Does anyone have an idea how to pass the react-router params object explicitly to a component?
I want to make something like this, because unit testing would be easier if I could pass the ApiClient from outside:
function FooComponent() {
const apiClient = new ApiClient('');
return (
<Bar apiClient={apiClient} param={?No idea how to pass the token param?} />
<Router history={history}>
<Route path="/test" component={Test} />
<IndexRoute component={TestIndex} />
<Route path="/validate/:token" component={FooComponent} />
If your component is attached to the route ( i.e. set as the component prop of Route as in your provided code ), it receives a prop params from react-router where you can get the route and query parameters. In your case:
function FooComponent(props) {
const apiClient = new ApiClient('');
return (
<Bar apiClient={apiClient} param={props.params} />
For official example, look at :
You can also consider something like this to pass down the router props and add some custom props to your component for example.
I don't know if it is documented somewhere in react-router documentation
<Route path="/campaign/overview" component={(routeProps) =>
You can now access this.props.params and this.props.myCustomApiKey in MyCoolComponent
I want to pass data from my App.js file to a sub class component.I have tried with props,but its not workng at all
const org = 'Organization Dashboard'
const remotes = 'FromAdmin';
const DashboardContainer = ()=>(
<Sidebar org={org}>
<div className="App">
<Route path='/dashboard' component={Dashboard}/>
<Route path='/mytab' component={MyTab}/>
<Route path='/team' component={MyTeam}/>
<Route path='/settings' component={Settings}/>
<Route path='/logout' component={Logout}/>
<Route path='/team-settings/:param1' component={TeamSettings}/>
**<Route remotes='remotes' path='/user-settings/:param1' component={MyTab}/>**
I want to pass data in MyTab class component, when i use this.props in myTab , its showing undefined
Help will be appreciated
I assume you're trying to pass remotes='remotes' to MyTab. Components rendered by a Route are passed only the route props, but you can use an anonymous inner function to slip in extra props. Don't forget to pass on the route props if you need them!
component={routeProps => <MyTab {...routeProps} remotes='remotes' />}
You can override the component. By default, component accepts a class-based or function-based component. But you can override the component. Not only data you can pass functions as well. But you should not do this. Use redux to achieve this kind of thing. If it is static data then you can pass this way. But id it is dynamic data then use redux instead.
path = '/myTab'
component = {(props) => <MyTab {...props} data={data}/>}
I have this set up of my app in the ´app.js´ file I have my routers defined like this inside the render method
<StatusToast />
render={props => (
<ImageScene{...props} title="Images & Information Search" />
<Route path="/case/:id/images" component={DetailsScene} />
from ImageScene on a table row click, I call a method like this:
this trigger a route and load DetailsScene where I can get the passed in id like this all works without any problem so far.
My question is how can I pass a more than a string (the id) can I pass somehow the whole object to the route?
I have tried to do something like this for 2nd route instead of:
<Route path="/case/:id/images" component={DetailsScene} />
to set up on the ImageScene a method which can expose the selceted object, for now lets just do a simple one like:
export function getSelectedRow() {
return {
title: 'test'
and than set up the route like:
const object = getSelectedRow();
<Route path="/case/:id/images"
render={props => (<DetailsScene{...props} title={object.title} />
but I cannot make it work... any help would be graet, I'm totally new to react and the whole router.
you could add state to history.push ( which is available for component being rendered (DetailsScene). Remember to wrap DetailsScene withRouter(...) to have history.location.state available in its props.
const Home = () => <div>Home</div>
const App = () => {
const someVariable = true;
return (
{/* these are good */}
<Route exact path='/' component={Home} />
render={(props) => <About {...props} />}
const About = (props) => {
return (
In the code sample , at
render={(props) => <About {...props} />}
when react encounters the render prop of the Route component which is part of react-router, what does it pass a props?
Given the documentation at ,
a render prop is a function prop that a component uses to know what to render,
is the value passed a props buried inside the declaration of Route in react-router
The props are passed to the render prop method by the Route component. You can see this in the React Router source code. The props passed by the Route component have match, location, history, staticContext. If you want to use props from the parent component, where you are defining the render props method then you can omit the props argument.
render={() => <About {...props} />}
Then you would get the props from the component that contains the Route.
The example you have provided doesn't make much sense since that replicates the behaviour that you get by just using the 'component' prop on the Route.
We use Route with render props as,
<Route path = "/about" component={About} />
<Route path = "/about" render= { (props) => <About {...props} } />
The second one is different from the first one in the sense that in the second case, the About component has access to the props coming through the Route.
Say, for instance,
there is a Profile component,
<Route path="/admin/profile"
render={ props => (
<Profile tabs= {"valuePassed"} {...props} />
Now in Profile component, we can access all the props,
this.props.tabs give "valuePasses" in class-based component while props.tabs is used for functional component.
Hope this helps.
You get react router default props while passing props in render method just like if use component instead of using render props which implicitly get all these props match, location, history and staticContext. and you need to provide props as an argument otherwise it render method won't pass props down to the children because it will consider it undefined.
Here is working example for render props in react router:
I'm using a route config as defined here. But, when using this method of router configuration how do I pass props to the components?
Looking at the following method from the docs there doesn't seem to be a way to provide props:
const RouteWithSubRoutes = (route) => (
<Route path={route.path} render={props => (
// pass the sub-routes down to keep nesting
<route.component {...props} routes={route.routes}/>
Doing something like the following doesn't work. The prop doesn't get passed through:
{, i) => (
<RouteWithSubRoutes key={i} user={this.state.user} {...route}/>
I am using React's default state management. Do I need Redux for this?
Here is example of how to use Flux + React together to pass props. I hope this is useful for you. Let me know if you have other questions.
In your AppComponent, you would need to pass only the pages you need to render.
render () {
<Route path="/login" component={Login} />
<Route exact path= "/:date?" component={Dashboard} />
In your app.js component, you import all services, actions, and main store component you need. Checkout bottle.js for easier way to pass values and services. However, you would need to just render
<Route path="/" AppStore={AppStore} render={props => <AppComponent {...props} AppStore={AppStore} />} />
You should let the parent component like the component Dashboard in AppComponment.js get the data passed from app.js to AppComponent to Dashboard (and Dashboard's children components).
As for AppStore, this would be like a container for all your other stores. You would need import all your other data store components and actions.
I have the following JSON object...
{ name: "Jessie" }
And I want to be able to pass it through my Router so that it can be displayed on my pages. For example, this is my root page...
export default class StaticPage extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Router history={hashHistory}>
<Route path='/' component={Search} />
<Route path='/favorites' component={Favorites} />
So passing this data to Search, I would imagine might look something like this...
<Route path='/' component={Search} name = {}/>
However, nothing gets rendered when I do that. I have researched this quite a bit and understand, from what I've read, that you cannot pass objects through the Router. It's very odd bc Router looks like a traditional React component but does not function as such. None of the explanations of a work around seem clear to me. Could anyone provide me with an example using this code? I am using react-router 3.0. There didn't seem to be any magical solution with 4.0 so I figured I'd ask before upgrading. Thanks!
It's because the component prop of <Route> only renders the component with route props, not your supplied props.
You can use the render or component prop on a <Route> in React Router v4 to pass a function which returns a <Search> element that explicitly passes the name:
<Route path="/" render={() => <Search name={} />} />
Or with component:
<Route path="/" component={() => <Search name={} />} />
But you should prefer render or else you'll have lots of remounting. If you still plan to use route props, you can also do:
render={routeProps => <Search name={} {...routeProps} />}
A whole different approach, one more elegant in my opinion is to use route params and pass the name directly through the URL:
<Route path="/:name" component={Search} />
When you navigate to /Bob, you can access which'll give you "Bob".
It is not a good practice to pass the object data via the routes directly. It is recommended to pass a param such as name or id in this way:
<Route path='/favorites/:name' component={Favorites} />
And retrieve it from your request in the destination.
This is a duplicate issue: Pass object through Link in react router