can do polynomial addition/subtraction/multiplication/evaluation using circular linked list.
My multiplication code is going in infinite loop, and I have marked a comment where it is happening (detected with printf statements, removed).
list* poly_mul(list *p1, list *p2) {
term tmp;
list *result = malloc(sizeof(list));
memcpy(result, p1, sizeof(list));
node *b = p2->head;
node *r = result->head;
do {
do {
tmp.exp = r->data.exp + b->data.exp;
tmp.coeff = r->data.coeff * b->data.coeff;
unsigned int add_term = 1;
node *c = result->head;
do {
if(c->data.exp == tmp.exp) {
c->data.coeff += tmp.coeff;
add_term = 0;
c = c->next;
//Here it goes in infinite loop
} while(c != result->head);
node_add(result, &tmp);
b = b->next;
} while(b != p2->head);
r = r->next;
} while(r != result->head);
return result;
The structures used are here:
typedef struct {
int exp;
int coeff;
} term;
typedef struct node {
term data;
struct node *next;
} node;
typedef struct {
node *head;
node *tail;
unsigned int count;
} list;
And this is the code in main:
void main() {
list p1, p2, *p3;
p1.count = p2.count = 0;
p3 = poly_mul(&p1, &p2);
void poly_create(list *l) {
int i, n;
printf("\nEnter number of terms in the polynomial: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
printf("\nEnter details for term %d: ", i);
void node_add(list *l, term *t) {
node *tmp = malloc(sizeof(node));
memcpy(&tmp->data, t, sizeof(term));
if(l->count == 0) {
l->head = tmp;
l->tail = tmp;
tmp->next = tmp;
else {
l->tail->next = tmp;
tmp->next = l->head;
l->tail = tmp;
void term_append(list *l) {
term t;
printf("\nEnter term as <coefficient>,<exponent>: ");
scanf("%d,%d", &t.coeff, &t.exp);
if(!t.coeff) {
printf("\nCoefficient is zero, reenter term");
goto enter;
if(l->count >= 1) {
node *i = l->head;
do {
if(i->data.exp == t.exp) {
printf("\nExponent %d was already entered, reenter term", t.exp);
goto enter;
i = i->next;
} while(i != l->head);
node_add(l, &t);
node_add(l, &t);
Please get me a solution for this problem, I've been trying to solve this for the past three hours.
Why is it going into an infinite loop? You can find out by using a debugger and stepping through the code. Just put a breakpoint at the appropriate place and you should be able to find it yourself. In all likelihood, you have a loop in your linked list.
You can check for loops in your linked list with two pointers. The first one (tail) point to the start of your list. The second (head) points to the second element of your list. Loop till head is past the last element (I have those pointed to NULL, not head) by incrementing both head and tail by one. If at any point tail > head, you have a loop.
What happens if you printf("%d",(int) c); at each iteration? I suspect that result->head is pointing to a node which is pointing to a member of the linked list, but is not in the linked list itself.
Potential test: Add a int seen to each member of the list and increment it on each member as you loop for a given number of nodes (something excessively high such as INT_MAX) and, when the loop stops, see if result->head->seen > 0:
typedef struct node {
term data;
struct node *next;
// to be removed later
int seen;
} node;
// place this before you get the infinite loop
unsigned int i = 1;
c->seen = 0;
c = c->next;
c->seen = i;
// replace INT_MAX with some number which is greater than the maximum list length
} while(++i <= INT_MAX);
// this should be roughly equal to i (might be off by 1).
// I'll bet it isn't though!
printf("result->head->seen = %d", result->head->seen);
One possible cause: you're never creating p2. Are you missing a line like this in your main function:
