Printing the value of a 0-initialized array element prints nothing, why? - c

I have to initialize a char array to 0's. I did it like
char array[256] = {0};
I wanted to check if it worked so I tried testing it
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char s[256] = {0};
printf("%c\n", s[10]);
return 0;
After I compile and run it, the command line output shows nothing.
What am I missing ? Perhaps I initialized the array in a wrong manner ?

TL;DR -- %c is the character representation. Use %d to see the decimal 0 value.
Related , from C11, chapter §, (emphasis mine)
c If no l length modifier is present, the int argument is converted to an
unsigned char, and the resulting character is written.
FYI, see the list of printable values.
That said, for a hosted environment, int main() should be int main(void), at least to conform to the standard.

You are printing s[10] as a character (%c), and the numeric value of s[10] is 0, which represents the character \0, which means end of string and has no textual representation. For this reason you are not seeing anything.
If you want to see the numeric value instead of the character value, use %d to print it as a decimal (integer) number:
printf("%d\n", s[10]);
Note that end of string isn't the same as end of line, as said in one of your comments. End of string means that any string operation over a character sequence must stop when the first \0 arrives. If the character sequence has anything else after \0, it won't be printed, because the string operation stops on the first \0 character.
An end of line is, however, a normal character, which visual effect is to say the terminal or text editor to print the next character after the end of line in a new line.
If you want to have a vector full of end of line characters (and print them as such), you have to travel the vector and fill it:
char s[256];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
s[i] = '\n';
printf("%c\n", s[10]);
The ASCII (decimal/numerical) value of the end of line character (\n) is 12, so, the following snippet will be equivalent:
char s[256];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
s[i] = 12;
printf("%c\n", s[10]);
That doesn't work however (it doesn't print a new line):
char s[256] = {'\n'}; // or {12};
printf("%c\n", s[10]);
because the effect of {'\n'} is to assign \n to the first element of the array, and the remainings 255 character are filled with value 0, no matter which type of array are you making (char[], int[] or whatever). If you write an empty pair of brackets {}, all the elements will be 0.
So, these two statements are equivalent:
char s[256] = {}; // Implicit filling to 0.
char s[256] = {0}; // Implicit filling to 0 from the second element.
However, without defining the array:
char s[256];
The array is not filling (not initialized), so, each element of s will have anything, until you fill it with values, for example, with a for.
I hope with all of this examples you get the whole picture.


Spurious newlines+whitespace when printing substrings in C

I have a simple program that reads a pair of characters from a char[] array and prints each pair to the console, all on the same line - for some reason, some spurious newlines (and whitespace) are added to the output.
I've removed usage of str libs (apart from strlen) that may add newlines at the end of strings - but I am still lost as to what's happening.
The program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char input[] = "aabbaabbaabbaabbaabb";
int main() {
int i;
char c[2];
size_t input_length = strlen(input);
for (i=0; i<input_length; i+=2) {
c[0] = input[i];
c[1] = input[i+1];
printf("%s", c);
return 0;
Expected output:
Why are there newlines and whitespace in the output? (Note that the 1st line has a single a towards the end - could not deduce why)
Using Apple clang version 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.16), though I would doubt if that matters.
%s works properly if your string contains null character ('\0'). If it does not (just like your case), then printf function continues to print characters until it finds '\0' somewhere in memory. Remember that string in C is a character sequence terminated with '\0'. This is the reason why your code does not behave as you expected.
On the other hand, %c prints only one character so you can use:
printf("%c%c", c[0],c[1]);
If you persist in using %s, in this case you have to use %.2s. You probably already know that . shows precision in C. Precision in string means maximum number of characters that you want to print. So usage of .2 results in printing the first two characters in your string. No need to wait for '\0'!
printf("%.2s", c);
I also give #Tom Karzes's solution. You should change and add these lines:
char c[3];
c[2] = '\0';

Why don’t we need for loop to print strings in C?

I don't understand Why don’t we have to print strings in for loop ? In normal cases we need to print arrays in for loop. For example, if we want to print the array of integers. It will be like this:
int a[n];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
printf("%d", a[i]);
But for strings like:
char s[100] = " Hello ";
printf("%s\n", s);
it is enough to write the name of array.
EDIT: It seems like I didnt ask my question properly as some of you wrote answers which is not related to my question.I edit my question.
Strings terminate with the empty character '\0', that's how it is possible to know when a string ends even without explicitly passing its length.
The difference is that C-style strings (which are char arrays) are zero-terminated, whereas int arrays are normally not zero terminated.
Theoretically, you could also create an int array which is zero-terminated and print that in a loop:
int a[] = {5,7,3,0};
for (i=0;a[i]!=0;i++)
However, the problem with zero-terminated int arrays is that the number 0 could be a meaningful value, so you cannot be sure that it really is the end of the array when you encounter that value. With strings, however, the ASCII-Code 0 does not represent a meaningful value, so you can be reasonably sure that you have reached the end of the string.
Your example is far from analogous. %d refers to a single integer, while %s refers to an entire (but still single) string.
You are not passing the size of the array n[] to printf either - rather you are calling printf n times. You are printing one int just as you are printing one string.
The actual string length is not known a priori, rather printf iterates the string until it encounters the \0 terminator. Equivalent to:
for( int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
printf( "%c", s[i] ) ;
char s[100] = " Hello ";
is equivalent to:
char s[100] = { ' ', 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', '\0' } ;
Strings are multiple characters all at once. You cannot ask for a specific character from a string. If you want to do so, you must refer to it as an array of chars like this
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
printf("%c", s[i]);
It is because you are already providing the parameter which is "%s" to the printf function which already has a definition telling it how to print a string.
Hope it helps.
One of the reason is that char only takes 1 byte of memeory and when you just press a character, the first index of array is filled up completely and it moves on to the next one till it encounters NULL character. This is not the case with integer array where the size is more than 1 byte and is machine dependent. So you cannot escape the first index by just pressing the number less than the maximum range. If you try to do this, it will store your numbers in first index only and hence a for loop is required there.

C - Print ASCII Value for Each Character in a String

I'm new to C and I'm trying to write a program that prints the ASCII value for every letter in a name that the user enters. I attempted to store the letters in an array and try to print each ASCII value and letter of the name separately but, for some reason, it only prints the value of the first letter.
For example, if I write "Anna" it just prints 65 and not the values for the other letters in the name. I think it has something to do with my sizeof(name)/sizeof(char) part of the for loop, because when I print it separately, it only prints out 1.
I can't figure out how to fix it:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int e;
char name[] = "";
printf("Enter a name : \n");
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(name)/sizeof(char)); i++){
e = name[i];
printf("The ASCII value of the letter %c is : %d \n",name[i],e);
int n = (sizeof(name)/sizeof(char));
printf("%d", n);
Here's a corrected, annotated version:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
int e;
char name[100] = ""; // Allow for up to 100 characters
printf("Enter a name : \n");
// scanf("%c", &name); // %c reads a single character
scanf("%99s", name); // Use %s to read a string! %99s to limit input size!
// for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(name) / sizeof(char)); i++) { // sizeof(name) / sizeof(char) is a fixed value!
size_t len = strlen(name); // Use this library function to get string length
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { // Saves calculating each time!
e = name[i];
printf("The ASCII value of the letter %c is : %d \n", name[i], e);
printf("\n Name length = %zu\n", strlen(name)); // Given length!
int n = (sizeof(name) / sizeof(char)); // As noted above, this will be ...
printf("%d", n); // ... a fixed value (100, as it stands).
return 0; // ALWAYS return an integer from main!
But also read the comments given in your question!
This is a rather long answer, feel free to skip to the end for the code example.
First of all, by initialising a char array with unspecified length, you are making that array have length 1 (it only contains the empty string). The key issue here is that arrays in C are fixed size, so name will not grow larger.
Second, the format specifier %c causes scanf to only ever read one byte. This means that even if you had made a larger array, you would only be reading one byte to it anyway.
The parameter you're giving to scanf is erroneous, but accidentally works - you're passing a pointer to an array when it expects a pointer to char. It works because the pointer to the array points at the first element of the array. Luckily this is an easy fix, an array of a type can be passed to a function expecting a pointer to that type - it is said to "decay" to a pointer. So you could just pass name instead.
As a result of these two actions, you now have a situation where name is of length 1, and you have read exactly one byte into it. The next issue is sizeof(name)/sizeof(char) - this will always equal 1 in your program. sizeof char is defined to always equal 1, so using it as a divisor causes no effect, and we already know sizeof name is equal to 1. This means your for loop will only ever read one byte from the array. For the exact same reason n is equal to 1. This is not erroneous per se, it's just probably not what you expected.
The solution to this can be done in a couple of ways, but I'll show one. First of all, you don't want to initialize name as you do, because it always creates an array of size 1. Instead you want to manually specify a larger size for the array, for instance 100 bytes (of which the last one will be dedicated to the terminating null byte).
char name[100];
/* You might want to zero out the array too by eg. using memset. It's not
necessary in this case, but arrays are allowed to contain anything unless
and until you replace their contents.
Parameters are target, byte to fill it with, and amount of bytes to fill */
memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));
Second, you don't necessarily want to use scanf at all if you're reading just a byte string from standard input instead of a more complex formatted string. You could eg. use fgets to read an entire line from standard input, though that also includes the newline character, which we'll have to strip.
/* The parameters are target to write to, bytes to write, and file to read from.
fgets writes a null terminator automatically after the string, so we will
read at most sizeof(name) - 1 bytes.
fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin);
Now you've read the name to memory. But the size of name the array hasn't changed, so if you used the rest of the code as is you would get a lot of messages saying The ASCII value of the letter is : 0. To get the meaningful length of the string, we'll use strlen.
NOTE: strlen is generally unsafe to use on arbitrary strings that might not be properly null-terminated as it will keep reading until it finds a zero byte, but we only get a portable bounds-checked version strnlen_s in C11. In this case we also know that the string is null-terminated, because fgets deals with that.
/* size_t is a large, unsigned integer type big enough to contain the
theoretical maximum size of an object, so size functions often return
strlen counts the amount of bytes before the first null (0) byte */
size_t n = strlen(name);
Now that we have the length of the string, we can check if the last byte is the newline character, and remove it if so.
/* Assuming every line ends with a newline, we can simply zero out the last
byte if it's '\n' */
if (name[n - 1] == '\n') {
name[n - 1] = '\0';
/* The string is now 1 byte shorter, because we removed the newline.
We don't need to calculate strlen again, we can just do it manually. */
The loop looks quite similar, as it was mostly fine to begin with. Mostly, we want to avoid issues that can arise from comparing a signed int and an unsigned size_t, so we'll also make i be type size_t.
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int e = name[i];
printf("The ASCII value of the letter %c is : %d \n", name[i], e);
Putting it all together, we get
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
char name[100];
memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));
printf("Enter a name : \n");
fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin);
size_t n = strlen(name);
if (n > 0 && name[n - 1] == '\n') {
name[n - 1] = '\0';
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++){
int e = name[i];
printf("The ASCII value of the letter %c is : %d \n", name[i], e);
/* To correctly print a size_t, use %zu */
printf("%zu\n", n);
/* In C99 main implicitly returns 0 if you don't add a return value
yourself, but it's a good habit to remember to return from functions. */
return 0;
Which should work pretty much as expected.
Additional notes:
This code should be valid C99, but I believe it's not valid C89. If you need to write to the older standard, there are several things you need to do differently. Fortunately, your compiler should warn you about those issues if you tell it which standard you want to use. C99 is probably the default these days, but older code still exists.
It's a bit inflexible to be reading strings into fixed-size buffers like this, so in a real situation you might want to have a way of dynamically increasing the size of the buffer as necessary. This will probably require you to use C's manual memory management functionality like malloc and realloc, which aren't particularly difficult but take greater care to avoid issues like memory leaks.
It's not guaranteed the strings you're reading are in any specific encoding, and C strings aren't really ideal for handling text that isn't encoded in a single-byte encoding. There is support for "wide character strings" but probably more often you'll be handling char strings containing UTF-8 where a single codepoint might be multiple bytes, and might not even represent an individual letter as such. In a more general-purpose program, you should keep this in mind.
If we need write a code to get ASCII values of all elements in a string, then we need to use "%d" instead of "%c". By doing this %d takes the corresponding ascii value of the following character.
If we need to only print the ascii value of each character in the string. Then this code will work:
#include <stdio.h>
char str[100];
int x;
int main(){
To store all corresponding ASCII value of character in a new variable, we need to declare an integer variable and assign it to character. By this way the integer variable stores ascii value of character. The code is:
#include <stdio.h>
char str[100];
int x,ascii;
int main(){
I hope this answer helped you.....😊

Array pointer issue in C - array only contains last value

I'm trying to add (well, append really) the letters in the alphabet to an empty char array. However, I appear to run into some sort of pointer issue I don't understand, as my array contains only the last character. I tried moving the letter char outside of the for loop, but the compiler didn't like that. I also looked on here about how to create a list of all alphabetical chars, and one of the better answers was to type them all in 1 at a time. However, my problem means I don't fully understand for loops and pointers in C, and I want to.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
char *empty_list[26];
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++){
char letter = i + 65;
empty_list[i] = &letter;
printf("%s", *empty_list);
return 0;
The main problem is your declaration:
char *empty_list[26];
defines an array of 26 pointers to characters. In your current code you assign each element in the array the address of the variable letter. Since that is out of scope when you print it is luck that it prints out the last one, it could equally have printed out garbage or crashed if the code between was complex. It could also have printed out additional garbage after the letter with what you already have since there is no way of knowing whether there is a string terminating character (\0) after the letter. In your existing code printf("%s", *empty_list); prints the first pointer from the array as a null terminated string, which if you ignore the loss of scope and assume the memory contents are still around, will be the last value from the loop since all pointers in your array point to the memory that letter was stored at and that memory has the last value from the loop.
If your intention was to create an array with the letters then it should be:
char empty_list[27];
It needs to be 27 as you need to leave space for the string terminating character at the end. One way to fill that in would be to use:
empty_list[26] = '\0';
after the end of your for loop and before you print the contents of the array (do not include the asterisk here - because it is an array the compiler will automatically take the address of the first element):
printf("%s", empty_list);
As brothir mentioned in the comments when you assign the value of the letter to the element in the array it should be without the ampersand:
empty_list[i] = letter;
There are a few things wrong with your code.
Firstly, the type of empty_list is presently an array of pointers to char, when it really should be an array of char, since your intent is to print it out as if it were the latter in the call to printf after your loop. char empty_list[26]; is the correct declaration.
Secondly, in your loop, you assign &letter when all you need is letter. Heck, you don't even need the intermediate variable letter. Just empty_list[i] = i + 'A'; will suffice.
Lastly, you are passing empty_list to printf to satisfy a format specifier %s, which expects a null-terminated string. What you need to do is add another element to empty_list and set that to zero:
char empty_list[27];
// populated 0..25 with 'A'..'Z' in your code...
empty_list[26] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", empty_list);
// Output: ABC...Z
With the above help (much appreciated), my working code to create an array of letters in C is below:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
// create an array with 1 extra space for null terminator
char empty_list[27];
// add null terminator so string knows when it's finished.
empty_list[26] = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++){
// add 65 to get ASCII value for 'A'
char letter = A + i;
// insert each char into the array sequentially
empty_list[i] = letter;
printf("%s", empty_list);
return 0;

printing int array as string

I am trying to print int array with %s. But it is not working. Any ideas why?
main() {
int a[8];
a[7] = '\0';
printf("%s", a);
It prints just a.
I tried with short as well, but it also does not work.
This is because you are trying to print a int array, where each element has a size of 4 byte (4 chars, on 32bit machines at least). printf() interprets it as char array so the first element looks like:
'a' \0 \0 \0
to printf(). As printf() stops at the first \0 it finds, it only prints the 'a'.
Use a char array instead.
Think about the way integers are represented - use a debugger if you must. Looking at the memory you will see plenty of 0 bytes, and %s stops when it reaches a 0 byte.
It prints just a.
That's why it prints just a. Afterwards it encounters a 0 byte and it stops.
Because you declared a as an integer, so those signle characters you initialized would result in an error. You must change it to a char variable. However to save time, just make the variable a pointer using the asterisk character, which then allows you to make a single string using double quotes.
int a[8] means array of 8 ints or 8*(4 bytes) - Say 32 bit architecture
a[0] = 'a' stores in the first int index as 'a''\0''\0''\0'
a[1] = 'r' as 'r''\0''\0''\0' and so on . . .
%s represents any C-style string ie. any string followed by a '\0' character
printf("%s", a);
searches for trailing '\0' character and just prints "a" assuming it is the entire string
