Asynchrous copy-file and copy-directory in Emacs-Lisp? - file

Does it exists functions for Emacs Lisp which can copy files and directories (with support for TRAMP) and does this asynchronously?
My problem is that (copy-file) and (copy-directory) blocks my editor until they finish and if I do it over TRAMP with a remote-server it takes about 5-10 seconds until I can proceed.

I found the answer to this myself, I use
emacs-async like this:
(copy-file ,local ,remote-path t t)
(message "Upload '%s' finished" return-path))))
Place your paths in the variables local and remote-path. For directories, just change (copy-file) to (copy-directory).
Also I think you can use emacs-deferred too, however I haven't tried it yet.


what does gitolite setup fix?

gitolite info didn't work, adding keys turned them into a no access key and did NOT create a corresponding entry in auth-keys file.
To fix this run gitolite setup on gitolite server
Question: what could have landed me in that mess?
And what does gitolite setup do when invoked for the n-th time (it's no longer setting things up, according to the docs it fixes hooks, but I wonder what the use case would be and which was mine)?
More details on gitolite info
gitolite info command is invoked like so:
> ssh git-user#ser-git
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
hello git-admin, this is ...#... running gitolite3 3.6.7-2 (Debian) on git 2.17.1
R W some-repository
R W gitolite-admin
R W testing
Connection to ser-git closed.
Bad output is: FATAL: unknown git/gitolite command: 'info'
More details: keys without access.
gitolite sshkeys-lint was showing keys with (no access), now those keys have access as I set them (now meaning after gitolite setup).
ssh-keygen -lf /home/repo/.ssh/authorized_keys | wc -l (or without piped part, regardless) number of keys and their names indicated I didn't have the newest one added.
Similar question that did not work for me: keydir entries not propagating to authorized_keys
Docs pretty much had the answer once I dug deeper, I guess. Which is fairly nice of #sitaramc.
Without options, 'gitolite setup' is a general "fix up everything" command
(for example, if you brought in repos from outside, or someone messed
around with the hooks, or you made an rc file change that affects access
rules, etc.)
Symptoms keys stopped propagating and error FATAL: unknown git/gitolite command: 'info' on ssh git-user#ser-git. Fix was to run gitolite setup. So onto first question, the title one:
what does gitolite setup fix?
gitolite setup is implemented here
my Perl is rather weak, but there's a setup function in line 56. It calls args (which parses options, so here it had nothing to parse), then unless h_only (hooks only arg for setup), which wasn't used, so we skip compile and POST_COMPILE trigger and go for the hooks.
sub setup {
my ( $admin, $pubkey, $h_only, $message ) = args();
unless ($h_only) {
setup_gladmin( $admin, $pubkey, $message );
_system("gitolite compile");
_system("gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE");
hook_repos(); # all of them, just to be sure
package Gitolite::conf::store has hook_repos(), line 228: we change the dir to repo base dir (as per config file), and for each phy_repo we do hook_1(phy_repo). What is a phy_repo? a physical one.
same package, different method and line: hook_1($repo) in line 354.
Method hook_1($repo)
It's quite literally about fixing all the hooks.
Recreates dirs for common and admin hooks.
Rewrites update_hook (common) and post_update_hook (admin).
Sets 755 permissions for both common and admin hooks.
Then using ln_sf it symlinks the folders for common/admin hooks.
ln_sf is in common module, in line 162

CommandSequence taking too long to download

With both DKPy-SITL and our APM2 board, the wait_ready method is causing our program to raise an API Exception due to the command list (waypoints) taking too long to download. In the past (with droneapi) this wasn't an issue for me. Some waypoints are being downloaded, but the process takes about 10 seconds for each one, which leads me to believe something weird is going on.
Are there any ways to speed up the download process? I've posted the relevant code below.
self.vehicle = connect(connection_string, baud=baud_rate,
status_printer=dronekit_printer, wait_ready=True)
and later in another asynchronous method
def commands(self):
commands = self.vehicle.commands
return commands
The error occurs on commands.wait_ready(). There has to be a faster way to download commands than sitting there for over 30 seconds on an i7 4790k processor, especially since I've run the same code off a slower computer in the past with droneapi. If need be, I can raise an issue on the dronekit github as well.
I had the same issue. First time download call always goes well (0 commands). Once you have uploaded some commands the second time you try to download it fails ('Timeout' exception).
What I did to solve this was calling clear without download after the first time.
Something like this:
cmds = vehicle.commands
if not cmds.count > 0:
# Download
# Wait until download is finished
# Add / Modify the commands here and then upload them

Undocumented Managed VM task queue RPCFailedError

I'm running into a very peculiar and undocumented issue with a GAE Managed VM and Task Queues. I understand that the Managed VM service is in beta, so this question may not be relevant forever, but it's definitely causing me lots of headache now.
The main symptom of the issue is that, in certain (not completely known to me) circumstances, I'm seeing the following error/traceback:
File "/home/vmagent/my_app/", line 265, in some_ndb_tasklet
res = yield some_task.add_async('some-task-queue-name')
File "/home/vmagent/python_vm_runtime/google/appengine/ext/ndb/", line 472, in _on_rpc_completion
result = rpc.get_result()
File "/home/vmagent/python_vm_runtime/google/appengine/api/", line 613, in get_result
return self.__get_result_hook(self)
File "/home/vmagent/python_vm_runtime/google/appengine/api/taskqueue/", line 1948, in ResultHook
File "/home/vmagent/python_vm_runtime/google/appengine/api/", line 579, in check_success
File "/home/vmagent/python_vm_runtime/google/appengine/ext/vmruntime/", line 312, in _WaitImpl
raise self._ErrorException(*_DEFAULT_EXCEPTION)
RPCFailedError: The remote RPC to the application server failed for call taskqueue.BulkAdd().
I've gone through my local App Engine SDK to trace this through, and I can get up to the last line of the trace, but google/appengine/ext/vmruntime/ doesn't exist on my machine at all, so I have no idea what's happening in From looking at the local code, some_task.add_async('the-queue') is spinning up an RPC and waiting for it to finish, but this error is not what the except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e: at line 1949 of is expecting...
The code that's generating the error looks something like this:
def kickoff_tasks(batch_of_payloads):
for task_payload in batch_of_payloads:
# task_payload is a dict
task = taskqueue.Task(
res = yield task.add_async('some-valid-task-queue-name')
Other things worth noting:
this code itself is running in a task handler kicked off by another task.
I first saw this error before implementing this sort of batching, and assumed the issue was because I had added too many tasks from within a task handler.
In some cases, I can run this successfully with a batch size of 100, but in others, it fails consistently (depending on the data in the payloads) at 100, and sometimes succeeds at batch sizes of 50.
The task payloads themselves include batches of items, and are tuned to be just small enough to fit in a task. App Engine advertises a maximum task size of 100KB, so I'm keeping the payloads to under 90,000 bytes right now. Lowering the size even more doesn't seem to help any.
I've also tried implementing an exponential backoff to retry the kickoff_tasks method when this error appears, but it seems that once the error is raised, I can't add any other tasks at all from within the same handler (i.e. I can't kickoff a "continue from where you left off" task, I just have to let this one fail and restart itself)
So, my question is, what is actually causing this error? How can I avoid it, or fix this so that I'm handling it correctly?
This is a known issue that is being worked on. There are actually two issues - the RPC failure itself and the lack of handling of the RPCFailedError exception by the SDK.
There is some public discussion of the issue here.
If you're using App Engine Flexible and the python-compat-multicore image, a new bug popped up related to App Engine using a newer version of the requests library that broke the communication between App Engine Flexible and the datastore. You can fix this error by monkey patching the library in your file.
Add the following code to
import appengine.ext.vmruntime.vmstub as vmstub
except ImportError:
if isinstance(vmstub.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, (int, long)):
# Newer requests libraries do not accept integers as header values.
# Be sure to convert the header value before sending.
# See Support Case ID 11235929.
Note that if you do not have an file, you can just create it in your base project directory (wherever you put your app.yaml file). This file gets run during App Engine startup..

apache2 FastCGI comm with dynamic server aborted first read idle timeout

Summary: Unable to run any of the most simple “Hello World” FastCGI script, any request always terminating into a time out. Seems there is no communication at all between the server and the FastCGI scripts (using dynamic FastCGI scripts).
The environment
Ubuntu Precise (12.04)
Package apache2.2-bin
Package apache2-mpm-prefork
Package libapache2-mod-fastcgi
Package libfcgi-perl
Package python-flup
Multiple sites configured as virtual hosts on
There exists a /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi directory, owned by www-data, readable by all (owner, group and others)
There exists a /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi/dynamic directory, owned by www-data, which is restricted to the owner (readable, writable and accessible by www-data only)
There exists an inode/socket file in the /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi/ directory
The FastCGI relevant configurations:
The directory /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ holds a reference to fastcgi.conf and fastcgi.load (mod_fastcgi is enabled).
The file fastcgi.conf contains the following (left untouched, I did not edit it):
<IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
#FastCgiWrapper /usr/lib/apache2/suexec
FastCgiIpcDir /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi
The relevant configuration file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ contains the following (there is nothing more anywhere else about FastCGI specific configuration):
<DirectoryMatch /fcgi-bin>
Options +ExecCGI
<FilesMatch "^[^\.]+$">
SetHandler fastcgi-script
The test materials on the test virtual host:
There exist a fcgi-bin/test-perl.fcgi whose content is (the file is executable by all, and readable by owner and group):
use CGI::Fast qw(:standard);
while (new CGI::Fast) {
print header;
print start_html("Fast CGI Rocks");
h1("Fast CGI Rocks"),
"Invocation number ",b($COUNTER++),
" PID ",b($$),".",
print end_html;
There exist a fcgi-bin/test-python.fcgi whose content is (the file is executable by all, and readable by owner and group):
def myapp(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
return ['Hello World!\n']
from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer
import sys, traceback
The issue
Although both fcgi-bin/test-perl.fcgi and fcgi-bin/test-python.fcgi runs normally when executed from the command‑line, none seems to work when invoked, e.g. as http://test.loc/fcgi-bin/test-perl.fcgi or http://test.loc/fcgi-bin/test-python.fcgi.
Nothing at all happens, and after some delay, I get an Error 500, and Apache error logs contains multiple entries looking like:
[<date>] [error] [client <IP>] FastCGI: comm with (dynamic) server "/<…>/fcgi-bin/<script>.fcgi" aborted: (first read) idle timeout (30 sec), referer: <referrer>
[<date>] [error] [client <IP>] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "<…>/fcgi-bin/<script>.fcgi", referer: <referrer>
I've spent hours and hours searching the web trying to understand why it does not work, and finally decided to give up and ask for some help here.
Any pointers and check list welcome. Feel free to ask for any missing details you may feel to be relevant or worth checking.
Enjoy a nice day.
-- edit --
Issue update
In my own reply to my own question, I mentioned a weird case where things were looking suddenly fine without reasons. I later discovered this was only partly fine.
In the same virtual host, so with the exact same server configuration, some scripts, which are exactly the same (and with exact same access rights), fails depending on their location.
As a remainder, here is what's in the site configuration:
<DirectoryMatch /fcgi-bin>
Options +ExecCGI
<FilesMatch "^[^\.]+$">
SetHandler fastcgi-script
With the above, only scripts in /fcgi-bin are handled as FastCGI script. But I also have some elsewhere (still for testing): one in /cgi-bin and one in / (i.e. in the public_html directory). For this purpose, .htaccess contains this entry:
Options +ExecCGI
AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
So the two others FastCGI script should work the same as the one in /fcgi-bin, but they don't, and for the time, they invariably terminates with a connexion time‑out, just like the one /fcgi-bin first did.
This makes me feel something may be wrong with the mod_fastcgi module (known bug? else?). So far, this module seems to act rather randomly.
-- edit 2 --
The above in the first edit, was an error of mine: the group was wrong with the other scripts, it had to be www-data, but it was not. So is something is wrong, stick to the answer I gave, that is, try to look at the FastCgiConfig, and see if it solve anything or at least if it honours the time‑out options.
I will answer my own question, as it seems to be working now. However, the epilogue still looks weird.
Although the default configuration should be OK, I still wanted to review the “Module mod_fastcgi” document again. As I only wanted a dynamic FastCGI, I focused on the FastCgiConfig directive only, thus on purpose not going into FastCgiServer and FastCgiExternalServer directives.
As there was no FastCgiServer at all in the default fastcgi.conf file, I started to try to set‑up my own. For a first test, I wanted to use the -appConnTimeout option, at least to request the server to not wait so much long before it returns me an Error 500.
So I just added this in the site configuration (I did not touch fastcgi.cong), in the same file where virtual hosts are configured:
FastCgiConfig -appConnTimeout 2
This was to tell the server to wait no more than 2 seconds, instead of the 30 seconds it was waiting. I tried to invoked a FastCGI script to see if at least this configuration was working. I expected to get an error in a 2 seconds delay, but instead, the script ran without error.
What's weird, is that I then tried to remove this option, to check if it was just that addition which was just missing to make FastCGI scripts working. But after I commented‑out the option, it was still working, and the same after a full reboot.
Can't tell more, that looks weird, but this is the only thing I did, I did not edit anything else. I can just suggest people who may encounter a similar issue, to just try the above.
Sorry, if I can't explain what it did exactly. I really would like to know. It just working now, but I don't know why.
FastCgiWrapper Off
peng.rl 's answer solve my problem.
My ceph radosgw can't get apache's input at all. after set FastCgiWrapper Off, I can capture data in wireshark.

Emacs lisp - problems with filename-string on win7

On Win7 with Emacs24 I encounter problems when Emacs programs want to open (pdf) files. The problems remain when I activate or deactivate openwith-mode. I either get a 'wrong-type-argument arrayp nil' message inside Emacs or Acrobat Reader is started but gives an error message 'can't open/find that file'.
I tried to debug it and always ended up in files.el.
It seems that the name of the pdf-file to be opened is constructed by concatenating the absolute filename and the file extension .pdf. However, the filename-string given to AcroRd32 appears to look like this:
AcroRd32 "c:\\absolute\file\name".pdf
This doesn't work on the command line either. I have to change it (manually) to
AcroRd32 "c:\\absolute\file\name.pdf"
or to
AcroRd32 c:\\absolute\file\name.pdf
to make it work.
I don't know if this is considered a bug, or if it is a problem only for me. I tried to change the elisp code to something like
(format "%s" (concat absolute-filename file-extension))
to get rid of those double-quotes, but to no avail. And anyway, I don't feel comfortable to mess around in a basic library like files.el, and its really hard to edebug that library since its invoked permanently.
Maybe somebody encountered the same problem and found a solution?
[I use GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) of 2011-11-22 on MARVIN.]
PS 1 Test Case 1
I get the following error message when I do M-x toggle-debug-on-error and then try to open a pdf file in dired:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer test.pdf<4>> "~/.emacs.d/org/projects/sandbox/test.pdf" nil nil "~/.emacs.d/org/projects/sandbox/test.pdf" ((2816 7 . 27468) (16087 . 35227)))
find-file-noselect("c:/Users/tj2/.emacs.d/org/projects/sandbox/test.pdf" nil nil nil)
call-interactively(dired-find-file nil nil)
and the following message:
Openwith mode enabled
find-file-noselect-1: Wrong type argument: arrayp, nil
Does it matter that my .emacs.d is really a windows symlink (mklink) to a Dropboxfolder?
PS 2 Test Case 2
here is the message I get in the maven-compile buffer, when doing C-c C-s (LilyPond-command-view) in a ,ly buffer:
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/.emacs.d/org/projects/sandbox/" -*-
Compilation started at Tue Dec 20 09:16:28
AcroRd32 "c:/Users/tj2/.emacs.d/org/projects/sandbox/2test".pdf
Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Tue Dec 20 09:16:35
In the message buffer I find
Compilation exited abnormally with code 1
Error during redisplay: (invalid-regexp "Unmatched ( or \\(")
This error doesn't trigger the debugger, although I did M-x toggle-debug-on-error.
Sounds like a bug, to me. Consider reporting it: M-x report-emacs-bug.
Dunno why Michael H. sent you to a Sunrise Commander page with a tip about OpenWith. Perhaps I'm missing something in your question where you indicate that you use one of those packages?
I would suggest reporting an Emacs bug. And if you want to see more about opening Windows apps associated with file types etc. then I'd suggest consulting this page.
This seems to be a problem with openwith.el, so I don't think you'll get much help with an Emacs bug report since openwith.el is not part of Emacs.
I've found a similar error (I'm on Linux) and decided that it would be better to use a "cleaner" alternative that doesn't tweak find-file-noselect (see that page on emacs.sxe for why). The OpenWith wiki page pointed me to a less-popular little bit of glue code, (code) (docs)
By default this package's run-associated-program is not well-integrated with the usual Emacs workflow, but here is how you can integrate it with helm-find-files (also documented at the above link).
(require 'run-assoc)
(setq associated-program-alist
'(("evince" "\\.pdf$")
("play" "\\.mp3$")))
(defun helm-find-files-maybe-run-assoc (orig-fun &rest args)
(let ((sel (helm-get-selection)))
(if (string-match (mapconcat
(lambda (x) (second x))
associated-program-alist "\\|")
(run-associated-program sel)
(apply orig-fun args))))
(advice-add 'helm-execute-selection-action
:around #'helm-find-files-maybe-run-assoc)
