Find out client time zone in UTC format in Angularjs - angularjs

Is there some way to find out what is the time zone of a user, in UTC format(like UTC+1, UTC+2,...etc)
What I am trying to accomplish is that after user selects UTC time zone from drop down and selects time and date, I want to show date and time values in his time zone (time zone from browser or system).
So if for example user selects: UTC+2 and 13:00 11-03-2016 and his system time zone is UTC than I want to show in some label: In your time that is: 11:00 11-03-2016 (since the UTC is minus 2 hours comparing to UTC+2)
Does somebody has suggestions on how to accomplish something like this?

Just create new Date object without specifying the time zone - JavaScript will use the browser's time zone and when getting a date, without specifying the time zone, the result is converted to the browser's time zone.
Please review examples on
Hope it will help. Handling dates in js and angular is a bit tricky;)


How to control the time of day in React Suite's DateRangePicker?

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to default the time of day in DateRangePicker to 00:00:00 for start date and 23:59:59 for end date.
The time of day simply defaults to the current time on the computer, which, frankly, is rarely what the requirements for a date range are. So It's hard for me to imagine there is no way to do what I'm trying to do. Check out the screenshot:
Here I picked the date range of Apr 22 to May 4. But notice the time of day. In order to set those to 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 respectively, I have to click on those times and scroll around to pick specific time of day, which is super annoying to do every time.
The documentation says nothing about the time. Also their GitHub issues page does not address this. What am I missing here. It seems like such an obvious oversight to not allow you to set a default time of day.
You can set the default time on the calendar via defaultCalendarValue.
format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
defaultCalendarValue={[new Date('2022-02-01 00:00:00'), new Date('2022-03-01 23:59:59')]}
This has also been updated in the example on the rsuite official website.

timezone conversion using date-fns

I’m trying to work with date-fns-tz in my react-based webpage and couldn’t make the following use-case to work.
I have a date input in a form that should be submitted to the backend that stores the data in local timezone.
A user in GMT+2 timezone selects 14:00 on 1/Feb/2021 in the UI, which correlates to 1612180800 timestamp (as the UI was opened in GMT+2), but it should eventually get sent to the backend as 14:00 in GMT-8, which is actually 1612216800 timestamp.
What’s the right way to get this conversion (from 1612180800 --> 1612216800 ) to work?
I tried to work with various date-fns functions, but hadn’t found the right one.
You'll need two things to make this work correctly:
An IANA time zone identifier for the intended target time zone, such as 'America/Los_Angeles', rather than just an offset from UTC.
See "Time Zone != Offset" in the timezone tag wiki.
A library that supports providing input in a specific time zone.
Since you asked about date-fns, you should consider using the date-fns-tz add-on library.
Alternatively you could use Luxon for this.
In the past I might have recommended Moment with Moment-TimeZone, but you should review Moment's project status page before choosing this option.
Sticking with date-fns and date-fns-tz, the use case you gave is the very one described in the docs for the zonedTimeToUtc function, which I'll copy here:
Say a user is asked to input the date/time and time zone of an event. A date/time picker will typically return a Date instance with the chosen date, in the user's local time zone, and a select input might provide the actual IANA time zone name.
In order to work with this info effectively it is necessary to find the equivalent UTC time:
import { zonedTimeToUtc } from 'date-fns-tz'
const date = getDatePickerValue() // e.g. 2014-06-25 10:00:00 (picked in any time zone)
const timeZone = getTimeZoneValue() // e.g. America/Los_Angeles
const utcDate = zonedTimeToUtc(date, timeZone) // In June 10am in Los Angeles is 5pm UTC
postToServer(utcDate.toISOString(), timeZone) // post 2014-06-25T17:00:00.000Z, America/Los_Angeles
In your case, the only change is that at the very end instead of calling utcDate.toISOString() you'll call utcDate.getTime().
Note that you'll still want to divide by 1000 if you intend to pass timestamps in seconds rather than the milliseconds precision offered by the Date object.
You can use 'moment' to convert timezone.
1.Create a moment with your date time, specifying that this is expressed as utc, with moment.utc()
2.convert it to your timezone with
For example
moment.utc(t, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')

Convert UTC Time to Multiple Time zones

The below SQL will convert the UTC time to my local time in BRISBANE, Australia.
I would like to get the Local time in Sydney which is 1 hour ahead of Brisbane time considering the DST
CAST(GETUTCDATE() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'E. Australia Standard Time' AS DATETIME2(2)) AS BrisbaneTime
Need some assistance in getting the local time in Sydney.
All of the possible timezones are defined in the sys.time_zone_info system table. From there you can select the appropriate timeone to use.
You would use the same query but with the other timezone

how to convert UTC date/time into MDT and military time for react application?

I am trying to convert UTC into MDT (mountain time) format. I am not sure which moment format require to convert date time into MDT. i tried moment.fromOADate(41493) but not working. TIA!
Mountain time is GMT -6, so you should be able to use moment().utcOffset(-6)
If you're worried about accounting for daylight savings time and can't just subtract 6 hours, you might also look into the moment.js timezone library.
You could say something like is described here and do var zone ='America/Chihuahua') (this is mountain time), then get your time offset with zone.parse(utcTimestamp)

What time zone does a scheduled job use for Preferred Start Time

We have a scheduled job that runs on the 1st of each month with a Preferred Start Time of 1am. The job was scheduled using the Salesforce interface (Develop | Apex Classes | Schedule Apex). When it runs, it sets a month field for records based on the System date (;). Occasionally, the month is set wrongly, and I suspect it's due to the date variable set to the System date.
If I set the job to run at 1am, logged in as my User (with a time-zone set to CDT), using the interface, what value would be returned by Would the current CDT date be returned, or the GMT date?
Scheduled jobs run as "system", but I think there's still a user context, which means or would be in CDT.
Just tested this and returns GMT values.
Another update:
The docs say returns the date in the current user's time zone. Based on the test below, the system knows who the user is, and it knows the user's time zone, so would be the current date in the user's time zone. I confirmed this by setting my time zone to +10, and the system returned 2012-03-15 for the date.
// Brisbane +10 time zone
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {
System.debug(; // 2012-03-14 19:24:39
System.debug(; // 3/15/2012 5:24:39 AM AEST
System.debug(; // 2012-03-15 00:00:00
System.debug(UserInfo.getUserName()); //
From the APEX dev guide:
The System.Schedule method uses the user's timezone for the basis of all schedules.
