Office 365 API to detect when office app is launched - azure-active-directory

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to detect when a user launches one of the Office apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, OneDrive, etc) so that I can add logic to perform some tasks if it's the first time the user has launched that particular Office app.
I was hoping the Microsoft Graph API would help me with this, but I can't find any guidance on how to do this. Is there a way to do this either with notifications or by polling/querying the API?

The closest thing to what you're asking for is Azure AD Reporting API for Sign-in activity:
Note that, at this time, this is only available in the Azure AD Graph, not the Microsoft Graph.
You can filter by user and/or appDisplayName.$filter=appDisplayName eq 'Office 365'
Doing some quick testing by launching the Office Portal, Outlook, Sharepoint, etc, I saw the following entries:
Office 365
O365 Suite UX
Office 365 Exchange Online
Office 365 SharePoint Online
Skype Web Experience On Office 365
You'll need to do some experimentation to see if you can see entries for everything your interested in. I don't think you'll get entries down to the granularity level you seem to be interested (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).


Programatically view the number of PowerBI licences

I've tried searching for either a REST Api or powershell cmdlet that will tell me the number of powerbi licences we have.
I know I can view this in the Azure Portal or in the Microsoft 365 Admin centre but I want to be able to programatically get the data.
Rui Romano's PBI Monitor gathers this data and a whole lot more. So you can implement that, or refer to how it gets this data from the Microsoft Graph in Fetch Graph.ps1.

Pulling data from sharepoint site analytics

I am looking to pull site usage data from sharepoint such as daily users, click through rate, which parts of the site they are using the most, which links they are using the most, which documents are being opening the most. Is there a way to do this through excel, any programs, etc. I have been looking at Power BI, Excel, Power Query, etc. I haven't found a way to pull the data from sharepoint analytics itself though.
I am looking to pull data from the sharepoint site and display it as a chart, a Pareto chart for example.
1.The current situation that the site usage analysis page can export:
Site owners can export the 90-days site usage data in an excel file by going to the download button in the upper right corner on site usage page. Report on unique viewers, site visits, popular platforms and site traffic. For popular content on the site (news posts, documents and pages) the report will be for last 7 days.
2.I've also tried getting data from the web in Excel, but it doesn't work. There is currently only one connector between site usage and PowerBI.
I tracked down a published post in UserVoice: Export to Excel on Site usage. You can vote and comment anytime.
3.You might try using the Office 365 Admin API to use, retrieve and store the data in a database, and then report on it with PowerBI. This requires registering with Azure AD and give it permissions to the API.
Reference: Office 365 Management Activity API reference

Sideload A Microsoft Word Add-In In Office Online Server

I'm working on a modern Word Add-In that we would like to work inside Word for the Web on Office Online Server (2019) via WOPI. For testing, we would like to sideload the Add-In. I can do this in the O365 version of Word for the Web without problems, but the only option on OOS appears to be loading Add-Ins from AppSource. I also understand from various (informal) posts that centralized deployment is not available in OOS. Does anyone know if it is possible to enable sideloading in OOS?
By sideloading, I mean manually uploading the manifest.xml file via the "Add-Ins" button on the ribbon bar. In O365 this option is called "Upload My Add-In".
Unfortunately, I don't think this is possible - see a related question answered by a Microsoft person.

User authentication through Office365

We're are about to build a new intranet system for our company, leaving SharePoint behind. The system will be built using Ruby on Rails. Since we're using Office365 for mail, calendar etc., we would like to authenticate our intranet users through Office365.
I'm aware of Microsoft Graph API, but I have a hard time figuring out of there is a possibility to authenticate users from a third-party application. Moreover, we would like to retrieve general information about the user, like profile picture and calendar information.
Is anybody knowledgeable about Microsoft Graph API and know if it's possible to achieve our goals using the API?
You're on the right track. You would authenticate with Azure AD, which is in the 365 ecosystem.
I wrote (and answered) a detailed guide here:
How to get the JWT (using OpenIdConnect) from HttpContext, and pass to Azure AD Graph API
Note that this is the OpenIdConnect flow. I think the Saml2 flow is somewhat different.
Don't take my advice on storing the authentication codes or try to acquire the token silently - it ended up causing issues in production that weren't seen in test. Rather, just use the user object id as your key attribute.
The microsoft documentation on the topic is a little cerebral and abstract, so it'll take a little head scratching, but have a look at the samples mentioned in the post I linked above, they'll get you started.
Yes, using Microsoft Graph is the right way to go about achieving the stated goals here.
There are quiet a few samples and tutorials provided on the Microsoft identity platform code samples page that will teach how to build an app that calls Microsoft Graph.

Active directory service with office 365

I run a small business with 3 employees and dont want to spend a fortune on this IT solution. But I would like to have an active directory service so that I can admin the users from a central place. Get benefits with domain policys like password lengt requirment and so that they need to update the passwords evry now and then. I would also love if its some how integrated with our office365 so that users doesnt need to sign-in specifically to office 365 (Single sign on?).
Is there an easy way to setup this either with office365 so that I can use the active directory service in office 365 or with a realtive easy way with some other directory service ?
The employees in the business are not located in an office, they travel quite much, so an internal active directory installation is not an option.
If someone can point me to a tutorial I would be very greatfull.
Thanks in advance!
Here is the very common solution i had done the same
or the best alternative is
