I need to perform a simple multiplication of 400 * 256.3. The result is 102520. Straight forward and simple. But to implement this multiplication in C++ (or C) is a little tricky and confusing to me.
I understand floating point number is not represented as it is in computer. I wrote the code to illustrate the situation. Output is attached too.
So, if I do the multiplication using float type variable, I am subjected to rounding error. Using double type variable would have avoided the problem. But let's say I have a very limited resource on the embedded system and I have to optimize the variable type to the very best I could, how can I perform the multiplication using float type variable and not susceptible to rounding error?
I knew the floating point math done by computer is not broken at all. But I am curious for best practice to perform floating point math. 256.3 is just a value for illustration. I would not know what floating point value I will get during runtime. But it is for sure, a floating point value.
int main()
//perform 400 * 256.3
//result should be 102520
float floatResult = 0.00f;
int intResult = 0;
double doubleResult = 0.00;
//float = int * float
floatResult = 400 * 256.3f;
printf("400 * 256.3f = (float)->%f\n", floatResult);
//float = float * float
floatResult = 400.00f * 256.3f;
printf("400.00f * 256.3f = (float)->%f\n", floatResult);
//int = int * float
intResult = 400 * 256.3f;
printf("400 * 256.3f = (int)->%d\n", intResult);
//int = float * float;
intResult = 400.00f * 256.3f;
printf("400.00f * 256.3f = (int)->%d\n", intResult);
//double = double * double
doubleResult = 400.00 * 256.3;
printf("400.00 * 256.3 = (double)->%f\n", doubleResult);
//int = double * double;
intResult = 400.00 * 256.3;
printf("400.00 * 256.3 = (int)->%d\n", intResult);
//double = int * double
doubleResult = 400 * 256.3;
printf("400 * 256.3 = (double)->%f\n", doubleResult);
//int = int * double
intResult = 400 * 256.3;
printf("400 * 256.3 = (int)->%d\n", intResult);
//will double give me rounding error?
if (((400.00 * 256.3) - 102520) != 0) {
printf("Double give me rounding error!\n");
//will float give me rounding error?
if (((400.00f * 256.3f) - 102520) != 0) {
printf("Float give me rounding error!\n");
return 0;
Output from the code above
If you have a fixed number of decimal digits (1 in the case of 256.3) as well as a bounded range of the results, you can use integer multiplication, and adjust for the shift in decimal digits through integer division:
int result = (400 * 2563) / 10;
Rounding errors are inherent to floating point arithmetics, except for a few cases where all operands can be represented exactly. Whether you choose float or double just influences when the error occurs, not if.
First of all, understand that type double has all the same problems as type float. Neither type has infinite precision, so both types are susceptible to precision loss and other problems.
As to what you can do: there are many different problems that come up, depending on what you're doing, and many techniques to overcome them. Many, many words have been written on these techniques; I suggest doing a web search on "avoiding floating point error". But the basic points are:
Know that floating-point results are never exact
Don't try to compare floating-point numbers for exact equality
When comparing floating-point numbers for equality, use an appropriate "epsilon" range
After calculation, it is often appropriate to explicitly round the final value to the desired precision (especially when printing it out)
Beware of algorithms which cause the precision loss to increase with each step
See also https://www.eskimo.com/~scs/cclass/handouts/sciprog.html .
A key weakness to displaying the problem is the conversion to int intResult. The posted problem is about multiplying and comparing, but code only shows issues surrounding int conversion.
If code needs to convert a FP value to the nearest whole number, uses rint(), round(), nearbyint() or lround(), not integer assignment.
Example (in C):
int main()
int a, b = 999;
float c = 0.0;
scanf("%d", &a);
c = (float)a/b;
printf("%.3lf...", c);
return 0;
If I put 998 it will come out 0.999, but I want the result be 0.998; how?
It looks like you want to truncate instead of round.
The mathematical result of 999/998 is 0.9989989989... Rounded to three decimal places, that is 0.999. So if you use %.3f to print it, that's what you're going to get.
When you convert a floating-point number to integer in C, the fractional part is truncated. So if you had the number 998.9989989 and you converted it to an int, you'd get 998. So you can get the result you want by multiplying by 1000, truncating to an int, and dividing by 1000 again:
c = c * 1000;
c = (int)c;
c = c / 1000;
Or you could shorten that to
c = (int)(c * 1000) / 1000.;
This will work fine for problems such as 998/999 ≈ 0.998, but you're close to the edge of where type float's limited precision will start introducing its own rounding issues. Using double would be a better choice. (Type float's limited precision almost always introduces issues.)
I don't understand why doesn't the roundf() function from math.h round the donation variable, whilst it rounds livestockPM without a problem. I need to use the rounded values for other calculations, but I'm using printf to check if the values are correct, and it simply returns wrong values (doesn't round variable donation). Also, the variable final only returns values as if rounded to .00, doesn't matter what variables farmer1,2,3 hold.
int main(){
int farmer1 = 9940;
int farmer2 = 4241;
int farmer3 = 7779;
float livestockPM = (float)farmer1 / (float)farmer2;
printf("livestock: %f\n",livestockPM);
livestockPM = roundf(livestockPM * 100) / 100;
printf("livestock rounded: %f\n",livestockPM);
float donation = (float)livestockPM * (float)farmer3;
printf("donation: %f\n", donation);
donation = roundf(donation * 100.00) / 100.00;
printf("donation rounded: %f\n", donation);
float final = donation * (float)farmer2;
printf("final: %f\n", final);
return 0;
livestock: 2.343787
livestock rounded: 2.340000
donation: 18202.859375
donation rounded: 18202.859375
final: 77198328.000000
Anyone got any idea why? I was thinking because of multiplying float with int, but I can't seem to get it work like this. I've tried removing the (float) from integer variables, but the results were undesirable as well. Thanks.
OP's float is encoded using binary floating point and 18202.859375 lacks precision to take on a value that "%f" prints as 18202.860000.
A float cannot represent every possible number. As a binary floating point number it can represent numbers like below. See IEEE 754 Converter, but not in between.
When the following executes, the best possible result is again 18202.859375.
float donation_rounded = roundf(18202.859375 * 100.00) / 100.00;
Recall that printf("%f\n", x) prints a number rounded textually to the closest 0.000001 value.
Code could use double, but the same problem will occur with very large numbers, but may meet OP''s immediate need. #user3386109
As OP appears to be trying to cope with money, there is no great solution in standard C. best money/currency representation goes into some of the issues.
I stumbled on one issue while I was implementing in C the given algorithm:
int getNumberOfAllFactors(int number) {
int counter = 0;
double sqrt_num = sqrt(number);
for (int i = 1; i <= sqrt_num; i++) {
if ( number % i == 0) {
counter = counter + 2;
if (number == sqrt_num * sqrt_num)
return counter;
– the reason for second condition – is to make a correction for perfect squares (i.e. 36 = 6 * 6), however it does not avoid situations (false positives) like this one:
sqrt(91) = 18.027756377319946
18.027756377319946 * 18.027756377319946 = 91.0
So my questions are: how to avoid it and what is the best way in C language to figure out whether a double number has any digits after decimal point? Should I cast square root values from double to integers?
In your case, you could test it like this:
if (sqrt_num == (int)sqrt_num)
You should probably use the modf() family of functions:
#include <math.h>
double modf(double value, double *iptr);
The modf functions break the argument value into integral and fractional parts, each of
which has the same type and sign as the argument. They store the integral part (in
floating-point format) in the object pointed to by iptr.
This is more reliable than trying to use direct conversions to int because an int is typically a 32-bit number and a double can usually store far larger integer values (up to 53 bits worth) so you can run into errors unnecessarily. If you decide you must use a conversion to int and are working with double values, at least use long long for the conversion rather than int.
(The other members of the family are modff() which handles float and modfl() which handles long double.)
Strange output when I use float instead of double
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
double p,p1,cost,cost1=30;
for (p = 0.1; p < 10;p=p+0.1)
cost = 30-6*p+p*p;
if (cost<cost1)
Gives output as expected at p = 3;
But when I use float the output is a little weird.
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
float p,p1,cost,cost1=40;
for (p = 0.1; p < 10;p=p+0.1)
cost = 30-6*p+p*p;
if (cost<cost1)
Why is the increment of p in the second case going weird after 2.7?
This is happening because the float and double data types store numbers in base 2. Most base-10 numbers can’t be stored exactly. Rounding errors add up much more quickly when using floats. Outside of embedded applications with limited memory, it’s generally better, or at least easier, to use doubles for this reason.
To see this happening for double types, consider the output of this code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
double d = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
d += 0.1;
printf("%f\n", d);
return 0;
On my computer, it outputs 9999999.981129. So after 100 million iterations, rounding error made a difference of 0.018871 in the result.
For more information about how floating-point data types work, read What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic. Or, as akira mentioned in a comment, see the Floating-Point Guide.
Your program can work fine with float. You don't need double to compute a table of 100 values to a few significant digits. You can use double, and if you do, it will have chances to work even if you use binary floating-point binary at cross-purposes. The IEEE 754 double-precision format used for double by most C compilers is so precise that it makes many misuses of floating-point unnoticeable (but not all of them).
Values that are simple in decimal may not be simple in binary
A consequence is that a value that is simple in decimal may not be represented exactly in binary.
This is the case for 0.1: it is not simple in binary, and it is not represented exactly as either double or float, but the double representation has more digits and as a result, is closer to the intended value 1/10.
Floating-point operations are not exact in general
Binary floating-point operations in a format such as float or double have to produce a result in the intended format. This leads to some digits having to be dropped from the result each time an operation is computed. When using binary floating-point in an advanced manner, the programmer sometimes knows that the result will have few enough digits for all the digits to be represented in the format (in other words, sometimes a floating-point operation can be exact and advanced programmers can predict and take advantage of conditions in which this happens). But here, you are adding 0.1, which is not simple and (in binary) uses all the available digits, so most of the times, this addition is not be exact.
How to print a small table of values using only float
In for (p = 0.1; p < 10;p=p+0.1), the value of p, being a float, will be rounded at each iteration. Each iteration will be computed from a previous iteration that was already rounded, so the rounding errors will accumulate and make the end result drift away from the intended, mathematical value.
Here is a list of improvements over what you wrote, in reverse order of exactness:
for (i = 1, p = 0.1f; i < 100; i++, p = i * 0.1f)
In the above version, 0.1f is not exactly 1/10, but the computation of p involves only one multiplication and one rounding, instead of up to 100. That version gives a more precise approximation of i/10.
for (i = 1, p = 0.1f; i < 100; i++, p = i * 0.1)
In the very slightly different version above, i is multiplied by the double value 0.1, which more closely approximates 1/10. The result is always the closest float to i/10, but this solution is cheating a bit, since it uses a double multiplication. I said a solution existed with only float!
for (i = 1, p = 0.1f; i < 100; i++, p = i / 10.0f)
In this last solution, p is computed as the division of i, represented exactly as a float because it is a small integer, by 10.0f, which is also exact for the same reason. The only computation approximation is that of a single operation, and the arguments are exactly what we wanted them to, so this is the best solution. It produces the closest float to i/10 for all values of i between 1 and 99.
I'm new to C and when I run the code below, the value that is put out is 12098 instead of 12099.
I'm aware that working with decimals always involves a degree of inaccuracy, but is there a way to accurately move the decimal point to the right two places every time?
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i;
float f = 120.99;
i = f * 100;
printf("%d", i);
Use the round function
float f = 120.99;
int i = round( f * 100.0 );
Be aware however, that a float typically only has 6 or 7 digits of precision, so there's a maximum value where this will work. The smallest float value that won't convert properly is the number 131072.01. If you multiply by 100 and round, the result will be 13107202.
You can extend the range of your numbers by using double values, but even a double has limited range. (A double has 16 or 17 digits of precision.) For example, the following code will print 10000000000000098
double d = 100000000000000.99;
uint64_t j = round( d * 100.0 );
printf( "%llu\n", j );
That's just an example, finding the smallest number is that exceeds the precision of a double is left as an exercise for the reader.
Use fixed-point arithmetic on integers:
#include <stdio.h>
#define abs(x) ((x)<0 ? -(x) : (x))
int main(void)
int d = 12099;
int i = d * 100;
printf("%d.%02d\n", d/100, abs(d)%100);
printf("%d.%02d\n", i/100, abs(i)%100);
Your problem is that float are represented internaly using IEEE-754. That is in base 2 and not in base 10. 0.25 will have an exact representation, but 0.1 has not, nor has 120.99.
What really happens is that due to floating point inacuracy, the ieee-754 float closest to the decimal value 120.99 multiplied by 100 is slightly below 12099, so it is truncated to 12098. You compiler should have warned you that you had a truncation from float to in (mine did).
The only foolproof way to get what you expect is to add 0.5 to the float before the truncation to int :
i = (f * 100) + 0.5
But beware floating point are inherently inaccurate when processing decimal values.
Edit :
Of course for negative numbers, it should be i = (f * 100) - 0.5 ...
If you'd like to continue operating on the number as a floating point number, then the answer is more or less no. There's various things you can do for small numbers, but as your numbers get larger, you'll have issues.
If you'd like to only print the number, then my recommendation would be to convert the number to a string, and then move the decimal point there. This can be slightly complicated depending on how you represent the number in the string (exponential and what not).
If you'd like this to work and you don't mind not using floating point, then I'd recommend researching any number of fixed decimal libraries.
You can use
float f = 120.99f
double f = 120.99
by default c store floating-point values as double so if you store them in float variable implicit casting is happened and it is bad ...
i think this works.