I'm having an issue with my tests I run with Selenium-webdriver, Chromedriver and nightwatch.js. I run two terminal windows, one with selenium and one with the test. I'm running this on a macbook air with macOS Sierra.
My test look like:
module.exports = {
'Demo test' : function (browser) {
browser.resizeWindow(300, 300);
browser.url('http://www.google.se').resizeWindow(500, 500);
This gives the following output in the terminal when I run java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.0.jar and then run the test in another terminal window:
test is run like
node nightwatch.js tests/demo.js
And it gives this output in the selenium terminal window.
09:11:21.617 INFO - Executing: [get current url])
09:11:21.663 INFO - Done: [get current url]
09:11:22.680 INFO - Executing: [maximise window])
09:11:22.941 INFO - Done: [maximise window]
09:11:22.950 INFO - Executing: [set window size])
09:11:23.073 INFO - Done: [set window size]
09:11:23.080 INFO - Executing: [maximise window])
09:11:23.565 INFO - Done: [maximise window]
09:11:25.577 INFO - Executing: [get: http://www.google.se])
After this nothing more happens. For some reason I don't get a done callback from client.url() when I have a real webpage and just not a empty window.
Does anyone have an idea what the problem is?
You have mentioned that you are using selenium 3.0.0. You have not mentioned which browser you are using and what version of its driver you are using.
I tried this code on two settings. Both settings had nightwatch 0.9.8, chromedriver 2.25, Chrome Browser v54. OS was always OSX Sierra 10.12.1. One setting had selenium 2X while the other had selenium 3.0.1
In both settings, your test code executed successfully. So this way it is difficult to help you find a solution to this problem
Here is the nightwatch config
"src_folders" : ["tests"],
"output_folders" : "reports",
"selenium" : {
"start_process" : true,
"server_path" : "tools/selenium3.jar",
"log_path" : "",
"host" : "",
"port" : 4444,
"cli_args" : {
"webdriver.chrome.driver" : "tools/chromedriver",
"webdriver.ie.driver" : ""
"test_settings" : {
"default" : {
"launch_url" : "http://www.google.com",
"selenium_port" : 4444,
"selenium_host" : "localhost",
"silent": true,
"screenshots" : {
"enabled" : false,
"path" : ""
"desiredCapabilities": {
"browserName": "chrome",
"javascriptEnabled": true,
"acceptSslCerts": true
I created a testcase with Protractor-cucumber framework and I have used Grunt for execution of that test case. However, at the time of execution it failed and it's not providing any error stacktrace to know why it is failing.
I've searched Google and also reviewed other Stack Overflow solutions but I didn't find a solution for this.
Config File
exports.config = {
//seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
getPageTimeout: 60000,
allScriptsTimeout: 500000,
framework: 'custom',
// path relative to the current config file
frameworkPath: require.resolve('C:\\...\\node_modules\\protractor-cucumber-framework'),
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'chrome'
// Spec patterns are relative to this directory.
specs: [
cucumberOpts: {
require: './learnFramework/TestCases/spec.js',
tags: false,
profile: false,
'no-source': true
onPrepare: function () {
Spec File
this.Given(/^Open the browser and Load the URL$/,async function(){
this.When(/^User entered the text in the search box$/,async function(){
console.log(await browser.getTitle());
await element(By.name("q")).sendKeys("facebook");
this.Then(/^click on search$/,async function(){
Error Log
Running "jshint:files" (jshint) task
>> 1 file lint free.
Running "protractor:singlerun" (protractor) task
[00:08:29] I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver
[00:08:29] I/direct - Using ChromeDriver directly...
DevTools listening on ws://
Feature: Title of your feature
I want to use this template for my feature file
Scenario: Title of your scenario
✓ Given Open the browser and Load the URL
✖ When User entered the text in the search box
- And click on search
[00:09:03] I/launcher - 0 instance(s) of WebDriver still running
[00:09:03] I/launcher - chrome #01 failed 1 test(s)
[00:09:03] I/launcher - overall: 1 failed spec(s)
[00:09:03] E/launcher - Process exited with error code 1
>>> Test failed but keep the grunt process alive.
If you observe the error log "When" step has failed but there is no error stacktrace in the command line to find why it failed.
My expectation is that it should show the error stacktrace for why it has failed.
You need to use await on your browser actions otherwise it performs the actions synchronously.
await browser.get("https://google.com");
I'm trying to get trace logging information out of the gecko driver, in order to debug some issues we're having with moving to newer versions of Python, Robot Framework, Selenium, Firefox.
See in the DEBUG robot output below, I'm setting the capabilities to include log level arguments as part of moz:firefoxOptions.
When the capabilities are printed out for Open Browser, the moz:firefoxOptions value has been replaced with the profile info, so I never get tracing set.
20190219 13:07:22.461 - INFO - {'browserName': 'firefox', 'marionette': True, 'acceptInsecureCerts': True, 'moz:firefoxOptions': {'prefs': {'log': {'level': 'trace'}}, 'args': ['-headless', '-profile', '/tmp/tmpimda__f2']}, 'binary': '/usr/bin/firefox'}
20190219 13:07:22.461 - INFO - +--- END KW: BuiltIn.Log (1)
20190219 13:07:22.461 - INFO - +--- START KW: CustomLib.AdminClass.Open Browser [ ${LOGIN URL} | ${BROWSER} | desired_capabilities=${dc} | ff_profile_dir=${profile} ]
20190219 13:07:22.462 - INFO - Opening browser 'Firefox' to base url 'https://HOST:PORT/bmmadmin/login.jsp'.
20190219 13:07:22.480 - DEBUG - POST {"capabilities": {"firstMatch": [{}], "alwaysMatch": {"browserName": "firefox", "acceptInsecureCerts": true, "moz:firefoxOptions": {"profile": "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"}}}, "desiredCapabilities": {"browserName": "firefox", "acceptInsecureCerts": true, "moz:firefoxOptions": {"profile": "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"}, "binary": "/usr/bin/firefox", "marionette": true}}
Anyone have any ideas what I may be doing wrong here? And/OR some alternative methods of getting trace logging from geckodriver?
BTW: the moz:firefoxOptions I'm setting may not be correct, they're just the latest combination I have tried, but I can't tell what is going to work until the options I set are actually being sent to firefox.
Python 3.6.3
geckodriver 0.24.0 ( 2019-01-28)
Mozilla Firefox 60.4.0
requests (2.21.0)
robotframework (3.1.1)
robotframework-requests (0.5.0)
robotframework-selenium2library (3.0.0)
robotframework-seleniumlibrary (3.3.1)
selenium (3.141.0)
setuptools (40.8.0)
urllib3 (1.24.1)
Open Browser To Login Page
${dc}= CustomLib.Get Desired Capabilities ${BROWSER}
Set To Dictionary ${dc}
... binary ${PATH TO MARIONETTE}
Log ${dc}
${profile}= CustomLib.Create FF Profile
Open Browser ${LOGIN URL} ${BROWSER} desired_capabilities=${dc} ff_profile_dir=${profile}
def get_desired_capabilities(browser):
_capabilities = {'ff' : DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX,
'firefox' : DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX
browserKey = str(browser).lower()
desired = _capabilities[browserKey]
BuiltIn().log("get_desired_capabilities B4 :" + str(desired))
desired['marionette'] = True
desired['acceptSslCerts'] = True
desired['ignoreProtectedModeSettings'] = True
desired['headless'] = True
desired['moz:webdriverClick'] = True
desired['moz:firefoxOptions'] = {'log':{'level':'trace'}, 'args':['-headless']}
#desired['moz:firefoxOptions']['log'] = {'level':'trace'}
#desired['moz:firefoxOptions']['args'] = ['-headless']
BuiltIn().log("get_desired_capabilities returning :" + str(desired))
return desired
def create_ff_download_profile(path):
from selenium import webdriver
BuiltIn().log('PATH: ' + path)
fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
fp.set_preference("browser.download.folderList", 2)
fp.set_preference("browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting", False)
fp.set_preference("browser.helperApps.alwaysAsk.force", False);
fp.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", 'text/xml,text/plain,application/octet-stream')
fp.set_preference("browser.download.dir", path)
return fp.path
This is how I set the log level to be trace in Firefox:
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Keywords ***
${options}= Evaluate sys.modules['selenium.webdriver.firefox.options'].Options() sys
${options.log.level}= Set Variable trace
${driver}= Create Webdriver Firefox options=${options}
Go To https://www.google.com
It's basically following this python pattern from the firefox docs and translating it into Robotframework
Hope this helps!
i have upgraded my environment to have support for my tests for firefox, chrome, etc.
I have installed:
Node LTS (6.10.0)
Selenium Server Standalone 3.1.0
When i now want to run my test i receive:
[17:31:32] I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver
[17:31:32] I/hosted - Using the selenium server at http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
[17:31:32] E/launcher - Error: TypeError: Target browser must be a string, but is <undefined>; did you forget to call forBrowser()?
[17:31:32] E/launcher - Process exited with error code 100
Process finished with exit code 100
What does that mean?
The config.js is:
var TIMEOUT = 10000;
exports.config = {
capabilities: [
'browserName': 'firefox', //tried as 'firefox', firefox and "firefox"
//'marionette': true //tried true and false
That was tricky and funny :) You know what .. There is no issue with browserName. Problem was you are providing the capabilities object incorrectly. You are providing an array whereas you need to send 1 capabilities object
Remove '[' & ']'
capabilities: [{'browserName': 'firefox'},] - This is incorrect . This means an Array of size 1 with index 0 holding your firefox config
It should be this - capabilities: {'browserName': 'firefox'}
When runnning code like:
element(by.css('input')).sendKeys(arg1).then(function() {
Or anything using browser.actions()
I'm getting an error message like:
1) Scenario: User goes back to search results - features\headerNavigations.feature:31
Step: When I enter "1000W Rotary Lawnmower" - features\headerNavigations.feature:34
Step Definition: ..\node_modules\cucumber-tsflow\src\BindingDecorator.ts:163
[ null ]
Ever since updating to chromedriver 2.27 I'm seeing this issue.
Node: 6.9.1
Protractor: 5.1.0
Chrome: 56.0
Chromedriver: 2.27
Seen this which maybe similar:
And raised a question here:
Not seeing much action from the protractor or chromedriver community
I get the following error in the command line when trying to run Protractor:
Fatal error: protractor exited with code: 1
I need to proxy to an https test server. How do I accomplish this? I followed the advice from this Github issue, but I am still getting the above error. Here is my config file:
// A reference configuration file.
exports.config = {
// ----- How to setup Selenium -----
// There are three ways to specify how to use Selenium. Specify one of the
// following:
// 1. seleniumServerJar - to start Selenium Standalone locally.
// 2. seleniumAddress - to connect to a Selenium server which is already
// running.
// 3. sauceUser/sauceKey - to use remote Selenium servers via SauceLabs.
// The location of the selenium standalone server .jar file.
seleniumServerJar: './selenium/selenium-server-standalone-2.35.0.jar',
// The port to start the selenium server on, or null if the server should
// find its own unused port.
seleniumPort: null,
// Chromedriver location is used to help the selenium standalone server
// find chromedriver. This will be passed to the selenium jar as
// the system property webdriver.chrome.driver. If null, selenium will
// attempt to find chromedriver using PATH.
chromeDriver: './selenium/chromedriver',
// Additional command line options to pass to selenium. For example,
// if you need to change the browser timeout, use
// seleniumArgs: ['-browserTimeout=60'],
seleniumArgs: [],
// If sauceUser and sauceKey are specified, seleniumServerJar will be ignored.
// The tests will be run remotely using SauceLabs.
sauceUser: null,
sauceKey: null,
// ----- What tests to run -----
// Spec patterns are relative to the location of this config.
specs: [
// ----- Capabilities to be passed to the webdriver instance ----
// For a full list of available capabilities, see
// https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/DesiredCapabilities
// and
// https://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/browse/javascript/webdriver/capabilities.js
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'chrome',
'proxy': {
'proxyType': 'manual',
'httpProxy': 'https://localhost.com:8443/'
// A base URL for your application under test. Calls to protractor.get()
// with relative paths will be prepended with this.
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:9999',
// Selector for the element housing the angular app - this defaults to
// body, but is necessary if ng-app is on a descendant of <body>
rootElement: 'body',
// ----- Options to be passed to minijasminenode -----
jasmineNodeOpts: {
// onComplete will be called just before the driver quits.
onComplete: null,
// If true, display spec names.
isVerbose: true,
// If true, print colors to the terminal.
showColors: true,
// If true, include stack traces in failures.
includeStackTrace: true,
// Default time to wait in ms before a test fails.
defaultTimeoutInterval: 10000
According to the WebDriver capabilities documentation, you should use 'hostname:port' as the format for the httpProxy. E.g.:
capabilities: {
browserName: 'firefox',
proxy: {
proxyType: 'manual',
httpProxy: 'localhost:8443',
sslProxy: 'localhost:8888'
Check your proxy software for the correct port.
This works in Firefox and Chrome.