How to change slider range on chart load - anychart

I am working on anychart investment portfolio dashboard
anychart investment portfolio dashboard .
How i can minimize date range of slider for one month only(on chart load) and it should be resizable.

Use selectRange method:
You can specify given dates:
Specify some interval from the start or end using anchors:
Or use preset range types:
Easy sample showing this for "one month only":
Is here:
As for sample itself, we decided it is a good idea to upgrade it, use the latest version and add the option you describe right in it, along with a new nice range selector, please pull the latest changes from
You are interested in this particular line: Line 313 in dashboard.js


How to create ssr in reactjs

I'm trying to code a date picker using ReactJS but I don't know how to create a dynamic table that displays the actual month days every time I hit previous or next buttons. Here's my code: // Next step I need to add a matrix of weekdays (1..31) and check each month existing ...
I wouldn't reinvent a wheel unless it's unavoidable.
There are multiple date pickers that can be used out of the box:
But that's only if you just need any picker. If you must create a custom one, then this doesn't help.

How to fill in gaps in a chart with datasets from different time stamps

How to fill in gaps in a chart with datasets from different time stamps?
Follow the link script and screen diagram.
Thanks you!
To avoid missings you can enable connectMissingPoints() settings for every series. For details, check the modified sample.
You can learn more about this setting in the API reference.

airbnb/react-dates Display Week Number on DayPickerRangeController

Using DayPickerRangeController from airbnb/react-dates (12.7.1), I would like to display the week number on the left of the day picker for each weeks.
Here is what I currently have
Here is what I would like to see on my calendar
Is there any prop that can help or is there an already existing solution?
airbnb/react-dates does not support any props to display the week no.
You can have a look at rc-calender as other alternative.
As mentionned by #ShridharBavannawa, there's currently no support for displaying week number. However, there's a related issue open on github where Jussi Niinikoski suggests a hack that help; Instead of displaying week number on the side of each week, one can display them in every date cell with the renderDayContents property as follow:
renderDayContents={(day) => (
Where day would be a momentJS object. You can then style the cell to your taste.

displaying two months in angular datepicker

I want to have a date picker which displays 2 months calendar at a time in angular. want the one like in this. Please suggest how to implement that in angular
The angular-daterangepicker from fragaria seems to match the requirements here.
There is a live demo of the picker here, just click on the date-range in the upper right corner to see it in action.
Datetime Range Picker is a good option too. Additionally, it has the time component.
i need use this for angular 2+ (in angular-material).
possible ?

drupal 7 create a views block that displays based on date range of current node

I've searched for days and not found a clear answer for this.
I'd say I'm intermediate with Drupal (at best). I'm using Views, Panels, CCK, and the Date modules (among others, that may not relate to this question)
I've got a content type of Shows (plays), that has a date range field (from the date module) that is the run date of the show.
I've got 3 views blocks that I filter using the Content: Show Dates - start date and Content: Show Dates - end date fields. These display a list (links) to shows that are of 3 categories, now playing, upcoming, and past shows. They work fine.
Now for the tricky part (for me). I want Panels (Node rewrite for Shows) to decide which one to display in the sidebar while looking at a Content:Show based on whether it is currently running, yet to run, or in the past.
What are the steps to make this happen?
Edit: I'm working with Blocks too.
I would suggest to create 3 views (not necessary blocks if you have enabled the "Views content pane" module), one for each date option with a nid as Contextual filter and a display of Content:Node. Then add all the 3 views in one panel page variant one after another. Probably you already have these blocks. So you can clone them and just add a nid Contextual filter.
Another option is to create 3 different variants for the same node type and add a Selection Rule for the Show Date field (Selection Rules screencast). If there are no filters for the date field add some php code. Here is an example.
