using angularjs to build iframe url - angularjs

i am getting an iframe image from a url that i want to be dynamic. So...for example i want to pass in a different url for each application # that i am previewing.
i've tried using ng-src to generate my url but it seems to be failing.
<iframe ng-src="http://localhost:3000/v4/{{applicationNumberText}}/{{documentIdentifier}}"></iframe>
$scope.applicationNumberText = '09123456';
$scope.documentIdentifier = 'E1DUJW9JPP1GUI3';
getting this error:
angular.js:11706 Error: [$interpolate:noconcat] Error while interpolating
any ideas?

Well, for one you cannot concatenate a string like that. Second, you will need to use $sce and tell your app it is a trusted url resource. see fiddle:
app.controller('TestController', function($scope,$sce) {
$scope.applicationNumberText = '09123456';
$scope.documentIdentifier = 'E1DUJW9JPP1GUI3';
$scope.iFrameUrl = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl("http://localhost:3000/v4/" + $scope.applicationNumberText + "/" + $scope.documentIdentifier);


(Angular) Js embedding an MS Word doc using AJAX return data as the URL

[Update] there is a 50 point bonus, which I will up to 200 for a working fiddle
[Update] while I prefer an AngualrJs solution, I will also accept plain JS - just anything to get me over this impasse ... a GET call to my server returns a URL and I want to embed that document into my HTML
With reference to my previous question, #MaximShoustin 's answer seemed perfect, but I am having problems.
The URL in that solution there is hard coded, but I want to get mine by AJAX. When I do, the document is not embedded, but I see no error in the developer console.
I made this fiddle, where I added these lines
to the HTML
<iframe ng-src="{{cvUrlTrusted_2}}"></iframe>
and, to the controller
app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope, $sanitize, $sce, $http) {
added , $http
// new stuff follows
var url = '';
/* The URL contains this code ...
.success(function(data, status, headers, config)
var cvTrustedUrl_2 = '' + data.trim() + '&embedded=true';
$scope.cvTrustedUrl = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(cvTrustedUrl_2);
.error(function(data, status, headers, config)
If you invoke the API at you will see that it returns the same document URL as was hard coded in the solution.
Please, first check my code, lest I have made a mistake.
Long description, short question : how can I embed a document who's URL is returned from an AJAX API into an HTML document using AngularJS? Free free to fork the fiddle.
Your fiddle doesn't work because of cross domain problem:
So I loaded simple JSON file with content:
$http.get('data.json').then(function (resp){
var cvTrustedUrl_2 = '' + + '&embedded=true';
$scope.cvUrlTrusted_2 = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(cvTrustedUrl_2);
Demo Plunker
It works fine so the problem is in your because this URL doesn't work in Postman too. I get:
This site requires Javascript to work, please enable Javascript in your browser or use a browser with Javascript support
be sure you configured it well

Ionic 2 : CameraPreview plugin, how to deal with the given URI?

I come here because I use the CameraPreview class from ionic-native in my ionic 2 project to take a picture, and I actually struggle with the path of the picture which is something like : assets-library://asset/asset.JPG?id=...
That type of URL is obviously impossible to render in the DOM, and I want to know how to convert it into a supported URL for the img or ion-img tag.
I tried to convert it using File.readAsDataURL() as it is suggested in the following links, but the promise return an empty string.
You can load it via http as a Blob and then set that as the src for an img.
Example below:
this.http.get(fileURI, new RequestOptions({responseType:ResponseContentType.Blob}))
data => {
var blob = data.blob();
this.previewImage = this.sanitize(URL.createObjectURL(blob));;
Make note of the sanitize function. This is required to bypass default browser security - see
In this example the img tag is bound to the previewImage variable:
<div [style.width.px]="cameraSize" [style.height.px]="cameraSize">
<img id="preview" [src]="previewImage">

JavaScript runtime error: [$parse:lexerr] Lexer Error: Unexpected next character at columns 128-128 [&] in

I'm passing a query string to a function, which gets $compiled that opens a new window.
I get the following error
JavaScript runtime error: [$parse:lexerr] Lexer Error:
Unexpected next character at columns 128-128 [&]
var url = 'http://.....?&filename=123.doc&user=Bob'
var html = <a href='#' ng-click='OpenUrl(" + url + ")'>MY LINK </a>"
var link = $compile(html)($scope)
the function just opens a new window. It doesn't seem to like the '&'
I'm $compiling the URL and expression so it can be used in an ng-click
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
why do you $compile the URL, I don't see why this would be needed. $compile in angular does not compile URLs, it compiles an HTML-String or a DOM-tree and compiles/links angular directives that are used in this HTML.
Is this solving your issue?
in the controller:
$scope.myUrl = "http://... ";
in the HTML:
<a ng-href="{{myUrl}}" target="_blank">blabla</a>

angular changing the url location without reloading the page

I have some partials which are loaded with some URL templates/test.html for example. This TemplateURL will always be relative. I want to use the same templates in different locations within the website.
So , I want to use the same relative url even if I am on some actual url of
I have tried to use the $loaction service, but I am unable to set the $loaction back to the home url when I need to.
E.g in my controller I would like to :
var new_base_url = homeURL();
function homeUrl() {
/* Here is where I am unable to get the home url */
$location.path('/'); // simply returns the current url
If you want the absolute Url, $location.absUrl() will return everything (all url segments).
If you want the host name, $ will return the host name.
If you want the protocol, $location.protocol() will return that.
If you want the path, $location.path() will return that.
If you want the hash, $location.hash() will return that.
You should be able to use these methods to parse out the pieces of the url that you are after.
var path = $location.path();
var hash = $location.hash();
var basePath = path.replace(hash, '');

Whats the better way to identify the context path in Angular JS

I have my web application deployed to tomcat with an applicatio context.
For example my URL looks something like this.
myapp - is the application context here.
Now in an Angular service if i want to call a webservice say getusers. My URL should be this /myapp/getusers. But I want to avoid hardcoding the application context as it might change from one deployment to other.
I have managed to figureout the contextpath from $window.location.pathname but it looks very stupid. Is there a betterway?
FYI I am using Spring MVC for restful services.
What I have done is declared a variable in the main jsp file. Then that variable will be available throughout the angular application.
<script type="text/javascript">
var _contextPath = "${pageContext.request.contextPath}";
This code should be written in header before including other JavaScript libraries.
I'm also using tomcat and Spring MVC. Using relative url in JavaScript will do the trick.
For doing this you just need to remove the / at the begining of REST url. so that your url starts from the current url in your browser.
replace $resource('/getusers') with $resource('getusers')
Inject the $location service to your controller.
var path = $location.path(); // will tell you the current path
path = path.substr(1).split('/'); // you still have to split to get the application context
// path() is also a setter
$location.path(path[0] + '/getusers');
// $location.path() === '/myapp/getusers'
// ------------------ \\
// Shorter way
$location.path($location.path() + '/getusers');
// $location.path() === '/myapp/getusers'
In Angular 2 (if using hashbang mode). Below code can be used to form the url.
document.location.href.substr(0, document.location.href.lastIndexOf("/#")) + "/getusers";
Inspired from the answer of #jarek-krochmalski
if you are using hashbang mode, with "#", you can do something like that:
$location.absUrl().substr(0, $location.absUrl().lastIndexOf("#")) + "/getusers"
For AngularJS $http service you are good to go with url : 'getusers', as follows:
$scope.postCall = function(obj) {
method : 'POST',
url : 'getusers',
dataType : 'json',
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json'
data : obj,
In general, you should use injection in your controller like the following:
angular.module("yourModule").controller("yourController", ["$scope", "yourService", "$location", function($scope, yourService, $location){
//here you can send the path value to your model.
