I want to mail verify key field value on mail when customer used forgot password option. My query is working perfect. when i debug in view i am able to see filed value but in controller i am not able to access that value.
Here is my controller query.
public function forgot() {
if ($this->User->validates() ) {
$auserlogin = $this->User->forgot($this->data['user']['email']);
$this->set('auserlogin', $auserlogin);
$message="Someone requested to reset password \n\n";
$message=$message."Verify Key : ".$auserlogin['0']['user']['verifykey']."\n\n";
$Email = new CakeEmail();
$Email->from(array('mail#gmail.in' => 'mail'))
->subject('Forgot Password')
return $this->redirect(array('controller'=>'users','action'=>'password'));
In view part i am able to see query is working via this
but i want to mail this verifykey to user so i used
$message="Verify Key : ".$auserlogin['0']['user']['verifykey']."\n\n";
$this->set('verifykey', $auserlogin['0']['user']['verifykey']);
$message="Verify Key : ".$verifykey."\n\n";
both are not working in mail i am not receiving variable value on mail i received only
Verify Key :
Model name should be in capitalised inside controller. $auserlogin['0']['User']['verifykey']
Credit goes newbee-dev
Can you tell me how to retrieve email config values (as set up in Config/email.php)? The documentation appears to tell me how to load or set values when creating the CakeEmail object, but I just want to display to the user default values like the "from" address BEFORE they override them or send the email.
You've got a couple of options. You can either get all the email config and extract the bits you need from that using CakeEmail::config() or extract just the bit you need, for example the from email using CakeEmail::from():-
$Email = new CakeEmail('default');
// Get all the email config
$config = $Email->config();
// Get just the 'from' email config
$from = $Email->from();
OK - I think I have stumbled on the answer; CakeEmail has a (public) "from()" method which returns the (protected) "from" property - this is covered in the "API" documentation, but not in the "book" documentation.
Please help me out here because I can't belive my eyes.
I refuse to use some 3rd party plugin for file uploads, and refuse to creat a separate entity for a file/document. I just want simple file upload that I would do in Zend/Laravel and so on.
I have a invoice table with the last collumb name "attachment", I want to store here its sanitized name (eg: 123421_filename.jpg ), the addition form and upload went well.
code here:
$sanitizedFilename=rand(1, 99999).'_'.$fileName;
$file->move($dir, $sanitizedFilename);
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
First problem I have and don't know how to solve is using the edit form.. I have a formbuilder
$builder->add('attachment', 'file',array('data_class'=>null))
Because I don't have a "Object" for my file and because in my invoice table I store the name as a string, I get an error here and I need to force the data_class => null .. which is bad, because if I edit a Invoice in the frontend for the upload field I get NULL, instead of the filename of the current file linked to the invoice.
$builder->add('attachment', 'text')
I don't get the file input just a silly textbox BUT THIS TIME --with the name in it-- .. so how do I solve this? File Input widget and file name in it without a Document object ?!
And the second question ( I am merely at the point of throwing out all my application developed until now and move to laravel because I had a lot of "these kind of problems" ..doing simple things in symfony is almost always more complicated than in other frameworks..or maybe its my fault that I don't want to folow the guidelines and create a Document Entity?! What if I want flexibility and want to manage my database in another manner that doesn't fit in all these guidelines?)
So I am on the edit form action, I upload a new file (don't forget that I have the file set to $builder->add('attachment',file',array('data_class'=>null))
I can't get my attachment string name from the current invoice I am editing? !
public function editAction($id)
$invoice = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Invoice')->find($id);
if ($form->isValid()) {
$oldFileName=$invoice->getAttachment(); //this is null
$oldFileName=$invoice->getId(); //this returns the invoice id
$oldFileName=$invoice->getValue(); //returns invoice value
echo 'old: '.$oldFileName.'<br/>';
So someone please tell me why I can't access my invoices property? Which is a string ?
I tried making a new instance I though that somehow if I create the form with the $invoice object it somehow links him to the attachment from the edit form
if ($form->isValid()) {
$sameInvoice= $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Invoice')->find(20); //hardcoded ID
$oldFileName=$sameInvoice->getAttachment(); //still null
$oldFileName=$sameInvoice->getId(); //returns 20
echo 'old: '.$oldFileName.'<br/>';
The only thing I wanted was, have a filename string in my invoice table, and test myself if the file exists in the path with that filename and if it exists, then delete it and upload the new one and so on.. why does it have to be so hard ??
Why do I have to create a entity ? Why do I have to alter my database structure (its not the case here..but what if the client doesn't want the database to be changed..so I can't insert this "Document" table).. Why can't the form builder show the data from invoice->attachment, I get it that because he needs a file data and he can't accept a string, but why aren't there guidelines for these simple tasks?!
Alright I finally managed to get it working:
So the problem why it was NULL was because it did bind the $invoice instance to the form:
$invoice = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Invoice')->find($id);
$form = $this->createForm(new InvoiceType($id), $invoice);
After this block of code, all refferences like : $invoice->getAttachment();
Are reffered to as the form invoice object not the actual object, so basically after this I can only call things like: "getClientOriginalName()" and would show me the new file that I uploaded in the edit form.
To counter this I created a variable that stores that name initially before the $invoice object to get bind to the form
$invoice = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Invoice')->find($id);
$oldFileName=$invoice->getAttachment(); //this is stil the object here I can see the record from the database
$form = $this->createForm(new InvoiceType($id), $invoice);
//here the $invoice->getAttachment(); returns null
So now I have the old name and I can test it like:
if ($form->isValid()) {
$fs=new Filesystem();
if($newFileName != $oldFileName)
// if($fs->exists('files/'.$this->getUser()->getId().'/'.$oldFileName))
// $fs->remove('files/'.$this->getUser()->getId().'/'.$oldFileName);
$sanitizedFilename=rand(1, 99999).'_'.$newFileName;
$newFile->move($dir, $sanitizedFilename);
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('my-invoices'));
For the other problem with the filename of the old file not appearing in the Edit Invoice Page I sent my variable to the view :
return $this->render('AppBundle:Invoices:edit.html.twig', array(
'oldFileName' => $oldFileName)
And put that value to the label of the input file widget using twig
Remain calm. You are making this much harder then it needs to be.
// No need for an object, an array works fine
$model = array(
'invoice' => $invoice,
'attachment' => null
$builder = $this->createFormBuilder($model);
$builder->add('attachment', 'file');
$builder->add('invoice', new InvoiceType());
$builder->add('import', 'submit', array(
'label' => 'Import From File',
'attr' => array('class' => 'import'),
$form = $builder->getForm();
if ($form->isValid())
$model = $form->getData();
$file = $model['attachment']; // The file object is built by the form processor
if (!$file->isValid())
$model['results'] = sprintf("Max file size %d %d Valid: %d, Error: %d<br />\n",
$file->getMaxFilesize(), // Returns null?
$importFilePath = $file->getPathname();
$clientFileName = $file->getClientOriginalName();
// Xfer info to the invoice object and update
I try to use existing model data inside a models callback function in CakePHP 2.1 but can't get it working.
What I do is I try to get a users role in the beforeValidate() callback and check if it's empty. If yes, I'll set it. Normally I do it like this, and for the first creation of the record it works pretty well.
if (empty($this->data[$this->alias]['role']))
$this->data[$this->alias]['role'] = 'user';
The problem is, every time an existing record (user) gets updated, the role will be set again.
Question: So, how do I check if the field role is already set in the record data, not the post data (seems like $this->data[$this->alias] only contains POST data)?
There are three solutions to this problem as I can see it.
Set a default value in the database column (easiest, best?)
Add role to your inputs everytime.
Lookup the user and add a role if it's missing
The first two options seem obvious, so I'll just illustrate the last.
public function beforeValidate() {
if (!empty($this->id) {
$this->data[$this->alias][$this->primaryKey] = $this->id;
if (!empty($this->data[$this->alias][$this->primaryKey])) {
// user exists, check their data
$id = $this->data[$this->alias][$this->primaryKey];
$user = $this->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array($this->primaryKey => $id)
$this->data[$this->alias]['role'] = $user[$this->alias]['role'];
if (empty($this->data[$this->alias]['role'])) {
// new user but missing a role
$this->data[$this->alias]['role'] = 'user';
return true;
This callback will check if an ID was passed, and if so it will look up the user and populate the role field. Then, it checks for an empty role and fills it with the default if necessary. Obviously he more code you have, the more possibilities for bugs, so I suggest the first option for default column values.
if (empty($this->data[$this->alias]['role']) && empty($this->role)) {
$this->data[$this->alias]['role'] = 'user';
I have been trying out backbone.js and have been stymied when I create a new model object then call model.save(). I am expecting the backbone.js default behavior to update the model object with the id from the database but it is not. Is this not supposed to happen? I have verified that I am getting a post with the attributes in json format. My server saves the json to a table and then returns the json with a new id field to backbone.js. Is this correct? Should my server return the entire new object or just the id or what?
//contents of the POST from backbone.js
{ "text":"this is a test" }
//reply from my server
{ id:"15", text:"this is a test" }
My sample code is below
var SQLRow = Backbone.Model.extend({
url:function () {
return "/" + this.urlRoot + "?table=" + this.table +
"&id=" + this.attributes.id;
var Xtra = SQLRow.extend ({
var row = new Xtra({
text: "this is a test"
alert("row:" + row.get("id"));
Tough to tell from your post. Two ideas :
1) the response from the server isn't successful What does your save call return ?
2) Your "id" attribute is named something other than ID. To account for the different name add the following to your model :
idAttribute : "MyModelsID",
You're likely facing a timing issue, where the alert fires before the ID has returned. Instead of your last two lines try this :
row.save( null,
success : function(model, response) { alert(model.get('id'); }
As #mu_is_too_short mentioned, another way is to listen for the change even on the model and respond to the event. (i was just trying to keep the answer as close to your code as possible). But something like the following pseudo code should get you started...
var myView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize : function () {
this.collection.bind('change', this.SOME_LISTENING_FUNC );
OR, if you're in a collection/view-less world something like this creates a listenr ...
row.on('change', function() { /* do stuff */ }, this);
This answer is based on one comment of Cjolly in the answer above.
It is essential for making the Backbone.Model.save([attributes],[options]) successful in assiging the model with the newly generated model's id from the server, that the server returns the model's id in a JSON string like this { "id" : <the id> }. (note it is "id" and not id).
In essence backbone rightly expects a JSON string and in contrast to how objects may be defined in Javascript without quoted keys, JSON requires the object keys to be quoted (see JSON Spec - does the key have to be surrounded with quotes?)
Since according to Cjolly's comment this has been the essential problem, I want to hightlight this solution in an second answer. Partially because I was hit by the very same problem and only by reading througth the comments I was able to receive the insight.
I've faced the same issue and what I've found is that my validate function of the saved model actually invalidates the model returned from the back end. That's why my fields were not updated properly.
Maybe its a little outtimed, but today I had the same missing id.
It turns out, that the server just sends a Header 'Location' with a redirect containing the new id, but dosen't return the persisted object.
Adding the object to the response was the solution.
It seems, that not returning the object is standard behavier with Roo(Spring) generated Json-Controllers.
i have defined my model with a REST proxy. it works fine for read (GET) and update (PUT) because those operations require a primary id. when i perform a create operation (POST) the proxy sends all the fields, including the empty primary id, to the server, which causes and error on the server. the server expects that no primary id is to be included for a create operation. how do i instruct extjs to not send the empty primary id value? ie. "{ 'model_id':'',...}"?
Ext.define('model', {
extend : 'Ext.data.Model',
idProperty : 'model_id',
fields : ['model_id', 'first', 'last'],
proxy : {
type : 'rest'
var mymodel = Ext.create('model',{last:'digler'});
mymodel.save() //posts "{ 'model_id':'', 'last':'digler'}"?
i want it to not include the primary id field at all on a create.
I think that this is a wrong way to change the structure of request. In the case of usage REST, the responsibility to operate create, update requests are fully on server side.
In the case you still want to change parameters when create request is started, you can do it by "beforerequest" event:
Ext.Ajax.on("beforerequest", function( conn, options, eOpts){
if (options.action=='create')
var newData =
{'name': options.jsonData.name, 'email': options.jsonData.email };
options.jsonData = newData;
Just for example I re-defines data fields hard coded, but, of course, it's possible to run through all fields in loop without writting its names in code.
well, you have a pretty grumpy server then, don't you?
you can set it to null, but using
though if model_id is a string it will still be ''
you can set persist = false on the field too, but then it won't save it on update
basically, tell your server admin to ignore the id if it's empty