Error 18456 loggin on a SQL Server 2016 - sql-server

I had an unexpected system crash and had to setup SQL Server 2016 again. I can connect to the server from SSMS if I use a Windows authentication account, but not via any login created. I keep getting an error 18456:
Login failed for user 'sa'
I have enabled SA login and gave it a password but cannot connect via SSMS
I have created another login and matched it to my project database, the project database now has the login under its users but again, I cannot log in.
SSMS is installed on the actual db server so I doubt this is a remote login issue, but as the db server is isolated from the actual site I would like to update this if needed.
Any ideas would greatly be appreciated!

Did you enable the mixed mode authentication?
Did you restart SQL services after changing the mixed mode authentication?
Some of the server level properties takes only after a SQL restart , one such is authentication modes.

Usually a SQL Service problem.
Start - > View Local Services -> SQL Server(SQLEXPRESS) > restart it


An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed. Server is configured for windows authentication

One of our SQL servers is configured to use both Windows and SQL Authentication, however, we are seeing the continues error "An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed. Server is configured for Windows authentication" in the log. From SQL Management studio we are able to access the server using the same user credentials using SQL Authentication but when one of the applications is using the same user credentials to connect to the SQL server then we are getting the same error.
You may need to restart the SQL Engine Service for the change to be applied. Whoever changed the authentication may not have restarted the service.

New User in SSMS Can't Login

I have installed SSMS (v17.1), created a new login at Security -> Logins, changed mode on the server (server: OWNER) to mixed mode. But the username/password combination doesn't seem to work. New Database Query -> SQL Server Authentication -> enter username/password and get error: Cannot connect to OWNER. Login failed for user 'myusername'. HELP!
According to Change Server Authentication Mode when the authentication mode is changed the server has to be restarted. Until restart SQL Server is still using Windows only authentication mode and that is what we can read is SQL Server error log as the reason of 18456 "login failed for user (...)"
I got this to work by following the instructions here:
All I did was create a user on the database, named IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool, and a login, also named IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool, using Windows authentication, and pointed the user at the login and it worked. Frankly, I'm still not sure why my custom SQL Server user didn't work, but at least I can move forward with my project.

Attempt to migrate SQL Server database to Azure fails with login failed

In SSMS, I'm trying to use the "Deploy Database to SQL Azure Database" utility.
I'm moving a small local database in SQL Server 2012 to Azure for hosting. But after entering the host database server connection parameters I always get a "Login Failed for user,...." error, referencing the name of the local database to be created on the server.
Why this would fail is unclear, since the database does not exist on the cloud server yet. Here is what I have done:
Set up a firewall exception for my local IP address.
Confirmed my server administrator user name and password
So now I am left guessing... Locally I use Windows Authentication. If a database is to be moved to the server, does it have to have SQL Server authentication, as is required on Azure host?
You need to have the SQL server Authentication enabled in order to be able to login to your database when you move it to Azure.
Once, you login through SQL server authentication, you can create your users then and have different logins for different users.
Hope this helps!

SQL Server 2008 Linked Server Security

From server1, I've created a connection to a remote server (server2) with the Linked Server facilities. Both servers are on the same domain. When I log to server1 I can successfully execute my stored procedures from SQL Server Management Studio but when I execute my stored procedures from my browser application I get the following error on server 2.
Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 58.
Login failed for user 'sa'. An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed.
Server is configured for Windows authentication only.
I've searched the Internet and Stackoverflow for solutions but I'm not sure what's the best way to solve this issue. I'm sure it involves adding/changing database security settings but I'm unsure where to make these changes.
Thanks in advance.
Right-click the server in Enterprise Manager, select properties, goto Security, and change to SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
Mixed mode is required if you want to use sa or any other sql-account for authentication. However i believe that the recommended way is to keep the server at Windows authentication mode, and use domain accounts for authentication. The sa-account is the quick and dirty way.
If you have the exact same security setup on both servers, the link between them should work if you select "Be made using the login's current security context" in the linked server properties. That way, the account will be "inherited" in the connection to the linked server.
Check under Security - Logins on each of the server so that the same account is added to both servers. Also check the properties of both entries, under Server Roles you can try to add the sysadmin-role to make sure the accounts will have access to all databases on the server. You should however limit this access in live environments :)

Cannot connect to "local" (SQL Server 2008)

I have some database problems.
I have SQL Server Developer installed on my local machine. When I open SQL Server Management Studio and log in with windows authentication there is no problem. I have created a new database there and added a new user. The new user is owner of the database.
When I disconnect from my windows session and try to log in with the newly created user in SQL Server authentication mode I get the 'cannot connect to (local)'
Please help!
Have you enabled SQL Server authentication? (During installation and/or afterwards)
If not, connect using windows authentication, right-click on the server instance, go to properties and change auth mode...
