Data duplicating issue with JSON - angularjs

I have included the code in
I have 3 divs in which each div includes color selection, Memory and call plans. The call plans data is there after every device details(after the table).
All the data are depending on 3 JSONs. The color selection and Memory data is coming from devices JSON and call plans data is coming from callplans JSON. I have another JSON(planMapping) for mapping the device and call plan. All JSON's I have included in the JS file.
My requirement is based on the user selection of color and memory, respective call plans should display. Now the content is displaying, but the problem I'm facing is it's displaying the same content in all three sections(Apple, Samsung and Sony).
Issue Example:
Click iPhone 6s plus tab from the apple section and click on 32GB memory and then click any color, now iPhone 6s plus call plans will display. The problem is the same iPhone 6s plus call plans data is getting displayed in all other sections as well.
Any help would be appreciated.

I have updated your code....
Changes :
<div class="planDetails" ng-repeat="data in x.callPlanArr">
and also moved </div> of <div class="device_overview {{x.memory}}-{{x.presales_name.split(' ').join('-').replace('(','').replace(')','')}}" ng-repeat="x in v | orderBy:'memory'" ng-show="$first"> moved to end of the modified div.
item.callPlanArr = []; //at line 5770
item.callPlanArr.push($scope.callplanList.callplans[x]); //5784

Make following change to meet your requirement:
Shift div with class="callPlans" inside div with class="device_overview"
Here is the modification:-
<div class="device_overview {{x.memory}}-{{x.presales_name.split(' ').join('-').replace('(','').replace(')','')}}" ng-repeat="x in v | orderBy:'memory'" ng-show="$first">
<div class="device_detail">
<div class="color">
<div class="color-name">
<p>Choose color:</p>
<span ng-repeat="data in x.variants" class="{{data.s_code}}-{{x.presales_name.split(' ').join('-')}}" ng-show="$first">{{data.colour}}</span>
<div class="color-code" ng-repeat="data in x.variants" ng-click="changeImg(((data.s_code+' ')+(x.presales_name)).split(' ').join('-').replace('(','').replace(')',''));showPlan(x,data.s_code); showStock(data.s_code);" style="border-color:{{data.colour_code}};background-color:{{data.colour_code}}">{{data.colour_code}}</div>
<div class="callPlans" ng-if="device_class == x.device_class">
<div class="planDetails" ng-repeat="data in callPlanArr">
<div class="data">
<div class="minute">
<div class="text">
<div class="upfront">
<li ng-show="data.upfront != ''"><p>£{{data.upfront}}</p>up front</li>
and add following line in $scope.showPlan function() of your controller
$scope.device_class = item.device_class;


How to add item to array in ng-repeat with lazy loading

I have an array of comments. For each of the comment, I have a hidden form where you can reply. That item in each object of the array is called: comment.showSubCommentForm. When I click on Reply, I want to be able to reply with a comment and the function called: commentOnSubPost.
I load my data in chunks of 10 (lazy loading) which I am doing by using the infinite-scroll-distance Angular module. Every time I reach the end of the page, I get the next 10 items and add them to the $scope.comments array, which you can see below is what I am running my ng-repeat on .
The problem is that, although the commentOnSubPost works really well as in it adds the reply to the comment, I have reload the data so I can get the updated $scope.comments with the new reply. BUT - as I have implemented lazy loading, how do I do that if say I am on the 20th page?
I looked at some similar posts but their approach from mine was very different so am very lost.
<div infinite-scroll='loadMore()' infinite-scroll-distance='1'>
<div class="row">
<div ng-repeat="comment in comments track by $index">
<ul class="comments">
<li class="clearfix">
<a ng-href="#">SomeLink</a>
<p >{{ }} <a ng-href="/wall#/profile/main/{{ comment.userID }}">{{ comment.fullname }}</a> says <i class="commentReply"><a href ng-click="comment.showSubCommentForm = !comment.showSubCommentForm"><small>Reply</small></a></i></p>
<p class="mainComment">
{{ comment.comment }}
<p class="meta"><i class="showReply"><a href ng-click="comment.showReplies = !comment.showReplies"><small>Show Replies</small></a></i></p>
<div ng-show="comment.showSubCommentForm">
<form ng-submit="commentOnSubPost( post._id, comment._id, subComment)">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="form-group">
<textarea ng-model="subComment" class="form-control" placeholder="Reply to the above comment"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Reply">
<div ng-show="comment.showReplies" ng-repeat="subComment in comment.subComments track by $index">
<ul class="comments">
<li class="clearfix">
<a ng-href="/wall#/profile/main/{{ comment.userID }}"><img ng-src="{{ subComment.profilePic }}" class="avatar" style="border-radius: 50%"></a>
<div class="post-subComments">
<p class="meta">{{ }}<a ng-href="SomeLink"> {{ subComment.fullname }}</a></p>
{{ subComment.comment }}
I won't add too much information here as I don't want to overload this post but if you need any particular information, please do let me know. I just need to know how do I reload the data (or not if there's another approach) so that I can get the latest data.
I hope this makes sense.
Thanks in advance!
Like you have $scope.comments = []; then on each call you just have to append upcoming data to this array.
Like $scope.comments = $scope.comments.concat(;
In this way lazy loading will work.
I fixed this with making a Node route which gives back the exact comment I have just added. Then, I found that commentID in my $scope.comments and made it's subCommenemts to the one I have locally.
It does the job and the data is real. One drawback is that if at that time, there's another comment, it won't show up until the page's refreshed but I'm not too fussed about that.

AngularJS filter not working on two or more items

I am displaying the list of incidents on the page using AngularJS.(It works)
I also have 3 buttons on the page. 'Open'-shows open incidents, 'Closed' -shows closed incidents, 'All' -shows all incidents.(It works)
Issue: when I try to set the page default to show only "Open incidents", when the users opens the page.
Note: By using below code, I am able to set the page default to "Open incidents", when the list have 1 incident. But, if it have more than 1 incident, the code is not working and showing empty page.
I am putting the total code in plunker. As I am using this code in a Tool, it is not possible to run this code in plunker. The tool have separate script to get all the incidents in JSON format. I am also attaching the JSON format in JSON file. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
<div class="myRequests">
<div class="row" ng-repeat="inc in IncItems | filter:{status: IncStatus}">
<div class="panel panel-default {{inc.status}}">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h4 class="panel-title">{{inc.number}}</h4>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="col-md-3 pace">
<p><b>Status:</b> {{inc.status}}</p>
Plunker: My code

Rendering Images to razor view Cshtml. Angular issues

"allitems" contains all items for a category that is selected in a combobox. That part of the code working properly.
I have images saved in a database as binary data for each item. When an item is displayed then the image of the item shall be rendered. For doing this I have to save item's ID in ASP .Net controller before rendering, because the "RenderImage" needs the Item's ID. This is done by calling "saveItemId" in AngularJS controller.
But the rendering of the images are very unpredictable. "saveItemId" is called repeatedly but not RenderImage.
There is no problem calling methods/saving ID in AngularJS controller or in ASP .Net MVC controller.
<div dir-paginate="r in allitems | filter:q | itemsPerPage: pageSize" current-page="currentPage" ng-init ='saveItemId(r.ID)' class="ag-fresh">
<div style="float:left">
<div class="col-xs-3">
<div style="width:200px;">
<div class="product-image-wrapper">
<div class="single-products">
<div class="productinfo text-center">
<img src="#Url.Action("RenderImage")" height="84" width="84"/>
<button class="btn btn-default add-to-cart" ng-click="AddToCart(r.ID)">Add to cart</button>
its seems that RenderImage is a js variable in the controller scope. if its so, its need to be call with brackets, like {{RenderImage}}
Try using 'ng-src' instead 'src' attribute, for the img element as described at!
This works properly:
<img ng-src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{{arrayBufferToBase64(r.InternalImage)}}" height="84" width="84"/>
I Added arrayBufferToBase64 to the angular controller.

DOM manipulation before the template gets modal data

I've a situation where I want to display an error message on the page when my modal don't have any records to show. This could be on the initial load or after applying some filter criteria on the page.
I'm using ng-if to check the count of records on the result set after applying the filter, that is why when my page initially loads as there is no data in the filtered result rest it is showing up the error message first and then later it is showing the data.
Any insight would be highly appreciated
prod.skulist is my modal.
<ul class="prd-list">
<li ng-repeat=" p in filtered =(prod.skulist | categoryFilter:prod.selectedFormat :prod.selectedRating) | filter :priceRange" id=" {{p.sku}}">
<figure class="prd-img" ng-click="wrapCtrl.showProdDetils(p.sku,prod.catName)">
<div style="background-image: url({{wrapCtrl.imageLocation+p.image}}); background-repeat: no-repeat;"></div>
<figcaption class="prd-nam f8">{{p.title}}</figcaption>
<span class="new-item" ng-show="{{p.isnew}}"><img src="Content/images/new.png" /></span>
<span class="new-item" ng-show="wrapCtrl.compareStreetDate(p.streetdate)"><img src="/Content/images/coming-soon.png" /></span>
<div class="prd-price f5">
{{p.currentprice | currency}}<span class="sales" ng-show="{{p.onsale}}">ON SALE</span>
<span class="cart-btn" ng-click="wrapCtrl.addCart($event)"></span>
<div class="inactive-cart-btn" ng-show="wrapCtrl.compareStreetDate(p.streetdate)"></div>
<div ng-if="(filtered | filter :priceRange).length ==0" class="error-box">
<div class=" wrp"><span class="error-head">I hate when this happens</span></div>
<div class="wrp error-message">
<span class="f9 pad-top">It looks like I don't have exactly what you are looking for.</span>
<span class="f9 pad-bot">try adjusting your filters to see more</span>
I ran into a similar situation and found an ugly, though working solution by using the $timeout service. In your case you would have a scope variable, lets call it loadTimeGiven = false and after the $timeout you set it to true. Then simply do
ng-if="(filtered | filter :priceRange).length ==0 && loadTimeGiven"
Alternatively you could set loadTimeGiven based on a service that your modal has access to.

AngularJS: data-ng-model & data-ng-hide/show

My index.html page is like as follows:
<div id="sidepanel" data-ng-controller="ListCtrl">
<li data-ng-repeat="record in records">
<input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="addwidget">
<div id="main">
<div data-ng-view></div>
for this data-ng-view i have another page recordlist.html in that i have following code:
<div data-ng-controller="ListCtrl">
<ul class="design">
<li data-ng-repeat="record in records">
<div data-ng-switch data-on="record.category">
<div data-ng-switch-when="reporting1">
<div id="{{}}" data-ng-show="addwidget">{{record.description}}</div>
<div data-ng-switch-when="reporting2">
<div id="{{}}" data-ng-hide="addwidget">{{record.description}}</div>
My question is i want to show the first div when i check the checkbox & when i uncheck it i want to show the second div.When both of the data-ng-model & data-ng-hide/show are on the same page then it works fine but in my case it present on two different pages.
Is it correct ? How can i implement this. Need Help.Thanks.
The problem is that you are setting addwidget in the first controller, but is trying to use it in the second. Controllers are not singletons.
So, in this situation:
<div id="sidepanel" data-ng-controller="ListCtrl">
<div id="main">
<div data-ng-view>
<div data-ng-controller="ListCtrl">
You got two separated controllers and scopes. And you are setting addwidget in the first trying to read in the second.
You can either bind it to the root scope $root.addwidget or use a service share to the states.
As you have many records, binding directly to root is a problem, as all of them are going to share the same state. So you gonna need an object in the rootScope and bind the option by id $root.addwidget[]. Made a pretty simplified modification here.
