Is there a way to keep additional windows active when showing a modal window? - winforms

I'm afraid the answer is probably no...but some background. To draw a custom border on a window where the sizing logic works beyond the visible border (as it does on windows 10) I added layered windows around the edges to capture the messages and then forward them to the central window. This worked great until the form was shown modaly, at which point all the edge windows were automatically disabled. Obviously this is by design...but I'm not sure if there is some way around it. I tried making the edge windows owned by the central window, but that didn't work.
Or maybe there is a better approach entirely.
Here's a sample of the issue:
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e)
Form f2 = new Form();
f2.Text = "Non Modal";
Form f3 = new Form();
f3.Text = "Modal";

I think you can fake the modal window, so that it is not modal but disable the caller. I used this in a own project. I did it this way:
//Setup small Interface
public interface IDialog
//Our own Event which tell the caller if the Dialog is active/inactive
public event DialogChangedEventArgs DialogChanged;
//Setup EventArgs for our own Event
public class DialogChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
public bool DialogActive{get;}
public DialogChangedEventArgs(bool dialogActive)
DialogActive = dialogActive;
//Setup the Form which act as Dialog in any other form
public class Form2 : Form, IDialog
public event EventHandler<DialogChangedEventArgs> DialogChanged;
//If this Form is shown we fire the Event and tell subscriber we are active
private void Form2_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogChanged?.Invoke(this, true);
//If the user close the Form we telling subscriber we go inactive
private void Form2_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
DialogChanged?.Invoke(this, false);
public class Form1 : Form
//Setup our Form2 and show it (not modal here!!!)
private void Initialize()
Form2 newForm = new Form2();
newForm.DialogChanged += DialogChanged;
private void Form2_DialogChanged(object sender, DialogChangedEventArgs e)
//Now check if Form2 is active or inactive and enable/disable Form1
//So just Form1 will be disabled.
Enable = !e.DialogActive;
It's really simple. Just use an event to tell your first Form: Hey iam second Form and active. Then you can disable the first Form with while second is active. You have the full control which forms are active or not. Hope this helps.


Winforms WebBrowser control without IE popups not appearing [duplicate]

I am trying to implement a simple web browser control in one of my apps. This is to help integrate a web app into a toolset i am creating.
The problem is, this web app absolutly loves popup windows....
When a popup is opened, it opens in an IE window which is not a child of the MDI Container form that my main window is part of.
How can i get any and all popups created by clicking links in my WebBrowser to be a child of my MDI container (similar to setting the MDIParent property of a form)?
Thanks in advance.
The web browser control supports the NewWindow event to get notified about a popup window. The Winforms wrapper however does not let you do much with it, you can only cancel the popup. The native COM wrapper permits passing back a new instance of the web browser, that instance will then be used to display the popup.
Taking advantage of this requires some work. For starters, use Project + Add Reference, Browse tab and select c:\windows\system32\shdocvw.dll. That adds a reference to the native COM interface.
Create a form that acts as the popup form. Drop a WebBrowser on it and make its code look similar to this:
public partial class Form2 : Form {
public Form2() {
public WebBrowser Browser {
get { return webBrowser1; }
The Browser property gives access to the browser that will be used to display the web page in the popup window.
Now back to the main form. Drop a WebBrowser on it and make its code look like this:
public partial class Form1 : Form {
public Form1() {
webBrowser1.Url = new Uri("");
SHDocVw.WebBrowser nativeBrowser;
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) {
nativeBrowser = (SHDocVw.WebBrowser)webBrowser1.ActiveXInstance;
nativeBrowser.NewWindow2 += nativeBrowser_NewWindow2;
protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e) {
nativeBrowser.NewWindow2 -= nativeBrowser_NewWindow2;
void nativeBrowser_NewWindow2(ref object ppDisp, ref bool Cancel) {
var popup = new Form2();
ppDisp = popup.Browser.ActiveXInstance;
The OnLoad method obtains a reference to the native COM interface, then subscribes an event handler to the NewWindow2 event. I made sure to unsubscribe that event in the FormClosing event handler, not 100% sure if that's necessary. Better safe then sorry.
The NewWindow2 event handler is the crux, note that the first argument allows passing back an untyped reference. That should be the native browser in the popup window. So I create an instance of Form2 and Show() it. Note the argument to Show(), that ensures that the popup is an owned window. Substitute this as necessary for your app, I assume you'd want to create an MDI child window in your case.
Do beware that this event doesn't fire for the window displayed when Javascript uses alert(). The browser doesn't treat that window as an HTML popup and doesn't use a browser window to display it so you cannot intercept or replace it.
I found that the best way to do this was to implement/sink the NewWindow3 event
Add the reference to c:\windows\system32\shdocvw.dll as mentioned in the other answers here.
Add event handler
SHDocVw.WebBrowser wbCOMmain = (SHDocVw.WebBrowser)webbrowser.ActiveXInstance;
wbCOMmain.NewWindow3 += wbCOMmain_NewWindow3;
Event method
void wbCOMmain_NewWindow3(ref object ppDisp,
ref bool Cancel,
uint dwFlags,
string bstrUrlContext,
string bstrUrl)
// bstrUrl is the url being navigated to
Cancel = true; // stop the navigation
// Do whatever else you want to do with that URL
// open in the same browser or new browser, etc.
Set "Embed Interop Types" for the "Interop.SHDocVw" assembly to false
Set the "local copy" to true.
Source for that help MSDN Post
Refining Hans answer, you can derive the WebBrowser for accessing the COM without adding the reference. It is by using the unpublished Winforms WebBrowser.AttachInterface and DetachInterface methods.
More elaborated here.
Here is the code:
Usage (change your WebBrowser instance to WebBrowserNewWindow2)
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
this.webBrowser1.NewWindow2 += webBrowser_NewWindow2;
protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)
webBrowser1.NewWindow2 -= webBrowser_NewWindow2;
void webBrowser_NewWindow2(object sender, WebBrowserNewWindow2EventArgs e)
var popup = new Form1();
e.PpDisp = popup.Browser.ActiveXInstance;
public WebBrowserNewWindow2 Browser
get { return webBrowser1; }
using System;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SHDocVw
public delegate void WebBrowserNewWindow2EventHandler(object sender, WebBrowserNewWindow2EventArgs e);
public class WebBrowserNewWindow2EventArgs : EventArgs
public WebBrowserNewWindow2EventArgs(object ppDisp, bool cancel)
PpDisp = ppDisp;
Cancel = cancel;
public object PpDisp { get; set; }
public bool Cancel { get; set; }
public class WebBrowserNewWindow2 : WebBrowser
private AxHost.ConnectionPointCookie _cookie;
private WebBrowser2EventHelper _helper;
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name = "FullTrust")]
protected override void CreateSink()
_helper = new WebBrowser2EventHelper(this);
_cookie = new AxHost.ConnectionPointCookie(
this.ActiveXInstance, _helper, typeof(DWebBrowserEvents2));
[PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name = "FullTrust")]
protected override void DetachSink()
if (_cookie != null)
_cookie = null;
public event WebBrowserNewWindow2EventHandler NewWindow2;
private class WebBrowser2EventHelper : StandardOleMarshalObject, DWebBrowserEvents2
private readonly WebBrowserNewWindow2 _parent;
public WebBrowser2EventHelper(WebBrowserNewWindow2 parent)
_parent = parent;
public void NewWindow2(ref object pDisp, ref bool cancel)
WebBrowserNewWindow2EventArgs arg = new WebBrowserNewWindow2EventArgs(pDisp, cancel);
_parent.NewWindow2(this, arg);
if (pDisp != arg.PpDisp)
pDisp = arg.PpDisp;
if (cancel != arg.Cancel)
cancel = arg.Cancel;
[ComImport, Guid("34A715A0-6587-11D0-924A-0020AFC7AC4D"),
public interface DWebBrowserEvents2
void NewWindow2(
[In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)] ref object ppDisp,
[In, Out] ref bool cancel);
I know the question is very old but I solved it this way: add new reference, in COM choose Microsoft Internet Controls and in the code, before the click that opens a new window add the following:
SHDocVw.WebBrowser_V1 axBrowser = (SHDocVw.WebBrowser_V1)webBrowser1.ActiveXInstance;
axBrowser.NewWindow += axBrowser_NewWindow;
and then add the following method:
void axBrowser_NewWindow(string URL, int Flags, string TargetFrameName, ref object PostData, string Headers, ref bool Processed)
Processed = true;

Send TextBox text to user control

I have a question and I am unsure on how to proceed and am seeking some directions.
Here's my scenario, I have a Form1 with a panel1, I can load 3 different User Controls inside panel1 (UserControl1, UserControl2 and UserControl3) inside each one of these user controls I can open Form2 which has a few TextBoxes.
What I need is to whenever I hit a button on my Form2 all the TextBox text be sent to the User Control that opened Form2.
I'm not sure if my question here is clear, if anyone can help me with that I appreciate, thanks.
It depends how you are creating the new form. Check this it contains the two scenarios.
Child Form:
public partial class Child : Form
public event NotifyParentHandler NotifyParent;
public delegate void NotifyParentHandler(string textValue);
public Child()
private void btnNotify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//assuming that you want to send the value when clicking a button
if (this.NotifyParent != null)
Parent Form
public partial class Parent : Form
private Child childForm;
public Parent()
private void btnOpenChildForm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Open the child form
childForm = new Child();
childForm.NotifyParent += childForm_NotificationTriggered;
void childForm_NotificationTriggered(string textValuePassed)
//here you can do anything

Windows Form refresh datagridview

I am fairly new to c# and Windows forms. My problem is I need to refresh a bound datagridview when I add an appointment or on a timer if no appointment is entered. I have three forms. Form 1 is log in screen which opens and populates the appointments in Form 3. On enter of space bar opens Form 2 which is populated with appointment information. On button click to save Form 2 I need Form 3 to refresh. This is my first post, hope I am making sense, I have tried to solve this for weeks. Thanks in advance for any help.
In Form2, add this for your button clicked event handler which will call back to your Form3 singleton instance:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Then in your Form3, you need a property to hold the singleton instance of the form, and a method to refresh the grid:
public partial class Form3 : Form
private static Form3 _instance;
public static Form3 Instance
get { return _instance; }
public Form3()
if (_instance == null)
_instance = this;
public void RefreshGrid()

Using a UserControl to Login and then enable menuStrip in Primary form

Ok so here is what i am trying to do.
I have a Primary form in a C# desktop application in which i have a menuStrip and a splitContainer.
On running the application, I am loading a UserControl named 'Login' to the splitContainer.Panel2 while hiding the menuStrip. The Login control contains fields for Username, Password and a button to log in.
Once authenticated (on click of the button) i want to enable the menuStrip and allow other UserControls in the splitContainer.Panel2, while hiding the Login control.
How to i achieve this? I was trying to fire up an event from Login control and somehow make it work in Primary form but unable to implement.
Is this approach even worth trying or should i open multiple forms separately (i would hate to do so!)
Any cleaner approach on how to change views in splitContainer.Panel2 (other than stacking panels one above the other, which would be a design nightmare for me) while keeping splitContainer.Panel1 with same content.
Your attempt sounds like it should have worked.
Are you adding the Login control at design-time or via code?
Here's an example of it being created thru code...worked fine for me.
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
menuStrip1.Visible = false;
Login login = new Login();
login.Authenticated += new EventHandler(login_Authenticated);
void login_Authenticated(object sender, EventArgs e)
Login login = (Login)sender;
// ... possibly extract some info from "login" ...
menuStrip1.Visible = true;
Login UserControl:
public partial class Login : UserControl
public Login()
public event EventHandler Authenticated;
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (true) // if they have authenticated
if (Authenticated != null) // only raise the event if we have subscribers
Authenticated(this, new EventArgs());

Custom Item Template Wizard button click doesn't fire?

I am following this exactly:
but can't get it to work. The form appears when I try and add my new item, but when I input text and click the button, nothing happens.
For posterity's sake here is my code:
The non-empty methods in the Wizard class which extends IWizard
public void RunStarted(object automationObject,
Dictionary<string, string> replacementsDictionary,
WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
// Display a form to the user. The form collects
// input for the custom message.
inputForm = new UserInputForm();
customMessage = inputForm.get_CustomMessage();
// Add custom parameters.
catch (Exception ex)
// This method is only called for item templates,
// not for project templates.
public bool ShouldAddProjectItem(string filePath)
return true;
The user input form code:
public partial class UserInputForm : Form
private string customMessage;
public UserInputForm()
public string get_CustomMessage()
return customMessage;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
customMessage = textBox1.Text;
And the button is indeed named button 1:
this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(200, 180);
this.button1.Name = "button1";
this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 40);
this.button1.TabIndex = 0;
this.button1.Text = "Click Me";
this.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
So I don't have much experience with Windows Forms (do web apps), but I am following the directions on MSDN and it's pretty clear cut. Any suggestions? Can anyone else get this to work?
Okay I figured it out. I had to add the event handler in the form's constructor manually:
public UserInputForm()
button1.Click += button1_Click;
Why this isn't in the documentation on MSDN boggles my mind.
If you use the WinForms designer mode to drag your button from the Toolbox, and then double-clicked the button in the designer view, it would have added the event handler and stubbed that Click method for you. Just FYI.
