Angularjs : ui-sref state change in url not showing submenu - angularjs

In angularjs to show/hide dynamic submenu, I am adding and removing dynamic classes in js file. Every time when the state changes in url (i.e ui-sref={{mymenu.url}}) sub menu is not visible. If there is no state change sub menu is working properly. Can anyone please suggest.
<li ng-repeat='mymenu in menuItems' ng-click="showHideMenu($event);" >
<a class="iconsize" ui-sref={{mymenu.url}}>
<i class={{mymenu.image}}></i> <strong>{{mymenu.menuName}}</strong>
<span class="fa fa-chevron-down"></span>
<ul class="submenuHide">
<li class="" ng-repeat='submenu in mymenu.submenu'>
$scope.showHideMenu = function(event) {
var classname =[1].className;
if(classname == 'submenuHide'){
}else if(classname == 'submenuShow'){

A couple things. One, you'll need to make sure your menu is outside of the individual templates you're working with. Two, using ng-class bound to an ng-model ensures that your menu state is included in the digest cycle. This will save you the jqLite and dom parsing logic.
Here's an example plunker.
So your code might look like this:
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<a ui-sref="hello">Hello</a>
<a ui-sref="about">About</a>
<button ng-click="toggleMenu()">Show / Hide Menu</button>
<ul ng-class="{showMenu: show, hideMenu: !show}">
<li ng-repeat="letter in ['a','b','c','d']">{{letter}}</li>
With this JS:
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$ = false;
$scope.toggleMenu = function() {
$ = !$;


AngularJS: clicking on active tab removes location hash tag [duplicate]

I want to validate certain condition before the browser follow the link dynamically created by ui-router.
I was looking into $rootscope.$on('$stateChangeStart', ..) but I have no access to the controller.$scope from there. I also need to use this in several places in the application and would be cumbersome.
Keep in mind that ui-sref is linked to ui-sref-active (work together), so i can't remove ui-sref and, by say, to use $state.$go('some-state') inside a function called with ng-click.
The condition should be evaluated inside a $scope function and on on-click event (before-transition with the ability to cancel it)
I need something like this:
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="somestate" ui-sref-if="model.validate()">Go Somestate</a>
I tried:
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="somestate" ng-click="$event.preventDefault()">Go Somestate</a>
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="somestate" ng-click="$event.stopImmediatePropagation()">Go Somestate</a>
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="somestate">
<span ng-click="$event.stopPropagation();">Go Somestate</span>
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="somestate" onclick="return false;">Go Somestate</a>
But does not work.
This answer inspired me to create a directive that allows me to interrupt the chain of events that end up changing state. For convenience and other uses also prevents the execution of ng-click on the same element.
module.directive('eatClickIf', ['$parse', '$rootScope',
function($parse, $rootScope) {
return {
// this ensure eatClickIf be compiled before ngClick
priority: 100,
restrict: 'A',
compile: function($element, attr) {
var fn = $parse(attr.eatClickIf);
return {
pre: function link(scope, element) {
var eventName = 'click';
element.on(eventName, function(event) {
var callback = function() {
if (fn(scope, {$event: event})) {
// prevents ng-click to be executed
// prevents href
return false;
if ($rootScope.$$phase) {
} else {
post: function() {}
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="somestate" eat-click-if="!model.isValid()">Go Somestate</a>
You can use a scope function that will either returns :
no state
an existing state
like so :
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="{{checkCondition()}}">Go Somestate</a>
JS scope :
$scope.checkCondition = function() {
return model.validate()
? 'someState'
: '-' // hack: must return a non-empty string to prevent JS console error
href attribute will be created only when the function returns an existing state string.
Alternatively, you could do a (ugly) :
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="somestate" ng-if="model.validate()">Go Somestate</a>
<span ng-if="!model.validate()">Go Somestate</span>
Hope this helps
The easiest workaround to conditionally achieve routing without tinkering with directives, scope etc was a workaround i found here -
<a ui-sref="{{condition ? '.childState' : '.'}}"> Conditional Link </a>
You can always double up on the element and show/hide conditionally
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ng-show="condition1" style="color: grey">Start</a>
<a ng-hide="condition1" ui-sref="start">Start</a>
No need for complicated directives or hacks. The following works fine and allows for specific handling on click of non-sref items:
ng-repeat="item in items" ui-sref="{{item.sref || '-'}}"
ng-click="$, $event)"
And in the controller, a simple click handler for the items which don't have an item.sref: = function(item, event) {
if (!item.sref) {
//do something else
Based on the answers to How to dynamically set the value of ui-sref you can create a function in your scope for building the URL:
$scope.buildUrl = function() {
return $state.href('somestate', {someParam: 'someValue});
And then conditionally append it to the link with ng-href
<a ng-href="{{ someCondition ? buildUrl() : undefined }}">Link</a>
As you can see in the demo below, ng-href does not add the href attribute if value is negative.
angular.module('app', [])
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app">
<a ng-href="{{ condition ? '' : undefined}}">This is the link</a>
<label for="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" ng-model="condition">
Link active?
I know this is an old question, but for future reference I wanted to offer an alternative solution since I didn't see it in any of the answers so far.
<li ui-sref-active="active">
<a ui-sref="somestate" ui-sref-if="model.validate()">Go Somestate</a>
Potential solution (template):
<li ng-class="{ active: === 'somestate' }">
<a ng-click="navigateToState()">Go Somestate</a>
And in the controller:
$scope.state = $state;
$scope.navigateToState = navigateToState;
function navigateToState() {
if ($scope.model.valid) {
Possible solution for those who still need ng-click working on ui-sref component or its parents.
My solution is to use href instead of ui-sref and to modify Emanuel's directive a bit to be able to stop href and ng-click calls separately.
Though it has a few restrictions:
will not work with ui-sref
you should have different urls for each state because of previous restriction
ui-sref-active will not work either
For the binary case (link is either enabled or disabled), it "now" (since ~2018) works like this (prevents the click and sets it to disabled):
<a ui-sref="go" ng-disabled="true">nogo</a>
and for other tags as well:
<span ui-sref="go" ng-disabled="true">nogo</span>

AngularJS: Empty value when access in view

I'm newbie in AngularJS, I have a question, please explain to me the reason of my mistake. At first, I have a factory name CategoryParent with this function declared like this,
routerApp.factory('CategoryParent', function($http) {
var categoryParentFactory = {};
var hostCMSAPI="http://***.***.***.***:****";
// get all categories
categoryParentFactory.allCategoryParents = function() {
console.log("call get allCategoryParents");
return $http.get(hostCMSAPI+'/api/categoryparents/');
and a controller call this function named categoryParentController:
.controller('categoryParentController', function(CategoryParent,$scope) {
console.log("cateParent ctrl");
$scope.processing = false;
I'm using ui.router like this (nested view):
Parent view trigger controller function here:
The Homey Page
This page demonstrates nested views.
<a ui-sref=".list" class="btn btn-primary">List</a>
<a ui-sref=".paragraph" class="btn btn-danger">Paragraph</a>
<a ui-sref=".cateParentMenu" class="btn btn-warning" ng-click="getAllCategoryParents()">cateParentMenu</a>
and last, the children view come here
data show
<ul class="nav navbar-nav" >
data show
<li data-ng-repeat="item in"><a ui-sref=".detail({cate_parent_id:item.cate_parent_id})" ng-click="getById(item.cate_parent_id)" ui-sref-active="active" id="{{item.cate_parent_id}}">{{item.cate_parent_name}}</a></li>
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div ui-view=""></div>
<!--<div ui-view="serviceRef"></div>-->
<!--<div ui-view="categoryRef"></div>-->
I set $scope.list and $scope.processing to transfer result to view. But in view I show {{list}}, nothing appears and {{processing}} = true ???
Why? please help me, many thanks to all your suggests.
Fix $scope.dataList=[]; to $scope.list=[];

Implementing angularJs factory or service for bootstrap tabs

how to write a service or factory for bootstrap tabs using angularJs.
I placed in one controller but need a common function(repeated code) for different controllers.
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
<li data-ng-class="{active:tab===0}">
<a href ng-click="changeTab(0)"> <i class="fa fa-list"></i></a>
<li data-ng-class="{active:tab===1}">
<a href ng-click="changeTab(1)"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></a>
<div data-ng-class="{activeTab:tab===0}" ng-show="isActiveTab(0)">
<div data-ng-class="{activeTab:tab===1}" ng-show="isActiveTab(1)">
$ = 0;
$scope.changeTab = function(newTab){
$ = newTab;
$scope.isActiveTab = function(tab){
return $ === tab;
Managing tabs is a view concern. Rather than implementing a factory, I recommend creating two directives: tabContainer and tab. The tab directive registers itself with the parent tabContainer using the require attribute to access the parent directive's controller API.
<tab-container selected="tab2">
<tab name="tab1">tab1</tab>
<tab name="tab2">tab2</tab>
Parent Directive
The parent directive publishes the following controller API that the child tab directives will access:
tabContainer controller
// registers this tab with the parent tabContainer
this.register = function(element) {
// returns the selected tab object whose
// name property indicates which tab is active
this.getSelected = function() {
return $scope.selectedTab;
Child Directive
The tab directive is able to access the parent controller by requiring the parent directive in its directive definition, and accessing the parent directive's controller as the 4th argument to the tab directive's link function:
tab directive definition
scope: true,
require: '^tabContainer',
link: function(scope, element, attr, tabContainer) {
// set the tab so that it is visible in the tab directive's scope. = { name:, element:element};
scope.selectedTab = tabContainer.getSelected();
The scope is set to true so that each tab will create its own child scope and not interfere with the scope of other tabs.
Template Files
For example purposes, the directive templates are embedded in the HTML:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="tabContainer.html">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
<li ng-repeat="tab in tabs" data-ng-class="{}">
<a href ng-click="changeTab(tab)"> <i class="fa fa-list">{{}}</i></a>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="tab.html">
<div data-ng-class="{}" ng-show=" ===">
It is recommended to move these to dedicated HTML files.
Changing the Active Tab
The user is able to change the active tab by clicking the tab link. This is achieved by publishing a $scope function in the parent controller:
$scope.changeTab = function(tab) {
$ =;
Creating a Tabs Module
The beauty of AngularJS and its pluggable modular architecture is that you can extend the AngularJS directive ecosystem, and have the directives work together seamlessly. For example, you could encapsulate the above tabs directive into a tabs module, and even use the ngRepeat directive to bind the tabs.
var app = angular.module('app',['tabs']);
app.controller('ctrl', function($scope) {
$scope.tabData = [
{ name: 'tab1', body: 'You selected tab1!'},
{ name: 'tab2', body: 'You selected tab2!'},
{ name: 'tab3', body: 'You selected tab3!'},
{ name: 'tab4', body: 'You selected tab4!'},
<div class="container" ng-controller="ctrl">
<tab-container selected="tab1">
<tab ng-repeat="tab in tabData" name="{{}}">{{ tab.body }} </tab>
Hi I write it with out using any service or factory
see the example
<ul ng-init="tab = 1">
<li ng-class="{active:tab===1}">
<a href ng-click="tab = 1">Tab1</a>
<li ng-class="{active:tab===2}">
<a href ng-click="tab = 2">Tab2</a>
<li ng-class="{active:tab===3}">
<a href ng-click="tab = 3">Tab3</a>
<p ng-show="tab === 1"> Tab1 content </p>
<p ng-show="tab === 2"> Tab2 content</p>
<p ng-show="tab === 3"> Tab3 content</p>
Dynamically change it through controller see the working example here
The structure for controllers/services in Angular are explained well here:
In app.js, we declare an angular application, give it a name, and any dependencies (ng-route / ng-grid). $http calls should be made using a factory or a service, and the controller should call the service to fetch or post data. From the angular documentation, "services are substitutable objects that are wired together using dependency injection (DI). You can use services to organize and share code across your app."
var app = angular.module('appname', []);
angular.module('appname').controller("NameCtrl", ["$scope", "$log", "$window", "$http", "$timeout", "SomeService",
function ($scope, $log, $window, $http, $timeout, TabService) {
//your controller code
$ = 0;
$scope.changeTab = function(newTab){
$ = newTab;
$scope.isActiveTab = function(tab){
return $ === tab;
angular.module('appname').service("TabService", function () {
//Your code for shared functionality regarding tab service
var currentTab = {};
return {
currentTab : currentTab

angular js - ng-hide/ng-show API not working properly

Here i trying to implement application in angular js. I have an minimize/maximize button for all child element and seprate minimize/maximize button to inside child element.
But when i click toggle minimize its minimize all all child element.
Problem is when i click toggleonce it also minimize all child element.
var dashboard = angular.module("dashboard",['ui.bootstrap']);
dashboard.controller('dash-control', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.isHidden = false;
$scope.toggle = function(){
$scope.isHidden = !$scope.isHidden;
$scope.toggleonce= function()
if( this.isHidden === true)
this.isHidden = false;
this.isHidden = true;
<div class="contentpanel" ng-app="dashboard" ng-controller="dash-control as ctrl">
<button class="btn btn-white" type="button" ng-click="toggle()">
<i class="fa fa-minus-square"></i>
<a href="" class="tooltips" ng-click="toggleonce()" title="Minimize Panel">
<i class="fa fa-minus"></i>
<div class="row tinychart" ng-show="isHidden">Contenr Heading 1</div>
<div class="row tinychart" ng-hide="isHidden">Content Description 1</div>
<a href="" class="tooltips" ng-click="toggleonce()" title="Minimize Panel">
<i class="fa fa-minus"></i>
<div class="row tinychart" ng-show="isHidden">Contenr Heading 2</div>
<div class="row tinychart" ng-hide="isHidden">Content Description 1</div>
The variable $scope.isHidden is a controller level variable and by clicking toggleonce() you are changing the variable to true through out the page(since both the 'minimize panels' are in the scope of the controller. Thereby any ng-hide for isHidden will be hidden and thereby it is causing the global 'minimise'.
You have two options:
1) use separate variables for each Minimize panel and toggle the values of that variable when you click on the corresponding function. Also write the Panel level 'ng-hide's for its own variable.
2) write a isolated scope directive for all Minizable panels. And isolate its scope from the Controller. Now write a toggleonce function in the directive which changes the value of the Hidden variable within the directive's scope. You must use the following syntax while writing the directive:
.directive('minimizePanel', function() {
return {
scope: true,
You can watch this video for more inputs.

ng-repeat next and previous navigation

I am looking for a way to implement ng-repeat next-prevous navigation. Navigation is inside repeating area, so the navigation arrows are shown if next or previous items exists.
But I need a way to add an active class to repeater on ng-click, so if I navigate to next item, it receives active class (and same with previous), so i can make that item visible and all other hidden.
<li ng-class="{active: ?}" ng-repeat="page in pages">
<p ng-bind-html-unsafe="page.content"></p>
<a ng-show="pages[$index - 1]" ng-click="?" class="previous" href="#">Previous</a>
<a ng-show="pages[$index + 1]" ng-click="?" class="next" href="#">Next</a>
Also if there is another way around this, please advise.
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<li ng-class="{active: == $index,
inactive: != $index}" ng-repeat="page in pages">
<p ng-bind-html-unsafe="page.content"></p>
<a ng-show="pages[$index - 1]" ng-click=" = $index-1"
class="previous" href="#">Previous</a>
<a ng-show="pages[$index + 1]" ng-click=" = $index+1"
class="next" href="#">Next</a>
function MyCtrl($scope, $rootScope) {
/* Dont use a primitive but an object as ng-repeat creates
a scope of its own */
$scope.activePage = {
$scope.pages = [{content:"a"},{content:"b"},{content:"c"}];
