How do I read a nested structure from solr? - solr

I am lost and need your advice. I have a nested Solr Document containing multiple levels of sub-documents. Here is a JSON example so you can see the full structure:
"id": "Test Library",
"description": "example of nested document",
"content_type": "library",
"authors": [{
"id": "author1",
"content_type": "author",
"name": "First Author",
"books": [{
"id": "book1",
"content_type": "book",
"title": "title of book 1"
"shortStories": [{
"id": "shortStory1",
"content_type": "shortStory",
"title": "title of short story 1"
"id": "author2",
"content_type": "author",
"name": "Second Author",
"books": [{
"id": "book1",
"content_type": "book",
"title": "title of book 1"
"shortStories": [{
"id": "shortStory1",
"content_type": "shortStory",
"title": "title of short story 1"
I want to query for a document and retrieve the nested structure. I tried using the ChildDocumentTranformerFactory but it flattened the result to be just Library and all other documents as children:
"id": "Test Library",
"description": "example of nested document",
"content_type": "library",
{"id": "author1",
"content_type": "author",
"name": "First Author"
{"id": "book1",
"content_type": "book",
"title": "title of book 1"
"id": "shortStory1",
"content_type": "shortStory",
"title": "title of short story 1"
"id": "author2",
"content_type": "author",
"name": "Second Author"
"id": "book1",
"content_type": "book",
"title": "title of book 1"
"id": "shortStory1",
"content_type": "shortStory",
"title": "title of short story 1"
Here are the query parameters I used:
q={!parent which='content_type:library'}
fl=*,[child parentFilter='content_type:library' childFilter='id:*']
What is the best way to read the nested structure from Solr? Do I need to do some sort of faceting?
I am using Solr version 5.2.1

Unfortunately solr does not support that right now.
ChildDocTransformerFactory returns all descendant documents of each parent document matching your query in a flat list nested inside the matching parent document
Not sure if there is a work around for this.

Please look into Block Join to virtually relate the parent and child.


In Azure Search how can I filter records that have tags with IDs matching any in a list

Given the following search index document schema:
"value": [
"Id": "abc",
"Name": "Some name",
"Tags": [
"Id": "123",
"Name": "Tag123"
"Id": "456",
"Name": "Tag456"
"Id": "xyz",
"Name": "Some name",
"Tags": [
"Id": "123",
"Name": "Tag123"
"Id": "789",
"Name": "Tag789"
What is the correct syntax for an OData query that will return all records with any Tag/Ids that are contained in input list?
The closest I have got is:
Tags/any(object: object/Id ('123,456,789'))

Use Custom Image for PrimeReact Data Tree Icon

I'm using the Data Tree component from PrimeReact, docs linked below. The tree component takes in an object with fields defined as such
const data = [
"key": "0",
"label": "Documents",
"data": "Documents Folder",
"icon": "pi pi-fw pi-inbox",
"children": [{
"key": "0-0",
"label": "Work",
"data": "Work Folder",
"icon": "pi pi-fw pi-cog",
"children": [{ "key": "0-0-0", "label": "Expenses.doc", "icon": "pi pi-fw pi-file", "data": "Expenses Document" }, { "key": "0-0-1", "label": "Resume.doc", "icon": "pi pi-fw pi-file", "data": "Resume Document" }]
"key": "0-1",
"label": "Home",
"data": "Home Folder",
"icon": "pi pi-fw pi-home",
"children": [{ "key": "0-1-0", "label": "Invoices.txt", "icon": "pi pi-fw pi-file", "data": "Invoices for this month" }]
called as such
<Tree value={data} />
The icon attribute determines the symbol rendered next to the label tag. I want to use my own .png in place of the icons available. I would initially try to add an img tag but this does not seem to work. If anymore information is needed please let me know.
try using css. In your css file:
background-image: url('local-url');
So it goes like this:
const data = [
"key": "0",
"label": "Documents",
"data": "Documents Folder",
"icon": "youricon",
"children": [{
"key": "0-0",
"label": "Work",
"data": "Work Folder",
"icon": "youricon",
"children": [{ "key": "0-0-0", "label": "Expenses.doc", "icon": "pi pi-fw pi-file", "data": "Expenses Document" }, { "key": "0-0-1", "label": "Resume.doc", "icon": "pi pi-fw pi-file", "data": "Resume Document" }]
"key": "0-1",
"label": "Home",
"data": "Home Folder",
"icon": "youricon",
"children": [{ "key": "0-1-0", "label": "Invoices.txt", "icon": "pi pi-fw pi-file", "data": "Invoices for this month" }]
On a related note, try using icons which are easily available like FontAwesome, FeatherIcons, Octicons. If you are using primereact, It's updated version has its own icons primeicons.
You need to install it first using: npm install primeicons --save .
You can get more details here:

$elemMatch query in looback-angularjs sdk with loopback-mongodb-connector?

I have a collection called Dish in mongodb the sample data is -
"_id": ObjectId("56c839b969431a9913cafa65"),
"name": "Dish 01",
"description": "Dish 01 description",
"ingredients": [{
"id": "56c4a40bf97c039d44e89185",
"name": "onion",
}, {
"id": "56c4a40bf97c039d44e89145",
"name": "salt",
}, {
"id": "56c4a40bf97c039d44e89176",
"name": "spices",
"category": "entree",
"image": ""
}, {
"_id": ObjectId("56c839b969431a9913cafa70"),
"name": "Dish 02",
"description": "Dish 02 description",
"ingredients": [{
"id": "56c4a40bf97c039d44e89185",
"name": "onion",
}, {
"id": "56c4a40bf97c039d44e89145",
"name": "oil",
"category": "main",
"image": ""
now I want dishes which has onion in it and I want to get result by using loopback-angularjs-sdk
I have added this to my Dish.json file
"settings": {
"mongodb": {
"allowExtendedOperators": true
I don't know how it should be done. Please guide me into this.
In your ngApp controller pass the Dish object, and then you can use the Dish.find filter to create a filter api, which will internally search mongo for all the dishes with indegredients as onion.
Dish.find({"filter": {"where": {"": "56c4a40bf97c039d44e89185"}}}, function (dishes) {
For more on filter api, or how to call them through angular sdk you can use.
Plus you can run a local server for the loopback angular sdk documentation also.
For generating the angular sdk documentation, what you can do is
lb-ng-doc client/js/services/lb-services.js
Browse the documentation at http://localhost:3030/

Sorting arrays in Mongo

H have json document with array. As I can't add to beginning of array with push or addtoset I need to sort array. Example
"Component": [
"Id": "PDP-1",
"Links": {"Link": [
"Text": "Western Division",
"Url": "/1x7-en70ai/last-minute-holidays-western-division",
"Title": "Last minute holidays Western Division"
"Text": "Browse Regions ",
"Url": "/1x7-en6uly-10ts/last-minute-holidays-gambia/regions",
"Title": "Last minute holidays Gambia",
"Style": "BrowseForMore"
"Text": "City of Banjul",
"Url": "/1x6-en6vq7/holidays-city-of-banjul",
"Title": "City of Banjul Holidays"
"Text": "Western Division",
"Url": "/1x6-en70ai/holidays-western-division",
"Title": "Western Division Holidays"
"Title": "Regions",
"Type": "PDP"
"Id": "PDP-2",
"Links": {"Link": [
"Text": "Bijilo",
"Url": "/1x7-enbmy6/last-minute-holidays-bijilo",
"Title": "Last minute holidays Bijilo"
"Text": "Browse Cities ",
"Url": "/1x7-en6uly-10tt/last-minute-holidays-gambia/cities",
"Title": "Last minute holidays Gambia",
"Style": "BrowseForMore"
"Text": "Banjul Beach",
"Url": "/1x6-enakgm/holidays-banjul-beach",
"Title": "Banjul Beach Holidays"
"Text": "Bijilo",
"Url": "/1x6-enbmy6/holidays-bijilo",
"Title": "Bijilo Holidays"
"Text": "Brufut Heights",
"Url": "/1x6-encok8/holidays-brufut-heights",
"Title": "Brufut Heights Holidays"
"Text": "Kololi",
"Url": "/1x6-enpnle/holidays-kololi",
"Title": "Kololi Holidays"
"Text": "Kotu",
"Url": "/1x6-enq067/holidays-kotu",
"Title": "Kotu Holidays"
"Title": "Cities",
"Type": "PDP"
"Id": "118431",
"Template": {
"PageTemplate": {
"Code": "2B2",
"text": "041 - TEMP2 - COP_CONCOU_{LAST MINUTE}"
"Category": {
"Code": "1X7",
"Type": "Product",
"text": "Last minute holidays"
"GeoObject": {
"Code": "EN6ULY",
"text": "Gambia, The"
"GeoObjectType": {
"Code": "1A",
"text": "Political"
"GeoObjectSubType": {
"Code": "10TR",
"text": "Country"
"Type": "Content",
"Url": "/1x7-en6uly/last-minute-holidays-gambia",
"_id": {"$oid": "528492d4c90fa9fcd0436929"}
I want to sort this by Style in Links.Link 'BrowseForMore'. Any idea how to do it? I thought I could add dummy array with push which could then sort it the way I want. Any help appreciated
You appear to want to update the array and keep the sort order with your Links.Link.Style value at the front of the list. In which case use the $sort modifier with update.
{ _id: id },
{ $push: { "Links.Link: {$each: [doc], $sort { Style: -1 }}} }
The $each operator is required even if there is only one document, but can take many.
if you are trying to use $addToSet to maintain unique documents the official MongoDB line is that sets are considered to be unordered and hence the modifiers are not available here.

How can i handle this scenario

I am using Backbone.js, unexpectedly i am in the confused position now, because of this scenario..
my test object :
test: {
"links": {
"nameLink": {
"name": "name 1",
"name": "name 2",
"name": "name 3"
"ageLink": {
"age": "1",
"age": "2",
"age": "3"
"data": {
"element": {
"project": "project 1",
"title": "title1",
"brand": "brand1"
"element": {
"project": "project 2",
"title": "title2",
"brand": "brand2"
"element": {
"project": "project 3",
"title": "title3",
"brand": "brand3"
I do have the josn data from server, it has the project name, links(there is nested links under), time stamps.
how can i split the data, and append appropriate UL elements. ( by name, by age ect.)
On click on the name, age links, how can sort (by name, age) the datas i appended to body tag? - without sorting the links menu?
How can i keep all this updated?
any good suggestion please?
