I have code written by someone else (for a dsPIC33FJ128MC706A) - which initializes UART1 & PWMs and uses a busy wait in the U1Rx interrupt to get 14 bytes, and timer1 interrupts to update PWM registers if new data arrives (debugged - it enters the _U1RXInterrupt when data is sent)
I tried modifying it to use DMA instead of busy wait. I changed nothing in the initialization, but called the following function after initialization of UART:
unsigned char received_data1 [0x0f] __attribute__((space(dma)));
unsigned char received_data2 [0x0f] __attribute__((space(dma)));
void dma_init(void)
DMA0REQ = 0x000b; // IRQSEL = 0b0001011 (UART1RX))
DMA0PAD = (volatile unsigned int) &U1RXREG;
DMA0STA = __builtin_dmaoffset(received_data1);
DMA0STB = __builtin_dmaoffset(received_data2);
DMA0CNT = 0xe;//15 bytes in
DMA0CON = 0x0002; //continuous ping-pong + post-increment
IFS0bits.DMA0IF = 0;
IEC0bits.DMA0IE = 1;
DMA0CONbits.CHEN = 1;
This is based on example 22-10 in the FRM with a few slight changes (UART1 receiver instead of UART2). I can't seem to find other examples that don't use library functions (which I didn't even know existed up until I came across those examples).
(Also, to be consistent with the code I got, I put in _ISR after void instead of making interrupt an attribute, but that didn't change anything)
In the example, there was no interrupt for the UART1 receiver - but according to the FRM, it should be enabled. Made sense to me that I don't need to clear the interrupt flag myself (it would kind-of defeat the purpose of DMA if I needed to use the CPU for it).
And yet, when I send data, the breakpoint on DMA0Interrupt doesn't trigger, but the one on the default interrupt does, and I have PWMIF=1 and U1RXIF=1. I also tried commenting out the default ISR and adding a _U1ErrInterrupt even though examining the flags I didn't notice any error flags being raised, just the normal U1RXIF.
I don't understand why this would happen. I haven't changed the PWM code at all, and the PWM flag isn't raised in the original code when I place a breakpoint in the _U1RxInterrupt. I don't even understand how a DMA set-up could cause a PWM error.
The U1RXIF flag seems to be telling me the DMA didn't handle the incoming byte (I assume it's the DMA that clears the flag), which once again relates to the question "what did I do wrong in this DMA setup"
UART initialization code:
in a general initialization function (called by main())
TRISFbits.TRISF2 = 1; /* U1RX */
TRISFbits.TRISF3 = 0; /* U2TX */
also called by main:
void UART1_init_USB (void)
/* Fcy 7.3728 MHZ */
U1MODE = 0x8400; /* U1ATX Transmit status and control register */
U1STA = 0x2040; /* Receve status and control register Transmit disabled*/
U1BRG = 0x000f; /* Baund rate control register 115200 bps */
IPC2bits.U1RXIP = 3; /* Receiver Interrupt Priority bits */
IEC0bits.U1RXIE = 1; /* Enable RS232 interrupts */
IFS0bits.U1RXIF = 0;
(comments by original code author)
I am working on an auto-parking car robot and I am using 8 (hc-sr04) ultrasonic sensors (2 at each side) but the problem is that I am using atmega32 which has limited resources only 3 external interrupts and 3 timers (and even if using interrupts somehow works I might run into risk to have two interrupts triggered at the same time).
I am using this sensor : http://ram-e-shop.com/oscmax/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=907
I've tried using digital I/O pins with polling procedure but it didn't work.
here is the code for polling procedure:
unsigned int read_sonar(){
int dist_in_cm = 0;
init_sonar(); // Setup pins and ports
trigger_sonar(); // send a 10us high pulse
while(!(ECHO_PIN & (1<<ECHO_BIT))){ // while echo pin is still low
USART_Message("echo pin low\r\n");
uint32_t max_response_time = SONAR_TIMEOUT;
if (trig_counter > max_response_time){ // SONAR_TIMEOUT
return TRIG_ERROR;
TCNT1=0; // reset timer
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS10); // start 16 bit timer with no prescaler
TIMSK |= (1<<TOIE1); // enable overflow interrupt on timer1
overFlowCounter=0; // reset overflow counter
sei(); // enable global interrupts
while((ECHO_PIN & (1<<ECHO_BIT))){ // while echo pin is still high
USART_Message("echo pin high\r\n");
if (((overFlowCounter*TIMER_MAX)+TCNT1) > SONAR_TIMEOUT){
return ECHO_ERROR; // No echo within sonar range
TCCR1B = 0x00; // stop 16 bit timer with no prescaler
cli(); // disable global interrupts
no_of_ticks = ((overFlowCounter*TIMER_MAX)+TCNT1); // counter count
dist_in_cm = (no_of_ticks/(CONVERT_TO_CM*CYCLES_PER_US)); // distance in cm
return (dist_in_cm );}
This method doesn't work if I want to read all sensors at the same time, because it gets stuck in the loop for a while.
I also tried using freeRTOS to build a task that checks the state of pins like every 1msec but this won't be a time accurate.
any help?
Assuming that You use internal clock which is 8MHz I would try to handle this inside timer overflow interrupt and would use whole port to connect the sensors.
Use Timer in normal mode or CTC mode (which I find quite intuitive) to ensure periodical interrupts. Set the appropriate period. Remember that the clock has pretty low frequency so don't exaggerate (I think that 0,25 ms will fit).
Connect the sensors to one port, e.g. PORTB. This is a nice situation because ATmega32 has 4 ports with pins numbered from 0-7 and you use 8 sensors so the register for the specific port can cover all of the pins and You can use one read to get states of all of the pins.
Implement the logic:
volatile uint8_t sensors_states;
volatile uint8_t read_flag = 0;
sensors_states = PORTB;
read_flag = 1;
int main()
// Initialize peripherals ...
// You must assume on your own how much time could the pin be held
// in the same state. This is important because the number must not
// be bigger than max value for the type of the array
uint8_t states_time[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
uint8_t prev_sensors_states = PORTB;
// Wait until the flag will be set in the ISR
for(uint8_t i = 0, mask = 0x80 ; i < 8 ; i ++, mask >>= 1)
// Compare the previous state and present state on each pin
uint8_t state = mask & sensors_states;
if((mask & prev_sensors_states) != state)
// Here you can use the state of the pin and the duration of that state.
// Remember that when 'state' is > 0 it means that previous state of the
// pin was '0' and if if 'state' is == 0 then the previous pin state
// was '1' (negation).
do_something_with_pin_change(states_time[i], state);
states_time[i] = 0;
// Save the previous states of the pins
prev_sensors_states = sensors_states;
// Clear the flag to await next data update
read_flag = 0;
If You will try to use FreeRTOS You could use ulTaskNotifyTake and vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR, instead of using read_flag, to implement a simple mechanism which will notify a task from the interrupt that the port has been read. The processor will go into idle state for a while and you could then invoke a sleep function to minimize power consumption.
I don't know what You want to do with this data so I've invoked do_something_with_pin_change function to indicate the point where You can use the data.
To sum up for this solution You would only use one interrupt and of course 8 pins.
I'm struggling with, probably, a very simple problem.
I have a Cypress CY8 controller acting as SPI master, which should communicate with a PIC32mx in slave mode to exchange data packets.
However i cannot even fix simple transmission of multiple bytes from the master to the slave. I've set up the cypress to transmit a char of increasing value (0-255) with a pause (and slave select toggle) in between. The pic should read the incoming byte and then print it over uart to my pc (the uart connection works).
But the pic only prints the first character it receives continuously instead of it being updated.
If i check my logic sniffer, the cypress does send incrementing values and the pic relays them back over the MISO line (looks like the shift buffer isn't cleared).
What could this be?
The cypress without the pic attached gives proper output:
With the pic attached it relays the data over MISO:
And this is my (now) extremely basic code to test it:
TRISBbits.TRISB2 = 1; // make Ra2 pin input (SDI)
TRISBbits.TRISB5 = 0; // make Ra2 pin output (SDO)
TRISBbits.TRISB15 = 1; //make RB14 output (SCK)
ANSELA = 0; // all ports digital
ANSELB = 0; // all ports digital
SYSKEY = 0x00000000;
SYSKEY = 0xAA996655;
SYSKEY = 0x556699AA;
CFGCONbits.IOLOCK=0; // unlock configuration
SDI2R = 0b0100; //SDI2 on pin RB2
SS2R = 0b0011; //SS2 on pin rb10
RPB5R = 0b0100; //SDO2 on pin RB5
// SCLK is connected to pin RB14 (SCK) by default
SYSKEY = 0x00000000;
SPI2CON = 0; // Stops and resets the SPI1.
rData=SPI2BUF; // clears the receive buffer
SPI2BRG=207; // use FPB/4 clock frequency <-- not important in slave mode right?
SPI2STATCLR=0x40; // clear the Overflo
unsigned char t;
t = SpiChnReadC(2);
//t = SPI2BUF; <== i've tried this also
sendData(t); <== uart routine
As i do receive a character and the spi data is relayed back to the cypress constantly i think something goed wrong with reading/clearing the spi data structure in the PIC. But i can't figure out why.
As i read in the datasheet, reading from SPI2BUFF gives me the received data, and clears the read flags so new data can be received, but it looks like that doesn't happen...
Can someone shine a light on this for me?
Thanks in advance
You should try making you SPI handler ISR driven to keep you from constantly polling, can also help the debugging since you'll only get notifications when the SPI is actually transacting.
NOTE: I'm bringing this from my FreeRTOS impl, so my ISR definition is not XC32 exactly...
/* Open SPI */
SPI1CON = 0;
spi_flags = SPICON_MODE32 | SPICON_ON;
mSPI1SetIntPriority(priority + 1);
void vSPI1InterruptHandler(void)
unsigned long data;
if (IFS0bits.SPI1EIF == 1)
if (IFS0bits.SPI1RXIF == 1)
data = SPI1BUF;
I'm developing a C application using avr-libc on an AVR ATmega328P microcontroller. Since I don't have an ICE debugger for it, I followed these instructions and this tutorial for making the stdio.h functions such as printf able to use the hardware UART as stdout.
That works, and I can see the output on a PC terminal connected to my target board, but the strange thing is: When I have only one printf on main, but before the main loop something is causing the processor to reset, while if I have a printf only inside the main loop or before the main loop AND inside the loop it works fine. Something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
/* stream definitions for UART input/output */
FILE uart_output = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(uart_drv_send_byte, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);
FILE uart_input = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(NULL, uart_drv_read_byte, _FDEV_SETUP_READ);
int main() {
/* Definition of stdout and stdin */
stdout = &uart_output;
stdin = &uart_input;
/* Configures Timer1 for generating a compare interrupt each 1ms (1kHz) */
/* UART initialization */
uart_drv_start(UBRRH_VALUE, UBRRL_VALUE, USE_2X, &PORTB, 2);
/* Sets the sleep mode to idle */
printf("START ");
/* main loop */
while(1) {
printf("LOOP ");
/* Sleeps so the main loop iterates only on interrupts (avoids busy loop) */
The code above produces the following output:
which is expected. If we comment the printf("START ") line it produces this:
which is also fine. The problem is, if I don't have any printf inside the while loop, it goes like this:
That clearly shows the processor is being restarted, since the expected output would be just one START and nothing else while the infinite loop goes on being awaken only on the 1 kHz timer interrupts. Why is this happening? I should stress there's no watchdog timer configured (if there was, the cases where only LOOP is printed would be interrupted by a new START also).
Monitoring execution using GPIO pins
To try to get some insight into the situation, I turned GPIO pins ON and OFF around the problematic print("START ") and sleep_mode in the main loop:
int main() {
/* Irrelevant parts suppressed... */
printf("START ");
/* Main loop */
while(1) {
/* Sleeps so the main loop iterates only on interrupts (avoids busy loop) */
It turned out that GPIO1 stays ON for 132 µs (printf("START ") call time) and then OFF for 6.6 ms - roughly the time to transmit the six characters at 9600 bit/s - and GPIO2 toggles 12 times (six times two interrupts: the UART-ready-to-transmit interrupt and the UART-empty-data-register interrupt), showing sleep active for another 1.4 ms before GPIO1 goes ON again indicating a new printf("START ") - hence after reset. I'll probably have to check out the UART code, but I'm pretty sure the non-interrupt UART version also shows the same problem, and that doesn't explain either why having a printf inside the main loop works OK, without a reset happening (I would expect the reset would happen in any case should the UART code be faulty).
(SOLVED!): For completeness, The UART init and TX code is below**
This was my first attempt in writing an interrupt driven UART driver for the AVR, but one that could be used either on a RS-232 or a RS-485, which requires activating a TX_ENABLE pin while transmitting data. It turned out that, since I had to make the code useable either on ATmega328P or ATmega644, the interrupt vectors have different names, so I used a #define TX_VECTOR to assume the right name according to the processor used. In the process of making and testing the driver the choosing of "TX_VECTOR" for the UDRE data empty interrupt ended up masking the fact I hadn't defined the USART0_TX_vect yet (this was work in progress, I might not even need both anyway...)
Right now I just defined an empty interrupt service routine (ISR) for USART0_TX_vect and the thing doesn't reset anymore, showing #PeterGibson nailed it right on. Thanks a lot!
// Interrupt vectors for Atmega328P
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__)
#define RX_VECTOR USART_RX_vect
// Interrupt vectors for Atmega644
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__)
#define RX_VECTOR USART0_RX_vect
#define TX_VECTOR USART0_UDRE_vect
uint8_t byte;
if (!ringbuffer_read_byte(&txrb, &byte)) {
/* If RS-485 is enabled, sets TX_ENABLE high */
UDR0 = byte;
else {
/* No more chars to be read from ringbuffer, disables empty
* data register interrupt */
/* If RS-485 mode is on and the interrupt was called with TXC0 set it
* means transmission is over. TX_ENABLED should be cleared. */
if ((TX_ENABLE_PORT) && (UCSR0A & _BV(TXC0) & _BV(UDR0))) {
void uart_drv_start(uint8_t ubrrh, uint8_t ubrrl, uint8_t use2x,
volatile uint8_t* rs485_tx_enable_io_port,
uint8_t rs485_tx_enable_io_pin)
/* Initializes TX and RX ring buffers */
ringbuffer_init(&txrb, &tx_buffer[0], UART_TX_BUFSIZE);
ringbuffer_init(&rxrb, &rx_buffer[0], UART_RX_BUFSIZE);
/* Disables UART */
UCSR0B = 0x00;
/* Initializes baud rate */
UBRR0H = ubrrh;
UBRR0L = ubrrl;
if (use2x)
UCSR0A |= _BV(U2X0);
UCSR0A &= ~_BV(U2X0);
/* Configures async 8N1 operation */
UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
/* If a port was specified for a pin to be used as a RS-485 driver TX_ENABLE,
* configures the pin as output and enables the TX data register empty
* interrupt so it gets disabled in the end of transmission */
if (rs485_tx_enable_io_port) {
TX_ENABLE_PORT = rs485_tx_enable_io_port;
TX_ENABLE_PIN = rs485_tx_enable_io_pin;
/* Configures the RS-485 driver as an output (on the datasheet the data
* direction register is always on the byte preceding the I/O port addr) */
/* Clears TX_ENABLE pin (active high) */
/* Enables end of transmission interrupt */
/* Enables receptor, transmitter and RX complete interrupts */
UCSR0B |= _BV(RXEN0) | _BV(TXEN0) | _BV(RXCIE0);
In order to help anyone interested or developing a similar interrupt driven UART driver for the AVR ATmega, here it goes the code with the problems above fixed and tested. Thanks to everyone who helped me spot the problem with the missing ISR!
// Interrupt vectors for Atmega328P
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__)
// Interrupt vectors for Atmega644
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__)
/* I/O port containing the pin to be used as TX_ENABLE for the RS-485 driver */
static volatile uint8_t* TX_ENABLE_PORT = NULL;
/** Pin from the I/O port to be used as TX_ENABLE for the RS-485 driver */
static volatile uint8_t TX_ENABLE_PIN = 0;
// Read the status and RX registers.
uint8_t status = UCSR0A;
// Framing error - treat as EOF.
if (status & _BV(FE0)) {
/* TODO: increment statistics */
// Overrun or parity error.
if (status & (_BV(DOR0) | _BV(UPE0))) {
/* TODO: increment statistics */
ringbuffer_write_byte(&rxrb, UDR0);
/* The end of frame interrupt will be enabled only when in RS-485 mode, so
* there is no need to test, just turn off the TX_ENABLE pin */
uint8_t byte;
if (!ringbuffer_read_byte(&txrb, &byte)) {
/* If RS-485 is enabled, sets TX_ENABLE high */
UDR0 = byte;
else {
/* No more chars to be read from ringbuffer, disables empty
* data register interrupt */
void uart_drv_start(uint8_t ubrrh, uint8_t ubrrl, uint8_t use2x,
volatile uint8_t* rs485_tx_enable_io_port,
uint8_t rs485_tx_enable_io_pin)
/* Initializes TX and RX ring buffers */
ringbuffer_init(&txrb, &tx_buffer[0], UART_TX_BUFSIZE);
ringbuffer_init(&rxrb, &rx_buffer[0], UART_RX_BUFSIZE);
/* Disables UART */
UCSR0B = 0x00;
/* Initializes baud rate */
UBRR0H = ubrrh;
UBRR0L = ubrrl;
if (use2x)
UCSR0A |= _BV(U2X0);
UCSR0A &= ~_BV(U2X0);
/* Configures async 8N1 operation */
UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
/* If a port was specified for a pin to be used as a RS-485 driver TX_ENABLE,
* configures the pin as output and enables the TX data register empty
* interrupt so it gets disabled in the end of transmission */
if (rs485_tx_enable_io_port) {
TX_ENABLE_PORT = rs485_tx_enable_io_port;
TX_ENABLE_PIN = rs485_tx_enable_io_pin;
/* Configures the RS-485 driver as an output (on the datasheet the data
* direction register is always on the byte preceding the I/O port addr) */
/* Clears TX_ENABLE pin (active high) */
/* Enables end of transmission interrupt */
/* Enables receptor, transmitter and RX complete interrupts */
UCSR0B |= _BV(RXEN0) | _BV(TXEN0) | _BV(RXCIE0);
void uart_drv_send_byte(uint8_t byte, FILE *stream)
if (byte == '\n') {
uart_drv_send_byte('\r', stream);
uint8_t sreg = SREG;
/* Write byte to the ring buffer, blocking while it is full */
while(ringbuffer_write_byte(&txrb, byte)) {
/* Enable interrupts to allow emptying a full buffer */
SREG = sreg;
sreg = SREG;
/* Enables empty data register interrupt */
SREG = sreg;
uint8_t uart_drv_read_byte(FILE *stream)
uint8_t byte;
uint8_t sreg = SREG;
ringbuffer_read_byte(&rxrb, &byte);
SREG = sreg;
return byte;
You've possibly enabled the UDRE (Uart Data Register Empty) interrupt and not set a vector for it, so when the interrupt triggers the processor resets (according to the defaults). When printf is called continuously in the main loop, this interrupt is never triggered.
From the docs
Catch-all interrupt vector
If an unexpected interrupt occurs (interrupt is enabled and no handler
is installed, which usually indicates a bug), then the default action
is to reset the device by jumping to the reset vector. You can
override this by supplying a function named BADISR_vect which should
be defined with ISR() as such. (The name BADISR_vect is actually an
alias for __vector_default. The latter must be used inside assembly
code in case is not included.)
I ran in the same situation right now, but since I don't have a high reputation on stackoverflow, I can not vote.
here is a snippet of my initialization procedure that caused this problem to me:
void USART_Init()
/* Set baud rate */
UBRR0H = (uint8_t)(BAUD_PRESCALE>>8);
/* Enable receiver and transmitter */
UCSR0B |= (1<<RXEN0)|(1<<TXEN0);
/* Set frame format: 8data, 1stop bit 8N1 => 86uS for a byte*/
UCSR0C |= (1<<UCSZ01)|(1<<UCSZ00);
/*enable Rx and Tx Interrupts*/
UCSR0B |= (1 << RXCIE0) | (1 << TXCIE0); //<- this was the problem
/*initialize the RingBuffer*/
The problem was that I initially used interrupt based transmission, but later on I have changed the design and went for 10ms polling for Tx sequence, and forgotten to change this line as well in the init procedure.
Thanks very much for pointing this out Peter Gibson.
I'm trying to recreate a project of writing to an SD card (using FatFS) for a dsPIC33FJ128GP802 microcontroller.
Currently to collect the date from the SPI I have a do/while that loops 512 times and writes a dummy value to the SPI buffer, wait for the SPI flag, then read the SPI value, like so:
int c = 512;
do {
while (!_SPIRBF);
*p++ = SPI1BUF;
} while (--c);
I'm trying to recreate this using the DMA intterupts but it's not working like I had hoped. I'm using one DMA channel, SPI is in 8 bit mode for the time being, so DMA is in byte mode, it's also in 'null write' mode, and continuous without ping pong. My buffers are only one member arrays and the DMA is matched.
DMA2CONbits.CHEN = 0; //Disable DMA
DMA2CONbits.SIZE = 1; //Receive bytes (8 bits)
DMA2CONbits.DIR = 0; //Receive from SPI to DMA
DMA2CONbits.HALF = 0; //Receive full blocks
DMA2CONbits.NULLW = 1; //null write mode on
DMA2CONbits.AMODE = 0; //Register indirect with post-increment
DMA2CONbits.MODE = 0; //continuous mode without ping-pong
DMA2REQbits.IRQSEL = 10; //Transfer done (SPI)
DMA2STA = __builtin_dmaoffset(SPIBuffA); //receive buffer
DMA2PAD = (volatile unsigned int) &SPI1BUF;
DMA2CNT = 0; //transfer count = 1
IFS1bits.DMA2IF = 0; //Clear DMA interrupt
IEC1bits.DMA2IE = 1; //Enable DMA interrupt
From what I understand from the null write mode, the DMA will write a null value every time a read is performed. However, the DMA wont start until an initial write is performed by the CPU, so I've used the manual/force method to start the DMA.
DMA1CONbits.CHEN = 1; //Enable DMA
DMA1REQbits.FORCE = 1; //Manual write
The interrupt will now start, and runs without error. However the code later shows that the collection was incorrect.
My interrupt is simple in that all I'm doing is placing the collected data (which I assume is placed in my DMAs buffer as allocated above) into a pointer which is used throughout my program.
void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _DMA2Interrupt(void) {
if (RxDmaBuffer == 513) {
DMA2CONbits.CHEN = 0;
rxFlag = 1;
} else {
buffer[RxDmaBuffer] = SPI1BUF;
IFS1bits.DMA2IF = 0; // Clear the DMA0 Interrupt Flag
When the interrupt has run 512 times, I stop the DMA and throw a flag.
What am I missing? How is this not the same as the non-DMA method? Is it perhaps the lack of the while loop which waits for the completion of the SPI transmission (while (!_SPIRBF);). Unfortunately with the null write mode automatically sending and receiving the SPI data I can't manually put any sort of wait in.
I've also tried using two DMA channels, one to write and one to read, but this also didn't work (plus I need that channel later for when I come to proper writing to the SD card).
Any help would be great!