I am trying to create a report in SSRS 2012 which page breaks on a given group's change (that part works fine), but also only shows the columns relevant to each particular page.
I have tried various forms of Expressions like the one below on the Column Visibility option to no avail
=IIF(Max(Field, Dataset)= "",TRUE,FALSE)
For a quick mock up, say that I have a City group, a Store child group, and a ProductsCarried yes/no (or 1/0) value. My desire for this exercise it to have one city per page with all of the stores in that city, then a cross tab that only only shows the products that a given city sells.
City Store Lawn Chairs Tables BBQ Grills
Boston Store #1 X X
Store #2 X X
--- PAGE BREAK ---
City Store Mowers Shovels
Dallas Store #7 X
Store #8 X X
Instead, what I'm getting is something more along the lines of this
City Store Lawn Chairs Tables BBQ Grills Mowers Shovels
Boston Store #1 X X
Store #2 X X
--- PAGE BREAK ---
City Store Lawn Chairs Tables BBQ Grills Mowers Shovels
Dallas Store #7 X
Store #8 X X
Any guidance is appreciated!
I have a structure with polygons that describes countries, states, cities, and city districts.
If I select a district, I use that polygon to get parents of that district:
"Brooklyn": "New York City", "New York State", "USA"
I use "Contains()" for this, and most times it works great. However, at some times a city-polygon goes a bit outside of the parent, its no longer returned (which is how its supposed to be). My question is, how can I return these objects?
Did you consider using an relational graph to organise your districts / polygons?
This way you are not bound the the physical representation/location/surface.
USA -> New York State -> New York City -> Brooklyn
USA -> New York State -> New York City -> Queens
I think you can use Intersects() for that use case. It should be documented along with Contains(), so refer to your Solr exact versions doc and you should be good to go.
A parent is a polygon where the area of (child - parent) equals 0 and the area of (parent - child) equals (area of parent - area of child), you could rank polygons by the deviation from those equalities (or another similarly formed one) and allow a user to choose a threshold.
So I've been developing a sort of data entry platform within accessing using forms and subforms.
I have a form titled PHYSICIAN. Each physician will have basic data like first/last name, DOB, title, contract dates, etc. The aspect I'm wanting to cover is addresses as they may have multiple, since they may work/practice at 2 or 3 or even 10 different locations.
Instead of having our data entry team key in a full record each time they need to add an address, I'd like a way for the form to retain ALL information not related to the address.
So if Ken Bone works at 7 places, I want to allow them to key all of those addresses a bit more efficiently than creating a new record.
There's one main issue I'm running into --- A subform or autopopulate option doesn't necessarily increment the autonumber ID (primary key) for the record. All of the information is being stored in 1 master table.
Is there a way around this or a more logical approach that you folks might suggest?
I recommend that you have a couple of tables perhaps even three.
- Dr_ID
- Name
- Title
- AddressID
- Address1
- Address2
- City
- State
- Zip
- Country
- DrSites_ID
- Dr_ID
- AddressID
The tables might have data like this.
1, Bob Smith, 12/3/1989, Owner
2, Carl Jones, 1/2/1977, CEO
3, Carla Smith, 5/3/1980, ER Surgeon
1, 123 Elm St, Fridley, MN 55038
2, 234 7th St, Brookdale, MN 55412
3, 345 Parl Ave, Clinton, MN 55132
Then you could associate the tables with the third table. (Note each of the three tables have an ID field that increments).
1,1,1 This record means Dr. Bob works in Fridley
2,1,2 This record means Dr. Bob works in Brookdale
3,3,1 This record means Dr. Carla works in Fridley
4,2,3 This record means Dr. Carl works in Clinton
5,2,2 This record means Dr. Carl works in Brookdale
6,2,1 This record means Dr. Carl works in Fridley
Need help figuring out a good way to store data effectively and efficiently
I'm using Parse (JavaScript SDK), here's an example of what I'm trying to store
Predictions of football (soccer) matches so an example of one match would be;
Team A v Team B
EventID = "abc"
Categories = ["League-1","Sunday-League"]
User123 predicts the score will be Team A 2-0 Team B -> so 2-0
User456 predicts the score will be Team A 1-3 Team B -> so 1-3
Each event has information attached to it like an eventId, several categories, start time, end time, a result and more
I need to record a score prediction per user for each event (usually 10 events at a time so a lot of predictions will be coming in)
I need to store these so I can cross reference the correct result against the user's prediction and award points based on their prediction, the teams in the match and the categories of the event but instead of adding to a total I need all the awarded points stored separately per category and per user so I can then filter based on predictions between set dates and certain categories e.g.
Team A v Team B
EventID = "abc"
Categories = ["League-1","Sunday-League"]
User123 prediction = 2-0
Actual result = 2-0
So now I need to award X points to User123 for Team A, Team B, "League-1", and "Sunday-League" and record it to the event date too.
I would suggest you create a table for games and a table for users and then an associative table to handle the many to many relationship. This is a pretty standard many to many relationship.
I've got a business case where I need to check if the search query is about displays businesses
eg: q="night clubs new york"
I've got a list of Countries, state city and region in my database 3million + records and I've got a list of business categories.
All I want to do is check if in the query has a business category in it (night clubs) and does it have a City, state or country's name (new york). So i'm checking the number of results retuned for the below query. If I get 2 numResults then this is a business query and then I query my Solr index to search for businesses.
query: places_ss:(night clubs new york) OR categories_ss:(night clubs new york)
Speed Question: How should I save the list of cities, states and countries in SOLR to get maximum search speed ?
Have one document id:places and add distinct cities, states and countries in on array places_ss
have multiple documents with different id's with 100,000 place names in each document in an array.
have a document or multiple documents with place_s string(not array) each place separated by space and each space in place separated by underscore eg: new york becomes new_york.
And during query time I will get multiple combinations of night clubs new york
eg: night night_clubs night_clubs_new night_clubs_new_york clubs_new clubs_new_york new_york york and query for place.
Would it be a good idea to have a separate core just for above place documents to increase speed ?
Is this a good solution ?
Document organisation :
better to have a document approche with :
- location
- activity
- other things needed!
You should save your location like this
Country:state:city:suburb.... so that you can seach in usa:new york:new york*
of ::new york
No need for _
avoid that, there is no needs !
activity should be stored in another field for precision on the search and speed.
I've got a mental block about what I'm sure is a common scenario:
I have some data in a csv file that I need to do some very basic reporting from.
The data is essentially a table with Resources as column headings and People as row headings, the rest of the table consists of Y/N flag, "Y" if the person has access to the resource, "N" if they don't. Both the resources and the people have unique names.
Sample data:
Res1 Res2 Res3
Bob Y Y N
Tom N N N
Jim Y N Y
The table is too large to simply view it as whole in Excel(say 300 resources and 600 people), so I need a way to easily query and display (A simple list would be ok) what resources a person has access to, given the person's name.
The person that will need to use this has MS Office, and not much else on their PC.
So, the question is: What is the best way to manipulate this data to get the report I need? My gut says MS Access would be the best, but I can't figure out to automatically import data like this into a normal relational database. If not Access, perhaps there are some functions in Excel that could help me out?
You should normalize your data. This will make it easier to query against. For example:
table users:
UserID UserName
1 Bob
2 Tim
3 Jim
table resources:
ResourceID ResourceDesc
1 Printer #1
2 Fax Machine
3 Bowling Ball Wax
table users_resources:
LinkID UserID ResourceID
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 3 1
4 3 3
FROM users_resources, users
WHERE users.UserName="Bob"