SEO for AngularJS with HTML5 url mode under ExpressJS - angularjs

So far, I have been using to make my angularjs websites seo friendly. I have worked okay when it comes to urls with hashbangs (!).
Currently, I am making my websites go to html5mode, which doesn't contain hashbangs on url and looks a way prettier. However, even since I went to html5 url, doesn't work properly.
Also, I came up with a Google article that claims their new technology allow the engine render Javascript framework websites automatically ( However, as I use 'Fetch as Google' tool in Google Search Console. It renders very poorly and my title and meta description spit angularjs syntax ({{seo.tile}} or {{seo.desc}}), which are not rendered.
I am quite lost where I should start and fix the problems I came across with. I tried to get away from cause I don't think we necessarily need it anymore.
Sorry for my poorly organized post and questions. Let me try to clear and tie the questions below.
1) Do we still need to teach the Google bot about the angularjs?
2) What is the most stable and best practice for AngularJS+ExpressJS SEO? I don't wanna try unstable and easily crashable method for this.
Thank you very much for your time.

At the time of writing this article, I didn't know about using javascript compiler such as babel. I will say here make sure use webpack or gulp to compile your ES6 codes into stable ones so that your codes can be written as you expect it to be and works well with any 3rd party tools or pacakges.
It's the era of ES6!!!
Finally, I solved my problem and for future reference and others who struggling with the sample problem I had gone through, let me leave what I found.
First of all, the very reason why I was tremendously confused was that even if I take html snapshot with phantomjs, I saw still bare angular syntax like {{seo.title}} and . Very awkwardly the reason was that I was using ES6 syntax across my angularjs module. Since phantomjs wasn't fully adopted with ES6 syntax, it failed to interpret angularjs module and just spat html with unconpiled angularjs... From this, I came up with a unexpected conclusion that it's not a good time to implement ES6 for production.
Secondly, I would not count on what Google confidently announced that their bots can handle the websites with dynamic javascript frameworks like angularjs. Even if phantomjs works, 'Fetch as Google' tool doesn't give me a good result. Some times (actually very often) it resulted in just empty html file. Since still Ajax crawling is supported as a 'fall back', but more stable method, I would count it rather than counting on their very unstable smart bots.
In conclusion, DON'T BE EARLY ADOPTOR especially if you are making business out of it!! For angularJS SEO, (1) follow the Ajax calling guideline even if considered to be deprecated, (2) Don't use ES6 syntax for serious programming stuff.


What are the new features in Angular2 which are not in previous versions?

I have seen many articles regarding the changes in Angular2 . But I can't find much advantage in using Angular2. Can some one point out some new things that can be done using Angular2 which can't be done using the previous versions.
I know there are changes like $scope changed to this. I'm not asking for changes. I'm asking for new features that is in Angular2.
The TL;DR Version
Because ES6 is important to pick up, so no need for a custom dependency management system anymore. ES6 and Angular 1 together get ugly fast, as they together introduce a bajillion coding styles :(
Although the library is overall heavier, the architecture it uses (all component based) is a lot faster, lighter, and modular for a scalable application. See
You receive (upcoming) Server Side Rendering, which enables fast initial load time and Search Engine Optimization (Yay!) See:
You receive WebWorker friendliness, which makes your application able to "multi-task". See:
Shadow DOM is not fully inherited by Angular 2 yet, but I'm sure it will be. It has some support right now.
The whole concept of $scope is gone. You receive two way data binding with anything you put in your ES6/TypeScript class, but anything more you need to create a Observable or promise. Unfortunately, you can't just shove anything into the scope, digest, and WALAH! anymore.
And of course, all the cool stuff they mention on their website:
Hope that helps!
Support for different languages TypeScript, Dart, ES5, ES6.
Change detection is much more effective
Support for isomorphic applications where the same code can run on the server, the browser and a WebWorker in the browser
Moves more work to build time to reduce the time for the initial page load.
Simplified binding syntax
Improved DI
There are also lots of mostly smaller and tiny features that Angular2 doesn't (yet?) support which Angular 1.x does.

React instance not being exposed in a browser

Recently I've been setting up a development stack for React using Webpack (new for me) and of course wanted to benefit from all of the shiny conveniences that it provides (which are by the way great!). Among tons of resources I dug on the internet, the particularly good one I found was the React Webpack Cookbook, with which every step went like clockwork. However I stumbled across a hitch that has been taking me several hours to try to solve, not being able to find a solution in the aforementioned page, nor any other source: the expose-loader wouldn't expose React to global scope in Chrome (not tested on other browsers) therefore not allowing React DevTools extension to run. I tried mixing all the steps from the Cookbook, using different versions of React, minified/unprocessed, nothing worked.
The problem was trivial when discovered, but the source of the problem tricky to find: all the time I was using the localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/ version of my development page, as suggested by the Cookbook, because it allowed me not to bother with the inability to inject <script src="http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server.js"></script> into html-webpack-plugin index file generator and provided sort of a nice status bar. It works perfectly since I switched to localhost:8080. Unfortunatelly I wasn't able to make it work with the localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/ version, though I think it has something to do with the fact that under this url the page is loaded into a frame.

Replacing angular with standard web technologies

I'm working on a project which has the luxury of using ECMA 6 on the latest browsers for a product that will be shipped in 1.5 years. So we thought why not use Web Components now that Angular 2 isn't available (which is going to be ECMA 6). And while we are at it, can we replace Angular altogether without having to go back to stone age?
How to replace Angular?
There's this site called which is basically about how modern browsers actually have most of the stuff that jQuery was traditionally used for. I'm interested to see something like that for Angular.
We mainly use four Angular features. What are my options for replacing them?
Angular Directives --> Web Components
Angular Modules --> ECMA 6 Modules (not exactly the same thing)
Angular Routes --> ???
Angular 2-way databinding --> ???
PS. We don't want to replace Angular with something similar like Backbone or Ember. We want to replace it with standard web technologies but if we have to use small tools to fill the gap, we'll consider it.
I've been researching in the past 3 weeks and turns out many people are thinking about an alternative after Angular took a drastic change path. Fortunately the upcomming W3C Web Components standard actually has all we need and it works right now with polyfills from the Polymer project. So to answer the question:
Angular Directives --> Web Components use the polyfill until all browsers support it.
Angular Modules --> ECMA 6 Modules part of the problem is solved with HTML imports. But you can also use Traceur until the browsers support it.
Angular Routes --> There's a component for that™ use <app-router>.
Angular 2-way databinding --> Polymer adds a "magic" layer on top of the plain standard web components. This includes many features including data-binding.
+Plus More
If you're wondering about the build process for concatenating files in order to reduce the number of HTTP requests, take a look at Addy Osmani's post about Vulcanize. Spoiler: you may not need it with the upcoming HTTP 2 optimizations.
Many Angular projects use Twitter Bootstrap for the layout. Polymer can do that plus it plays nicely with Google's Paper elements (totally optional but superbly awesome).
If you want to make yourself familiar with web components in general, here is a bunch of nice articles:
And here is a wealth of web components: I don't know if it's going to be a new NPM, but the list components is pretty impressive and growing.
It's relatively complicated to expose an API for an Angular component. People have come up with all sorts of methods from link function to emitting events. In Web Components, however, it's really easy to make your component interact with the world outside and indeed the API and events you expose aren't much different from standard HTML tags like <audio>.
Just like Angular, you can use Polymer with Dart as well.
Overall, I don't see any reason to use Angular except if:
You have a huge source code investment in angular and don't want to port everything to standard web. (Angular 2.0 will deprecate your code anyway, so you're stuck with Angular 1.*)
Your team is too lazy to learn a new technology (in that case web might not be the right platform for this attitude anyway).
Angular was good for what it was doing and had its own Hype cycle. Web components solve many of the issues Angular was trying to address. Probably Angular had a role as a proof of concept for the Web components. But now it's time to move on. Web is reinventing itself everyday and it's inevitable to moves someone's cheese.
I'm not saying that Polymer is the ultimate answer to everything. At best it's another Angular which will render useless in a couple of years, but now it's a good time to learn and use it. The W3C standards don't die easily though, and Polymer tends to be much closer to them.
There's an element for that™ is the new There's an app for that™
TLDR: seriously consider writing an almost Angular 2.0-compatable Angular 1.3 app before rolling your own framework
It seems as if you've identified that Angular does a lot of things the right way and that's why you're attempting to replicate it, so basically you're going to roll your own by combining a hodgepodge of libraries. Unless you have an enormous investment of Engineering hours, the framework you build will likely be:
Lightly documented
A cross-browser maintenance nightmare and (worst of all)
Difficult for new hires to learn
If there wasn't a framework out there that did what you want to do already, I think rolling your own makes sense, but by trying to recreate Angular you're:
Taking on a lot of Engineering work that has already been done by a dedicated team, that could have been spent on building product
Made it MUCH more difficult to onboard new employees because you have to:
Find candidates that are willing to use a home-grown framework instead of growing their skills at an open source framework they could use elsewhere
Train these employees to use your framework (and good luck unless your documentation is mature)
I know your question asks how to replace Angular, but I've seen too many companies go the route of rolling their own and paying for it down the road. Again, if your budget includes a ton of core resources to build out (and document, and maintain) the framework and you don't think there is any chance corners will get cut when push comes to shove later if timelines get tight, then rolling your own might make sense. However, I think you should seriously consider reading up on how to write Angular 1.3 apps so that they're easy to port to Angular 2.0 and go the Angular route. Just look at the size of the community you're missing out on:

Replace jinja2 with angularjs completely

What jinja2 can achieve, the same can be achieved with Angular.js. My question is- are there any advantages of replacing jinja2 with angular.js completely ?
I think most problems came from the same obvious difference: Jinja2 is server-side, Angular is client-side, this makes they really different.
SEO. Google don't understand Angular magics. It is just a heavy Javascript code and Google can't understand it fine. Sure, you have some workarounds to show your important text to Google, but to solve it you'll have to render some things server-side, going back to Jinja2 or some hack to render things to improve your SEO. (it is not important if you don't care about Google searches)
Performance Server-side rendering is way faster than Javascript rendering. I'm talking about your average user, maybe with an outdated Internet Explorer and a crappy internet connection. With Angular, you have to wait at least some Javascript assets to be loaded before the page is usable. Users notice this and we know a slow site will hit your conversions. Check this Twitter article about "time for first tweet":
Compatibility. Yes, they claim the framework supports all common browsers, but have full documentation about hacks to make it work for IE7. Depends of your audience.
Maturity. Jinja2 is really stable, has a pretty API and is deployed with almost all Flask websites. Angular is still evolving and sometimes things just change a lot.
Inexperience. You can't just replace Angular with Jinja2. When you try it, you will understand they are different and you must not work the same way with both. You will make a lot of mistakes before you make things right, just like with any new awesome tool you use.
Of course you can claim against all my arguments based on your specific needs, this is just some things you must understand before you go to Angular.
That said, I'm using Angular in several projects, mostly for single page apps. This is an awesome use case for Angular. In all these projects, I still use Jinja2 to some rendering, so this is not a complete replacement.
Some updates almost two years after my initial response.
Google is better understanding dynamic rendering, but I still don't trust it.
I don't think the client-side rendering is a thing. Only realtime data is rendered client side, but the base HTML is generated server side.
Angular dropped IE7/IE8 support. It is definitelly a good thing for the web, but unfortunately I still must support these browsers in some cases.
Angular 2 is on the way, changing everything you know about current versions. I don't remember any major Jinja2 change.
Why is replacement your objective? Use the power of both Jinja and other server side frameworks together with the power of client side frameworks.
The benefits of using both:
less and easy code
better performance
more easy to maintain
and much more. You have a choice.
Choosing for one or the other will make your work frustrating and complex.

Hybrid page-based / single-page web-app (Angularjs, Ember.js) with progressive enhancement?

I'm wondering if anyone has found a solution to this problem. Is there a way to get the best of both worlds:
build a page-based site, with permanent links, accessibility, SEO, and graceful fallback / progressive enhancement (basically all the best practices of web development)
and, for those with javascript, a responsive front-end experience with ajax loading of content, no page refreshes while navigating the underlying site pages, minimal redundant downloading of scripts/content/css/etc. (all the benefits of a client-side framework like AngularJs or Ember.js)
I see a few major sites are able to manage this (gmail, stackoverflow), and I see that Jeff's new site builds a bare-bones version of the site in a noscript tag.
Is the solution to the hybrid page-based/single-page app to build two versions of the site, send both, and let the client decide which it can show? (is this what gmail does?)
Or is the problem that AngularJS et al. are simply not designed to allow for graceful degradation?
It hurts my DRY brains to think that #1 is the answer.
(The reason I am focusing on AngularJs is that I like its support for html templating, declarative style, and its attempts to fix js scoping. Ember and other frameworks are excellent too; maybe one of them would be a better fit for a hybrid site?)
This questions is a bit of a nuanced one because the answer is "it depends". For example you mentioned Gmail, there isn't any reasons whatsoever that an application like Gmail would need to be indexed for SEO, though depending on what you want or need to support you may want to ensure you can support not having Javascript.
However even the "no-javascript" argument is getting tired and weak these days, at least for the class of "web applications". If I want to use a Windows application I need Windows, if I want to use a javascript powered web application it isn't unreasonable to assume that I'm going to need a browser that isn't crippled to use it.
However back to your question I can only speak to AngularJS because I'm the most familiar with it. For the most part it does allow you to support a progressive enhancement approach, though don't expect to use things like URL routing if this is what you want to support. What you can do is use AngularJS controllers, bindings and directives similar to how you might use jQuery as a way of enhancing the interactions and behaviours of the page.
Just keep in mind this approach will seriously limit what you can do with Angular (or Ember for that matter) and it may start to be debatable what you are getting from this approach that you couldn't easily do with jQuery alone.
The alternative these days is to do what sites like Twitter are doing. That is basically serve fully rendered HTML from the server for any view on the initial load and then use Javascript for subsequent loading and enhanced UI behaviour. This is very effective (though perhaps quite challenging to implement) if you really need to support browsing with and without Javascript and has the added benefit of improve the rendering/load times for the first request. Again "it depends" because it depends a lot on how your site actually works if it is possible to use this. You have to design for it, and it isn't going to be trivial or easy.
For what it's worth we are taking the Year of Moo approach and rendering the pages that need SEO using PhantomJS and sticking the cached initial state of them somewhere to serve them up. We have a rake task we run on deployments to update this. Again this is just the initial state but it helps get around the issue for now.
Things are always changing though and I'm sure I will have changed my mind on this approach in a year or so.
Have you read Google's Making AJAX Applications Crawlable. You can have JavaScript single page app and crawlable content.
If you stick with angular, there is interesting article: Turns out it is possible to have your AngularJS application indexed
